Day 154
So, there I was... (all good stories start that way)
Part I
Yesterday evening I had just wrapped up teaching a full-day hospital decontamination course, cleaned up as much as I could, and jumped in my truck for the ride home. This was the first time I had done this course since I quit. soon as I jumped into my truck I was hit be the biggest crave I think I've had so far. You see, for about three years while I was living in South Carolina I taught these programs for hospitals around the state. The best part of those courses was after everything was wrapped up and loaded into the trailer, I'd throw in a big wad of Copenhagen for the long drive home...usually around three hours.
So when I got into my truck last night and got hit with the crave I had to stop...literally stop the truck and ask myself "what the hell are you thinking?" It hadn't occurred to me that this was the first decon class I'd done since quitting and it really surprised me that going through those motions would be a huge trigger. Fortunately my quit had giant stainless steel balls and laughed off the crave...but it still surprised me. So, my young grasshoppers, be vigilant. You never know when she's waiting around the corner for you with a plan to trip you up.
Part II
This morning I got to do a little bragging on KTC. With all the changes to the healthcare system going on, our hospital decided to do health screenings for all the employees in an attempt to get our insurance premiums down. I had mine at 0830 today. So, there I was (see?) sitting down with this stunning health educator trying to keep my blood pressure in check when I notice that there's a question on the survey about tobacco use. So when she gets to the question "Do you use any kind of tobacco" I surpirsed her with "No, I quit 154 days ago."
That led to the conversation about how I did it and I brought up KTC. Much to my surprise she had heard of it already. Then she mentioned that she wished her husband (that kind of bummed me out) would get on KTC so he would quit too, but she knew that he had to make the decision for himself. It was almost like she had read a bunch of our posts...anyway, we talked a little more about the ups and downs of quitting and I offered to talk to her husband if he wanted to know more and in the end she invited me to speak at one of our tobacco cessation programs. I accepted her invitation (who wouldn't?) and now I'll be spreading the word of KTC even farther.
So far, the past two days have been pretty cool... 'archer'