Day 137
Read this in Sept:
Go to the pink welcome center link above and read about why we post roll on this site and how to post roll. If you follow the rules here, you will be quit. Get up, post roll, keep your word and repeat. Doesn't matter if it's been six months or sixteen years, if you follow this system, you will never go back to being a slave to the can. Good to be quit with you.
the line "
If you follow the rules here, you will be quit got me to thinking about my quit. Is it really just that? Is that all it takes? The answer I come up with is yes and no.
Yes, because posting my promise daily does help reinforce my quit, and reminds me of WHY i quit and WHAT this addiction has done to me.
Yes, because I am a man of my word and there is no way I am letting my brothers down. There is NO chance that I will cave if have posted my promise.
Yes, because it has worked for 137 days in a row.
No, because its more than that.
The decision to post roll for me is the answer to a series of questions that I run through every morning (subconsciously):
Do I value my life and my family more than nicotine? If yes, post roll.
Do I want to go back to being a slave? If no, post roll.
Is all this freedom now, and the years of extra time to watch my children have children later, worth the 5-10 minutes I will spend "actively" posting roll, bullshitting, posting support, etc.? If yes, post roll.
Is a fat lip worth throwing away the friendships I have formed with my quit brothers (and sisters)? If no, post roll.
(this one changes from time to time) How can I leave maineguy, who has limited means to post his promise and guard his quit, who I promised I would post his promise daily via text, how can I leave him hanging out to dry? I cant, so I will quit today too.
So while following the "rules" (post roll, keep your word, repeat) is an important part of being quit, it is not what makes one quit. It is a function of BEING quit. What makes me quit is NOT the act of posting roll, it is the DECISION that I am quit. I make that decision EVERY day, and then I post roll and hold myself accountable to my brothers.
So if newbies are reading this, dont think simply posting roll is some miracle cure. Its not. You have to want it. You have to decide to be quit today, and then post roll.
As some put it, the hardest easy thing you can do.