Author Topic: I refuse to be defined by the chains that bound me...I am a quitter!  (Read 49447 times)

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Offline Broccoli-saurus

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Re: I refuse to be defined by the chains that bound me...I am a quitter!
« Reply #181 on: August 19, 2019, 03:46:56 PM »
Well another milestone, but this one celebrated a bit differently...

This site has transformed a lot of lives through battling nicotine addiction.  Winning that fight daily has led many to tackle other issues in their lives as evidenced by the "getting my act together" group.  Everything from drugs to alcohol to weight loss to porn to all sorts of other daily struggles that many of us have.  We are here because we have addictive personalities and we have come to see that those addictions carry over to lots of aspects of our lives that we never realized.  I personally struggle with porn and lust like the neighborhood wino might struggle with his alcohol addiction.  I'm on the porn quit group and I'm over two months porn free.  I've lost about 40 pounds and have more in sight to lose.  But this weekend, I was hit over the head with something that would turn my whole life around.  And it all started on KTC.

April 2018, I drove to Midwest Meet at the @ReWire  abode and never once thought about how this connection with this man would transform my life.  You see, I was going to a quit meet to meet up with some badass quitters.  Over 20 of the biggest and best in the quit business would be there, and I think there was over 60 years of quit represented, but to be fair, @Big Brother Jack contributed to a lot of that.  Others in the big quit numbers group like @Kdip @bronc @Nomore1959 @Missouri Mike @cbird65 @danojeno @worktowin and a whole host of others would be in attendance.  I had a cooler of beer and a badass attitude.  I brought my 4 wheeler and rode it around on the trails.  I got pretty drunk Saturday night.  As Reuben (rewire) told his brother this last weekend, they had to edit out all the pictures where I flipped the bird nearly every time somebody got a camera out.  It pains me to see that video of quit days in my first meet.  I was larger than life on the boards, and was really determined to prove that I was just the same in real life.  I was...full of craziness...and easily the most obnoxious person at that meet.  But I met Rewire and his family.  I rubbed elbows with some of the KTC greats and I maintained contact as my quit progressed. 

Two months before that meet up, Reuben had attended his first men's encounter.  I had no idea at the time what that was, but what I did know is that it must have been horrible because the Midwest meet went from a wild drinking party with skeet shooting and all kinds of craziness planned to a fairly tame event as it progressed.  I figured Men's encounter was some sort of crazy Christian cult but was glad that Reuben decided to go ahead with the meet up.  It was fun.  I think me and @Bgbdbrd were the only ones that got drunk, but it was still fun.  That is what fun was to me at the time.  Oh man, what life has in store. 

Fast forward to Midwest Meet #2.  What a difference a year makes.  A lot of people bailed and there were only a handful of us that went.  I thought Reuben was Mormon, the same sort of fallacy that made me think that Michael was a tow truck driver.  I had been with the love of my life for a couple months, and she's a devout Christian.  She brought me back to the church, which I had denounced after my divorce back in 2014.  When I say denounced, I mean I really drove a stake into it.  I talked smack about Christianity and probably drove a fair amount of people away.  I know I didn't strengthen anybody in their walk with God.  So she brought me back to the light, but I was Christian Lite as I'd probably put it now.  I was still rowdy, still struggled with lust and with porn and with doing whatever I wanted whenever I wanted.  We slept in separate places.  Purity was important to her and I supported her in that.  We hung out with Reuben and his family.  They rubbed off a little and their life started to look pretty good.  Then on Sunday, when we were starting to get ready to leave, he started talking to me about this Men's Encounter thing. 

I was a little insulted and a little cold to the idea.  What in the world did Reuben see in me that would make him think I needed that?  I was already displaying purity and I knew a couple of bible verses.  I remembered his change from Men's Encounter the previous year and that frankly scared the heck out of me.  I was ready to go to church because church makes you feel good, but was I ready for real change?  The answer was no.  So over the next couple months, he'd send me a message now and then.  I'd blow him off.  And then his bride sent my girlfriend a message.  Now she was pushing me to go.  And so, reluctantly, I went.  I didn't even get on the website to see what it was all about.  I looked at the packing list, threw some stuff in a bag and went.  And on the drive up there, I decided that if I was going to drive 7 hours by myself in Nowhere, Missouri to a thing I knew nothing about, I was going to open my heart and milk it for everything it was worth. 

When I arrived, I knew Reuben and nobody else.  He sat with me while I ate and answered a few questions I had.  I went in blindly and was immediately staggered by the amount of men there.  There were 688 of us and we spent 48 hours in fellowship with each other.  We ate together, we bunked together, we shared things that I never thought I'd tell anybody.  I unpacked all the baggage I'd been storing in my life and nailed it to the cross of life.  I emptied myself out, and then I filled myself with truth and light.  I didn't want to leave when it was through.  I stuck around for another hour afterward and watched two men that I'd gotten to know get baptized.  And I rededicated my life to Christ.  I can see the spiritual warfare all around me now for what it is.  I can see all the obstacles that were put in my way that almost kept me away from Men's Encounter.  I can see all the God things too and how he pursued me when the time was right.  I can see all these things and so much more. 

So what's next?  Well the old Broc is gone, I can tell you that.  I've already started to make amends with those in my life and those on the boards.  I hope to be a light instead of well meaning darkness.  I have a song in my mouth and some truth on my tongue.  Daily worship, prayer, and learning is in the cards.  I met some great people that I will stay in contact with.  Loving people instead of driving them away.  And I will be at Men's Encounter Jan 24-26.  If you'd like to join me, say the word.  The verse of the weekend is Ephesians 5:1. 

"It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.  Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery"

It's what I wish for me, but it's also what I wish for each and every person reading this.  Find the light, and run toward it. 


Offline 69franx

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Re: I refuse to be defined by the chains that bound me...I am a quitter!
« Reply #180 on: August 16, 2019, 03:00:14 PM »
One more time your wise words are used to coach the newbies, sucks that it was over a cigar. Imagine though, when you wrote about that cave, you were then on day 284. Today you are close to having 3x as many days quit. Keep kicking ass my brother. Damn proud to call you friend, and damn proud to quit with you. Enjoy your retreat this weekend.
ABQ= Always Be Quitting

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Offline 69franx

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Re: I refuse to be defined by the chains that bound me...I am a quitter!
« Reply #179 on: July 08, 2019, 03:06:56 PM »
Happy Birthday brother!
ABQ= Always Be Quitting

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I brew the beer I drink, what's your superpower?

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Offline chris2alaska

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Re: I refuse to be defined by the chains that bound me...I am a quitter!
« Reply #178 on: July 08, 2019, 02:09:47 PM »
Happy Birthday you sexy MF'er!

'Birthday' HAPPY BIRTHDAY BROC  'Birthday'
If you want my digits, just ask and they will be yours, but I expect yours in return.

Accountability is a statement of personal promise, both to yourself and to the people around you, to deliver specific defined results.
Brian Dive

Do not be complacent about your achievements and not to strive for continual improvement when you get to the top. As soon as you let success go to your head, you sink into following familiar patterns and play it safe. In other words, you risk losing your edge.
Roy T. Bennett

You need anything, ask.  You feel strong, help.  This quit is for you but we got your back.

Do not let the actions of others determine the direction of YOUR quit.

There are no dumb questions, just dumb people who ask questions.

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Offline SRains918

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Re: I refuse to be defined by the chains that bound me...I am a quitter!
« Reply #177 on: July 08, 2019, 12:05:16 PM »
Happy Birthday you sexy MF'er!
... "If you want to be quit you need the help of others. To stay quit you need to help others quit." - walterwhite .......... My HOF Speech .......... Day One 9/29/17 ... HOF 1/6/18 ... 2nd Floor 4/16/18 ... 3rd Floor 7/25/18 ... 1st Lap 9/28/18 ... 4th Floor 11/2/18 ... 1/2 Comma 2/10/19 ... 6th Floor 5/21/19 ... 7th Floor 8/29/19 ... 2nd Lap 9/29/19 ... 8th Floor 12/7/19 ... Now accepting applications for F.U.R.Y. Council 2.0 - text for details ...

Offline SRains918

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Re: I refuse to be defined by the chains that bound me...I am a quitter!
« Reply #176 on: July 03, 2019, 12:42:05 PM »
A letter to my group, posted first there:

I feel like I need to apologize for not posting lately.  I had issues with the admin of the site and debated leaving KTC on principle.   After stewing and contemplating, I would like to be back in group.  After all, you guys are the ones that have kept me quit.  You guys are my brothers and this site as a whole has kept me in a good place.   My life in general has improved significantly, and I’m not going to let small minded insecure pricks like that get me down.   Someday, I’ll probably go out in a blaze of a site showdown, but hopefully that day is far in the future.  As for today, I quit with all you guys!
I like this, but from my old computer, I cannot "Like" this
Aren’t you part of the aristocracy?   Get a new damn computer, slacker.
We used our per diem on strippers and... Ummm, I'm not sure I was supposed to say that...

It is what it is... It's all nic free!
... "If you want to be quit you need the help of others. To stay quit you need to help others quit." - walterwhite .......... My HOF Speech .......... Day One 9/29/17 ... HOF 1/6/18 ... 2nd Floor 4/16/18 ... 3rd Floor 7/25/18 ... 1st Lap 9/28/18 ... 4th Floor 11/2/18 ... 1/2 Comma 2/10/19 ... 6th Floor 5/21/19 ... 7th Floor 8/29/19 ... 2nd Lap 9/29/19 ... 8th Floor 12/7/19 ... Now accepting applications for F.U.R.Y. Council 2.0 - text for details ...

Offline Broccoli-saurus

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Re: I refuse to be defined by the chains that bound me...I am a quitter!
« Reply #175 on: July 03, 2019, 11:02:49 AM »
A letter to my group, posted first there:

I feel like I need to apologize for not posting lately.  I had issues with the admin of the site and debated leaving KTC on principle.   After stewing and contemplating, I would like to be back in group.  After all, you guys are the ones that have kept me quit.  You guys are my brothers and this site as a whole has kept me in a good place.   My life in general has improved significantly, and I’m not going to let small minded insecure pricks like that get me down.   Someday, I’ll probably go out in a blaze of a site showdown, but hopefully that day is far in the future.  As for today, I quit with all you guys!
I like this, but from my old computer, I cannot "Like" this
Aren’t you part of the aristocracy?   Get a new damn computer, slacker. 

Offline 69franx

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Re: I refuse to be defined by the chains that bound me...I am a quitter!
« Reply #174 on: July 03, 2019, 11:00:10 AM »
A letter to my group, posted first there:

I feel like I need to apologize for not posting lately.  I had issues with the admin of the site and debated leaving KTC on principle.   After stewing and contemplating, I would like to be back in group.  After all, you guys are the ones that have kept me quit.  You guys are my brothers and this site as a whole has kept me in a good place.   My life in general has improved significantly, and I’m not going to let small minded insecure pricks like that get me down.   Someday, I’ll probably go out in a blaze of a site showdown, but hopefully that day is far in the future.  As for today, I quit with all you guys!
I like this, but from my old computer, I cannot "Like" this
ABQ= Always Be Quitting

My Intro
My HOF Speech
How long have I been quit?

I brew the beer I drink, what's your superpower?

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Offline Broccoli-saurus

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Re: I refuse to be defined by the chains that bound me...I am a quitter!
« Reply #173 on: July 03, 2019, 10:06:02 AM »
A letter to my group, posted first there:

I feel like I need to apologize for not posting lately.  I had issues with the admin of the site and debated leaving KTC on principle.   After stewing and contemplating, I would like to be back in group.  After all, you guys are the ones that have kept me quit.  You guys are my brothers and this site as a whole has kept me in a good place.   My life in general has improved significantly, and I’m not going to let small minded insecure pricks like that get me down.   Someday, I’ll probably go out in a blaze of a site showdown, but hopefully that day is far in the future.  As for today, I quit with all you guys!   

Offline Rick Jr

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Re: I refuse to be defined by the chains that bound me...I am a quitter!
« Reply #172 on: May 12, 2019, 08:40:06 AM »
Hey Brother, Yes that you are. You have kicked my ass, made my Blood pressure rise, but you Made me better by doing so! So glad things are working out for you and you are changing more about your life. You get it now and you are taking the steps needed. Proud of you Brother! Keep up the great work, and again Thank you! I know we will see you around!

Offline 69franx

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Re: I refuse to be defined by the chains that bound me...I am a quitter!
« Reply #171 on: May 11, 2019, 10:03:49 PM »
Hey brother, so glad you are nailing down some different things in your life. Health, Family, KTC(TGIF). That came from an old boss at TGIF. Getting yourself straight, and taking care of family are top priorities. You are working on yourself, you are working on interpersonal and family relationships. Keep knocking down those walls, posting roll here, and whatever else you can here. I know you are happy with your involvement here, but I'll tell you my brother: your words all over the site are making a difference every day (except maybe the newest topic in Open Forum)
Love you brother, keep kicking ass
ABQ= Always Be Quitting

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I brew the beer I drink, what's your superpower?

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Re: I refuse to be defined by the chains that bound me...I am a quitter!
« Reply #170 on: May 11, 2019, 02:54:33 PM »
Congrats Broc!!  They just keep adding up...
He who has a why can bear almost any how.

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Re: I refuse to be defined by the chains that bound me...I am a quitter!
« Reply #169 on: May 10, 2019, 10:33:59 PM »
Hello Newman...
Hate you.
Love you.
Depends on what day it is.
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Re: I refuse to be defined by the chains that bound me...I am a quitter!
« Reply #168 on: May 10, 2019, 08:38:24 PM »
Holmes - can't thank you enough for being part of my quit.  You've made the journey less arduous, even pleasant at times.
The future is ours to shape.  Walking with you my man!
"I hope you find a thousand reasons to quit today" Rawls
"I can't quit for you. I will quit with you" Ready
"There are two dogs in the fight, which one are you feeding?" SuperDave9000
"In the Navy we had morning muster. You never miss muster. You better be dead if you miss. If you are dying, you should have started crawling earlier, no excuse." Olcpo

The Science of Addiction
The Law of Addiction
The Road Called Recovery
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Quitters I've met: Cbird, UncleRico, Gregor, KDip, Broccoli-saurus, Croakenhagen, BriagG, Koba, Kodiakdeath, Arrakisdq, McDave, Worktowin, SkolVikings, JGromo, GS9502, PaDutchman, Stillbrewing, A-Aron...
outdoortexan cancer

Offline Broccoli-saurus

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Re: I refuse to be defined by the chains that bound me...I am a quitter!
« Reply #167 on: May 10, 2019, 05:06:50 PM »
You fuckers should write Hallmark cards...or maybe movies. 

Thanks for the kind words, guys.