Thanks guys, I appreciate that and I'm glad I can call each of you my friend!
A question has been on our board for our year celebration and I thought I'd post that info here too. Way TMI, so if you don't like TMI, stop reading now.
What events made you want to quit nicotine a year ago?
Two things. First, I gutted all my spit and I was experiencing some stomach issues. Nothing I saw my doctor about because I'm not a doctor kinda guy, but I knew that it was at least partially to blame from the tobacco juice I was ingesting constantly. Second, my libido was down, doc wanted me to continue TRT shots and I was tired of that bullshit. It's a cop out, being medicated for something you can control with dicipline and I read that nicotine decreases testosterone and actually contributes to ED. That and being fat. I kicked the nic, and now focusing hard on losing some weight. I'm happy to report that at a year quit, stomach issues are gone, and my penis works as it should. Now I've gotta lose the FUPA so it looks bigger. TMI? Maybe...but I've always been real with you guys. I love every one of you for the support, threats of violence, and caring that you've shown me. Here's to many more!
I also want to say that I had two texts last night from two quitters marveling at the changes in my demeanor. I was a wreck until about day 50. Then I was pissed at the world until about day 300. After the 300, or somewhere thereabouts, I felt the anger dissolve. I'm no longer ready to kill people. I'm a lot less about the why than I am about the fix. I've mellowed out to where I was pre-nicotine. I love it. It's positivity. It's solutions. It's love. My brain did rewire itself and I'm sure it's still happening. It was a miserable 300 days, but I can see sunny days on the horizon.
Thank you all for the support over this year. I know I was a tornado on KTC for my first couple hundred days. I was the cause of 2 moderator announcements, I've been warned a few times by admin, and of course board functionality was lost. I'm sorry for all that but I needed it, needed that outlet, needed the site so bad. I couldn't have done it without this site, and you have become my closest friends. Thanks for that, thanks for all of it, you saved my life.