Dude...Friday, or maybe Saturday? Are you kidding me?!!! This site is about quitting. You haven't read shit, have you? We aren't "about to do" something great...we're not "trying to" to save our lives...or "thinking about" something heroic like that. We're doing it...one day at a time. Click on the Welcome Center link and start reading.
We're pumped you found us...don't get me wrong. But we'd be even more pumped if you JOINED us. That's the key, right? And not when its convenient for you, not when your shorts aren't in a knot, not the day after nevercame...but RIGHT FUCKING NOW. It won't suck any less if you wait two more days, two more weeks, two more months. It is gonna suck whenever you pull the pin. But EMBRACE IT!!! You will GET to feel shitty because you MADE a great choice. (And, it will suck alot less if you intro doesn't start with the milk-toast, toe in the water, bullshit like what you just posted!!! HAHA)
We're bad-ass quitters. Plain and simple. And we CAN'T WAIT for you to join us. We're white-knuckle, no sleep, constipated, can't think, crawling the walls, sheets too tight, sweaty quitters. And there are a shit-ton of us just like you. We've been right where you are. We've been where you have been. We are addicts and we are fluent in the bullshit language you speak. In other words, we're right where you're headed...depending on your choice.
There are no short-cuts, there is no "right time," and nobody gets out for the asking. YOU have to earn your freedom...one day at a time.
So, PULL the PIN!!! YOU CAN DO IT!!! Flush your shit, grow a pair, post roll and join us now. Embrace the suck. Embrace freedom. Post roll. YOU CAN DO IT. YOU CAN BE OUR BROTHER!!!
When you make the first move, we've got your back. Tell your hot-ass finance (fiancee) what you just decided after reading this. And JOIN US!!!