Hey everyone I have a question and need your input. When I quit I did it with out the fake chew. A really good friend is having a bday party as I have mentioned and while I have no problem staying clear of alcohol 3 of the guys there are dippers. At this stage in my quit would it be counter productive to use the fake stuff if I go to the party and get to jonzin to hard. I am getting a lot of shit about my choice to not go and lots of hurt feelings. Mainly because noone else has attempted to quit anything in their life. If starting the fake is counter productive at all I will not think about it. For me that's an easy choice
big debate....there are plenty that would say you are doing fine w/o it keep it out of your face too. But I think all would agree it is probably better to have some with you at a time like that then to risk getting weak. I would but that is me. Either way you are a bad sumbitch and will not cave.
Thanks MOA. My desicion to boycott the party has been met with a lot of resistance
Then I say screw 'em...
Too bad, they get butt-hurt cause you don't want to be around a trigger when you are quit. I would think that if they are good friends, they would understand you not wanting to be around it for a while.
Just my $.02
The truth is dippers are uncomfortable around quitters. They know you have done something they cannot and it makes them feel inferior. You will get stronger in your quit and you will be able to be around dippers.
Great idea to avoid that trigger. I did the same thing many times early in my quit. Better safe than re-posting a 1
Like these guys say, fuck 'em if they don't understand (I suspect they do, but like these guys say, your strength will make them uncomfortable about their weakness).
Bottom line, quitting is the most important thing you'll do today, the day of the party, etc. If that means your friends are going to be a little bent out of shape because you're protecting your young quit from a trigger, then so be it. Fake dip? Take it down if you need to. If you really want to stay quit, you have to make it priority number 1 for a while. Period. Not 2, not 1b, but numero uno.
Ask Skoalmonster about priorities
I sure wish I had gotten the chance to read this before last night. No worries I am still quit on day 15 or 16 lol gotta check. So yesterday was tough. Drove down to grizzley island with my cousin to check out some elk. He chews leaf but I was fine with my seeds all day.
That evening he talked me into going to a poker game. Of course we get there and some chick is smoking pot (which I can not stand the smell of) and all the guys are chewing. Had to make an emergency run to the store for seeds.
My cousin. Who I might add did not start chewing until he was 26-27 kept on with the "I don't know why you want to quit, you can get cancer by walking out your door" and "it won't last, my dad stopped chewing for 2 years and then had one". WTF? I just told hime it was my fucking choice and that I had my reasons for quitting.
All said and done I pulled a bone head move by going in the first place but I never took a drink and never took a dip.
Hope some new quitters read this and realize that leading yourself into temptation is never a good idea. As those before me have learned do what's right for the quit not what feels the best cause that feeling is only temporary.