"Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom.” ~Lao-tzu
Wisdom is not gained by watching from the side lines. Wisdom is gained when we live it, daily. It requires a daily awareness and willingness to commit ourselves to learning just a little more.
We have all read the words and history of quitters that have come before us. However this information cannot become wisdom until we have experinced it ourselves.
“Those who recite many scriptures but fail to practice their teachings are like a cowherd counting another’s cows.” ~Buddha True wisdom comes from walking the walk, not just talking the talk.
Wisdom is accepting that there is more than always having the answer. There is freedom that comes when we relieve ourselves of this burden to always have the “right” answer.
Wisdom is not a way to show how much we know or split the world into right and wrong. Wisdom is knowing that our words can create both division and harmony. Wisdom is not just about saying the right thing but in how we say it. Wisdom requires asking what brings more harmony and integration, and what creates more conflict and division. In this state no one is really right.
Wisdom is a process. It asks us to be both a student and a teacher and it is a community effort.
Thank you for your wisdom and your support. We can never pay back the freedom that was given to us, so we pay it forward. Proud to quit with you every damn day.