Dear KTC,
I have thought about this for some time now. This has been weighing heavily on my mind. I want to be totally honest with all of you because you all mean so much to me. I mean you have supported me for 171 days and I just need to make sure everything is on the table. I can't live without getting this off my chest.
So, here it goes. I am QLF today. I know that waking up in the morning to post roll takes me 60 seconds. 1 minute of my day to save my life. Anyone who says they don't have time is just full of it. I also want to pound my chest as I tell you that this daily promise to myself and to you means something. I will not go back on my word today. I expect the same from you. For 171 days I have have stayed quit following a simple plan that works. It is tried and true. You don't like it... then that is your issue. There are many quit programs out there but this one is mine. I am not going anywhere.
If you have a problem with that then you can pound sand. I mean it... Get out of my face. I'm not gonna discuss this issue ever again.
Signed, derk