Goals are for Losers?
Do you have a goal, or several? Is your goal to make it to the HOF at 100 days quit? Until you reach that magical 100 days, it's still in the future. You haven't met your goal. You're a loser until you meet that goal. Then you need another goal, or else you're lost, like a ship without a rudder, spinning around at sea.
ODAAT - One Day At A Time. Do you wonder why we stress this? Anyone can quit for a day. Hell, you can do practically anything for a day.
Throw out your goal, and replace it with a system. What is a system? It's something you can do now, and repeat, that takes you in the direction you want to go.
Do you want to have your natural teeth when you're 80? Brush your teeth when you get up in the morning and before you go to bed, and floss once per day.
Do you want to be healthy? Find a meal plan that you can live with every day, and adopt that meal plan every day. Also exercise every day, even if it's a mile walk.
Do you want freedom from nicotine? Make a promise on a website to a few hundred other addicts every day that you will not use nicotine today. Then keep that promise.
Three years ago today, I threw out a fresh can of Copenhagen and promised not to use nicotine that day. Every day since then, I have posted that promise on a website. I used to long for the day that I wouldn't have to post that promise.
Now, I embrace that promise. It's my system for success!