Author Topic: I'm Back. I'm Dumb.  (Read 139014 times)

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Offline 30yraddict

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Re: I'm back
« Reply #151 on: June 23, 2012, 09:20:00 PM »
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: tsmith17
Quote from: Souliman
Quote from: noonelikesaquitter
Quote from: Ready
Quote from: Greg5280
Quote from: wastepanel
Last night at my 7 year old's baseball game, I pissed off the umpire in a good way.

Our catcher is not very good, and we are allowed to shag balls behind in him in order to keep the game moving along rather than wait for the kids to mosey over to the past ball and make a throw that lands halfway between home and the pitcher.  I drew that duty last night.

While back there, the umpire on the third base line walked over to the dugout to talk to the other team's coach.  Even through the cacophony of kids yelling, running, and being kids, I heard the distinct sound of a tin being cracked.

I glanced over, and sure as shit, he was throwing in a fatty right in front of the other team's bench.

Fuck you, blue.  Fuck you.

What I should have done is go trapjaw on his ass right then and there.  I should have called time out, called his ass out, and make him toss his shit right then.  He would get all pissed, and take a swing at me.  I would pull some matrix kung fu shit, block the punch, and make him cry like a little sissy when I blocked his pathetic attempt.  I should have ripped off his arms and slapped in the face with his own hands while growling "Why are you hitting yourself?"  over and over again.  I should have then picked him up by the back of his underwear (thus giving him the biggest fucking wedgie in history) and carried him over to the port-a-potty and threw him down the hole ala Sleepaway Camp 2 (Great fucking movie).  I then should have taunted him and told him that all of the chemicals and shit in that toilet are akin to what he willingly shoves into his lip on a day to day basis.  I would laugh and all the women would want to have my green little babies because I'm that fucking awesome.

Alas, this didn't happen (except the women all do want to have my green little babies).

I waited until the end of the inning, and walked over to the ump.

"Did you just put in a chew, man?"

He looked at me (confused about the situation).

"Did you just put in a chew over there, man?"

He looked at me and knew he was being called out.  "Yeah..."  he said defiantly.

"These are 7 year olds.  Toss it now.  It's against league rules, you did it right in front of all those kids there.  They look up to us, and they don't need to be seeing that shit.  I hate that stuff."

He stared at me.

"I quit a year ago because I didn't want to show my son that it was right to do.  Toss it."

He tossed it, and refused to work the same side of the field as me the rest of the night.
Nicely done! Way to call his ass out!
'clap' 'clap' 'clap'
Fuckin A, Waste!
FUCKING YES WP. That is awesome.
I would have liked to see the matrix style fight, but what you went with was just as effective. Nice job WP. Good stuff brother.
I am living vicariously through you right now. (no homo)

Offline Scowick65

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Re: I'm back
« Reply #150 on: June 23, 2012, 03:44:00 PM »
Quote from: tsmith17
Quote from: Souliman
Quote from: noonelikesaquitter
Quote from: Ready
Quote from: Greg5280
Quote from: wastepanel
Last night at my 7 year old's baseball game, I pissed off the umpire in a good way.

Our catcher is not very good, and we are allowed to shag balls behind in him in order to keep the game moving along rather than wait for the kids to mosey over to the past ball and make a throw that lands halfway between home and the pitcher.  I drew that duty last night.

While back there, the umpire on the third base line walked over to the dugout to talk to the other team's coach.  Even through the cacophony of kids yelling, running, and being kids, I heard the distinct sound of a tin being cracked.

I glanced over, and sure as shit, he was throwing in a fatty right in front of the other team's bench.

Fuck you, blue.  Fuck you.

What I should have done is go trapjaw on his ass right then and there.  I should have called time out, called his ass out, and make him toss his shit right then.  He would get all pissed, and take a swing at me.  I would pull some matrix kung fu shit, block the punch, and make him cry like a little sissy when I blocked his pathetic attempt.  I should have ripped off his arms and slapped in the face with his own hands while growling "Why are you hitting yourself?"  over and over again.  I should have then picked him up by the back of his underwear (thus giving him the biggest fucking wedgie in history) and carried him over to the port-a-potty and threw him down the hole ala Sleepaway Camp 2 (Great fucking movie).  I then should have taunted him and told him that all of the chemicals and shit in that toilet are akin to what he willingly shoves into his lip on a day to day basis.  I would laugh and all the women would want to have my green little babies because I'm that fucking awesome.

Alas, this didn't happen (except the women all do want to have my green little babies).

I waited until the end of the inning, and walked over to the ump.

"Did you just put in a chew, man?"

He looked at me (confused about the situation).

"Did you just put in a chew over there, man?"

He looked at me and knew he was being called out.  "Yeah..."  he said defiantly.

"These are 7 year olds.  Toss it now.  It's against league rules, you did it right in front of all those kids there.  They look up to us, and they don't need to be seeing that shit.  I hate that stuff."

He stared at me.

"I quit a year ago because I didn't want to show my son that it was right to do.  Toss it."

He tossed it, and refused to work the same side of the field as me the rest of the night.
Nicely done! Way to call his ass out!
'clap' 'clap' 'clap'
Fuckin A, Waste!
FUCKING YES WP. That is awesome.
I would have liked to see the matrix style fight, but what you went with was just as effective. Nice job WP. Good stuff brother.

Offline Tsmith17

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Re: I'm back
« Reply #149 on: June 23, 2012, 01:57:00 PM »
Quote from: Souliman
Quote from: noonelikesaquitter
Quote from: Ready
Quote from: Greg5280
Quote from: wastepanel
Last night at my 7 year old's baseball game, I pissed off the umpire in a good way.

Our catcher is not very good, and we are allowed to shag balls behind in him in order to keep the game moving along rather than wait for the kids to mosey over to the past ball and make a throw that lands halfway between home and the pitcher.  I drew that duty last night.

While back there, the umpire on the third base line walked over to the dugout to talk to the other team's coach.  Even through the cacophony of kids yelling, running, and being kids, I heard the distinct sound of a tin being cracked.

I glanced over, and sure as shit, he was throwing in a fatty right in front of the other team's bench.

Fuck you, blue.  Fuck you.

What I should have done is go trapjaw on his ass right then and there.  I should have called time out, called his ass out, and make him toss his shit right then.  He would get all pissed, and take a swing at me.  I would pull some matrix kung fu shit, block the punch, and make him cry like a little sissy when I blocked his pathetic attempt.  I should have ripped off his arms and slapped in the face with his own hands while growling "Why are you hitting yourself?"  over and over again.  I should have then picked him up by the back of his underwear (thus giving him the biggest fucking wedgie in history) and carried him over to the port-a-potty and threw him down the hole ala Sleepaway Camp 2 (Great fucking movie).  I then should have taunted him and told him that all of the chemicals and shit in that toilet are akin to what he willingly shoves into his lip on a day to day basis.  I would laugh and all the women would want to have my green little babies because I'm that fucking awesome.

Alas, this didn't happen (except the women all do want to have my green little babies).

I waited until the end of the inning, and walked over to the ump.

"Did you just put in a chew, man?"

He looked at me (confused about the situation).

"Did you just put in a chew over there, man?"

He looked at me and knew he was being called out.  "Yeah..."  he said defiantly.

"These are 7 year olds.  Toss it now.  It's against league rules, you did it right in front of all those kids there.  They look up to us, and they don't need to be seeing that shit.  I hate that stuff."

He stared at me.

"I quit a year ago because I didn't want to show my son that it was right to do.  Toss it."

He tossed it, and refused to work the same side of the field as me the rest of the night.
Nicely done! Way to call his ass out!
'clap' 'clap' 'clap'
Fuckin A, Waste!
FUCKING YES WP. That is awesome.
I would have liked to see the matrix style fight, but what you went with was just as effective. Nice job WP. Good stuff brother.

Offline Souliman

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Re: I'm back
« Reply #148 on: June 23, 2012, 12:44:00 PM »
Quote from: noonelikesaquitter
Quote from: Ready
Quote from: Greg5280
Quote from: wastepanel
Last night at my 7 year old's baseball game, I pissed off the umpire in a good way.

Our catcher is not very good, and we are allowed to shag balls behind in him in order to keep the game moving along rather than wait for the kids to mosey over to the past ball and make a throw that lands halfway between home and the pitcher.  I drew that duty last night.

While back there, the umpire on the third base line walked over to the dugout to talk to the other team's coach.  Even through the cacophony of kids yelling, running, and being kids, I heard the distinct sound of a tin being cracked.

I glanced over, and sure as shit, he was throwing in a fatty right in front of the other team's bench.

Fuck you, blue.  Fuck you.

What I should have done is go trapjaw on his ass right then and there.  I should have called time out, called his ass out, and make him toss his shit right then.  He would get all pissed, and take a swing at me.  I would pull some matrix kung fu shit, block the punch, and make him cry like a little sissy when I blocked his pathetic attempt.  I should have ripped off his arms and slapped in the face with his own hands while growling "Why are you hitting yourself?"  over and over again.  I should have then picked him up by the back of his underwear (thus giving him the biggest fucking wedgie in history) and carried him over to the port-a-potty and threw him down the hole ala Sleepaway Camp 2 (Great fucking movie).  I then should have taunted him and told him that all of the chemicals and shit in that toilet are akin to what he willingly shoves into his lip on a day to day basis.  I would laugh and all the women would want to have my green little babies because I'm that fucking awesome.

Alas, this didn't happen (except the women all do want to have my green little babies).

I waited until the end of the inning, and walked over to the ump.

"Did you just put in a chew, man?"

He looked at me (confused about the situation).

"Did you just put in a chew over there, man?"

He looked at me and knew he was being called out.  "Yeah..."  he said defiantly.

"These are 7 year olds.  Toss it now.  It's against league rules, you did it right in front of all those kids there.  They look up to us, and they don't need to be seeing that shit.  I hate that stuff."

He stared at me.

"I quit a year ago because I didn't want to show my son that it was right to do.  Toss it."

He tossed it, and refused to work the same side of the field as me the rest of the night.
Nicely done! Way to call his ass out!
'clap' 'clap' 'clap'
Fuckin A, Waste!
FUCKING YES WP. That is awesome.

Offline Nolaq

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Re: I'm back
« Reply #147 on: June 23, 2012, 12:04:00 PM »
Quote from: Ready
Quote from: Greg5280
Quote from: wastepanel
Last night at my 7 year old's baseball game, I pissed off the umpire in a good way.

Our catcher is not very good, and we are allowed to shag balls behind in him in order to keep the game moving along rather than wait for the kids to mosey over to the past ball and make a throw that lands halfway between home and the pitcher.  I drew that duty last night.

While back there, the umpire on the third base line walked over to the dugout to talk to the other team's coach.  Even through the cacophony of kids yelling, running, and being kids, I heard the distinct sound of a tin being cracked.

I glanced over, and sure as shit, he was throwing in a fatty right in front of the other team's bench.

Fuck you, blue.  Fuck you.

What I should have done is go trapjaw on his ass right then and there.  I should have called time out, called his ass out, and make him toss his shit right then.  He would get all pissed, and take a swing at me.  I would pull some matrix kung fu shit, block the punch, and make him cry like a little sissy when I blocked his pathetic attempt.  I should have ripped off his arms and slapped in the face with his own hands while growling "Why are you hitting yourself?"  over and over again.  I should have then picked him up by the back of his underwear (thus giving him the biggest fucking wedgie in history) and carried him over to the port-a-potty and threw him down the hole ala Sleepaway Camp 2 (Great fucking movie).  I then should have taunted him and told him that all of the chemicals and shit in that toilet are akin to what he willingly shoves into his lip on a day to day basis.  I would laugh and all the women would want to have my green little babies because I'm that fucking awesome.

Alas, this didn't happen (except the women all do want to have my green little babies).

I waited until the end of the inning, and walked over to the ump.

"Did you just put in a chew, man?"

He looked at me (confused about the situation).

"Did you just put in a chew over there, man?"

He looked at me and knew he was being called out.  "Yeah..."  he said defiantly.

"These are 7 year olds.  Toss it now.  It's against league rules, you did it right in front of all those kids there.  They look up to us, and they don't need to be seeing that shit.  I hate that stuff."

He stared at me.

"I quit a year ago because I didn't want to show my son that it was right to do.  Toss it."

He tossed it, and refused to work the same side of the field as me the rest of the night.
Nicely done! Way to call his ass out!
'clap' 'clap' 'clap'
Fuckin A, Waste!
What is your major malfunction?!?!?!?!

Offline Ready

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Re: I'm back
« Reply #146 on: June 23, 2012, 11:51:00 AM »
Quote from: Greg5280
Quote from: wastepanel
Last night at my 7 year old's baseball game, I pissed off the umpire in a good way.

Our catcher is not very good, and we are allowed to shag balls behind in him in order to keep the game moving along rather than wait for the kids to mosey over to the past ball and make a throw that lands halfway between home and the pitcher.  I drew that duty last night.

While back there, the umpire on the third base line walked over to the dugout to talk to the other team's coach.  Even through the cacophony of kids yelling, running, and being kids, I heard the distinct sound of a tin being cracked.

I glanced over, and sure as shit, he was throwing in a fatty right in front of the other team's bench.

Fuck you, blue.  Fuck you.

What I should have done is go trapjaw on his ass right then and there.  I should have called time out, called his ass out, and make him toss his shit right then.  He would get all pissed, and take a swing at me.  I would pull some matrix kung fu shit, block the punch, and make him cry like a little sissy when I blocked his pathetic attempt.  I should have ripped off his arms and slapped in the face with his own hands while growling "Why are you hitting yourself?"  over and over again.  I should have then picked him up by the back of his underwear (thus giving him the biggest fucking wedgie in history) and carried him over to the port-a-potty and threw him down the hole ala Sleepaway Camp 2 (Great fucking movie).  I then should have taunted him and told him that all of the chemicals and shit in that toilet are akin to what he willingly shoves into his lip on a day to day basis.  I would laugh and all the women would want to have my green little babies because I'm that fucking awesome.

Alas, this didn't happen (except the women all do want to have my green little babies).

I waited until the end of the inning, and walked over to the ump.

"Did you just put in a chew, man?"

He looked at me (confused about the situation).

"Did you just put in a chew over there, man?"

He looked at me and knew he was being called out.  "Yeah..."  he said defiantly.

"These are 7 year olds.  Toss it now.  It's against league rules, you did it right in front of all those kids there.  They look up to us, and they don't need to be seeing that shit.  I hate that stuff."

He stared at me.

"I quit a year ago because I didn't want to show my son that it was right to do.  Toss it."

He tossed it, and refused to work the same side of the field as me the rest of the night.
Nicely done! Way to call his ass out!
'clap' 'clap' 'clap'

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Re: I'm back
« Reply #145 on: June 23, 2012, 10:20:00 AM »
Quote from: wastepanel
Last night at my 7 year old's baseball game, I pissed off the umpire in a good way.

Our catcher is not very good, and we are allowed to shag balls behind in him in order to keep the game moving along rather than wait for the kids to mosey over to the past ball and make a throw that lands halfway between home and the pitcher. I drew that duty last night.

While back there, the umpire on the third base line walked over to the dugout to talk to the other team's coach. Even through the cacophony of kids yelling, running, and being kids, I heard the distinct sound of a tin being cracked.

I glanced over, and sure as shit, he was throwing in a fatty right in front of the other team's bench.

Fuck you, blue. Fuck you.

What I should have done is go trapjaw on his ass right then and there. I should have called time out, called his ass out, and make him toss his shit right then. He would get all pissed, and take a swing at me. I would pull some matrix kung fu shit, block the punch, and make him cry like a little sissy when I blocked his pathetic attempt. I should have ripped off his arms and slapped in the face with his own hands while growling "Why are you hitting yourself?" over and over again. I should have then picked him up by the back of his underwear (thus giving him the biggest fucking wedgie in history) and carried him over to the port-a-potty and threw him down the hole ala Sleepaway Camp 2 (Great fucking movie). I then should have taunted him and told him that all of the chemicals and shit in that toilet are akin to what he willingly shoves into his lip on a day to day basis. I would laugh and all the women would want to have my green little babies because I'm that fucking awesome.

Alas, this didn't happen (except the women all do want to have my green little babies).

I waited until the end of the inning, and walked over to the ump.

"Did you just put in a chew, man?"

He looked at me (confused about the situation).

"Did you just put in a chew over there, man?"

He looked at me and knew he was being called out. "Yeah..." he said defiantly.

"These are 7 year olds. Toss it now. It's against league rules, you did it right in front of all those kids there. They look up to us, and they don't need to be seeing that shit. I hate that stuff."

He stared at me.

"I quit a year ago because I didn't want to show my son that it was right to do. Toss it."

He tossed it, and refused to work the same side of the field as me the rest of the night.
Nicely done! Way to call his ass out!

Offline Greg5280

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Re: I'm back
« Reply #144 on: June 23, 2012, 10:17:00 AM »
Quote from: wastepanel
It was 5 years ago today that I lost you to cancer.

Fuck that horrible disease.

You went from a vibrant, plump woman to a shell of what you once were. It was so hard to believe that it was just a few months prior to that that you followed my oldest son around all day smiling and enjoying life.

Then you started getting a fever at night, and feeling "crappy".

You were forced to call me daily and apologize for not having the energy to run after a 3 year old boy. He was your pride and joy, but you just couldn't do it. Kara and I would get upset about all the work we were missing because you would hold out hope that tomorrow would be better, and you'd be back to normal.

You went to many doctors, and they admitted you into the hospital without knowing what was wrong with you. It took about a month to run the necessary tests and observe you to figure out that you had Stage 4 stomach cancer.

On the day that you were told this horrible news, you spoke to me alone and asked me to stop chewing. We had spoken about it before, and I knew how much you hated it, but you kept your mouth shut about my addiction because "I was a big boy". You told me how much greater my chances of contracting the disease was because I not only was genetically predisposed for it, but my usage almost guaranteed that I would contract it. You spoke to your doctor about me, and had confirmed your theory.

I "stopped" 2 days later.

This was a mere few days before they cut you open (on September 11, 2006) and nearly killed you.

They wanted to cut out most of your stomach, most of your liver, some kidneys, intestines, esophagus, and pretty much anything they could just to give you a fighting chance. Stomach cancer is very aggressive, and it spread like wildfire throughout all of your internal organ.

You died on the operating table, and they brought you back. You lived in the ICU for the next week and a half, and then you were strong enough to come home a couple weeks later.

They couldn't touch any of the organs because the tumor was so big so they hit you with chemo and radiation treatments (which, again, almost killed you). It was awful for you, and it was awful to watch. Your hair fell out. You lost 70 pounds. But you were fighting.

It was in February of 2007 that they tried the surgery again, and they successfully removed your entire stomach, part of your lung, and every other organ that was not necessary for you to live a basic, basic life. We were ecstatic because you were a fighter.

It was in April that you spiked a fever.

It was 2 days later that you told me you were going to die.

It was 3 days later I met the hospice workers.

You were a fighter.

You lasted until June 4, 2007 (just under 2 months).

You were a fighter, and it was the bravest fight I've ever seen.

I was 9 months stopped at the time.

You never used a substance that would have done this to you. You abhored nicotine in all forms. Not only did I use it prior to this experience, but I went back to it a few years later. That's how strong this addiction is. It took all of this pain I felt over losing you, bundled it up, and said "Doesn't fucking matter in the grand scheme" and I buried it all in my head. It convinced me that I was different. I am a tougher fighter physically and mentally.

I cry to think of my sons typing this statement one day. I cry to think of my family crying over my loss. Fuck me for being selfish. It's not me that would have to suffer indefinately with grief. I would be gone. They are the ones that would be left dealing with what could have beens.

I am mad. I will never forget my addiction again. I cannot be cured, and I will never be done fighting. But I can do this. I can raise my chances from 100% sure that I will develop it every day that I quit. I have a fucking say in that, but it's not for sure. Those odds will never be zero. I'm battling genetics and my own foolishness. I can't make up for my genetics, but I sure as hell can control my actions.

I choose not to use.

I miss you mom.

Proud to be quit with you!

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Re: I'm back
« Reply #143 on: June 23, 2012, 09:27:00 AM »
Last night at my 7 year old's baseball game, I pissed off the umpire in a good way.

Our catcher is not very good, and we are allowed to shag balls behind in him in order to keep the game moving along rather than wait for the kids to mosey over to the past ball and make a throw that lands halfway between home and the pitcher. I drew that duty last night.

While back there, the umpire on the third base line walked over to the dugout to talk to the other team's coach. Even through the cacophony of kids yelling, running, and being kids, I heard the distinct sound of a tin being cracked.

I glanced over, and sure as shit, he was throwing in a fatty right in front of the other team's bench.

Fuck you, blue. Fuck you.

What I should have done is go trapjaw on his ass right then and there. I should have called time out, called his ass out, and make him toss his shit right then. He would get all pissed, and take a swing at me. I would pull some matrix kung fu shit, block the punch, and make him cry like a little sissy when I blocked his pathetic attempt. I should have ripped off his arms and slapped in the face with his own hands while growling "Why are you hitting yourself?" over and over again. I should have then picked him up by the back of his underwear (thus giving him the biggest fucking wedgie in history) and carried him over to the port-a-potty and threw him down the hole ala Sleepaway Camp 2 (Great fucking movie). I then should have taunted him and told him that all of the chemicals and shit in that toilet are akin to what he willingly shoves into his lip on a day to day basis. I would laugh and all the women would want to have my green little babies because I'm that fucking awesome.

Alas, this didn't happen (except the women all do want to have my green little babies).

I waited until the end of the inning, and walked over to the ump.

"Did you just put in a chew, man?"

He looked at me (confused about the situation).

"Did you just put in a chew over there, man?"

He looked at me and knew he was being called out. "Yeah..." he said defiantly.

"These are 7 year olds. Toss it now. It's against league rules, you did it right in front of all those kids there. They look up to us, and they don't need to be seeing that shit. I hate that stuff."

He stared at me.

"I quit a year ago because I didn't want to show my son that it was right to do. Toss it."

He tossed it, and refused to work the same side of the field as me the rest of the night.
In the end I Surrender, I and I alone accept that I have and always will have a Nicotene ADDICTION. It is my choice to quit, but I can't do it alone. I get to go down this path one time, I want to do it right. I recognize that my word, my integrety to you is on the line and is only as good as my actions. Caving is not an option in this plan-Eafman 7/11

I am not cured. I will quit one day at a time. I will continue to do what works. Posting roll everyday. To do otherwise would be foolish on my part. You can do this-Ready 12/11

To overcome your addiction you must comprehend what it means to fail-Razd 3/12

Theres a lot of people that come here, especially vets, that WANT to be reminded that they are addicts.-Tarpon 6/12

Just as a building starts with architectural drawings. Your daily quit begins with a promise.-Scowick 2/13

Here and now, focused on today, minute by minute, whatever it takes, I promise to all my bros and myself not to become a negative stat and stay quit!-krok 1/15

I want everyone to be quit. Even the assholes.-Probe1957 1/18

Ignoring history or erasing history fixes nothing and leads you inevitably down the same path.-69franx 04/30/2021

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Re: I'm back
« Reply #142 on: June 04, 2012, 11:23:00 AM »
Quote from: wastepanel
It was 5 years ago today that I lost you to cancer.

Fuck that horrible disease.

You went from a vibrant, plump woman to a shell of what you once were. It was so hard to believe that it was just a few months prior to that that you followed my oldest son around all day smiling and enjoying life.

Then you started getting a fever at night, and feeling "crappy".

You were forced to call me daily and apologize for not having the energy to run after a 3 year old boy. He was your pride and joy, but you just couldn't do it. Kara and I would get upset about all the work we were missing because you would hold out hope that tomorrow would be better, and you'd be back to normal.

You went to many doctors, and they admitted you into the hospital without knowing what was wrong with you. It took about a month to run the necessary tests and observe you to figure out that you had Stage 4 stomach cancer.

On the day that you were told this horrible news, you spoke to me alone and asked me to stop chewing. We had spoken about it before, and I knew how much you hated it, but you kept your mouth shut about my addiction because "I was a big boy". You told me how much greater my chances of contracting the disease was because I not only was genetically predisposed for it, but my usage almost guaranteed that I would contract it. You spoke to your doctor about me, and had confirmed your theory.

I "stopped" 2 days later.

This was a mere few days before they cut you open (on September 11, 2006) and nearly killed you.

They wanted to cut out most of your stomach, most of your liver, some kidneys, intestines, esophagus, and pretty much anything they could just to give you a fighting chance. Stomach cancer is very aggressive, and it spread like wildfire throughout all of your internal organ.

You died on the operating table, and they brought you back. You lived in the ICU for the next week and a half, and then you were strong enough to come home a couple weeks later.

They couldn't touch any of the organs because the tumor was so big so they hit you with chemo and radiation treatments (which, again, almost killed you). It was awful for you, and it was awful to watch. Your hair fell out. You lost 70 pounds. But you were fighting.

It was in February of 2007 that they tried the surgery again, and they successfully removed your entire stomach, part of your lung, and every other organ that was not necessary for you to live a basic, basic life. We were ecstatic because you were a fighter.

It was in April that you spiked a fever.

It was 2 days later that you told me you were going to die.

It was 3 days later I met the hospice workers.

You were a fighter.

You lasted until June 4, 2007 (just under 2 months).

You were a fighter, and it was the bravest fight I've ever seen.

I was 9 months stopped at the time.

You never used a substance that would have done this to you. You abhored nicotine in all forms. Not only did I use it prior to this experience, but I went back to it a few years later. That's how strong this addiction is. It took all of this pain I felt over losing you, bundled it up, and said "Doesn't fucking matter in the grand scheme" and I buried it all in my head. It convinced me that I was different. I am a tougher fighter physically and mentally.

I cry to think of my sons typing this statement one day. I cry to think of my family crying over my loss. Fuck me for being selfish. It's not me that would have to suffer indefinately with grief. I would be gone. They are the ones that would be left dealing with what could have beens.

I am mad. I will never forget my addiction again. I cannot be cured, and I will never be done fighting. But I can do this. I can raise my chances from 100% sure that I will develop it every day that I quit. I have a fucking say in that, but it's not for sure. Those odds will never be zero. I'm battling genetics and my own foolishness. I can't make up for my genetics, but I sure as hell can control my actions.

I choose not to use.

I miss you mom.
Very powerful brother... I am proud to be quit with you.

You have made the right choice and you will not have to worry about your sons writing anything like this, your choices have and will continue to make a positive difference in your life!
"Remember you are either getting better or getting worse, nobody stays the same!" Woody Hayes

"Winning! That's all we do around here brotha! Failure is not an option, remove it as an option and the possibilities are endless...." Bruce317 5-18-2012

"...We'll be heroes or ghosts...But we won't be turned around." Wastepanel 6-15-2012




Quit Date: 2-6-2012
HOF Date: 5-16-2012
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Offline Buddy Mac

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Re: I'm back
« Reply #141 on: June 04, 2012, 11:12:00 AM »
Quote from: wastepanel
It was 5 years ago today that I lost you to cancer.

Fuck that horrible disease.

You went from a vibrant, plump woman to a shell of what you once were. It was so hard to believe that it was just a few months prior to that that you followed my oldest son around all day smiling and enjoying life.

Then you started getting a fever at night, and feeling "crappy".

You were forced to call me daily and apologize for not having the energy to run after a 3 year old boy. He was your pride and joy, but you just couldn't do it. Kara and I would get upset about all the work we were missing because you would hold out hope that tomorrow would be better, and you'd be back to normal.

You went to many doctors, and they admitted you into the hospital without knowing what was wrong with you. It took about a month to run the necessary tests and observe you to figure out that you had Stage 4 stomach cancer.

On the day that you were told this horrible news, you spoke to me alone and asked me to stop chewing. We had spoken about it before, and I knew how much you hated it, but you kept your mouth shut about my addiction because "I was a big boy". You told me how much greater my chances of contracting the disease was because I not only was genetically predisposed for it, but my usage almost guaranteed that I would contract it. You spoke to your doctor about me, and had confirmed your theory.

I "stopped" 2 days later.

This was a mere few days before they cut you open (on September 11, 2006) and nearly killed you.

They wanted to cut out most of your stomach, most of your liver, some kidneys, intestines, esophagus, and pretty much anything they could just to give you a fighting chance. Stomach cancer is very aggressive, and it spread like wildfire throughout all of your internal organ.

You died on the operating table, and they brought you back. You lived in the ICU for the next week and a half, and then you were strong enough to come home a couple weeks later.

They couldn't touch any of the organs because the tumor was so big so they hit you with chemo and radiation treatments (which, again, almost killed you). It was awful for you, and it was awful to watch. Your hair fell out. You lost 70 pounds. But you were fighting.

It was in February of 2007 that they tried the surgery again, and they successfully removed your entire stomach, part of your lung, and every other organ that was not necessary for you to live a basic, basic life. We were ecstatic because you were a fighter.

It was in April that you spiked a fever.

It was 2 days later that you told me you were going to die.

It was 3 days later I met the hospice workers.

You were a fighter.

You lasted until June 4, 2007 (just under 2 months).

You were a fighter, and it was the bravest fight I've ever seen.

I was 9 months stopped at the time.

You never used a substance that would have done this to you. You abhored nicotine in all forms. Not only did I use it prior to this experience, but I went back to it a few years later. That's how strong this addiction is. It took all of this pain I felt over losing you, bundled it up, and said "Doesn't fucking matter in the grand scheme" and I buried it all in my head. It convinced me that I was different. I am a tougher fighter physically and mentally.

I cry to think of my sons typing this statement one day. I cry to think of my family crying over my loss. Fuck me for being selfish. It's not me that would have to suffer indefinately with grief. I would be gone. They are the ones that would be left dealing with what could have beens.

I am mad. I will never forget my addiction again. I cannot be cured, and I will never be done fighting. But I can do this. I can raise my chances from 100% sure that I will develop it every day that I quit. I have a fucking say in that, but it's not for sure. Those odds will never be zero. I'm battling genetics and my own foolishness. I can't make up for my genetics, but I sure as hell can control my actions.

I choose not to use.

I miss you mom.
Wow, WOW. Wastepanel, I have never met you and that brought tears to my eyes. Very powerful. I am proud to quit with you.....
Buddy Mac

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Re: I'm back
« Reply #140 on: June 04, 2012, 10:41:00 AM »
Very powerful

Offline wastepanel

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Re: I'm back
« Reply #139 on: June 04, 2012, 10:29:00 AM »
It was 5 years ago today that I lost you to cancer.

Fuck that horrible disease.

You went from a vibrant, plump woman to a shell of what you once were. It was so hard to believe that it was just a few months prior to that that you followed my oldest son around all day smiling and enjoying life.

Then you started getting a fever at night, and feeling "crappy".

You were forced to call me daily and apologize for not having the energy to run after a 3 year old boy. He was your pride and joy, but you just couldn't do it. Kara and I would get upset about all the work we were missing because you would hold out hope that tomorrow would be better, and you'd be back to normal.

You went to many doctors, and they admitted you into the hospital without knowing what was wrong with you. It took about a month to run the necessary tests and observe you to figure out that you had Stage 4 stomach cancer.

On the day that you were told this horrible news, you spoke to me alone and asked me to stop chewing. We had spoken about it before, and I knew how much you hated it, but you kept your mouth shut about my addiction because "I was a big boy". You told me how much greater my chances of contracting the disease was because I not only was genetically predisposed for it, but my usage almost guaranteed that I would contract it. You spoke to your doctor about me, and had confirmed your theory.

I "stopped" 2 days later.

This was a mere few days before they cut you open (on September 11, 2006) and nearly killed you.

They wanted to cut out most of your stomach, most of your liver, some kidneys, intestines, esophagus, and pretty much anything they could just to give you a fighting chance. Stomach cancer is very aggressive, and it spread like wildfire throughout all of your internal organ.

You died on the operating table, and they brought you back. You lived in the ICU for the next week and a half, and then you were strong enough to come home a couple weeks later.

They couldn't touch any of the organs because the tumor was so big so they hit you with chemo and radiation treatments (which, again, almost killed you). It was awful for you, and it was awful to watch. Your hair fell out. You lost 70 pounds. But you were fighting.

It was in February of 2007 that they tried the surgery again, and they successfully removed your entire stomach, part of your lung, and every other organ that was not necessary for you to live a basic, basic life. We were ecstatic because you were a fighter.

It was in April that you spiked a fever.

It was 2 days later that you told me you were going to die.

It was 3 days later I met the hospice workers.

You were a fighter.

You lasted until June 4, 2007 (just under 2 months).

You were a fighter, and it was the bravest fight I've ever seen.

I was 9 months stopped at the time.

You never used a substance that would have done this to you. You abhored nicotine in all forms. Not only did I use it prior to this experience, but I went back to it a few years later. That's how strong this addiction is. It took all of this pain I felt over losing you, bundled it up, and said "Doesn't fucking matter in the grand scheme" and I buried it all in my head. It convinced me that I was different. I am a tougher fighter physically and mentally.

I cry to think of my sons typing this statement one day. I cry to think of my family crying over my loss. Fuck me for being selfish. It's not me that would have to suffer indefinately with grief. I would be gone. They are the ones that would be left dealing with what could have beens.

I am mad. I will never forget my addiction again. I cannot be cured, and I will never be done fighting. But I can do this. I can raise my chances from 100% sure that I will develop it every day that I quit. I have a fucking say in that, but it's not for sure. Those odds will never be zero. I'm battling genetics and my own foolishness. I can't make up for my genetics, but I sure as hell can control my actions.

I choose not to use.

I miss you mom.
In the end I Surrender, I and I alone accept that I have and always will have a Nicotene ADDICTION. It is my choice to quit, but I can't do it alone. I get to go down this path one time, I want to do it right. I recognize that my word, my integrety to you is on the line and is only as good as my actions. Caving is not an option in this plan-Eafman 7/11

I am not cured. I will quit one day at a time. I will continue to do what works. Posting roll everyday. To do otherwise would be foolish on my part. You can do this-Ready 12/11

To overcome your addiction you must comprehend what it means to fail-Razd 3/12

Theres a lot of people that come here, especially vets, that WANT to be reminded that they are addicts.-Tarpon 6/12

Just as a building starts with architectural drawings. Your daily quit begins with a promise.-Scowick 2/13

Here and now, focused on today, minute by minute, whatever it takes, I promise to all my bros and myself not to become a negative stat and stay quit!-krok 1/15

I want everyone to be quit. Even the assholes.-Probe1957 1/18

Ignoring history or erasing history fixes nothing and leads you inevitably down the same path.-69franx 04/30/2021

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Re: I'm back
« Reply #138 on: May 31, 2012, 06:06:00 PM »
Quote from: Grizzly25
Quote from: Colonel_No_Cope
Quote from: wastepanel
Quote from: DChogs
A new quitter approached a vet and said, “I want to quit and one day be at your level.”  The vet said, “if you want to be at the same level I am, meet me at the beach tomorrow at 4:00am.” 

“The beach?  I want to quit, I don’t want to swim.”

The vet said, “if you want to quit, I’ll meet you at the beach.  4:00am.”

So the rookie got to the beach at 4:00am, ready to quit, wearing his suit.  The vet grabbed his hand, looked him in the eye, and asked, “how bad do you want to quit?”
“Really bad.”

“So walk out into the water.”

The rookie walks out into the cold ocean until he’s waist deep thinking, “This dude’s crazy.  I want to quit, and he has me swimming.  I don’t want to get in shape or be a lifeguard, I want to quit.”  The vet follows the rookie into the water, and as he catches up to the rookie, he tells him to go out further.

Now neck deep, the rookie turns and asks the vet what to do next.  “How bad do you want to quit?”

“I already told you, really fucking bad.”

“So go out a little further.”

As the water rises up over the rookies chin, and as the rookie is again questioning the sanity of the vet, the vet pounces, holding the rookies head under water.  The rookie doesn’t stay under easily, and fighting for his life, punches, kicks, and bites the vet; the vet stays in place and continues holds the rookie under despite the assault.

Just as the rookie was beginning to weaken and lose consciousness, the vet pulls him back up out of the water and into the sweet morning air.  “What the fuck was that?  I ask for help quitting, and THIS is what I get?  Fuck you and your quit.”

The vet, having been through this many times before, said, “I have a question for you:  when you were under water what did you want to do?”


“Until you want to quit as badly as you wanted to breathe, you’ll never be successful.  It has to be the single most important thing in your life to the exclusion of all other distractions.  When you can achieve that, you will not only be quit, you will remain quit.”
I am on both sides of this fight today.

On one hand, I will always feel insecure about my quit. My strength and resolve to quit are strong, but sometimes I need to remember how damn badly I needed to want this initially. I forget this, and I forget how damn scary quitting can be sometimes.

We rage. We cry. We fight. We claw. We become stones.

But still we quit.

This drug that we chose to use ravages our body for the first few days, and fucks with our minds for God-knows how long after that. In previous stoppages, we used the pettiest arguments to go back to using just to feel "normal" again. Our friends and family see us and just want the normalcy back and for us to stop hurting. We can become isolated very easily in those first few days, and quitting can be the loneliest of endeavours.

But still we quit.

And life gets better.

We begin living our lives. We now have new "habits" that are not based on our usage but on what we want to do. Quitting does not get easier. We get stronger, and we use our strength to try other tasks we have wanted to do but were afraid to fail. We learn that life is not taken as a whole, but it's a day by day miracle. Learn from your past. Fuck tomorrow. Live for today. We begin enjoying each day again, and we want to see others make the same progress. We begin teaching because it makes us feel good about what we did by freeing another slave.

There are bumps, and there are bruises. Quitting is not easiest tasks sometimes, and it will beat you to your knees some days. It will leave you curled up in the fetal position on occasion. It will make you cry.

But it's not about how hard you fight back; it's whether you can keep moving forward.

For those of you quit, keep moving forward. I never fucking want to catch a vet, and I never want a newbie to catch me. Keep up the fight, and fuck tomorrow. Today is your day. Go out and get it.

For those of you not quit, this is not easy. This is hard, and you have to want it more than you want anything else in your life. You have to be willing to put in the work now to get stronger. You can do this, and we'll have your back whether you want us to or not. You promise today. You keep your word today. Your quit will take care of itself.
Fucking A...

And twice on Sunday.
Can I get an amen from the congregation! !!

Great stuff brother
AMEN Bros!!!

Offline Grizzly25

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Re: I'm back
« Reply #137 on: May 31, 2012, 05:59:00 PM »
Quote from: Colonel_No_Cope
Quote from: wastepanel
Quote from: DChogs
A new quitter approached a vet and said, “I want to quit and one day be at your level.”  The vet said, “if you want to be at the same level I am, meet me at the beach tomorrow at 4:00am.” 

“The beach?  I want to quit, I don’t want to swim.”

The vet said, “if you want to quit, I’ll meet you at the beach.  4:00am.”

So the rookie got to the beach at 4:00am, ready to quit, wearing his suit.  The vet grabbed his hand, looked him in the eye, and asked, “how bad do you want to quit?”
“Really bad.”

“So walk out into the water.”

The rookie walks out into the cold ocean until he’s waist deep thinking, “This dude’s crazy.  I want to quit, and he has me swimming.  I don’t want to get in shape or be a lifeguard, I want to quit.”  The vet follows the rookie into the water, and as he catches up to the rookie, he tells him to go out further.

Now neck deep, the rookie turns and asks the vet what to do next.  “How bad do you want to quit?”

“I already told you, really fucking bad.”

“So go out a little further.”

As the water rises up over the rookies chin, and as the rookie is again questioning the sanity of the vet, the vet pounces, holding the rookies head under water.  The rookie doesn’t stay under easily, and fighting for his life, punches, kicks, and bites the vet; the vet stays in place and continues holds the rookie under despite the assault.

Just as the rookie was beginning to weaken and lose consciousness, the vet pulls him back up out of the water and into the sweet morning air.  “What the fuck was that?  I ask for help quitting, and THIS is what I get?  Fuck you and your quit.”

The vet, having been through this many times before, said, “I have a question for you:  when you were under water what did you want to do?”


“Until you want to quit as badly as you wanted to breathe, you’ll never be successful.  It has to be the single most important thing in your life to the exclusion of all other distractions.  When you can achieve that, you will not only be quit, you will remain quit.”
I am on both sides of this fight today.

On one hand, I will always feel insecure about my quit. My strength and resolve to quit are strong, but sometimes I need to remember how damn badly I needed to want this initially. I forget this, and I forget how damn scary quitting can be sometimes.

We rage. We cry. We fight. We claw. We become stones.

But still we quit.

This drug that we chose to use ravages our body for the first few days, and fucks with our minds for God-knows how long after that. In previous stoppages, we used the pettiest arguments to go back to using just to feel "normal" again. Our friends and family see us and just want the normalcy back and for us to stop hurting. We can become isolated very easily in those first few days, and quitting can be the loneliest of endeavours.

But still we quit.

And life gets better.

We begin living our lives. We now have new "habits" that are not based on our usage but on what we want to do. Quitting does not get easier. We get stronger, and we use our strength to try other tasks we have wanted to do but were afraid to fail. We learn that life is not taken as a whole, but it's a day by day miracle. Learn from your past. Fuck tomorrow. Live for today. We begin enjoying each day again, and we want to see others make the same progress. We begin teaching because it makes us feel good about what we did by freeing another slave.

There are bumps, and there are bruises. Quitting is not easiest tasks sometimes, and it will beat you to your knees some days. It will leave you curled up in the fetal position on occasion. It will make you cry.

But it's not about how hard you fight back; it's whether you can keep moving forward.

For those of you quit, keep moving forward. I never fucking want to catch a vet, and I never want a newbie to catch me. Keep up the fight, and fuck tomorrow. Today is your day. Go out and get it.

For those of you not quit, this is not easy. This is hard, and you have to want it more than you want anything else in your life. You have to be willing to put in the work now to get stronger. You can do this, and we'll have your back whether you want us to or not. You promise today. You keep your word today. Your quit will take care of itself.
Fucking A...

And twice on Sunday.
Can I get an amen from the congregation! !!

Great stuff brother
"Remember you are either getting better or getting worse, nobody stays the same!" Woody Hayes

"Winning! That's all we do around here brotha! Failure is not an option, remove it as an option and the possibilities are endless...." Bruce317 5-18-2012

"...We'll be heroes or ghosts...But we won't be turned around." Wastepanel 6-15-2012




Quit Date: 2-6-2012
HOF Date: 5-16-2012
HOF Speech