That's true Tumblewort. This time around, the resolution is to quit, and never go back to it again. Infact, even if there is a pack in front of me, I should not touch it. That's the challenge. I have appointments with my dentist and ENT coming up during the second week of October, and hope there I haven't screwed up my health (too).
I had my first dentist appointment Tuesday, Day 180 of my quit. I could have went earlier, but based on the theory of KTC, I choose to postpone my visit. Why? Because I did not want a clean cancer result 20 - 30 days into my quit, since I have stopped before, only to get the results from a dentist of "clean", and pack a fatty before I leave the dentist's parking lot.
I'm not saying KTC is against oral health, but there is a faction of quitters that get a bump or lump, make an appointment, get the "all clear", and cave quickly.
Oh, and if there is "a pack" in front of you, you ain't quitting correctly. You need to want this quit more than most anything you have ever wanted.