So, here's the Reader's Digest condensed version of my story:
Started smoking when I was 11, mainly because I was a goody-two shoes and wanted my own level of badassery. Started dipping at 15 when my grandfather passed away, and I just couldn't handle reality.
Smoked and dipped almost constantly, hitting something like 2 packs and 2 cans a day by the time I was 20. Then I went to Navy boot camp. Couldn't smoke or dip there, but once I got out, all hell broke loose.
I smoked, and I kid you not, 3 packs a day, often 2 at a time. I was never without a dip either. Ate with one, slept with one, hell, it was my "other half."
Fast-forward to April, 2010. I quit smoking for good, or so I thought. Switched to nicotine gum for when I couldn't dip, and thought everything was ok.
This, of course, meant that now I'm dipping bigger pinches, and chewing 2 pieces of 4mg nicotine gum at a time when not dipping.
Yesterday, I looked through my can box, where I save empty cans. There were over a hundred in there, and I emptied that box last month.
Cancer never bothered me, as I always had a sort of fatalistic approach to life in general. I just never cared, about anything, after...well, that's maybe for another post.
So where am I now? Well, hiding dipping from most people, going through 2+ cans a day and 2 boxes of hundred count nicotine gum a month. I've had a few smoking relapses as well: last month, I bought a carton, sat myself down and smoked the whole thing over the course of 2 days.
I'm 27 fucking years old, I spend more money on nicotine than food, can't function without it, and have finally hit a point where I think it's time to kick it for good.
Problem is, I don't know if I'm going to change as a person, become someone different. This has been a part of my life for 16 years, and I fear losing myself more than death, if that makes any sense.
So, that's my story. Taking things one day at a time. Not sure if I'm ready to quit, but I figure if I post this, maybe someone will give me enough of a verbal beating to finally push me over the edge.