Author Topic: I'm Back. I'm Dumb.  (Read 128597 times)

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Offline DennyX

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Re: I'm back
« Reply #406 on: March 24, 2014, 08:58:00 AM »
Quote from: Coach
Quote from: derk40
Quote from: traumagnet
Quote from: Steakbomb18
Quote from: Winter
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: Its_Got2Happen
Quote from: Erussell
Congrats on the comma. Thank you for all you do for this site, we appreciate it more than you know. Hope to have you blazing a path for many many years to come. Quit with you on your bad ass comma day!!!!!!!
1000 days is legendary. Thanks for all you do wastepanel. Never forget day 1.
Huge congrats to a man who always speaks the truth. Thank you for blazing a trail for many others and being active. Enjoy this milestone!
GRATS ON A GRAND big guy. The Hall of Legends, What an accomplishment. Im proud of ya bud.
A legend even before the comma. Congrats and thank you.
Congrats WP thanks for always being there 1000 legendary.quit w u today
Nice comma! Quit on!
Nicely done WP! It's an honor to have you on my team.

Offline Coach Steve

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Re: I'm back
« Reply #405 on: March 24, 2014, 08:41:00 AM »
Quote from: derk40
Quote from: traumagnet
Quote from: Steakbomb18
Quote from: Winter
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: Its_Got2Happen
Quote from: Erussell
Congrats on the comma. Thank you for all you do for this site, we appreciate it more than you know. Hope to have you blazing a path for many many years to come. Quit with you on your bad ass comma day!!!!!!!
1000 days is legendary. Thanks for all you do wastepanel. Never forget day 1.
Huge congrats to a man who always speaks the truth. Thank you for blazing a trail for many others and being active. Enjoy this milestone!
GRATS ON A GRAND big guy. The Hall of Legends, What an accomplishment. Im proud of ya bud.
A legend even before the comma. Congrats and thank you.
Congrats WP thanks for always being there 1000 legendary.quit w u today
Nice comma! Quit on!
Make Your Decision

Offline Derk40

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Re: I'm back
« Reply #404 on: March 24, 2014, 08:04:00 AM »
Quote from: traumagnet
Quote from: Steakbomb18
Quote from: Winter
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: Its_Got2Happen
Quote from: Erussell
Congrats on the comma. Thank you for all you do for this site, we appreciate it more than you know. Hope to have you blazing a path for many many years to come. Quit with you on your bad ass comma day!!!!!!!
1000 days is legendary. Thanks for all you do wastepanel. Never forget day 1.
Huge congrats to a man who always speaks the truth. Thank you for blazing a trail for many others and being active. Enjoy this milestone!
GRATS ON A GRAND big guy. The Hall of Legends, What an accomplishment. Im proud of ya bud.
A legend even before the comma. Congrats and thank you.
Congrats WP thanks for always being there 1000 legendary.quit w u today
Nice comma! Quit on!
Quit date: 6/23/2013
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HOF Speech

Offline traumagnet

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Re: I'm back
« Reply #403 on: March 24, 2014, 07:25:00 AM »
Quote from: Steakbomb18
Quote from: Winter
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: Its_Got2Happen
Quote from: Erussell
Congrats on the comma. Thank you for all you do for this site, we appreciate it more than you know. Hope to have you blazing a path for many many years to come. Quit with you on your bad ass comma day!!!!!!!
1000 days is legendary. Thanks for all you do wastepanel. Never forget day 1.
Huge congrats to a man who always speaks the truth. Thank you for blazing a trail for many others and being active. Enjoy this milestone!
GRATS ON A GRAND big guy. The Hall of Legends, What an accomplishment. Im proud of ya bud.
A legend even before the comma. Congrats and thank you.
Congrats WP thanks for always being there 1000 legendary.quit w u today
Complacency sucks, one moment of it is the difference between being a user and a quitter....OIB

"Lean into the fall my friends, life can be amazing without nicotine. It's just a matter of choice." sM

"Endeavor to persevere."Chief Dan George "The Outlaw Josey Wales".

MY HOF speech

Offline wastepanel

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Re: I'm back
« Reply #402 on: March 24, 2014, 06:42:00 AM »
Quote from: David
There was a period not unlike the half-waking moments between snooze alarms.  A timeless, restless void that could have been a second and could have been ten thousands years.  I felt air on my face, a rushing wind that pummeled me.  I could not see, realized my eyes were closed, and pried them open.  My vision immediately went blurry, air blowing the fluids from my eyeballs.  I felt like I was falling.  I focused my eyes and saw the ground, way down there, hundreds of feet.  Lush green grass and tiny pale shapes that could have been people, little dots that seemed to grow almost imperceptibly
It's amazing to me what this site has become since I joined in 2006. You see, back then, this site was a just another blip out there in a sea of other sites. It didn't rule the landscape like it does now. No. It was a small number of individuals that were looking for a way to stay quit.

I posted once to this site in 2006, and that was on my Hall of Fame day. I knew all the guys from a similar site, and I had (stopped) beside them for 100 days so it wasn't that big of a stretch to find myself over here celebrating with them. What I remember of this site started with this.

Shortly after achieving my "feat" of (stopping) for 100 days, I stopped posting. I didn't fail right away. No. I was "quit" (or at least I thought I was)! Quitting, you see, is an all or nothing endeavor. If you want a glass a wine, you need to pour the water from your glass. Otherwise, you end up with a watered down concoction that looks like wine, but tastes like water. I (stopped) for a comma's time, and I failed hardcore in 2009.

I thought I was drinking wine, and didn't even realize the lack of taste until my cup was clear.

The aftermath was a blur.

Before I knew it, I was back to using all the time. Hell, it got so bad this time that I began sleeping with plugs in my mouth at night. I ballooned up in weight, and I blamed life's problems on the forces surrounding me. I lacked control of myself, and I blamed everybody and everything for it.

Well, everybody but me that is...

I came here on June 29, 2011 looking for somebody to give me the ok to be a failure. I wanted them to say that years of nicotine use had ruined my brain's chemistry and that it was ok to use the drug to cope. I didn't want to lose my precious drug.

I found none of that here. Instead, I found men reaching out their hands to help me. It felt like I was being judged at first, but I'm a stubborn ass and there was no way I was proving these guys right. I quit that day, and I didn't even do it because of the vets. I did it to spite them. In the coming days, I clung to my brothers in this battle. Eafman (who celebrates his comma in a few days) was the first person to offer me his number and has been a saving grace in my quit. Colonel No Cope was a boisterous man that I initially stayed clear of. I was hung out to dry defending both Moe (comma in a few days) and TeamKeoki as they returned to the site and I defended them. My inner core of quit was built in these first few days with these fine gentlemen. Later, I leaned more and more on my brother Luby (comma in a couple weeks). Most are still posting.

Loot took quite an interest in my return, and I believe I rewarded his pointed jabs with a PM that simply said "Fuck you" (Sorry dude. You've been one of my greatest guides here.). I thought it was hilarious that these men (these 3 ballers) celebrating just over 100 days quit knew what it was like to be quit for the long term. (It turns out they did. Quitting isn't about what you have accomplished. It's what you are doing right now.) Vets tore my group to pieces, and vets applauded us.

As time passed, the drama level fell. We settled into a groove and began helping others on the site. It was during this time that I learned a very important lesson about this site: We don't just learn from those in front of us. We are part of a pack; We move as one. Interacting with many groups (February 2012, April 2012, along with countless others) has shown me what I couldn't see with my own group due to my fogginess. They have shown me that there is process and normalcy to becoming quit (No matter how out of control it feels.). There will be sudden flailing. There will be depressions and there will be peaks. Loved ones will fall showing off, and some will choose not to keep up. I can't control the pack. I am part of it. I can, however, direct the pack and I can adhere to its will. I can only control myself and my actions.

After sleeping my way through life, my morning alarm went off in 2006. I hit the snooze button, and I faded back into sleep. I awoke in 2011 and was pulled out of bed with a start by this site. It wasn't the easiest to get moving, but once I did, I was glad. This quit has been phenomenal, and I wouldn't change it for anything. I thank you all. Without you, I am not here today. I'm quit. Period.

Learn from the past.
Quit for today.
Plan for the future.

I have over 100 numbers stored in my telephone, and I expect all of you to call me if you see me fade.

1,000 for 1,000 (Scoreboard)
In the end I Surrender, I and I alone accept that I have and always will have a Nicotene ADDICTION. It is my choice to quit, but I can't do it alone. I get to go down this path one time, I want to do it right. I recognize that my word, my integrety to you is on the line and is only as good as my actions. Caving is not an option in this plan-Eafman 7/11

I am not cured. I will quit one day at a time. I will continue to do what works. Posting roll everyday. To do otherwise would be foolish on my part. You can do this-Ready 12/11

To overcome your addiction you must comprehend what it means to fail-Razd 3/12

Theres a lot of people that come here, especially vets, that WANT to be reminded that they are addicts.-Tarpon 6/12

Just as a building starts with architectural drawings. Your daily quit begins with a promise.-Scowick 2/13

Here and now, focused on today, minute by minute, whatever it takes, I promise to all my bros and myself not to become a negative stat and stay quit!-krok 1/15

I want everyone to be quit. Even the assholes.-Probe1957 1/18

Ignoring history or erasing history fixes nothing and leads you inevitably down the same path.-69franx 04/30/2021

Offline Steakbomb18

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Re: I'm back
« Reply #401 on: March 24, 2014, 06:33:00 AM »
Quote from: Winter
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: Its_Got2Happen
Quote from: Erussell
Congrats on the comma. Thank you for all you do for this site, we appreciate it more than you know. Hope to have you blazing a path for many many years to come. Quit with you on your bad ass comma day!!!!!!!
1000 days is legendary. Thanks for all you do wastepanel. Never forget day 1.
Huge congrats to a man who always speaks the truth. Thank you for blazing a trail for many others and being active. Enjoy this milestone!
GRATS ON A GRAND big guy. The Hall of Legends, What an accomplishment. Im proud of ya bud.
A legend even before the comma. Congrats and thank you.
Certified Grade A Badass

Offline Winter Green

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Re: I'm back
« Reply #400 on: March 24, 2014, 06:25:00 AM »
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: Its_Got2Happen
Quote from: Erussell
Congrats on the comma. Thank you for all you do for this site, we appreciate it more than you know. Hope to have you blazing a path for many many years to come. Quit with you on your bad ass comma day!!!!!!!
1000 days is legendary. Thanks for all you do wastepanel. Never forget day 1.
Huge congrats to a man who always speaks the truth. Thank you for blazing a trail for many others and being active. Enjoy this milestone!
GRATS ON A GRAND big guy. The Hall of Legends, What an accomplishment. Im proud of ya bud.
Quit~December - 2 - 2013
1st Floor~March - 11 - 2014

Offline worktowin

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Re: I'm back
« Reply #399 on: March 24, 2014, 06:14:00 AM »
Quote from: Its_Got2Happen
Quote from: Erussell
Congrats on the comma. Thank you for all you do for this site, we appreciate it more than you know. Hope to have you blazing a path for many many years to come. Quit with you on your bad ass comma day!!!!!!!
1000 days is legendary. Thanks for all you do wastepanel. Never forget day 1.
Huge congrats to a man who always speaks the truth. Thank you for blazing a trail for many others and being active. Enjoy this milestone!

Offline Its_Got2Happen

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Re: I'm back
« Reply #398 on: March 24, 2014, 05:38:00 AM »
Quote from: Erussell
Congrats on the comma. Thank you for all you do for this site, we appreciate it more than you know. Hope to have you blazing a path for many many years to come. Quit with you on your bad ass comma day!!!!!!!
1000 days is legendary. Thanks for all you do wastepanel. Never forget day 1.

Offline Erussell

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Re: I'm back
« Reply #397 on: March 24, 2014, 04:42:00 AM »
Congrats on the comma. Thank you for all you do for this site, we appreciate it more than you know. Hope to have you blazing a path for many many years to come. Quit with you on your bad ass comma day!!!!!!!
I would rather lose to a cheater than win as a cheater.

Offline wastepanel

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Re: I'm back
« Reply #396 on: February 06, 2014, 10:59:00 PM »
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: Its_Got2Happen
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: Its_Got2Happen
Quote from: jake
Quote from: wastepanel
I lifted this conversation from another forum I visit.  This dude needs this site:
I have chewed for the last 2 decades or so... it was never a big habit... never more than a can every few days at the most, and sometimes I remember going a week without one, at least I think I remember doing that... then about 5 years ago I moved to pouches... and those were cleaner, less inconvenient appearance... and then last year (maybe the year before) I switched to snus... the ultimate in not being spotted... i could snus wherever, and was up to a can every 3 days... hiding from my wife, my kid... ugh... i started feeling the need to quit outweighed the apathy of not worrying about the consequences....
i reduced down the number intentionally the last 2 weeks... cutting down to just one before work, one on the drive home, one before bed... then just one on the way to work, one before bed...
then just one on the way home from work so I am not an asshole to my family... because I could feel the urge coming on...
I had a 48 hour migraine last week... not sure if it is related or not but I have never had a migraine go on for that long...
i had a panic attack/nightmare/sweats 4 or 5 nights ago... couldn't sleep for 2-3 hours, freaking out, hallucination type visions... quietly, in the spare bedroom where i was away from my wife...
and now.. I have quit... 2 days without...
yesterday was easy, i thought...
today... no
the urge is unlike anything I have ever experienced... a gnawing (pun intended) that is deep within me... an itch that is just below the surface that i can't scratch...
I didn't think i was this deep into an addiction... and this just fucking sucks... it is so bad it has led me to find this page... this reddit page, and I am pouring out my anger and frustration with myself in the hopes that reading it myself will give me strength to keep on it... to overcome...
i know this seems melodramatic... people go through worse addictions... people have worse problems... but I am the most optimistic guy I know... I work to make sure everyone is happy in all i do... i am that guy...
I can't let everyone know i need their support... that would be another thing to change in a time when I can only handle one big change....
i will probably hit delete in few seconds to all of this because i think i just needed to have it out somewhere... i needed to see that this is just a phase of withdrawal and I can get through this ridiculousness of my body aching for me, and my mind being irrational to get me there...
"will my wife hear the garage door go up since she is already in bed, so I can run up to the store and grab some?" "it is only one more snus to get me through this." "it isn't the time to quit, i should wait until springtime... that is the time of rebirth!"
ugh... thoughts... damn thoughts...
this is soooo much harder than i anticipated...
Of course, here was the first answer:
There's some controversy to what I'm about to say, but it worked for me. I switched from dipping to an electronic cigarette about 2 weeks ago. It hasn't stopped the dipping, but I'm going through significantly less now. I read that nicotine starts to replace dopamine after a while, so your body starts to not produce dopamine. All your symptoms are because of that. All in all, cold turkey symptoms will last about a week. After that, your body will start to make dopamine again. Just don't give up. You're stronger than a can of snuff. I've been dipping 8 years and I've tried to quit countless times. It's a terrible habit and a day doesn't go by that I don't regret starting it. Remember that you're doing this for you. Don't give into temptation and find something to take your mind off of the addiction. You can do this. You're strong. Show your family that you can kick addiction's ass.
This dude is not quit. He's just peddling what he thinks. I ignored that post, and wrote this:
You aren't addicted to dip.
You aren't addicted to pouches.
You aren't addicted to snus.
You are, however, addicted to the nicotine. That's why quitting through "harm reduction" is odd: If you use a harm reduction aid (like e-cigs, lozenges, etc), you are merely prolonging that shitty feeling of withdrawal. I'm glad they gave you the confidence Dnny, but honestly you didn't start healing until after you were free from the drug.
The quitting technique with the most effective percentages (for long periods of times) is group therapy, and because we live in this wonderful world where everything is connected, online support systems are everywhere. I personally use a site called There are a few others, but it is the most active with very active members.
Most people don't realize how hard it is to quit, but it can be done. Take it moment by moment, and don't worry about your past. Learn from it. Think about what led to the demise of your past quits, and figure out what you'll do differently if placed in that scenerio again. Don't worry about the future, but plan for it. I can't quit for later, but I can make sure to have gums/seeds/candy/herbal snuff at home, work, and in my car. I can make sure I don't walk into a hornet's lair unprepared.
You can do this. Get through the moment.
If you need anything, rant here and we got your back.
When you are at the KTC, you don't know how much information that we take for granted here that is GOOD ADVICE. We're not just guys out there (not even quit) spouting off some junk. We're fucking quitters, and we know what it's like to put our backs together and make sure that the nic bitch can't sneak up on us.

If you see somebody out there talking about quitting, throw down some knowledge. Don't just hold onto it for this site. Live your quit, and you will be quit for life.
Very cool! When I caved, I thought about not coming back out of pride. Maybe check out a different site. But I KNEW that this site was truth and that it was a place for real support and knowledge. I truly couldn't imagine any other place. At least here we know we are getting advice from people who are QUIT! Not TRYING to quit! Love KTC and wish more people knew about it.
Awesome stuff WP. I draw strength from your posts and your logic.

Now get your ass back to taxes. Just kidding. Keep it up boy.
These e cigs are a dangerous trap. They are conditioning a new generation to become addicted to nicotine - a generation that views cigarettes with more disdain than ever, but accepts smokeless tobacco perhaps more than ever. I'm seeing more and more e cigs on my morning commute. Big neon ads for them everywhere. Costco sells them in bulk. Consumer Reports has an article about them and the "nicotine habit" this month. Habits are for nuns. I'm no nun. No nicotine for me today. I feel for this poor guy and his habit.
W2W. WP is a saint. He is drawn to people who are at their weakest. No one is too lost. Some people listen to addict bullshit and get pissed. Sometimes they even get mean. WP sees the quitter. Even in the worst of the worst. He believed in me when I didn't believe in myself. I love watching WP reel people in. He uses nothing but the truth. And the truth sets people free.
This is a good thread. Waste panel, yourself, and so many others here are absolute saints. I need to work on my patience and let go of cynicism.

That being said, the ecigs seem to be the next big thing to enslave the masses. Profit at the expense of your children. The plan is obvious. Hook em young and kill em slowly.
Love the love here (Thanks guys.), and yes...ecigs are the next frontier.

When we were at the Summit in August, KDip and I realized two things:

(1) Doctors are always going to try to prescribe people solutions to their lives, and

(2) Nobody knows how to react to E Cigs.

In the early 90s, dipping was marketed to professionals, officers, and pretty much anybody that didn't want to smell like an ashtray all day long. They claimed "convenience" over harm reduction, and it had an unintended consequence: People that become addicted to multiple forms of nicotine stood a worse chance at quitting, and are more willing to spend money on nicotine "quitting aids". Nicotine began taking different forms, and became more like candy instead of a drug.

The FDA is currently taking a stance of "deeming" on nicotine items. If a product is marketed as being effective in helping people quit, it must submit a study backing that claim up. Nicorette and other vehicles passed for smokers years ago, but have never been approved for chewing tobacco (because the habit of smoking is broken, there is minor success but most studies conclude at the 30 day mark of being 100% nicotine free and are self reported). We saw doctors making the argument that lozenges are effective to quit chewing because they did a study that concluded they could get 1 out 3 people to be DIP free after 6 months (but still sucking on lozenges). I cornered the FDA representative, and one of my concerns was that the nicotine "candies" were teaching people to abuse any aid, and that any positive effects they had would be negated by teaching the abuse.

E-Cigs completely dominated the conversation though, and what most people don't understand is that there are health concerns that are being overlooked. There is a concern about throat cancer because of the shots of nictotine to it. Big Tobacco hasn't entered the game yet. We've only seen the Chinese knock-offs. The claims are unsubstantiated that they help people quit, and the marketing has been "Smoke where you want". Yet, these people show up every where declaring success.

Harm reduction is the buzzword, so get used to it. Refute it, and bury the illogical thought to it.
In the end I Surrender, I and I alone accept that I have and always will have a Nicotene ADDICTION. It is my choice to quit, but I can't do it alone. I get to go down this path one time, I want to do it right. I recognize that my word, my integrety to you is on the line and is only as good as my actions. Caving is not an option in this plan-Eafman 7/11

I am not cured. I will quit one day at a time. I will continue to do what works. Posting roll everyday. To do otherwise would be foolish on my part. You can do this-Ready 12/11

To overcome your addiction you must comprehend what it means to fail-Razd 3/12

Theres a lot of people that come here, especially vets, that WANT to be reminded that they are addicts.-Tarpon 6/12

Just as a building starts with architectural drawings. Your daily quit begins with a promise.-Scowick 2/13

Here and now, focused on today, minute by minute, whatever it takes, I promise to all my bros and myself not to become a negative stat and stay quit!-krok 1/15

I want everyone to be quit. Even the assholes.-Probe1957 1/18

Ignoring history or erasing history fixes nothing and leads you inevitably down the same path.-69franx 04/30/2021

Offline Diesel2112

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Re: I'm back
« Reply #395 on: February 06, 2014, 10:55:00 PM »
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: Its_Got2Happen
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: Its_Got2Happen
Quote from: jake
Quote from: wastepanel
I lifted this conversation from another forum I visit.  This dude needs this site:
I have chewed for the last 2 decades or so... it was never a big habit... never more than a can every few days at the most, and sometimes I remember going a week without one, at least I think I remember doing that... then about 5 years ago I moved to pouches... and those were cleaner, less inconvenient appearance... and then last year (maybe the year before) I switched to snus... the ultimate in not being spotted... i could snus wherever, and was up to a can every 3 days... hiding from my wife, my kid... ugh... i started feeling the need to quit outweighed the apathy of not worrying about the consequences....
i reduced down the number intentionally the last 2 weeks... cutting down to just one before work, one on the drive home, one before bed... then just one on the way to work, one before bed...
then just one on the way home from work so I am not an asshole to my family... because I could feel the urge coming on...
I had a 48 hour migraine last week... not sure if it is related or not but I have never had a migraine go on for that long...
i had a panic attack/nightmare/sweats 4 or 5 nights ago... couldn't sleep for 2-3 hours, freaking out, hallucination type visions... quietly, in the spare bedroom where i was away from my wife...
and now.. I have quit... 2 days without...
yesterday was easy, i thought...
today... no
the urge is unlike anything I have ever experienced... a gnawing (pun intended) that is deep within me... an itch that is just below the surface that i can't scratch...
I didn't think i was this deep into an addiction... and this just fucking sucks... it is so bad it has led me to find this page... this reddit page, and I am pouring out my anger and frustration with myself in the hopes that reading it myself will give me strength to keep on it... to overcome...
i know this seems melodramatic... people go through worse addictions... people have worse problems... but I am the most optimistic guy I know... I work to make sure everyone is happy in all i do... i am that guy...
I can't let everyone know i need their support... that would be another thing to change in a time when I can only handle one big change....
i will probably hit delete in few seconds to all of this because i think i just needed to have it out somewhere... i needed to see that this is just a phase of withdrawal and I can get through this ridiculousness of my body aching for me, and my mind being irrational to get me there...
"will my wife hear the garage door go up since she is already in bed, so I can run up to the store and grab some?" "it is only one more snus to get me through this." "it isn't the time to quit, i should wait until springtime... that is the time of rebirth!"
ugh... thoughts... damn thoughts...
this is soooo much harder than i anticipated...
Of course, here was the first answer:
There's some controversy to what I'm about to say, but it worked for me. I switched from dipping to an electronic cigarette about 2 weeks ago. It hasn't stopped the dipping, but I'm going through significantly less now. I read that nicotine starts to replace dopamine after a while, so your body starts to not produce dopamine. All your symptoms are because of that. All in all, cold turkey symptoms will last about a week. After that, your body will start to make dopamine again. Just don't give up. You're stronger than a can of snuff. I've been dipping 8 years and I've tried to quit countless times. It's a terrible habit and a day doesn't go by that I don't regret starting it. Remember that you're doing this for you. Don't give into temptation and find something to take your mind off of the addiction. You can do this. You're strong. Show your family that you can kick addiction's ass.
This dude is not quit. He's just peddling what he thinks. I ignored that post, and wrote this:
You aren't addicted to dip.
You aren't addicted to pouches.
You aren't addicted to snus.
You are, however, addicted to the nicotine. That's why quitting through "harm reduction" is odd: If you use a harm reduction aid (like e-cigs, lozenges, etc), you are merely prolonging that shitty feeling of withdrawal. I'm glad they gave you the confidence Dnny, but honestly you didn't start healing until after you were free from the drug.
The quitting technique with the most effective percentages (for long periods of times) is group therapy, and because we live in this wonderful world where everything is connected, online support systems are everywhere. I personally use a site called There are a few others, but it is the most active with very active members.
Most people don't realize how hard it is to quit, but it can be done. Take it moment by moment, and don't worry about your past. Learn from it. Think about what led to the demise of your past quits, and figure out what you'll do differently if placed in that scenerio again. Don't worry about the future, but plan for it. I can't quit for later, but I can make sure to have gums/seeds/candy/herbal snuff at home, work, and in my car. I can make sure I don't walk into a hornet's lair unprepared.
You can do this. Get through the moment.
If you need anything, rant here and we got your back.
When you are at the KTC, you don't know how much information that we take for granted here that is GOOD ADVICE. We're not just guys out there (not even quit) spouting off some junk. We're fucking quitters, and we know what it's like to put our backs together and make sure that the nic bitch can't sneak up on us.

If you see somebody out there talking about quitting, throw down some knowledge. Don't just hold onto it for this site. Live your quit, and you will be quit for life.
Very cool! When I caved, I thought about not coming back out of pride. Maybe check out a different site. But I KNEW that this site was truth and that it was a place for real support and knowledge. I truly couldn't imagine any other place. At least here we know we are getting advice from people who are QUIT! Not TRYING to quit! Love KTC and wish more people knew about it.
Awesome stuff WP. I draw strength from your posts and your logic.

Now get your ass back to taxes. Just kidding. Keep it up boy.
These e cigs are a dangerous trap. They are conditioning a new generation to become addicted to nicotine - a generation that views cigarettes with more disdain than ever, but accepts smokeless tobacco perhaps more than ever. I'm seeing more and more e cigs on my morning commute. Big neon ads for them everywhere. Costco sells them in bulk. Consumer Reports has an article about them and the "nicotine habit" this month. Habits are for nuns. I'm no nun. No nicotine for me today. I feel for this poor guy and his habit.
W2W. WP is a saint. He is drawn to people who are at their weakest. No one is too lost. Some people listen to addict bullshit and get pissed. Sometimes they even get mean. WP sees the quitter. Even in the worst of the worst. He believed in me when I didn't believe in myself. I love watching WP reel people in. He uses nothing but the truth. And the truth sets people free.
This is a good thread. Waste panel, yourself, and so many others here are absolute saints. I need to work on my patience and let go of cynicism.

That being said, the ecigs seem to be the next big thing to enslave the masses. Profit at the expense of your children. The plan is obvious. Hook em young and kill em slowly.
Does anybody even know the long term, or even short term effects of these e-cigs? Are there any studies on this shit, or are people just saying "hey...they gotta be safer then cigarettes, let's vap up", never even considering the addiction aspect of the equation, or the cost, dependency, etc..

Hell, rubbing my schlong with a cheese grater is probably safer than plopping it into a wood chiper, but I ain't gonna be running to the kitchen cabinet any time soon.

Fuq me...
Quit 06/04/12
HOF 9/11/12
2nd floor 12/20/12
3rd floor 03/30/13
4th floor 07/08/13
5th floor 10/16/13
6th floor 01/24/14
7th floor 05/04/14
8th floor 08/12/14
9th floor 10/20/14
Comma 02/28/15
11th floor 06/08/15
12th floor 09/16/15
13th floor 12/25/15
14th floor 04/03/16
15th floor 7/11/16
16th floor 10/20/16
17th floor 01/27/17
18th floor 05/08/17
19th floor 08/14/17
20th floor 11/27/17
21st floor 03/11/18

"Celebrate the moment as it turns into one more"..
"You can fight without ever winning, but never ever win, win without a fight".
"Onion rings...funyons. A connection? Yeah. I fucking think so."
"Honest Abe had a fake jaw".
"In a world that seems so small, I can't stop thinking big"
"Someone set a bad example. Made surrender seem all right
The act of a noble warrior. Who lost the will to fight."

Offline Grizzlyhasclaws

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  • Interests: Family, Baseball, basketball, sales, living to see my kids grow.
  • Likes Given: 10
Re: I'm back
« Reply #394 on: February 06, 2014, 10:00:00 PM »
Quote from: Its_Got2Happen
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: Its_Got2Happen
Quote from: jake
Quote from: wastepanel
I lifted this conversation from another forum I visit.  This dude needs this site:
I have chewed for the last 2 decades or so... it was never a big habit... never more than a can every few days at the most, and sometimes I remember going a week without one, at least I think I remember doing that... then about 5 years ago I moved to pouches... and those were cleaner, less inconvenient appearance... and then last year (maybe the year before) I switched to snus... the ultimate in not being spotted... i could snus wherever, and was up to a can every 3 days... hiding from my wife, my kid... ugh... i started feeling the need to quit outweighed the apathy of not worrying about the consequences....
i reduced down the number intentionally the last 2 weeks... cutting down to just one before work, one on the drive home, one before bed... then just one on the way to work, one before bed...
then just one on the way home from work so I am not an asshole to my family... because I could feel the urge coming on...
I had a 48 hour migraine last week... not sure if it is related or not but I have never had a migraine go on for that long...
i had a panic attack/nightmare/sweats 4 or 5 nights ago... couldn't sleep for 2-3 hours, freaking out, hallucination type visions... quietly, in the spare bedroom where i was away from my wife...
and now.. I have quit... 2 days without...
yesterday was easy, i thought...
today... no
the urge is unlike anything I have ever experienced... a gnawing (pun intended) that is deep within me... an itch that is just below the surface that i can't scratch...
I didn't think i was this deep into an addiction... and this just fucking sucks... it is so bad it has led me to find this page... this reddit page, and I am pouring out my anger and frustration with myself in the hopes that reading it myself will give me strength to keep on it... to overcome...
i know this seems melodramatic... people go through worse addictions... people have worse problems... but I am the most optimistic guy I know... I work to make sure everyone is happy in all i do... i am that guy...
I can't let everyone know i need their support... that would be another thing to change in a time when I can only handle one big change....
i will probably hit delete in few seconds to all of this because i think i just needed to have it out somewhere... i needed to see that this is just a phase of withdrawal and I can get through this ridiculousness of my body aching for me, and my mind being irrational to get me there...
"will my wife hear the garage door go up since she is already in bed, so I can run up to the store and grab some?" "it is only one more snus to get me through this." "it isn't the time to quit, i should wait until springtime... that is the time of rebirth!"
ugh... thoughts... damn thoughts...
this is soooo much harder than i anticipated...
Of course, here was the first answer:
There's some controversy to what I'm about to say, but it worked for me. I switched from dipping to an electronic cigarette about 2 weeks ago. It hasn't stopped the dipping, but I'm going through significantly less now. I read that nicotine starts to replace dopamine after a while, so your body starts to not produce dopamine. All your symptoms are because of that. All in all, cold turkey symptoms will last about a week. After that, your body will start to make dopamine again. Just don't give up. You're stronger than a can of snuff. I've been dipping 8 years and I've tried to quit countless times. It's a terrible habit and a day doesn't go by that I don't regret starting it. Remember that you're doing this for you. Don't give into temptation and find something to take your mind off of the addiction. You can do this. You're strong. Show your family that you can kick addiction's ass.
This dude is not quit. He's just peddling what he thinks. I ignored that post, and wrote this:
You aren't addicted to dip.
You aren't addicted to pouches.
You aren't addicted to snus.
You are, however, addicted to the nicotine. That's why quitting through "harm reduction" is odd: If you use a harm reduction aid (like e-cigs, lozenges, etc), you are merely prolonging that shitty feeling of withdrawal. I'm glad they gave you the confidence Dnny, but honestly you didn't start healing until after you were free from the drug.
The quitting technique with the most effective percentages (for long periods of times) is group therapy, and because we live in this wonderful world where everything is connected, online support systems are everywhere. I personally use a site called There are a few others, but it is the most active with very active members.
Most people don't realize how hard it is to quit, but it can be done. Take it moment by moment, and don't worry about your past. Learn from it. Think about what led to the demise of your past quits, and figure out what you'll do differently if placed in that scenerio again. Don't worry about the future, but plan for it. I can't quit for later, but I can make sure to have gums/seeds/candy/herbal snuff at home, work, and in my car. I can make sure I don't walk into a hornet's lair unprepared.
You can do this. Get through the moment.
If you need anything, rant here and we got your back.
When you are at the KTC, you don't know how much information that we take for granted here that is GOOD ADVICE. We're not just guys out there (not even quit) spouting off some junk. We're fucking quitters, and we know what it's like to put our backs together and make sure that the nic bitch can't sneak up on us.

If you see somebody out there talking about quitting, throw down some knowledge. Don't just hold onto it for this site. Live your quit, and you will be quit for life.
Very cool! When I caved, I thought about not coming back out of pride. Maybe check out a different site. But I KNEW that this site was truth and that it was a place for real support and knowledge. I truly couldn't imagine any other place. At least here we know we are getting advice from people who are QUIT! Not TRYING to quit! Love KTC and wish more people knew about it.
Awesome stuff WP. I draw strength from your posts and your logic.

Now get your ass back to taxes. Just kidding. Keep it up boy.
These e cigs are a dangerous trap. They are conditioning a new generation to become addicted to nicotine - a generation that views cigarettes with more disdain than ever, but accepts smokeless tobacco perhaps more than ever. I'm seeing more and more e cigs on my morning commute. Big neon ads for them everywhere. Costco sells them in bulk. Consumer Reports has an article about them and the "nicotine habit" this month. Habits are for nuns. I'm no nun. No nicotine for me today. I feel for this poor guy and his habit.
W2W. WP is a saint. He is drawn to people who are at their weakest. No one is too lost. Some people listen to addict bullshit and get pissed. Sometimes they even get mean. WP sees the quitter. Even in the worst of the worst. He believed in me when I didn't believe in myself. I love watching WP reel people in. He uses nothing but the truth. And the truth sets people free.
This is a good thread. Waste panel, yourself, and so many others here are absolute saints. I need to work on my patience and let go of cynicism.

That being said, the ecigs seem to be the next big thing to enslave the masses. Profit at the expense of your children. The plan is obvious. Hook em young and kill em slowly.
Nicotine Quit Date:10/31/2013
Exercise Start Date: 6/29/2018

Offline Its_Got2Happen

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Re: I'm back
« Reply #393 on: February 06, 2014, 09:46:00 PM »
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: Its_Got2Happen
Quote from: jake
Quote from: wastepanel
I lifted this conversation from another forum I visit.  This dude needs this site:
I have chewed for the last 2 decades or so... it was never a big habit... never more than a can every few days at the most, and sometimes I remember going a week without one, at least I think I remember doing that... then about 5 years ago I moved to pouches... and those were cleaner, less inconvenient appearance... and then last year (maybe the year before) I switched to snus... the ultimate in not being spotted... i could snus wherever, and was up to a can every 3 days... hiding from my wife, my kid... ugh... i started feeling the need to quit outweighed the apathy of not worrying about the consequences....
i reduced down the number intentionally the last 2 weeks... cutting down to just one before work, one on the drive home, one before bed... then just one on the way to work, one before bed...
then just one on the way home from work so I am not an asshole to my family... because I could feel the urge coming on...
I had a 48 hour migraine last week... not sure if it is related or not but I have never had a migraine go on for that long...
i had a panic attack/nightmare/sweats 4 or 5 nights ago... couldn't sleep for 2-3 hours, freaking out, hallucination type visions... quietly, in the spare bedroom where i was away from my wife...
and now.. I have quit... 2 days without...
yesterday was easy, i thought...
today... no
the urge is unlike anything I have ever experienced... a gnawing (pun intended) that is deep within me... an itch that is just below the surface that i can't scratch...
I didn't think i was this deep into an addiction... and this just fucking sucks... it is so bad it has led me to find this page... this reddit page, and I am pouring out my anger and frustration with myself in the hopes that reading it myself will give me strength to keep on it... to overcome...
i know this seems melodramatic... people go through worse addictions... people have worse problems... but I am the most optimistic guy I know... I work to make sure everyone is happy in all i do... i am that guy...
I can't let everyone know i need their support... that would be another thing to change in a time when I can only handle one big change....
i will probably hit delete in few seconds to all of this because i think i just needed to have it out somewhere... i needed to see that this is just a phase of withdrawal and I can get through this ridiculousness of my body aching for me, and my mind being irrational to get me there...
"will my wife hear the garage door go up since she is already in bed, so I can run up to the store and grab some?" "it is only one more snus to get me through this." "it isn't the time to quit, i should wait until springtime... that is the time of rebirth!"
ugh... thoughts... damn thoughts...
this is soooo much harder than i anticipated...
Of course, here was the first answer:
There's some controversy to what I'm about to say, but it worked for me. I switched from dipping to an electronic cigarette about 2 weeks ago. It hasn't stopped the dipping, but I'm going through significantly less now. I read that nicotine starts to replace dopamine after a while, so your body starts to not produce dopamine. All your symptoms are because of that. All in all, cold turkey symptoms will last about a week. After that, your body will start to make dopamine again. Just don't give up. You're stronger than a can of snuff. I've been dipping 8 years and I've tried to quit countless times. It's a terrible habit and a day doesn't go by that I don't regret starting it. Remember that you're doing this for you. Don't give into temptation and find something to take your mind off of the addiction. You can do this. You're strong. Show your family that you can kick addiction's ass.
This dude is not quit. He's just peddling what he thinks. I ignored that post, and wrote this:
You aren't addicted to dip.
You aren't addicted to pouches.
You aren't addicted to snus.
You are, however, addicted to the nicotine. That's why quitting through "harm reduction" is odd: If you use a harm reduction aid (like e-cigs, lozenges, etc), you are merely prolonging that shitty feeling of withdrawal. I'm glad they gave you the confidence Dnny, but honestly you didn't start healing until after you were free from the drug.
The quitting technique with the most effective percentages (for long periods of times) is group therapy, and because we live in this wonderful world where everything is connected, online support systems are everywhere. I personally use a site called There are a few others, but it is the most active with very active members.
Most people don't realize how hard it is to quit, but it can be done. Take it moment by moment, and don't worry about your past. Learn from it. Think about what led to the demise of your past quits, and figure out what you'll do differently if placed in that scenerio again. Don't worry about the future, but plan for it. I can't quit for later, but I can make sure to have gums/seeds/candy/herbal snuff at home, work, and in my car. I can make sure I don't walk into a hornet's lair unprepared.
You can do this. Get through the moment.
If you need anything, rant here and we got your back.
When you are at the KTC, you don't know how much information that we take for granted here that is GOOD ADVICE. We're not just guys out there (not even quit) spouting off some junk. We're fucking quitters, and we know what it's like to put our backs together and make sure that the nic bitch can't sneak up on us.

If you see somebody out there talking about quitting, throw down some knowledge. Don't just hold onto it for this site. Live your quit, and you will be quit for life.
Very cool! When I caved, I thought about not coming back out of pride. Maybe check out a different site. But I KNEW that this site was truth and that it was a place for real support and knowledge. I truly couldn't imagine any other place. At least here we know we are getting advice from people who are QUIT! Not TRYING to quit! Love KTC and wish more people knew about it.
Awesome stuff WP. I draw strength from your posts and your logic.

Now get your ass back to taxes. Just kidding. Keep it up boy.
These e cigs are a dangerous trap. They are conditioning a new generation to become addicted to nicotine - a generation that views cigarettes with more disdain than ever, but accepts smokeless tobacco perhaps more than ever. I'm seeing more and more e cigs on my morning commute. Big neon ads for them everywhere. Costco sells them in bulk. Consumer Reports has an article about them and the "nicotine habit" this month. Habits are for nuns. I'm no nun. No nicotine for me today. I feel for this poor guy and his habit.
W2W. WP is a saint. He is drawn to people who are at their weakest. No one is too lost. Some people listen to addict bullshit and get pissed. Sometimes they even get mean. WP sees the quitter. Even in the worst of the worst. He believed in me when I didn't believe in myself. I love watching WP reel people in. He uses nothing but the truth. And the truth sets people free.

Offline worktowin

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Re: I'm back
« Reply #392 on: February 06, 2014, 09:35:00 PM »
Quote from: Its_Got2Happen
Quote from: jake
Quote from: wastepanel
I lifted this conversation from another forum I visit.  This dude needs this site:
I have chewed for the last 2 decades or so... it was never a big habit... never more than a can every few days at the most, and sometimes I remember going a week without one, at least I think I remember doing that... then about 5 years ago I moved to pouches... and those were cleaner, less inconvenient appearance... and then last year (maybe the year before) I switched to snus... the ultimate in not being spotted... i could snus wherever, and was up to a can every 3 days... hiding from my wife, my kid... ugh... i started feeling the need to quit outweighed the apathy of not worrying about the consequences....
i reduced down the number intentionally the last 2 weeks... cutting down to just one before work, one on the drive home, one before bed... then just one on the way to work, one before bed...
then just one on the way home from work so I am not an asshole to my family... because I could feel the urge coming on...
I had a 48 hour migraine last week... not sure if it is related or not but I have never had a migraine go on for that long...
i had a panic attack/nightmare/sweats 4 or 5 nights ago... couldn't sleep for 2-3 hours, freaking out, hallucination type visions... quietly, in the spare bedroom where i was away from my wife...
and now.. I have quit... 2 days without...
yesterday was easy, i thought...
today... no
the urge is unlike anything I have ever experienced... a gnawing (pun intended) that is deep within me... an itch that is just below the surface that i can't scratch...
I didn't think i was this deep into an addiction... and this just fucking sucks... it is so bad it has led me to find this page... this reddit page, and I am pouring out my anger and frustration with myself in the hopes that reading it myself will give me strength to keep on it... to overcome...
i know this seems melodramatic... people go through worse addictions... people have worse problems... but I am the most optimistic guy I know... I work to make sure everyone is happy in all i do... i am that guy...
I can't let everyone know i need their support... that would be another thing to change in a time when I can only handle one big change....
i will probably hit delete in few seconds to all of this because i think i just needed to have it out somewhere... i needed to see that this is just a phase of withdrawal and I can get through this ridiculousness of my body aching for me, and my mind being irrational to get me there...
"will my wife hear the garage door go up since she is already in bed, so I can run up to the store and grab some?" "it is only one more snus to get me through this." "it isn't the time to quit, i should wait until springtime... that is the time of rebirth!"
ugh... thoughts... damn thoughts...
this is soooo much harder than i anticipated...
Of course, here was the first answer:
There's some controversy to what I'm about to say, but it worked for me. I switched from dipping to an electronic cigarette about 2 weeks ago. It hasn't stopped the dipping, but I'm going through significantly less now. I read that nicotine starts to replace dopamine after a while, so your body starts to not produce dopamine. All your symptoms are because of that. All in all, cold turkey symptoms will last about a week. After that, your body will start to make dopamine again. Just don't give up. You're stronger than a can of snuff. I've been dipping 8 years and I've tried to quit countless times. It's a terrible habit and a day doesn't go by that I don't regret starting it. Remember that you're doing this for you. Don't give into temptation and find something to take your mind off of the addiction. You can do this. You're strong. Show your family that you can kick addiction's ass.
This dude is not quit. He's just peddling what he thinks. I ignored that post, and wrote this:
You aren't addicted to dip.
You aren't addicted to pouches.
You aren't addicted to snus.
You are, however, addicted to the nicotine. That's why quitting through "harm reduction" is odd: If you use a harm reduction aid (like e-cigs, lozenges, etc), you are merely prolonging that shitty feeling of withdrawal. I'm glad they gave you the confidence Dnny, but honestly you didn't start healing until after you were free from the drug.
The quitting technique with the most effective percentages (for long periods of times) is group therapy, and because we live in this wonderful world where everything is connected, online support systems are everywhere. I personally use a site called There are a few others, but it is the most active with very active members.
Most people don't realize how hard it is to quit, but it can be done. Take it moment by moment, and don't worry about your past. Learn from it. Think about what led to the demise of your past quits, and figure out what you'll do differently if placed in that scenerio again. Don't worry about the future, but plan for it. I can't quit for later, but I can make sure to have gums/seeds/candy/herbal snuff at home, work, and in my car. I can make sure I don't walk into a hornet's lair unprepared.
You can do this. Get through the moment.
If you need anything, rant here and we got your back.
When you are at the KTC, you don't know how much information that we take for granted here that is GOOD ADVICE. We're not just guys out there (not even quit) spouting off some junk. We're fucking quitters, and we know what it's like to put our backs together and make sure that the nic bitch can't sneak up on us.

If you see somebody out there talking about quitting, throw down some knowledge. Don't just hold onto it for this site. Live your quit, and you will be quit for life.
Very cool! When I caved, I thought about not coming back out of pride. Maybe check out a different site. But I KNEW that this site was truth and that it was a place for real support and knowledge. I truly couldn't imagine any other place. At least here we know we are getting advice from people who are QUIT! Not TRYING to quit! Love KTC and wish more people knew about it.
Awesome stuff WP. I draw strength from your posts and your logic.

Now get your ass back to taxes. Just kidding. Keep it up boy.
These e cigs are a dangerous trap. They are conditioning a new generation to become addicted to nicotine - a generation that views cigarettes with more disdain than ever, but accepts smokeless tobacco perhaps more than ever. I'm seeing more and more e cigs on my morning commute. Big neon ads for them everywhere. Costco sells them in bulk. Consumer Reports has an article about them and the "nicotine habit" this month. Habits are for nuns. I'm no nun. No nicotine for me today. I feel for this poor guy and his habit.