Lying in the Hospital waiting for the nurse to come do my vitals...yet again. I stumbled upon a re run of Elementary. Love that show. Holmes is in recovery for his drug addiction and attends 12 step meetings for it. He realized that Bill(Founder of AA) had it right even though he was just a common person. Not mental giants or anything. Holmes also discussed what the coin was all about. The coin is plastic representing it can easily be damaged. It is about the size of other coins to it can easily be lost. All of this represents the fragile existence of recovery whether it be alcohol, drugs, tobacco. Just one slip. Like a hole in your pockets that change and 'coins' can fall out that represents your coping skills. A belt to keep your pants up represents the support of you peers. So, you see. Even meetings, in our case posting our promise daily, can represent washing the jeans because we start fresh everyday. The coin, small, fragile is our sobriety. Our pants represents what is around us to maintain our sobriety.
BTW, My Name is Bill is an amazing movie. I highly suggest everyone watch it.