Its days like today...
1. Stupid Cat puked on the (white) carpet. I stepped in it. Before Coffee. Cats are lucky to have nine lives.
2. Dogs came in from outside with muddy paws. I wiped said paws; of course the big dumb one pissed on his front legs. Cant kill the dog, they dont have nine lives and I need them for #5.
3. Random DA testing on a Monday morning. When I have 2 days worth of shit piled on my desk already? ferfucksake. Monday? at month/quarter end? Really? Stupid HR...
4. Every time I start trying to get work done, the phone rings with another statement of human stupidity. "We cant get on the internet; can you remote in and take a look?" Uh, how the fuck am I supposed to do that again?
5. My brother is coming into town tonight from Seattle. That is cool. Unfortunately, he is bringing his annoying wife and 3 hell spawn. I probably wont move fast enough to stop my dogs from eating the kids this time.
6. Wife fucked up and did not save an editable copy of the guest list for a big family function this weekend (saved as pdf). somehow this is my fault.
(edit) 7. And Pandora is really sucking so far today. No fucker, I dont want to hear Hinder, Kris Allen, or any other homoerotic bullshit you feel like playing. Ferfucksake, how does this nonsense even remotely link to the artists or liked songs on this station?
And its just now noon? Fuck me running.
Before anyone worries though, I posted roll so there is no chance of me caving today. Just needed a place to vent 'fore I kill something besides the cat.
Monday 'tough' J2b