For the past two years, I've been fighting my addiction to nicotine. Every single day, I made my promise to people I've never met, that I will remain nicotine free today.
For the past two years, I've come here and shared the things I've learned about addiction, how it affects us, and how we can react to it; how we can live with it.
I just finished reading through my entire intro, and realize I have absolutely nothing left to share. My quit is strong. I have no obstacles in my immediate quit. I'm at the point where I see people using tobacco and think "I don't understand why someone would stick that shit in their mouth (or lungs)." I have an aversion to nicotine. It held me in its grasp for 38 years. I am now free. I will stay free.
This is not a farewell post. It's more like the end of my introduction. If you don't know me by now, there's nothing I can add. I am quit. You will still find me around the site, posting roll, or making Haiku's. Early in my quit, I always longed for the day when my quit group was as quiet as the old quit groups. It's there now. I can finally post in peace. I am now "reteered" as one of my favorite quitters likes to say.
PS: When I learn something about addiction and recovery (and I will) I will return to post it. In the mean time, I have a whole new life to explore.