It is a joy to see so many overcoming addiction one day at a time... I remember when I first started to enjoy my quit, when it became relatively easy and I was enjoying my new life free from dip. I know some of you are in that time right now. Some of you just hit the HOF and are about to continue your journey of quit. You will get to the point in your quit where you rarely even think about dip... except when you come here. At that point you might think about throwing off the "training wheels" and take your quit for a spin solo... sans KTC... sans brotherhood... After all, you are quit now, right? You are accountable to yourself, and your family, and maybe some friends that will keep you honest, You have been quit for ________ days, no way you would ever take that cancer dirt and stick it in your mouth....
If you are thinking about drifting- my advice is DON'T!
The nic bitch is going to be changing up her strategy now. It becomes a war of attrition: She is going to wait for you to get complacent and then whisper her lies in your ear... how good one would be... how you can quit right away after using a can. She is patient, like a lion looking over a herd, waiting for one to get separated, waiting for one to get distracted.
I know you can't imagine that this tactic would work, but throughout these halls there are many stories of quits being derailed by complacency. Make sure you continue to do the things that got you this far. At 1264 days, I still get occasional craves. When they come, the first thing I think of is the promise I made here in the morning. I dipped for 33 years, and spent at least 25 of them trying to quit. Posting roll is such a simple thing to do in light of all I went through. Go through another day in slavery, I will not.
Keep doing what works friend: Post Roll, Honor Your Promise, Repeat. Guaranteed to keep you quit like nobody's business.
Proud to be quit with you today.