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Re: Anger brought me back to Day 1
« Reply #105 on: February 09, 2020, 11:56:17 AM »
I'll repeat this...

He posted earlier this morning knowing he caved last night... "Daviddim - day5!I'm so proud I've made it this far, it really does get easier"

Then... he posted a "whoa is me I cheated 'cuz I got mad" day 1 a few hours later.

He lied on roll.

This should not get a pass.
I pulled this from the first time you tried.

1... I called you on the shit you pulled when you first “quit”. I’ve always lived in the hard ass camp of this site... I’m not a fan of second chances. One and done. Own your shit. Cavers are a taint.
You lied on roll last time. You should have been banned, imo.

2... You got your second chance. You pissed on it. 1,200 days? What. The. Fuck? That blows my damn mind.

You don’t belong here...

Well, it’s one louder, isn’t it? It’s not ten.

Offline Smeds

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Re: Anger brought me back to Day 1
« Reply #104 on: February 09, 2020, 03:23:02 AM »
Perfect.  A more complete picture with the two intros combined.  Daviddimwit, go read through your old intro (now the early pages of this one)  See any similarities?  You weren’t to blame the first time you caved here either ... it was that damn Postal Service Lady!

Dude, you do nothing but deflect.  You type out cute sentences about leadership, and the fact that maybe THAT’S why people fail (like you) ... all while holding onto the fact that you’re not trying to assign blame to anyone else!

I’m dropping a lot of quit on you these last two days ... here’s the most important tip:  Look within yourself for leadership of your quit.  Stop passing the buck, stop looking for the proper leaders to get you to the promised land.  There is no magic pill!  There is no easy way! 

You have to lead your own quit!  Only you can make you fail.  Stop fucking victimizing your time here. 

Striking similarities between the 2014 version, and the 2020 version.  Go read your own intro now that they’ve been combined.  Then ... u n f u c k  y o u r  h e a d !!

My only real hope is that a newbie reads this intro front to back, and grasps what not to do.  I doubt you’ll ever get it.  But others will.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2020, 03:25:37 AM by Smeds »
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Re: Anger brought me back to Day 1
« Reply #103 on: February 09, 2020, 12:19:24 AM »
By the way @Moderator , or @Administrator (no idea if those tags work) ... don’t dudes get one intro?  Here’s his original, or parts of it that still exist:
My personality is who I am, my attitude depends on who you are.

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Re: Anger brought me back to Day 1
« Reply #102 on: February 08, 2020, 11:21:20 PM »
I’m not making an excuse, I know full well it was my decision to cave and get loose on roll. I should have reached out to admins to move me to a new group. Instead I thought I could go without one, Which is exactly where I went wrong. I will be posting in both groups as soon as I can find them. Thanks for the reply.
Apparently you think the Admins would've located a group for you where posting WASN'T a priority?  You're the biggest fucking victim I've ever had the displeasure of interacting with.

For anyone else reading this travesty ... Daviddimwit was in the July '14 DD's.  He received a lot of text reminders from me early on in our quits to get on roll.  After a while, I refused to quit FOR him, and stopped pinging him.  You'll all get there at some point ... there's a threshold for holding a quitter's hand where after a while it appears you're almost forcing him to quit and stay accountable.  After a while, his missing roll multiple times progressed into a much more disgusted tone from the group ... and me especially.  This is called HOLDING SOMEONE ACCOUNTABLE for their actions, something we all signed up for.  Instead of flipping the switch and righting his ship ... he got pissy.  "I should have reached out to admins to move me to a new group" ... wow, so much blame deflecting in one sentence.

We all see where getting pissy and playing the victim got Daviddimwit.  Yet, he continues to do so.  He actually still believes that due to the actions of a select few he was "forced" to leave the site.  Until he unfucks his head, he's destined to repeat history.   

YOU decided to make that drive to the convenience store.  YOU decided to ask for a tin.  YOU decided to go ahead and pay for that tin.  YOU decided to lay a fingernail to it, and pop the lid.  YOU decided to throw in a fucking disgusting cat turd.  YOU decided to continue to do so for what ... near two more years??   All of those decisions were made because a meanie did exactly what they had did from day one, which was hold your ass accountable?  It all happened because you "should've asked admins" to move you to a group where dudes didn't require you were on roll?

Get lost with that shit.  I truly hope this time around isn't another stoppage for you ... but you're destined for it if you don't flip your script, and NOW. 

Own your shit, own your quit ... it's the only thing that works.  1/2-assed attempts will always get 1/2-ass results.

Cool twist on my own cave story smedsy, you’re still a piece of shit human being, you always will be. Never in any of my stories did I say it was any of your faults that I caved, so stop putting your own shit in my cave story. The reason I wrote it up like it is, is if someone is dealing with an immature god complex trash person “leader” like you on this site they can learn from my mistake and not let it discourage them from using this site, because I’m the example of what happens. We get weak when we don’t have accountability, I had no one to reach out to when I was starting to sink. I FUCKED UP! I FUCKIN KNOW I FUCKED UP, and I wrote the story of how I fucked up, and I’ll tell it the same every time.

Actually I’ll reword this part “I was unhappy with SMEDS! He loved to trash other people to build up his quit instead of treat people with respect and inspire through actual effective leadership qualities, tough love is not telling someone they have a pussy and pink panties when they’re 1200 days quit.” Your leadership style is not effective for me, and unless you wana change it, stay far away from my quit.
Based on this, I don't hold much hope for @Daviddim You are still trying to justify yourself.
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Offline Smeds

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Re: Anger brought me back to Day 1
« Reply #101 on: February 08, 2020, 11:08:56 PM »
There’s no “re-writing” this travesty.  You’ve written it, you own it.  I’ve got zero issues with what I’ve written, or have ever said to you in the past.  Why?  Righteousness.  That being said,

“I want people to know there’s good and bad on the site”

“It’s not written to cast blame on anyone but myself really”

Head = still fucked. 

The sad part is you think you’re “pointing something out” to new quits that will help ... and the only thing you’re pointing out is what happens when you refuse to own your quit.  So, in a sick way ... you’re right.  Geez ... so simple.  Don’t be like you. Good fucking lesson here newbs.

Accountability is a 2-way street.  When you stop going down it, but expect everyone to drive all the way down to park in front of your house ... you’ve lost your way.  I’ll tell you this, You best honor your brothers in your new group by hitting the floor posting to roll everyday to start your day. Of course, you’ll eventually reach a point where you feel sporadic posting is OK ... and get defensive and petulant about being called out for it, bail and cave again.  All roads in your eyes most likely leading back to the mean people who tried to save your quit in the first place ... how very familiar.

Alternatively, you’ll realize that brotherhood here comes with conditions, you’ll honor those conditions without being a bitch, and you’ll remain quit.  The choice has always been yours.

BTW, quitting chew doesn’t equate to being “sober”.   Look up the word if you have to.  Embrace one word and you just may make it.

Not using nicotine in any form = QUIT!

Aye maybe its the fog, but i still never said it was your fault. Why is it so god damn unbelievable that there might be flaws in our approach, do you think theres a way this site can have a higher success rate? I see people leaving all the time because they don't like your immature rhetoric. Why not discover the option and adapt? I genuinely want to hear a strong response to this from someone or anyone. Read any leadership book, it will mention that every person is different and responds differently to certain types of leadership. Actually have you heard of Bureaucratic Leadership? Maybe these terms refer to mostly businesses, but i consider this website a business, its in the business of saving lives. Bureaucratic Leadership is rarely effective, but is usually a leader that will reject colleagues or employees strategies that seem non traditional, or threaten the way that they've "always done things."

Why not be smarter than that? Can we not come up with a better strategy for a higher success rate that keeps more people around? Cuz idk about you, but I NEED TO BE HERE. Ive learned that lesson the hard way.
There are other sites that will soften their approach to you so it’s more palatable.  Had you glanced around more than 1300 posts in 1200 days, you would’ve picked up on the fact this ain’t that site.  Or, it wasn’t.  Do you know who wants the soft approach?  Your  inner addict.  He wants to know that somewhere, anywhere down the line ... there’s an out.   An out where people won’t jump his shit, where  he won’t be held accountable all the time.  I mean geez, that’s exhausting!

You should’ve killed that inner addict long ago.  You were given every opportunity.  Multiple people tried to help.  Me mostly, but it wasn’t your inner addict’s flavor.  Regardless,  you let him win.  So far, all your verbal diarrhea typed out proves he’s alive and well. 

If you had a little more experience in life ... were a little older, went down this road like others have multiple times, you would realize that the soft approach, or unconditional support is generally what family/loved ones give.  Which is also generally shat on by our inner addicts at an alarming rate.  It does not work.  If it did, we would’ve quit for our family/friends/wives.  But we didn’t.  We found salvation in a bunch of like-minded individuals (idiots) who understood what addiction was, and understood accountability & brotherhood.  Both the good, and the “bad”.  These fuckers got me quit, and not by coddling my balls.  You lost accountability & brotherhood by your own actions, and look where it got you.   

You’ve got zero stance on suggesting WTF a good leader is, until you learn to  unfuck your head.  You caved.  You disrespected your July ‘14 bros by not only  following shitty posting  habits, but then pushing back when course-corrected.   Somehow, this has turned into a “I wasn’t shown proper leadership”?  There were other ways to save you from caving, we just couldn’t tap into them properly? 

Jesus, you’re hopeless.  Own your quit, or it’ll own you again ... and again.

For the record, I’ve helped so many fucking quits you would lose your shit over it.  I’ve got dudes who still to this day thank me for showing them the light.  Not two, not three ... several.  I continue to do so, daily. I’ve got over 75 quitter names in my phone I could and do reach out to, or lend an assist when needed. Can you say the same?  No?  Then maybe shut the fuck up, stop playing the victim, and own your shit this time. 

Lastly, do you really think I get off on dudes like you?  That I really have nothing going on but to correct your incorrect thoughts?  What about the other dudes who’ve weighed in similarly?  They have nothing better to do?  Wrong.  You’re still that dude thrashing in the water, head about to go under.  Our advice is your goddam life ring, and you keep tossing it back.  But that’s what  QUIT people do when they see an ugly addict drowning.   Toss a life ring.   

Eventually, that boat will move on.  As always, I can’t quit for you.
My personality is who I am, my attitude depends on who you are.

Offline Daviddim

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Re: Anger brought me back to Day 1
« Reply #100 on: February 08, 2020, 05:24:37 PM »
There’s no “re-writing” this travesty.  You’ve written it, you own it.  I’ve got zero issues with what I’ve written, or have ever said to you in the past.  Why?  Righteousness.  That being said,

“I want people to know there’s good and bad on the site”

“It’s not written to cast blame on anyone but myself really”

Head = still fucked. 

The sad part is you think you’re “pointing something out” to new quits that will help ... and the only thing you’re pointing out is what happens when you refuse to own your quit.  So, in a sick way ... you’re right.  Geez ... so simple.  Don’t be like you. Good fucking lesson here newbs.

Accountability is a 2-way street.  When you stop going down it, but expect everyone to drive all the way down to park in front of your house ... you’ve lost your way.  I’ll tell you this, You best honor your brothers in your new group by hitting the floor posting to roll everyday to start your day. Of course, you’ll eventually reach a point where you feel sporadic posting is OK ... and get defensive and petulant about being called out for it, bail and cave again.  All roads in your eyes most likely leading back to the mean people who tried to save your quit in the first place ... how very familiar.

Alternatively, you’ll realize that brotherhood here comes with conditions, you’ll honor those conditions without being a bitch, and you’ll remain quit.  The choice has always been yours.

BTW, quitting chew doesn’t equate to being “sober”.   Look up the word if you have to.  Embrace one word and you just may make it.

Not using nicotine in any form = QUIT!

Aye maybe its the fog, but i still never said it was your fault. Why is it so god damn unbelievable that there might be flaws in our approach, do you think theres a way this site can have a higher success rate? I see people leaving all the time because they don't like your immature rhetoric. Why not discover the option and adapt? I genuinely want to hear a strong response to this from someone or anyone. Read any leadership book, it will mention that every person is different and responds differently to certain types of leadership. Actually have you heard of Bureaucratic Leadership? Maybe these terms refer to mostly businesses, but i consider this website a business, its in the business of saving lives. Bureaucratic Leadership is rarely effective, but is usually a leader that will reject colleagues or employees strategies that seem non traditional, or threaten the way that they've "always done things."

Why not be smarter than that? Can we not come up with a better strategy for a higher success rate that keeps more people around? Cuz idk about you, but I NEED TO BE HERE. Ive learned that lesson the hard way.

"The mentality and behavior of drug addicts and alcoholics is wholly irrational until you understand that they are completely powerless over their addiction and unless they have structured help, they have no hope."

"One more is right back where you were, and where you were was desparately wishing you were where you are now"

Offline Smeds

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Re: Anger brought me back to Day 1
« Reply #99 on: February 08, 2020, 05:00:13 PM »
There’s no “re-writing” this travesty.  You’ve written it, you own it.  I’ve got zero issues with what I’ve written, or have ever said to you in the past.  Why?  Righteousness.  That being said,

“I want people to know there’s good and bad on the site”

“It’s not written to cast blame on anyone but myself really”

Head = still fucked. 

The sad part is you think you’re “pointing something out” to new quits that will help ... and the only thing you’re pointing out is what happens when you refuse to own your quit.  So, in a sick way ... you’re right.  Geez ... so simple.  Don’t be like you. Good fucking lesson here newbs.

Accountability is a 2-way street.  When you stop going down it, but expect everyone to drive all the way down to park in front of your house ... you’ve lost your way.  I’ll tell you this, You best honor your brothers in your new group by hitting the floor posting to roll everyday to start your day. Of course, you’ll eventually reach a point where you feel sporadic posting is OK ... and get defensive and petulant about being called out for it, bail and cave again.  All roads in your eyes most likely leading back to the mean people who tried to save your quit in the first place ... how very familiar.

Alternatively, you’ll realize that brotherhood here comes with conditions, you’ll honor those conditions without being a bitch, and you’ll remain quit.  The choice has always been yours.

BTW, quitting chew doesn’t equate to being “sober”.   Look up the word if you have to.  Embrace one word and you just may make it.

Not using nicotine in any form = QUIT!
My personality is who I am, my attitude depends on who you are.

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Re: Anger brought me back to Day 1
« Reply #98 on: February 08, 2020, 04:17:50 PM »
I’m not making an excuse, I know full well it was my decision to cave and get loose on roll. I should have reached out to admins to move me to a new group. Instead I thought I could go without one, Which is exactly where I went wrong. I will be posting in both groups as soon as I can find them. Thanks for the reply.
Apparently you think the Admins would've located a group for you where posting WASN'T a priority?  You're the biggest fucking victim I've ever had the displeasure of interacting with.

For anyone else reading this travesty ... Daviddimwit was in the July '14 DD's.  He received a lot of text reminders from me early on in our quits to get on roll.  After a while, I refused to quit FOR him, and stopped pinging him.  You'll all get there at some point ... there's a threshold for holding a quitter's hand where after a while it appears you're almost forcing him to quit and stay accountable.  After a while, his missing roll multiple times progressed into a much more disgusted tone from the group ... and me especially.  This is called HOLDING SOMEONE ACCOUNTABLE for their actions, something we all signed up for.  Instead of flipping the switch and righting his ship ... he got pissy.  "I should have reached out to admins to move me to a new group" ... wow, so much blame deflecting in one sentence.

We all see where getting pissy and playing the victim got Daviddimwit.  Yet, he continues to do so.  He actually still believes that due to the actions of a select few he was "forced" to leave the site.  Until he unfucks his head, he's destined to repeat history.   

YOU decided to make that drive to the convenience store.  YOU decided to ask for a tin.  YOU decided to go ahead and pay for that tin.  YOU decided to lay a fingernail to it, and pop the lid.  YOU decided to throw in a fucking disgusting cat turd.  YOU decided to continue to do so for what ... near two more years??   All of those decisions were made because a meanie did exactly what they had did from day one, which was hold your ass accountable?  It all happened because you "should've asked admins" to move you to a group where dudes didn't require you were on roll?

Get lost with that shit.  I truly hope this time around isn't another stoppage for you ... but you're destined for it if you don't flip your script, and NOW. 

Own your shit, own your quit ... it's the only thing that works.  1/2-assed attempts will always get 1/2-ass results.

Cool twist on my own cave story smedsy, you’re still a piece of shit human being, you always will be. Never in any of my stories did I say it was any of your faults that I caved, so stop putting your own shit in my cave story. The reason I wrote it up like it is, is if someone is dealing with an immature god complex trash person “leader” like you on this site they can learn from my mistake and not let it discourage them from using this site, because I’m the example of what happens. We get weak when we don’t have accountability, I had no one to reach out to when I was starting to sink. I FUCKED UP! I FUCKIN KNOW I FUCKED UP, and I wrote the story of how I fucked up, and I’ll tell it the same every time.

Actually I’ll reword this part “I was unhappy with SMEDS! He loved to trash other people to build up his quit instead of treat people with respect and inspire through actual effective leadership qualities, tough love is not telling someone they have a pussy and pink panties when they’re 1200 days quit.” Your leadership style is not effective for me, and unless you wana change it, stay far away from my quit.
Still a victim.  You forget all those early days when I supported you, when I texted with you, when I checked in to make sure you were good?  Yeah, same dude here.  When you started missing, and caring less and less ... did you expect the soft noodle to the a-hole, while I gently cooed how proud I was that you actually DID take the time to post roll? 

I knew where you were heading, we all did.  We kicked up our rhetoric because of it.  I should’ve known that once a snowflake always a snowflake.  It’s obvious I was right, look what happened.   

If you want soft support, and unconditional love ... get another cat you pussy.  I’m exactly what you needed, had you been a man.   Ask any of the current dudes in July ‘14 if they consider your story accurate.  You’ll get a resounding no.   But rage on dude ... maybe it’ll help you.  If you think I’m no longer course-correcting dudes who don’t know how to quit, you’re wrong.  But keep it up, it’s fairly entertaining ripping your butterfly wings off ... AGAIN.

see.... you're just proving my story by saying this shit...... You were never helpful or inspiring, you said shit like this to me my entire way up to 1200. I used to grovel at your feet just to make you stop. Eventually i got sick of dealing with it. In all honesty it was just you, the rest of july was solid. Idk why you think this helps anyone, i think it only helps you feel better bud. This is my last response to you bro, I'm on a different road this time, the one where you're not involved.
You were a slacker, hence the treatment.  “just to make you stop” = just to stop accountability.  The rest of the guys didn’t really give a fuck about you and whether you posted or not ... which I guess is your version of “solid”.   Solid = left me alone.  What makes you think you WOULD NOT have ended up in the same place, seriously?   Do you feel that “when convenient” is an OK approach to roll?

Real questions.

"The rest of the guys didn’t really give a fuck about you and whether you posted or not"

WOW Even though i was sober...... Didn't even actually care, did that sound good when you were typing it? Also no bud, i wanted you to stop because i don't take that shit very well. I grew up with an abusive father and i don't respond well to that type of leadership. Just like you wouldn't respond well if i patted you on the back and said better luck next time champ. Again theres a difference between tough love and being straight out disrespectful and berating to someone. I suggest you really evaluate which approach you're taking when you write a message to someone.

Aye i admit to being lazy though, 1200 days quit and only 1300 posts is pretty pathetic. I wasn't involved enough and I'm definitely looking forward to being better than i was last time.
Joining a forum that (at least used to) tout itself as extreme wasn’t really thought out then, was it?  I’ll continue to be me ... and continue to be very supportive of quits new and old.  I’ll also continue to hold dudes accountable, and ratchet up my accountability when it goes unanswered.   Most here do.  Funny, your memory somehow glosses over the beginnings of our quit relationship.

You didn’t answer my question.   Do you think there’s a certain point in “quit” where it’s OK to treat roll as an afterthought?  If so, what day do you think that falls?

Its not okay for roll to be an afterthought, there is no day when you're cured, but its not okay to try to chase people away or discourage them from using this website ESPECIALLY BEFORE THEY HAVE CAVED. Its NOT OKAY to NOT GIVE A FUCK whether a guy posts roll or not! NO MATTER HOW MANY DAYS HES MISSED..... If he's sober and he tells me he's going to keep trying, he can still stand with me any day!
Oh quit having a fucking pity party for yourself and shut the fuck up.  It’s clear to me that you need to do less talking and more listening. There’s a reason you’re a caving little bitch and you’re lucky to have Smeds taking an interest in helping you.

He saw you were heading for a cave the first time. He wasn’t chasing you away, he was trying to bring you closer. You didn’t listen the first time.  Listen this time.

I didn’t chase you away.  I chased you to stay active!  Your response to that led to you leaving, not vice versa!  Unfuck your head.
If I didn’t give a fuck about you using the website, why did I berate you to use the website?  Do you read your own bullshit?

Pretty pathetic excuse making.. your (re) intro seems to imply some fault of July abandoning you when it was clearly the other way around.

July operated no different than any other group back then.  So quit whining about mean old Tom. Being there and getting to 1200 some odd days is a reason to be grateful to you former quit group..  you should be thankful for people willing to watch out for you and have your back.  Coming on with an intro that would lead an uninformed persons to think you got abandoned is bullshit and by that attitude I'm not sure you're ready to really quit.

YOU stopped participating. You must remember the price of admission to KTC is a daily promise, bare minimum... You didn't even do that and look where you ended up...

Best of luck to you on your current stoppage, I really hope you make it quit but based on what you've written, combative, excuses and so forth, I don't think so.

(Adding previous post to vortex.. Did it wrong first time)

Huh, well maybe ill re write it then. I want people to read it and know that theres good and bad on this site. I didn't reach out to the good, in fact i just flat out gave up the site. Its not written to cast blame on anyone but myself really.

"The mentality and behavior of drug addicts and alcoholics is wholly irrational until you understand that they are completely powerless over their addiction and unless they have structured help, they have no hope."

"One more is right back where you were, and where you were was desparately wishing you were where you are now"

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Re: Anger brought me back to Day 1
« Reply #97 on: February 08, 2020, 03:29:22 PM »
I’m not making an excuse, I know full well it was my decision to cave and get loose on roll. I should have reached out to admins to move me to a new group. Instead I thought I could go without one, Which is exactly where I went wrong. I will be posting in both groups as soon as I can find them. Thanks for the reply.
Apparently you think the Admins would've located a group for you where posting WASN'T a priority?  You're the biggest fucking victim I've ever had the displeasure of interacting with.

For anyone else reading this travesty ... Daviddimwit was in the July '14 DD's.  He received a lot of text reminders from me early on in our quits to get on roll.  After a while, I refused to quit FOR him, and stopped pinging him.  You'll all get there at some point ... there's a threshold for holding a quitter's hand where after a while it appears you're almost forcing him to quit and stay accountable.  After a while, his missing roll multiple times progressed into a much more disgusted tone from the group ... and me especially.  This is called HOLDING SOMEONE ACCOUNTABLE for their actions, something we all signed up for.  Instead of flipping the switch and righting his ship ... he got pissy.  "I should have reached out to admins to move me to a new group" ... wow, so much blame deflecting in one sentence.

We all see where getting pissy and playing the victim got Daviddimwit.  Yet, he continues to do so.  He actually still believes that due to the actions of a select few he was "forced" to leave the site.  Until he unfucks his head, he's destined to repeat history.   

YOU decided to make that drive to the convenience store.  YOU decided to ask for a tin.  YOU decided to go ahead and pay for that tin.  YOU decided to lay a fingernail to it, and pop the lid.  YOU decided to throw in a fucking disgusting cat turd.  YOU decided to continue to do so for what ... near two more years??   All of those decisions were made because a meanie did exactly what they had did from day one, which was hold your ass accountable?  It all happened because you "should've asked admins" to move you to a group where dudes didn't require you were on roll?

Get lost with that shit.  I truly hope this time around isn't another stoppage for you ... but you're destined for it if you don't flip your script, and NOW. 

Own your shit, own your quit ... it's the only thing that works.  1/2-assed attempts will always get 1/2-ass results.

Cool twist on my own cave story smedsy, you’re still a piece of shit human being, you always will be. Never in any of my stories did I say it was any of your faults that I caved, so stop putting your own shit in my cave story. The reason I wrote it up like it is, is if someone is dealing with an immature god complex trash person “leader” like you on this site they can learn from my mistake and not let it discourage them from using this site, because I’m the example of what happens. We get weak when we don’t have accountability, I had no one to reach out to when I was starting to sink. I FUCKED UP! I FUCKIN KNOW I FUCKED UP, and I wrote the story of how I fucked up, and I’ll tell it the same every time.

Actually I’ll reword this part “I was unhappy with SMEDS! He loved to trash other people to build up his quit instead of treat people with respect and inspire through actual effective leadership qualities, tough love is not telling someone they have a pussy and pink panties when they’re 1200 days quit.” Your leadership style is not effective for me, and unless you wana change it, stay far away from my quit.
Still a victim.  You forget all those early days when I supported you, when I texted with you, when I checked in to make sure you were good?  Yeah, same dude here.  When you started missing, and caring less and less ... did you expect the soft noodle to the a-hole, while I gently cooed how proud I was that you actually DID take the time to post roll? 

I knew where you were heading, we all did.  We kicked up our rhetoric because of it.  I should’ve known that once a snowflake always a snowflake.  It’s obvious I was right, look what happened.   

If you want soft support, and unconditional love ... get another cat you pussy.  I’m exactly what you needed, had you been a man.   Ask any of the current dudes in July ‘14 if they consider your story accurate.  You’ll get a resounding no.   But rage on dude ... maybe it’ll help you.  If you think I’m no longer course-correcting dudes who don’t know how to quit, you’re wrong.  But keep it up, it’s fairly entertaining ripping your butterfly wings off ... AGAIN.

see.... you're just proving my story by saying this shit...... You were never helpful or inspiring, you said shit like this to me my entire way up to 1200. I used to grovel at your feet just to make you stop. Eventually i got sick of dealing with it. In all honesty it was just you, the rest of july was solid. Idk why you think this helps anyone, i think it only helps you feel better bud. This is my last response to you bro, I'm on a different road this time, the one where you're not involved.
You were a slacker, hence the treatment.  “just to make you stop” = just to stop accountability.  The rest of the guys didn’t really give a fuck about you and whether you posted or not ... which I guess is your version of “solid”.   Solid = left me alone.  What makes you think you WOULD NOT have ended up in the same place, seriously?   Do you feel that “when convenient” is an OK approach to roll?

Real questions.

"The rest of the guys didn’t really give a fuck about you and whether you posted or not"

WOW Even though i was sober...... Didn't even actually care, did that sound good when you were typing it? Also no bud, i wanted you to stop because i don't take that shit very well. I grew up with an abusive father and i don't respond well to that type of leadership. Just like you wouldn't respond well if i patted you on the back and said better luck next time champ. Again theres a difference between tough love and being straight out disrespectful and berating to someone. I suggest you really evaluate which approach you're taking when you write a message to someone.

Aye i admit to being lazy though, 1200 days quit and only 1300 posts is pretty pathetic. I wasn't involved enough and I'm definitely looking forward to being better than i was last time.
Joining a forum that (at least used to) tout itself as extreme wasn’t really thought out then, was it?  I’ll continue to be me ... and continue to be very supportive of quits new and old.  I’ll also continue to hold dudes accountable, and ratchet up my accountability when it goes unanswered.   Most here do.  Funny, your memory somehow glosses over the beginnings of our quit relationship.

You didn’t answer my question.   Do you think there’s a certain point in “quit” where it’s OK to treat roll as an afterthought?  If so, what day do you think that falls?

Its not okay for roll to be an afterthought, there is no day when you're cured, but its not okay to try to chase people away or discourage them from using this website ESPECIALLY BEFORE THEY HAVE CAVED. Its NOT OKAY to NOT GIVE A FUCK whether a guy posts roll or not! NO MATTER HOW MANY DAYS HES MISSED..... If he's sober and he tells me he's going to keep trying, he can still stand with me any day!
Oh quit having a fucking pity party for yourself and shut the fuck up.  It’s clear to me that you need to do less talking and more listening. There’s a reason you’re a caving little bitch and you’re lucky to have Smeds taking an interest in helping you.

He saw you were heading for a cave the first time. He wasn’t chasing you away, he was trying to bring you closer. You didn’t listen the first time.  Listen this time.

I didn’t chase you away.  I chased you to stay active!  Your response to that led to you leaving, not vice versa!  Unfuck your head.
If I didn’t give a fuck about you using the website, why did I berate you to use the website?  Do you read your own bullshit?

Pretty pathetic excuse making.. your (re) intro seems to imply some fault of July abandoning you when it was clearly the other way around.

July operated no different than any other group back then.  So quit whining about mean old Tom. Being there and getting to 1200 some odd days is a reason to be grateful to you former quit group..  you should be thankful for people willing to watch out for you and have your back.  Coming on with an intro that would lead an uninformed persons to think you got abandoned is bullshit and by that attitude I'm not sure you're ready to really quit.

YOU stopped participating. You must remember the price of admission to KTC is a daily promise, bare minimum... You didn't even do that and look where you ended up...

Best of luck to you on your current stoppage, I really hope you make it quit but based on what you've written, combative, excuses and so forth, I don't think so.

(Adding previous post to vortex.. Did it wrong first time)

Offline Smeds

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Re: Anger brought me back to Day 1
« Reply #96 on: February 08, 2020, 03:24:06 PM »
I’m not making an excuse, I know full well it was my decision to cave and get loose on roll. I should have reached out to admins to move me to a new group. Instead I thought I could go without one, Which is exactly where I went wrong. I will be posting in both groups as soon as I can find them. Thanks for the reply.
Apparently you think the Admins would've located a group for you where posting WASN'T a priority?  You're the biggest fucking victim I've ever had the displeasure of interacting with.

For anyone else reading this travesty ... Daviddimwit was in the July '14 DD's.  He received a lot of text reminders from me early on in our quits to get on roll.  After a while, I refused to quit FOR him, and stopped pinging him.  You'll all get there at some point ... there's a threshold for holding a quitter's hand where after a while it appears you're almost forcing him to quit and stay accountable.  After a while, his missing roll multiple times progressed into a much more disgusted tone from the group ... and me especially.  This is called HOLDING SOMEONE ACCOUNTABLE for their actions, something we all signed up for.  Instead of flipping the switch and righting his ship ... he got pissy.  "I should have reached out to admins to move me to a new group" ... wow, so much blame deflecting in one sentence.

We all see where getting pissy and playing the victim got Daviddimwit.  Yet, he continues to do so.  He actually still believes that due to the actions of a select few he was "forced" to leave the site.  Until he unfucks his head, he's destined to repeat history.   

YOU decided to make that drive to the convenience store.  YOU decided to ask for a tin.  YOU decided to go ahead and pay for that tin.  YOU decided to lay a fingernail to it, and pop the lid.  YOU decided to throw in a fucking disgusting cat turd.  YOU decided to continue to do so for what ... near two more years??   All of those decisions were made because a meanie did exactly what they had did from day one, which was hold your ass accountable?  It all happened because you "should've asked admins" to move you to a group where dudes didn't require you were on roll?

Get lost with that shit.  I truly hope this time around isn't another stoppage for you ... but you're destined for it if you don't flip your script, and NOW. 

Own your shit, own your quit ... it's the only thing that works.  1/2-assed attempts will always get 1/2-ass results.

Cool twist on my own cave story smedsy, you’re still a piece of shit human being, you always will be. Never in any of my stories did I say it was any of your faults that I caved, so stop putting your own shit in my cave story. The reason I wrote it up like it is, is if someone is dealing with an immature god complex trash person “leader” like you on this site they can learn from my mistake and not let it discourage them from using this site, because I’m the example of what happens. We get weak when we don’t have accountability, I had no one to reach out to when I was starting to sink. I FUCKED UP! I FUCKIN KNOW I FUCKED UP, and I wrote the story of how I fucked up, and I’ll tell it the same every time.

Actually I’ll reword this part “I was unhappy with SMEDS! He loved to trash other people to build up his quit instead of treat people with respect and inspire through actual effective leadership qualities, tough love is not telling someone they have a pussy and pink panties when they’re 1200 days quit.” Your leadership style is not effective for me, and unless you wana change it, stay far away from my quit.
Still a victim.  You forget all those early days when I supported you, when I texted with you, when I checked in to make sure you were good?  Yeah, same dude here.  When you started missing, and caring less and less ... did you expect the soft noodle to the a-hole, while I gently cooed how proud I was that you actually DID take the time to post roll? 

I knew where you were heading, we all did.  We kicked up our rhetoric because of it.  I should’ve known that once a snowflake always a snowflake.  It’s obvious I was right, look what happened.   

If you want soft support, and unconditional love ... get another cat you pussy.  I’m exactly what you needed, had you been a man.   Ask any of the current dudes in July ‘14 if they consider your story accurate.  You’ll get a resounding no.   But rage on dude ... maybe it’ll help you.  If you think I’m no longer course-correcting dudes who don’t know how to quit, you’re wrong.  But keep it up, it’s fairly entertaining ripping your butterfly wings off ... AGAIN.

see.... you're just proving my story by saying this shit...... You were never helpful or inspiring, you said shit like this to me my entire way up to 1200. I used to grovel at your feet just to make you stop. Eventually i got sick of dealing with it. In all honesty it was just you, the rest of july was solid. Idk why you think this helps anyone, i think it only helps you feel better bud. This is my last response to you bro, I'm on a different road this time, the one where you're not involved.
You were a slacker, hence the treatment.  “just to make you stop” = just to stop accountability.  The rest of the guys didn’t really give a fuck about you and whether you posted or not ... which I guess is your version of “solid”.   Solid = left me alone.  What makes you think you WOULD NOT have ended up in the same place, seriously?   Do you feel that “when convenient” is an OK approach to roll?

Real questions.

"The rest of the guys didn’t really give a fuck about you and whether you posted or not"

WOW Even though i was sober...... Didn't even actually care, did that sound good when you were typing it? Also no bud, i wanted you to stop because i don't take that shit very well. I grew up with an abusive father and i don't respond well to that type of leadership. Just like you wouldn't respond well if i patted you on the back and said better luck next time champ. Again theres a difference between tough love and being straight out disrespectful and berating to someone. I suggest you really evaluate which approach you're taking when you write a message to someone.

Aye i admit to being lazy though, 1200 days quit and only 1300 posts is pretty pathetic. I wasn't involved enough and I'm definitely looking forward to being better than i was last time.
Joining a forum that (at least used to) tout itself as extreme wasn’t really thought out then, was it?  I’ll continue to be me ... and continue to be very supportive of quits new and old.  I’ll also continue to hold dudes accountable, and ratchet up my accountability when it goes unanswered.   Most here do.  Funny, your memory somehow glosses over the beginnings of our quit relationship.

You didn’t answer my question.   Do you think there’s a certain point in “quit” where it’s OK to treat roll as an afterthought?  If so, what day do you think that falls?

Its not okay for roll to be an afterthought, there is no day when you're cured, but its not okay to try to chase people away or discourage them from using this website ESPECIALLY BEFORE THEY HAVE CAVED. Its NOT OKAY to NOT GIVE A FUCK whether a guy posts roll or not! NO MATTER HOW MANY DAYS HES MISSED..... If he's sober and he tells me he's going to keep trying, he can still stand with me any day!
Oh quit having a fucking pity party for yourself and shut the fuck up.  It’s clear to me that you need to do less talking and more listening. There’s a reason you’re a caving little bitch and you’re lucky to have Smeds taking an interest in helping you.

He saw you were heading for a cave the first time. He wasn’t chasing you away, he was trying to bring you closer. You didn’t listen the first time.  Listen this time.

I didn’t chase you away.  I chased you to stay active!  Your response to that led to you leaving, not vice versa!  Unfuck your head.
If I didn’t give a fuck about you using the website, why did I berate you to use the website?  Do you read your own bullshit?
My personality is who I am, my attitude depends on who you are.

Offline Smeds

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Re: Anger brought me back to Day 1
« Reply #95 on: February 08, 2020, 03:22:47 PM »
I’m not making an excuse, I know full well it was my decision to cave and get loose on roll. I should have reached out to admins to move me to a new group. Instead I thought I could go without one, Which is exactly where I went wrong. I will be posting in both groups as soon as I can find them. Thanks for the reply.
Apparently you think the Admins would've located a group for you where posting WASN'T a priority?  You're the biggest fucking victim I've ever had the displeasure of interacting with.

For anyone else reading this travesty ... Daviddimwit was in the July '14 DD's.  He received a lot of text reminders from me early on in our quits to get on roll.  After a while, I refused to quit FOR him, and stopped pinging him.  You'll all get there at some point ... there's a threshold for holding a quitter's hand where after a while it appears you're almost forcing him to quit and stay accountable.  After a while, his missing roll multiple times progressed into a much more disgusted tone from the group ... and me especially.  This is called HOLDING SOMEONE ACCOUNTABLE for their actions, something we all signed up for.  Instead of flipping the switch and righting his ship ... he got pissy.  "I should have reached out to admins to move me to a new group" ... wow, so much blame deflecting in one sentence.

We all see where getting pissy and playing the victim got Daviddimwit.  Yet, he continues to do so.  He actually still believes that due to the actions of a select few he was "forced" to leave the site.  Until he unfucks his head, he's destined to repeat history.   

YOU decided to make that drive to the convenience store.  YOU decided to ask for a tin.  YOU decided to go ahead and pay for that tin.  YOU decided to lay a fingernail to it, and pop the lid.  YOU decided to throw in a fucking disgusting cat turd.  YOU decided to continue to do so for what ... near two more years??   All of those decisions were made because a meanie did exactly what they had did from day one, which was hold your ass accountable?  It all happened because you "should've asked admins" to move you to a group where dudes didn't require you were on roll?

Get lost with that shit.  I truly hope this time around isn't another stoppage for you ... but you're destined for it if you don't flip your script, and NOW. 

Own your shit, own your quit ... it's the only thing that works.  1/2-assed attempts will always get 1/2-ass results.

Cool twist on my own cave story smedsy, you’re still a piece of shit human being, you always will be. Never in any of my stories did I say it was any of your faults that I caved, so stop putting your own shit in my cave story. The reason I wrote it up like it is, is if someone is dealing with an immature god complex trash person “leader” like you on this site they can learn from my mistake and not let it discourage them from using this site, because I’m the example of what happens. We get weak when we don’t have accountability, I had no one to reach out to when I was starting to sink. I FUCKED UP! I FUCKIN KNOW I FUCKED UP, and I wrote the story of how I fucked up, and I’ll tell it the same every time.

Actually I’ll reword this part “I was unhappy with SMEDS! He loved to trash other people to build up his quit instead of treat people with respect and inspire through actual effective leadership qualities, tough love is not telling someone they have a pussy and pink panties when they’re 1200 days quit.” Your leadership style is not effective for me, and unless you wana change it, stay far away from my quit.
Still a victim.  You forget all those early days when I supported you, when I texted with you, when I checked in to make sure you were good?  Yeah, same dude here.  When you started missing, and caring less and less ... did you expect the soft noodle to the a-hole, while I gently cooed how proud I was that you actually DID take the time to post roll? 

I knew where you were heading, we all did.  We kicked up our rhetoric because of it.  I should’ve known that once a snowflake always a snowflake.  It’s obvious I was right, look what happened.   

If you want soft support, and unconditional love ... get another cat you pussy.  I’m exactly what you needed, had you been a man.   Ask any of the current dudes in July ‘14 if they consider your story accurate.  You’ll get a resounding no.   But rage on dude ... maybe it’ll help you.  If you think I’m no longer course-correcting dudes who don’t know how to quit, you’re wrong.  But keep it up, it’s fairly entertaining ripping your butterfly wings off ... AGAIN.

see.... you're just proving my story by saying this shit...... You were never helpful or inspiring, you said shit like this to me my entire way up to 1200. I used to grovel at your feet just to make you stop. Eventually i got sick of dealing with it. In all honesty it was just you, the rest of july was solid. Idk why you think this helps anyone, i think it only helps you feel better bud. This is my last response to you bro, I'm on a different road this time, the one where you're not involved.
You were a slacker, hence the treatment.  “just to make you stop” = just to stop accountability.  The rest of the guys didn’t really give a fuck about you and whether you posted or not ... which I guess is your version of “solid”.   Solid = left me alone.  What makes you think you WOULD NOT have ended up in the same place, seriously?   Do you feel that “when convenient” is an OK approach to roll?

Real questions.

"The rest of the guys didn’t really give a fuck about you and whether you posted or not"

WOW Even though i was sober...... Didn't even actually care, did that sound good when you were typing it? Also no bud, i wanted you to stop because i don't take that shit very well. I grew up with an abusive father and i don't respond well to that type of leadership. Just like you wouldn't respond well if i patted you on the back and said better luck next time champ. Again theres a difference between tough love and being straight out disrespectful and berating to someone. I suggest you really evaluate which approach you're taking when you write a message to someone.

Aye i admit to being lazy though, 1200 days quit and only 1300 posts is pretty pathetic. I wasn't involved enough and I'm definitely looking forward to being better than i was last time.
Joining a forum that (at least used to) tout itself as extreme wasn’t really thought out then, was it?  I’ll continue to be me ... and continue to be very supportive of quits new and old.  I’ll also continue to hold dudes accountable, and ratchet up my accountability when it goes unanswered.   Most here do.  Funny, your memory somehow glosses over the beginnings of our quit relationship.

You didn’t answer my question.   Do you think there’s a certain point in “quit” where it’s OK to treat roll as an afterthought?  If so, what day do you think that falls?

Its not okay for roll to be an afterthought, there is no day when you're cured, but its not okay to try to chase people away or discourage them from using this website ESPECIALLY BEFORE THEY HAVE CAVED. Its NOT OKAY to NOT GIVE A FUCK whether a guy posts roll or not! NO MATTER HOW MANY DAYS HES MISSED..... If he's sober and he tells me he's going to keep trying, he can still stand with me any day!
Oh quit having a fucking pity party for yourself and shut the fuck up.  It’s clear to me that you need to do less talking and more listening. There’s a reason you’re a caving little bitch and you’re lucky to have Smeds taking an interest in helping you.

He saw you were heading for a cave the first time. He wasn’t chasing you away, he was trying to bring you closer. You didn’t listen the first time.  Listen this time.

I didn’t chase you away.  I chased you to stay active!  Your response to that led to you leaving, not vice versa!  Unfuck your head.
My personality is who I am, my attitude depends on who you are.

Offline Sand44

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Re: Anger brought me back to Day 1
« Reply #94 on: February 08, 2020, 03:19:42 PM »
I’m not making an excuse, I know full well it was my decision to cave and get loose on roll. I should have reached out to admins to move me to a new group. Instead I thought I could go without one, Which is exactly where I went wrong. I will be posting in both groups as soon as I can find them. Thanks for the reply.
Apparently you think the Admins would've located a group for you where posting WASN'T a priority?  You're the biggest fucking victim I've ever had the displeasure of interacting with.

For anyone else reading this travesty ... Daviddimwit was in the July '14 DD's.  He received a lot of text reminders from me early on in our quits to get on roll.  After a while, I refused to quit FOR him, and stopped pinging him.  You'll all get there at some point ... there's a threshold for holding a quitter's hand where after a while it appears you're almost forcing him to quit and stay accountable.  After a while, his missing roll multiple times progressed into a much more disgusted tone from the group ... and me especially.  This is called HOLDING SOMEONE ACCOUNTABLE for their actions, something we all signed up for.  Instead of flipping the switch and righting his ship ... he got pissy.  "I should have reached out to admins to move me to a new group" ... wow, so much blame deflecting in one sentence.

We all see where getting pissy and playing the victim got Daviddimwit.  Yet, he continues to do so.  He actually still believes that due to the actions of a select few he was "forced" to leave the site.  Until he unfucks his head, he's destined to repeat history.   

YOU decided to make that drive to the convenience store.  YOU decided to ask for a tin.  YOU decided to go ahead and pay for that tin.  YOU decided to lay a fingernail to it, and pop the lid.  YOU decided to throw in a fucking disgusting cat turd.  YOU decided to continue to do so for what ... near two more years??   All of those decisions were made because a meanie did exactly what they had did from day one, which was hold your ass accountable?  It all happened because you "should've asked admins" to move you to a group where dudes didn't require you were on roll?

Get lost with that shit.  I truly hope this time around isn't another stoppage for you ... but you're destined for it if you don't flip your script, and NOW. 

Own your shit, own your quit ... it's the only thing that works.  1/2-assed attempts will always get 1/2-ass results.

Cool twist on my own cave story smedsy, you’re still a piece of shit human being, you always will be. Never in any of my stories did I say it was any of your faults that I caved, so stop putting your own shit in my cave story. The reason I wrote it up like it is, is if someone is dealing with an immature god complex trash person “leader” like you on this site they can learn from my mistake and not let it discourage them from using this site, because I’m the example of what happens. We get weak when we don’t have accountability, I had no one to reach out to when I was starting to sink. I FUCKED UP! I FUCKIN KNOW I FUCKED UP, and I wrote the story of how I fucked up, and I’ll tell it the same every time.

Actually I’ll reword this part “I was unhappy with SMEDS! He loved to trash other people to build up his quit instead of treat people with respect and inspire through actual effective leadership qualities, tough love is not telling someone they have a pussy and pink panties when they’re 1200 days quit.” Your leadership style is not effective for me, and unless you wana change it, stay far away from my quit.
Still a victim.  You forget all those early days when I supported you, when I texted with you, when I checked in to make sure you were good?  Yeah, same dude here.  When you started missing, and caring less and less ... did you expect the soft noodle to the a-hole, while I gently cooed how proud I was that you actually DID take the time to post roll? 

I knew where you were heading, we all did.  We kicked up our rhetoric because of it.  I should’ve known that once a snowflake always a snowflake.  It’s obvious I was right, look what happened.   

If you want soft support, and unconditional love ... get another cat you pussy.  I’m exactly what you needed, had you been a man.   Ask any of the current dudes in July ‘14 if they consider your story accurate.  You’ll get a resounding no.   But rage on dude ... maybe it’ll help you.  If you think I’m no longer course-correcting dudes who don’t know how to quit, you’re wrong.  But keep it up, it’s fairly entertaining ripping your butterfly wings off ... AGAIN.

see.... you're just proving my story by saying this shit...... You were never helpful or inspiring, you said shit like this to me my entire way up to 1200. I used to grovel at your feet just to make you stop. Eventually i got sick of dealing with it. In all honesty it was just you, the rest of july was solid. Idk why you think this helps anyone, i think it only helps you feel better bud. This is my last response to you bro, I'm on a different road this time, the one where you're not involved.
You were a slacker, hence the treatment.  “just to make you stop” = just to stop accountability.  The rest of the guys didn’t really give a fuck about you and whether you posted or not ... which I guess is your version of “solid”.   Solid = left me alone.  What makes you think you WOULD NOT have ended up in the same place, seriously?   Do you feel that “when convenient” is an OK approach to roll?

Real questions.

"The rest of the guys didn’t really give a fuck about you and whether you posted or not"

WOW Even though i was sober...... Didn't even actually care, did that sound good when you were typing it? Also no bud, i wanted you to stop because i don't take that shit very well. I grew up with an abusive father and i don't respond well to that type of leadership. Just like you wouldn't respond well if i patted you on the back and said better luck next time champ. Again theres a difference between tough love and being straight out disrespectful and berating to someone. I suggest you really evaluate which approach you're taking when you write a message to someone.

Aye i admit to being lazy though, 1200 days quit and only 1300 posts is pretty pathetic. I wasn't involved enough and I'm definitely looking forward to being better than i was last time.
Joining a forum that (at least used to) tout itself as extreme wasn’t really thought out then, was it?  I’ll continue to be me ... and continue to be very supportive of quits new and old.  I’ll also continue to hold dudes accountable, and ratchet up my accountability when it goes unanswered.   Most here do.  Funny, your memory somehow glosses over the beginnings of our quit relationship.

You didn’t answer my question.   Do you think there’s a certain point in “quit” where it’s OK to treat roll as an afterthought?  If so, what day do you think that falls?

Its not okay for roll to be an afterthought, there is no day when you're cured, but its not okay to try to chase people away or discourage them from using this website ESPECIALLY BEFORE THEY HAVE CAVED. Its NOT OKAY to NOT GIVE A FUCK whether a guy posts roll or not! NO MATTER HOW MANY DAYS HES MISSED..... If he's sober and he tells me he's going to keep trying, he can still stand with me any day!
Oh quit having a fucking pity party for yourself and shut the fuck up.  It’s clear to me that you need to do less talking and more listening. There’s a reason you’re a caving little bitch and you’re lucky to have Smeds taking an interest in helping you.

He saw you were heading for a cave the first time. He wasn’t chasing you away, he was trying to bring you closer. You didn’t listen the first time.  Listen this time.

Offline thewolfe

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Re: Anger brought me back to Day 1
« Reply #93 on: February 08, 2020, 03:17:52 PM »
Pretty pathetic excuse making.. your (re) intro seems to imply some fault of July abandoning you when it was clearly the other way around.

July operated no different than any other group back then.  So quit whining about mean old Tom. Being there and getting to 1200 some odd days is a reason to be grateful to you former quit group..  you should be thankful for people willing to watch out for you and have your back.  Coming on with an intro that would lead an uninformed persons to think you got abandoned is bullshit and by that attitude I'm not sure you're ready to really quit.

YOU stopped participating. You must remember the price of admission to KTC is a daily promise, bare minimum... You didn't even do that and look where you ended up... 

Best of luck to you on your current stoppage, I really hope you make it quit but based on what you've written, combative, excuses and so forth, I don't think so.

Offline Daviddim

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Re: Anger brought me back to Day 1
« Reply #92 on: February 08, 2020, 03:11:17 PM »
I’m not making an excuse, I know full well it was my decision to cave and get loose on roll. I should have reached out to admins to move me to a new group. Instead I thought I could go without one, Which is exactly where I went wrong. I will be posting in both groups as soon as I can find them. Thanks for the reply.
Apparently you think the Admins would've located a group for you where posting WASN'T a priority?  You're the biggest fucking victim I've ever had the displeasure of interacting with.

For anyone else reading this travesty ... Daviddimwit was in the July '14 DD's.  He received a lot of text reminders from me early on in our quits to get on roll.  After a while, I refused to quit FOR him, and stopped pinging him.  You'll all get there at some point ... there's a threshold for holding a quitter's hand where after a while it appears you're almost forcing him to quit and stay accountable.  After a while, his missing roll multiple times progressed into a much more disgusted tone from the group ... and me especially.  This is called HOLDING SOMEONE ACCOUNTABLE for their actions, something we all signed up for.  Instead of flipping the switch and righting his ship ... he got pissy.  "I should have reached out to admins to move me to a new group" ... wow, so much blame deflecting in one sentence.

We all see where getting pissy and playing the victim got Daviddimwit.  Yet, he continues to do so.  He actually still believes that due to the actions of a select few he was "forced" to leave the site.  Until he unfucks his head, he's destined to repeat history.   

YOU decided to make that drive to the convenience store.  YOU decided to ask for a tin.  YOU decided to go ahead and pay for that tin.  YOU decided to lay a fingernail to it, and pop the lid.  YOU decided to throw in a fucking disgusting cat turd.  YOU decided to continue to do so for what ... near two more years??   All of those decisions were made because a meanie did exactly what they had did from day one, which was hold your ass accountable?  It all happened because you "should've asked admins" to move you to a group where dudes didn't require you were on roll?

Get lost with that shit.  I truly hope this time around isn't another stoppage for you ... but you're destined for it if you don't flip your script, and NOW. 

Own your shit, own your quit ... it's the only thing that works.  1/2-assed attempts will always get 1/2-ass results.

Cool twist on my own cave story smedsy, you’re still a piece of shit human being, you always will be. Never in any of my stories did I say it was any of your faults that I caved, so stop putting your own shit in my cave story. The reason I wrote it up like it is, is if someone is dealing with an immature god complex trash person “leader” like you on this site they can learn from my mistake and not let it discourage them from using this site, because I’m the example of what happens. We get weak when we don’t have accountability, I had no one to reach out to when I was starting to sink. I FUCKED UP! I FUCKIN KNOW I FUCKED UP, and I wrote the story of how I fucked up, and I’ll tell it the same every time.

Actually I’ll reword this part “I was unhappy with SMEDS! He loved to trash other people to build up his quit instead of treat people with respect and inspire through actual effective leadership qualities, tough love is not telling someone they have a pussy and pink panties when they’re 1200 days quit.” Your leadership style is not effective for me, and unless you wana change it, stay far away from my quit.
Still a victim.  You forget all those early days when I supported you, when I texted with you, when I checked in to make sure you were good?  Yeah, same dude here.  When you started missing, and caring less and less ... did you expect the soft noodle to the a-hole, while I gently cooed how proud I was that you actually DID take the time to post roll? 

I knew where you were heading, we all did.  We kicked up our rhetoric because of it.  I should’ve known that once a snowflake always a snowflake.  It’s obvious I was right, look what happened.   

If you want soft support, and unconditional love ... get another cat you pussy.  I’m exactly what you needed, had you been a man.   Ask any of the current dudes in July ‘14 if they consider your story accurate.  You’ll get a resounding no.   But rage on dude ... maybe it’ll help you.  If you think I’m no longer course-correcting dudes who don’t know how to quit, you’re wrong.  But keep it up, it’s fairly entertaining ripping your butterfly wings off ... AGAIN.

see.... you're just proving my story by saying this shit...... You were never helpful or inspiring, you said shit like this to me my entire way up to 1200. I used to grovel at your feet just to make you stop. Eventually i got sick of dealing with it. In all honesty it was just you, the rest of july was solid. Idk why you think this helps anyone, i think it only helps you feel better bud. This is my last response to you bro, I'm on a different road this time, the one where you're not involved.
You were a slacker, hence the treatment.  “just to make you stop” = just to stop accountability.  The rest of the guys didn’t really give a fuck about you and whether you posted or not ... which I guess is your version of “solid”.   Solid = left me alone.  What makes you think you WOULD NOT have ended up in the same place, seriously?   Do you feel that “when convenient” is an OK approach to roll?

Real questions.

"The rest of the guys didn’t really give a fuck about you and whether you posted or not"

WOW Even though i was sober...... Didn't even actually care, did that sound good when you were typing it? Also no bud, i wanted you to stop because i don't take that shit very well. I grew up with an abusive father and i don't respond well to that type of leadership. Just like you wouldn't respond well if i patted you on the back and said better luck next time champ. Again theres a difference between tough love and being straight out disrespectful and berating to someone. I suggest you really evaluate which approach you're taking when you write a message to someone.

Aye i admit to being lazy though, 1200 days quit and only 1300 posts is pretty pathetic. I wasn't involved enough and I'm definitely looking forward to being better than i was last time.
Joining a forum that (at least used to) tout itself as extreme wasn’t really thought out then, was it?  I’ll continue to be me ... and continue to be very supportive of quits new and old.  I’ll also continue to hold dudes accountable, and ratchet up my accountability when it goes unanswered.   Most here do.  Funny, your memory somehow glosses over the beginnings of our quit relationship.

You didn’t answer my question.   Do you think there’s a certain point in “quit” where it’s OK to treat roll as an afterthought?  If so, what day do you think that falls?

Its not okay for roll to be an afterthought, there is no day when you're cured, but its not okay to try to chase people away or discourage them from using this website ESPECIALLY BEFORE THEY HAVE CAVED. Its NOT OKAY to NOT GIVE A FUCK whether a guy posts roll or not! NO MATTER HOW MANY DAYS HES MISSED..... If he's sober and he tells me he's going to keep trying, he can still stand with me any day!

"The mentality and behavior of drug addicts and alcoholics is wholly irrational until you understand that they are completely powerless over their addiction and unless they have structured help, they have no hope."

"One more is right back where you were, and where you were was desparately wishing you were where you are now"

Offline Smeds

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Re: Anger brought me back to Day 1
« Reply #91 on: February 08, 2020, 03:03:07 PM »
I’m not making an excuse, I know full well it was my decision to cave and get loose on roll. I should have reached out to admins to move me to a new group. Instead I thought I could go without one, Which is exactly where I went wrong. I will be posting in both groups as soon as I can find them. Thanks for the reply.
Apparently you think the Admins would've located a group for you where posting WASN'T a priority?  You're the biggest fucking victim I've ever had the displeasure of interacting with.

For anyone else reading this travesty ... Daviddimwit was in the July '14 DD's.  He received a lot of text reminders from me early on in our quits to get on roll.  After a while, I refused to quit FOR him, and stopped pinging him.  You'll all get there at some point ... there's a threshold for holding a quitter's hand where after a while it appears you're almost forcing him to quit and stay accountable.  After a while, his missing roll multiple times progressed into a much more disgusted tone from the group ... and me especially.  This is called HOLDING SOMEONE ACCOUNTABLE for their actions, something we all signed up for.  Instead of flipping the switch and righting his ship ... he got pissy.  "I should have reached out to admins to move me to a new group" ... wow, so much blame deflecting in one sentence.

We all see where getting pissy and playing the victim got Daviddimwit.  Yet, he continues to do so.  He actually still believes that due to the actions of a select few he was "forced" to leave the site.  Until he unfucks his head, he's destined to repeat history.   

YOU decided to make that drive to the convenience store.  YOU decided to ask for a tin.  YOU decided to go ahead and pay for that tin.  YOU decided to lay a fingernail to it, and pop the lid.  YOU decided to throw in a fucking disgusting cat turd.  YOU decided to continue to do so for what ... near two more years??   All of those decisions were made because a meanie did exactly what they had did from day one, which was hold your ass accountable?  It all happened because you "should've asked admins" to move you to a group where dudes didn't require you were on roll?

Get lost with that shit.  I truly hope this time around isn't another stoppage for you ... but you're destined for it if you don't flip your script, and NOW. 

Own your shit, own your quit ... it's the only thing that works.  1/2-assed attempts will always get 1/2-ass results.

Cool twist on my own cave story smedsy, you’re still a piece of shit human being, you always will be. Never in any of my stories did I say it was any of your faults that I caved, so stop putting your own shit in my cave story. The reason I wrote it up like it is, is if someone is dealing with an immature god complex trash person “leader” like you on this site they can learn from my mistake and not let it discourage them from using this site, because I’m the example of what happens. We get weak when we don’t have accountability, I had no one to reach out to when I was starting to sink. I FUCKED UP! I FUCKIN KNOW I FUCKED UP, and I wrote the story of how I fucked up, and I’ll tell it the same every time.

Actually I’ll reword this part “I was unhappy with SMEDS! He loved to trash other people to build up his quit instead of treat people with respect and inspire through actual effective leadership qualities, tough love is not telling someone they have a pussy and pink panties when they’re 1200 days quit.” Your leadership style is not effective for me, and unless you wana change it, stay far away from my quit.
Still a victim.  You forget all those early days when I supported you, when I texted with you, when I checked in to make sure you were good?  Yeah, same dude here.  When you started missing, and caring less and less ... did you expect the soft noodle to the a-hole, while I gently cooed how proud I was that you actually DID take the time to post roll? 

I knew where you were heading, we all did.  We kicked up our rhetoric because of it.  I should’ve known that once a snowflake always a snowflake.  It’s obvious I was right, look what happened.   

If you want soft support, and unconditional love ... get another cat you pussy.  I’m exactly what you needed, had you been a man.   Ask any of the current dudes in July ‘14 if they consider your story accurate.  You’ll get a resounding no.   But rage on dude ... maybe it’ll help you.  If you think I’m no longer course-correcting dudes who don’t know how to quit, you’re wrong.  But keep it up, it’s fairly entertaining ripping your butterfly wings off ... AGAIN.

see.... you're just proving my story by saying this shit...... You were never helpful or inspiring, you said shit like this to me my entire way up to 1200. I used to grovel at your feet just to make you stop. Eventually i got sick of dealing with it. In all honesty it was just you, the rest of july was solid. Idk why you think this helps anyone, i think it only helps you feel better bud. This is my last response to you bro, I'm on a different road this time, the one where you're not involved.
You were a slacker, hence the treatment.  “just to make you stop” = just to stop accountability.  The rest of the guys didn’t really give a fuck about you and whether you posted or not ... which I guess is your version of “solid”.   Solid = left me alone.  What makes you think you WOULD NOT have ended up in the same place, seriously?   Do you feel that “when convenient” is an OK approach to roll?

Real questions.

"The rest of the guys didn’t really give a fuck about you and whether you posted or not"

WOW Even though i was sober...... Didn't even actually care, did that sound good when you were typing it? Also no bud, i wanted you to stop because i don't take that shit very well. I grew up with an abusive father and i don't respond well to that type of leadership. Just like you wouldn't respond well if i patted you on the back and said better luck next time champ. Again theres a difference between tough love and being straight out disrespectful and berating to someone. I suggest you really evaluate which approach you're taking when you write a message to someone.

Aye i admit to being lazy though, 1200 days quit and only 1300 posts is pretty pathetic. I wasn't involved enough and I'm definitely looking forward to being better than i was last time.
Joining a forum that (at least used to) tout itself as extreme wasn’t really thought out then, was it?  I’ll continue to be me ... and continue to be very supportive of quits new and old.  I’ll also continue to hold dudes accountable, and ratchet up my accountability when it goes unanswered.   Most here do.  Funny, your memory somehow glosses over the beginnings of our quit relationship.

You didn’t answer my question.   Do you think there’s a certain point in “quit” where it’s OK to treat roll as an afterthought?  If so, what day do you think that falls?
My personality is who I am, my attitude depends on who you are.