So ever since the PA get together last month, it's bugged me that I've gained a lot of weight back. I started my quit journey the size I am now. In between, I've lost and then gained 50 pounds. Sigh. As my health is starting to become funny now apparently, I decided to just bite the bullet and get back into shape.
Now, I'm not generally an unhealthy guy. I don't eat too badly. I drink more than I should. My biggest issue is how much I eat. On days when I'm On days when I've been watchful, the kids leave wasted food on their plates or some stupid reason like that. I've been watching what I've eaten now for the last week and already dropped 3 pounds from that simple task.
I've also started walking again. When I'm strong enough, I'll run. I'm not there yet (but my muscle memory is). I did countless 5ks, a couple half marathons, and full marathon since quitting in 2011. I should be running in 2 weeks under my schedule. The dog is enjoying this new active me and chases me down in the morning when I'm making my way out the door.
Today, the walk felt good. I was in the zone and ran a quarter mile at the end because it felt so good. It's not much...but it's a start again. Jack, however, was not having as much fun. He kept stopping to pee, poo, or just see what pee or pooed at each mailbox. It was kind of frustrating as every time I pushed the pace, he pulled it right down. Jack is a 10 year old beagle, and his legs and back just aren't what they once were.
Of course I'm using some feature on my phone that coaches me up to my desired speeds. Every time he stopped us, that bitch told me to speed up. Every time she said "Good pace", I found the leash trailing behind my left hand again.
It was when I was pulling my dog by his leash and was being pushed by a computer voice in my ears that I started thinking about my quit. I'm 2 days from 1500 days: a comma and a half (I could stack the the period on top of the comma and call it a semicolon I suppose). This has been one hell of a journey and it thrills me to be centered. My life is no longer dictated by a stupid weed. It's just my life....and quit is part of that. I'm no longer living life and quitting. The two are one in the same.
There is an ebb and flow to this board. It's louder sometimes than others. It can be a mean, cold place sometimes...or at least seems that way. Yeah...we always get into tons of conversations about "tone" but, honestly, there is a perception that can make a simple statement hostile. For example, I hate that bitch on my running app but she has no emotion. She's not saying mean things to put me down. She is part of a program designed to make move better and faster. But, when the sweat is flowing and emotions are high, she's a fucking bitch.
At the same time, I need to be mindful of the dog I'm pulling along. His natural instinct is to sniff everything and investigate these smells. As he's spent 10 years jumping straight up, he's pumped to walk but his body just can't take the abuse it once did. He still is walking happily along however and giving it all he's got. I need to watch my words with him. And it's not for his's for mine. I'm not from the Michael Vick dog training school.
The great thing about this board is there isn't one person here who is above being pulled forward every day by its power. In return, make sure our brothers stay up with us. Quitting isn't natural at first, but it does become so. Yes, I'm living the quit life BUT I CAN NEVER STOP LIVING THAT LIFE. I came back here 1498 days ago thinking I couldn't be quit and happy. I was wrong, and I will never forget that again.
I promise.