Thanks guys! It's my birthday, and I haven't even stopped by my intro thread. That's pretty weak.
I'm amped though. My UK Wildcats are playing their first game in this years NCAA tournament. They fought their way through the SEC tournament and came out victorious. I think they'll make it to the final four this year.
On the quit front, I'm at day 22, and it's not too bad, but I don't feel "normal". I don't remember what normal feels like. This is my first nicotine free birthday in 38 years, give or take. I'm still dealing with oral fixation thing. It's a mind game now. I'm good today. That's all that matters.
I wonder what normal will feel like too... After having quit for as long as I did in the past, I don't remember what it's like. I am looking forward to this stage being done. 11 days in, and I am quit today. Keep on keeping on Irish!
I'm 449 days free and a whole calm of life has came over me after 38 years dipping. I guess that's normal and I'm loving every second of it and will never take it for granted because we are all one stupid ass mistake away from a day one! Life is good!
that badass quitter! ^^^^ he helps so many, you know what?
That is a platform for a very, very strong quit.
Take your eyes off yourself. Help someone else, it will strengthen both of your quits.
3 weeks is huge Irish!
You'll be tested over and over, but stay connected and reach out at all times.
Don't worry about the oral fixation. That will diminish as your quit lengthens.
Do what it takes. Stay strong. Keep doing what you are doing.