Author Topic: Day 6 After 36 years using  (Read 4747 times)

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Re: Day 6 After 36 years using
« Reply #56 on: May 31, 2014, 10:56:00 AM »
Quote from: Diesel2112
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: Mike_Land
I mentioned a few weeks ago to some quitter brothers that I was having one of the most stressful times i've had since i quit dipping. I can say that I have had some of the worst craves and serious thoughts about going to the gas station and buying about three cans of dip and eating them all at the same time during this time. I even asked my wife for permission to stop at a store and get some. That should tell you how close i've come to just losing it completely! I have found over the last few months that just being able to come here and write what i'm feeling is very theraputic (SP?) So I'm going to lay some of the heavy burden I've been carry around lately down right here.

I have been married three times. Wife 1 stuck around for about 3 years and then decided we needed to be seperated. Little did I know that she would end up liking the split tails more than me!! We split with no kids so no big deal. Wife 2 was a god damn control freak and couldn't have a relationship with a man if her fucking life depended on it. Wife 3 turned out to be my high school sweet heart and a damn good keeper. Should have married her to begin with instead of being a pussy and letting her mother intimidate me and letting her shoo me off.

My burden concerns wife 2. We had a son together. He is now 17 and will be a senior in high school next year. Like most kids he can be self centered and find it almost impossible to think beyond the next few moments. He's very bright but doesn't always put forth the effort to do the best he can. Again, as a former high school teacher, i'm afraid alot of kids are that way. Like all kids he has made bad decisions. None so serious that he went to jail or anything, just stuff like not always telling the truth, not being where he is supposed to be, not turning his school work in on time. He did try smoking some pot. Luckily he got busted by his mother instead of the cops!

Here has what has had me all tore up. Wife 2 is a man hater. She suffered some abuse at the hands of her own father and because of that she believes that all men are pieces of shit. All men are and all boys will turn out to be just like her father. She has been disappointed in our son from the day she found out that he was a boy. I wish you could have heard the tone in her voice when she told me that we were going to have a boy. It was the sound of deep disappointment. I didn't recognize it as such at the time but came to hear it later after many years of tyring to prove to her that neither I or Michael was her father.

Wife 2 has never been able to have a relationship with a man in any situation. She has failed at every relationship she has had and that includes relationships in love and professional relationships. It really is unbelievable. Because she is so jaded towards men, she has never really had a good relationship with our son. Truth be told she is one of those people that should never have had children. She has never been the nurturing type. Michael got his nurturing from his nanny and my mother. But we all know that is not the same as getting it from your mother. She always expected him to act older than he was. When he was 3 she wanted him to act like he was 7. When he was 10 she wanted him to act like he was 14 or 15. Now that he is 17 she expects him to have the maturity of a 35 year old man.

Michael could never please her. She never tells anyone they have done a good job. She is always critcal of whatever he does. It's never good enough. I tried to tell him for years that that was just how his mother was and he would have to learn to except her as she was. That hard for a kid to do. He just never understood why his mother couldn't be like other moms. For tht matter, I could understand it either.

Wife 2 reached her breaking point and has decided to wash her hands of him. Soon I will become the parent with full custody of him until he graduates next year. She has told him to take all his stuff that he wants to keep and move it to my house. She has told him the rest will be given away or thrown in the trash. She wants no part of anything that goes on at school. In short she wants nothing to do with him. She says she will still come and watch him play ball and watch him take part in other school activities. So really she will just play the "mommie" roll when it suits her or when there are people around who might ask questions.

She has always compared him to her neices. One is at Carnigie Mellon, the other is at Duke. They are very bright and had very successful high school careers. Michael is every bit as bright and capable as they are but hasn't put forth the effort to really achieve the way they have. Part of that is he knows everything he does will never be as good as they are. Who wouldn't get tired of hearing that shit!!

So, tonight she brought him to my house and dumped him and all his clothes on my front porch. I happend to be at work or I might have just choked the bitch right there in the driveway! My current wife said wife 2 told him she loved him. What a fucking crock!! How can you treat your son like a piece of garbage and then turn around and say that?

So now my biggest challenge I've ever had begins. How do I try and piece his heart back together? I can't imagine the pain that comes with knowing that your mother doesn't love you, has totally given up on you, and has basically thrown you out with the trash. Michael puts on a brave face but I know that this is painful for him. So now it's up to me to show him that he is not a piece of trash. That he is a good person and that he can become a successful person and achieve the things he wants to achieve in life. And I have to do all this without being to mushy and cottling. I have to do it while still being the parent and being firm enough to still give him boundries and enforce those rules and boundries.

Shit!!! this is going to be tough!!!

Thanks for listening

My eyes are kinda tearing up just reading this. Not because I feel bad for Michael... But because of how fortunate he is to have a dad like you.

Keep doing what you are doing. Be the man that you are. The rest will take care of itself. If I can ever help, let me know.
My Man....I can tell just by reading this that you will do just fine, and your son is one lucky SOB to have you. Fuck wife #2. Follow these Rush lyrics when dealing with her, they never steer anyone wrong.

Thank your stars you're not that way
Turn around and walk away.
Dont even pause and ask them why;
Turn around and say goodbye!

As for the dip part. Not one flake of nicotine will make any of this better. In fact, putting that shit will only make this worse. So get that shit out your head.

Quit on...

In this day and age... Men/Fathers are the butt of every joke in movies and on tv. They are portrayed as the bumbling fool, the lazy parent, the ignorant parent, and the lesser parent.
"Thank God for a mom 'cuz without her these poor children wouldn't have any real love or guidance". You feel me? I see it in commercials ~ I see it on soooo much media.

I'm fucking sick of it.

I love being a dad and the raising of my daughter is my highest priority in life. Period.
I just felt that tone in your entry Mike and it makes my day! I have no advice as to your situation... It's so specific and unique that you alone are going to have to feel your way here. But... As long as your heart and head remain in the same place I just saw you write with... Pretty damn sure success will be yours and you can pull your son along for the ride on a healthy healing journey. Good on you man! That's fatherhood right there... Proud to quit with a cat like you!

Well, it’s one louder, isn’t it? It’s not ten.

Offline Diesel2112

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Re: Day 6 After 36 years using
« Reply #55 on: May 31, 2014, 09:15:00 AM »
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: Mike_Land
I mentioned a few weeks ago to some quitter brothers that I was having one of the most stressful times i've had since i quit dipping. I can say that I have had some of the worst craves and serious thoughts about going to the gas station and buying about three cans of dip and eating them all at the same time during this time. I even asked my wife for permission to stop at a store and get some. That should tell you how close i've come to just losing it completely! I have found over the last few months that just being able to come here and write what i'm feeling is very theraputic (SP?) So I'm going to lay some of the heavy burden I've been carry around lately down right here.

I have been married three times. Wife 1 stuck around for about 3 years and then decided we needed to be seperated. Little did I know that she would end up liking the split tails more than me!! We split with no kids so no big deal. Wife 2 was a god damn control freak and couldn't have a relationship with a man if her fucking life depended on it. Wife 3 turned out to be my high school sweet heart and a damn good keeper. Should have married her to begin with instead of being a pussy and letting her mother intimidate me and letting her shoo me off.

My burden concerns wife 2. We had a son together. He is now 17 and will be a senior in high school next year. Like most kids he can be self centered and find it almost impossible to think beyond the next few moments. He's very bright but doesn't always put forth the effort to do the best he can. Again, as a former high school teacher, i'm afraid alot of kids are that way. Like all kids he has made bad decisions. None so serious that he went to jail or anything, just stuff like not always telling the truth, not being where he is supposed to be, not turning his school work in on time. He did try smoking some pot. Luckily he got busted by his mother instead of the cops!

Here has what has had me all tore up. Wife 2 is a man hater. She suffered some abuse at the hands of her own father and because of that she believes that all men are pieces of shit. All men are and all boys will turn out to be just like her father. She has been disappointed in our son from the day she found out that he was a boy. I wish you could have heard the tone in her voice when she told me that we were going to have a boy. It was the sound of deep disappointment. I didn't recognize it as such at the time but came to hear it later after many years of tyring to prove to her that neither I or Michael was her father.

Wife 2 has never been able to have a relationship with a man in any situation. She has failed at every relationship she has had and that includes relationships in love and professional relationships. It really is unbelievable. Because she is so jaded towards men, she has never really had a good relationship with our son. Truth be told she is one of those people that should never have had children. She has never been the nurturing type. Michael got his nurturing from his nanny and my mother. But we all know that is not the same as getting it from your mother. She always expected him to act older than he was. When he was 3 she wanted him to act like he was 7. When he was 10 she wanted him to act like he was 14 or 15. Now that he is 17 she expects him to have the maturity of a 35 year old man.

Michael could never please her. She never tells anyone they have done a good job. She is always critcal of whatever he does. It's never good enough. I tried to tell him for years that that was just how his mother was and he would have to learn to except her as she was. That hard for a kid to do. He just never understood why his mother couldn't be like other moms. For tht matter, I could understand it either.

Wife 2 reached her breaking point and has decided to wash her hands of him. Soon I will become the parent with full custody of him until he graduates next year. She has told him to take all his stuff that he wants to keep and move it to my house. She has told him the rest will be given away or thrown in the trash. She wants no part of anything that goes on at school. In short she wants nothing to do with him. She says she will still come and watch him play ball and watch him take part in other school activities. So really she will just play the "mommie" roll when it suits her or when there are people around who might ask questions.

She has always compared him to her neices. One is at Carnigie Mellon, the other is at Duke. They are very bright and had very successful high school careers. Michael is every bit as bright and capable as they are but hasn't put forth the effort to really achieve the way they have. Part of that is he knows everything he does will never be as good as they are. Who wouldn't get tired of hearing that shit!!

So, tonight she brought him to my house and dumped him and all his clothes on my front porch. I happend to be at work or I might have just choked the bitch right there in the driveway! My current wife said wife 2 told him she loved him. What a fucking crock!! How can you treat your son like a piece of garbage and then turn around and say that?

So now my biggest challenge I've ever had begins. How do I try and piece his heart back together? I can't imagine the pain that comes with knowing that your mother doesn't love you, has totally given up on you, and has basically thrown you out with the trash. Michael puts on a brave face but I know that this is painful for him. So now it's up to me to show him that he is not a piece of trash. That he is a good person and that he can become a successful person and achieve the things he wants to achieve in life. And I have to do all this without being to mushy and cottling. I have to do it while still being the parent and being firm enough to still give him boundries and enforce those rules and boundries.

Shit!!! this is going to be tough!!!

Thanks for listening

My eyes are kinda tearing up just reading this. Not because I feel bad for Michael... But because of how fortunate he is to have a dad like you.

Keep doing what you are doing. Be the man that you are. The rest will take care of itself. If I can ever help, let me know.
My Man....I can tell just by reading this that you will do just fine, and your son is one lucky SOB to have you. Fuck wife #2. Follow these Rush lyrics when dealing with her, they never steer anyone wrong.

Thank your stars you're not that way
Turn around and walk away.
Dont even pause and ask them why;
Turn around and say goodbye!

As for the dip part. Not one flake of nicotine will make any of this better. In fact, putting that shit will only make this worse. So get that shit out your head.

Quit on...
Quit 06/04/12
HOF 9/11/12
2nd floor 12/20/12
3rd floor 03/30/13
4th floor 07/08/13
5th floor 10/16/13
6th floor 01/24/14
7th floor 05/04/14
8th floor 08/12/14
9th floor 10/20/14
Comma 02/28/15
11th floor 06/08/15
12th floor 09/16/15
13th floor 12/25/15
14th floor 04/03/16
15th floor 7/11/16
16th floor 10/20/16
17th floor 01/27/17
18th floor 05/08/17
19th floor 08/14/17
20th floor 11/27/17
21st floor 03/11/18

"Celebrate the moment as it turns into one more"..
"You can fight without ever winning, but never ever win, win without a fight".
"Onion rings...funyons. A connection? Yeah. I fucking think so."
"Honest Abe had a fake jaw".
"In a world that seems so small, I can't stop thinking big"
"Someone set a bad example. Made surrender seem all right
The act of a noble warrior. Who lost the will to fight."

Offline Done4Me

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Re: Day 6 After 36 years using
« Reply #54 on: May 31, 2014, 09:04:00 AM »
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: Mike_Land
I mentioned a few weeks ago to some quitter brothers that I was having one of the most stressful times i've had since i quit dipping. I can say that I have had some of the worst craves and serious thoughts about going to the gas station and buying about three cans of dip and eating them all at the same time during this time. I even asked my wife for permission to stop at a store and get some. That should tell you how close i've come to just losing it completely! I have found over the last few months that just being able to come here and write what i'm feeling is very theraputic (SP?) So I'm going to lay some of the heavy burden I've been carry around lately down right here.

I have been married three times. Wife 1 stuck around for about 3 years and then decided we needed to be seperated. Little did I know that she would end up liking the split tails more than me!! We split with no kids so no big deal. Wife 2 was a god damn control freak and couldn't have a relationship with a man if her fucking life depended on it. Wife 3 turned out to be my high school sweet heart and a damn good keeper. Should have married her to begin with instead of being a pussy and letting her mother intimidate me and letting her shoo me off.

My burden concerns wife 2. We had a son together. He is now 17 and will be a senior in high school next year. Like most kids he can be self centered and find it almost impossible to think beyond the next few moments. He's very bright but doesn't always put forth the effort to do the best he can. Again, as a former high school teacher, i'm afraid alot of kids are that way. Like all kids he has made bad decisions. None so serious that he went to jail or anything, just stuff like not always telling the truth, not being where he is supposed to be, not turning his school work in on time. He did try smoking some pot. Luckily he got busted by his mother instead of the cops!

Here has what has had me all tore up. Wife 2 is a man hater. She suffered some abuse at the hands of her own father and because of that she believes that all men are pieces of shit. All men are and all boys will turn out to be just like her father. She has been disappointed in our son from the day she found out that he was a boy. I wish you could have heard the tone in her voice when she told me that we were going to have a boy. It was the sound of deep disappointment. I didn't recognize it as such at the time but came to hear it later after many years of tyring to prove to her that neither I or Michael was her father.

Wife 2 has never been able to have a relationship with a man in any situation. She has failed at every relationship she has had and that includes relationships in love and professional relationships. It really is unbelievable. Because she is so jaded towards men, she has never really had a good relationship with our son. Truth be told she is one of those people that should never have had children. She has never been the nurturing type. Michael got his nurturing from his nanny and my mother. But we all know that is not the same as getting it from your mother. She always expected him to act older than he was. When he was 3 she wanted him to act like he was 7. When he was 10 she wanted him to act like he was 14 or 15. Now that he is 17 she expects him to have the maturity of a 35 year old man.

Michael could never please her. She never tells anyone they have done a good job. She is always critcal of whatever he does. It's never good enough. I tried to tell him for years that that was just how his mother was and he would have to learn to except her as she was. That hard for a kid to do. He just never understood why his mother couldn't be like other moms. For tht matter, I could understand it either.

Wife 2 reached her breaking point and has decided to wash her hands of him. Soon I will become the parent with full custody of him until he graduates next year. She has told him to take all his stuff that he wants to keep and move it to my house. She has told him the rest will be given away or thrown in the trash. She wants no part of anything that goes on at school. In short she wants nothing to do with him. She says she will still come and watch him play ball and watch him take part in other school activities. So really she will just play the "mommie" roll when it suits her or when there are people around who might ask questions.

She has always compared him to her neices. One is at Carnigie Mellon, the other is at Duke. They are very bright and had very successful high school careers. Michael is every bit as bright and capable as they are but hasn't put forth the effort to really achieve the way they have. Part of that is he knows everything he does will never be as good as they are. Who wouldn't get tired of hearing that shit!!

So, tonight she brought him to my house and dumped him and all his clothes on my front porch. I happend to be at work or I might have just choked the bitch right there in the driveway! My current wife said wife 2 told him she loved him. What a fucking crock!! How can you treat your son like a piece of garbage and then turn around and say that?

So now my biggest challenge I've ever had begins. How do I try and piece his heart back together? I can't imagine the pain that comes with knowing that your mother doesn't love you, has totally given up on you, and has basically thrown you out with the trash. Michael puts on a brave face but I know that this is painful for him. So now it's up to me to show him that he is not a piece of trash. That he is a good person and that he can become a successful person and achieve the things he wants to achieve in life. And I have to do all this without being to mushy and cottling. I have to do it while still being the parent and being firm enough to still give him boundries and enforce those rules and boundries.

Shit!!! this is going to be tough!!!

Thanks for listening

My eyes are kinda tearing up just reading this. Not because I feel bad for Michael... But because of how fortunate he is to have a dad like you.

Keep doing what you are doing. Be the man that you are. The rest will take care of itself. If I can ever help, let me know.
Been here 27 days. I don't know you. All that I read was your last 2 posts and here's what I see. You have heart, guts, and wisdom that comes with age. You will slay this. Michael had a house now he has a home.

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Re: Day 6 After 36 years using
« Reply #53 on: May 31, 2014, 07:33:00 AM »
Quote from: Mike_Land
I mentioned a few weeks ago to some quitter brothers that I was having one of the most stressful times i've had since i quit dipping. I can say that I have had some of the worst craves and serious thoughts about going to the gas station and buying about three cans of dip and eating them all at the same time during this time. I even asked my wife for permission to stop at a store and get some. That should tell you how close i've come to just losing it completely! I have found over the last few months that just being able to come here and write what i'm feeling is very theraputic (SP?) So I'm going to lay some of the heavy burden I've been carry around lately down right here.

I have been married three times. Wife 1 stuck around for about 3 years and then decided we needed to be seperated. Little did I know that she would end up liking the split tails more than me!! We split with no kids so no big deal. Wife 2 was a god damn control freak and couldn't have a relationship with a man if her fucking life depended on it. Wife 3 turned out to be my high school sweet heart and a damn good keeper. Should have married her to begin with instead of being a pussy and letting her mother intimidate me and letting her shoo me off.

My burden concerns wife 2. We had a son together. He is now 17 and will be a senior in high school next year. Like most kids he can be self centered and find it almost impossible to think beyond the next few moments. He's very bright but doesn't always put forth the effort to do the best he can. Again, as a former high school teacher, i'm afraid alot of kids are that way. Like all kids he has made bad decisions. None so serious that he went to jail or anything, just stuff like not always telling the truth, not being where he is supposed to be, not turning his school work in on time. He did try smoking some pot. Luckily he got busted by his mother instead of the cops!

Here has what has had me all tore up. Wife 2 is a man hater. She suffered some abuse at the hands of her own father and because of that she believes that all men are pieces of shit. All men are and all boys will turn out to be just like her father. She has been disappointed in our son from the day she found out that he was a boy. I wish you could have heard the tone in her voice when she told me that we were going to have a boy. It was the sound of deep disappointment. I didn't recognize it as such at the time but came to hear it later after many years of tyring to prove to her that neither I or Michael was her father.

Wife 2 has never been able to have a relationship with a man in any situation. She has failed at every relationship she has had and that includes relationships in love and professional relationships. It really is unbelievable. Because she is so jaded towards men, she has never really had a good relationship with our son. Truth be told she is one of those people that should never have had children. She has never been the nurturing type. Michael got his nurturing from his nanny and my mother. But we all know that is not the same as getting it from your mother. She always expected him to act older than he was. When he was 3 she wanted him to act like he was 7. When he was 10 she wanted him to act like he was 14 or 15. Now that he is 17 she expects him to have the maturity of a 35 year old man.

Michael could never please her. She never tells anyone they have done a good job. She is always critcal of whatever he does. It's never good enough. I tried to tell him for years that that was just how his mother was and he would have to learn to except her as she was. That hard for a kid to do. He just never understood why his mother couldn't be like other moms. For tht matter, I could understand it either.

Wife 2 reached her breaking point and has decided to wash her hands of him. Soon I will become the parent with full custody of him until he graduates next year. She has told him to take all his stuff that he wants to keep and move it to my house. She has told him the rest will be given away or thrown in the trash. She wants no part of anything that goes on at school. In short she wants nothing to do with him. She says she will still come and watch him play ball and watch him take part in other school activities. So really she will just play the "mommie" roll when it suits her or when there are people around who might ask questions.

She has always compared him to her neices. One is at Carnigie Mellon, the other is at Duke. They are very bright and had very successful high school careers. Michael is every bit as bright and capable as they are but hasn't put forth the effort to really achieve the way they have. Part of that is he knows everything he does will never be as good as they are. Who wouldn't get tired of hearing that shit!!

So, tonight she brought him to my house and dumped him and all his clothes on my front porch. I happend to be at work or I might have just choked the bitch right there in the driveway! My current wife said wife 2 told him she loved him. What a fucking crock!! How can you treat your son like a piece of garbage and then turn around and say that?

So now my biggest challenge I've ever had begins. How do I try and piece his heart back together? I can't imagine the pain that comes with knowing that your mother doesn't love you, has totally given up on you, and has basically thrown you out with the trash. Michael puts on a brave face but I know that this is painful for him. So now it's up to me to show him that he is not a piece of trash. That he is a good person and that he can become a successful person and achieve the things he wants to achieve in life. And I have to do all this without being to mushy and cottling. I have to do it while still being the parent and being firm enough to still give him boundries and enforce those rules and boundries.

Shit!!! this is going to be tough!!!

Thanks for listening

My eyes are kinda tearing up just reading this. Not because I feel bad for Michael... But because of how fortunate he is to have a dad like you.

Keep doing what you are doing. Be the man that you are. The rest will take care of itself. If I can ever help, let me know.

Offline Mike_Land

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Re: Day 6 After 36 years using
« Reply #52 on: May 31, 2014, 02:30:00 AM »
I mentioned a few weeks ago to some quitter brothers that I was having one of the most stressful times i've had since i quit dipping. I can say that I have had some of the worst craves and serious thoughts about going to the gas station and buying about three cans of dip and eating them all at the same time during this time. I even asked my wife for permission to stop at a store and get some. That should tell you how close i've come to just losing it completely! I have found over the last few months that just being able to come here and write what i'm feeling is very theraputic (SP?) So I'm going to lay some of the heavy burden I've been carry around lately down right here.

I have been married three times. Wife 1 stuck around for about 3 years and then decided we needed to be seperated. Little did I know that she would end up liking the split tails more than me!! We split with no kids so no big deal. Wife 2 was a god damn control freak and couldn't have a relationship with a man if her fucking life depended on it. Wife 3 turned out to be my high school sweet heart and a damn good keeper. Should have married her to begin with instead of being a pussy and letting her mother intimidate me and letting her shoo me off.

My burden concerns wife 2. We had a son together. He is now 17 and will be a senior in high school next year. Like most kids he can be self centered and find it almost impossible to think beyond the next few moments. He's very bright but doesn't always put forth the effort to do the best he can. Again, as a former high school teacher, i'm afraid alot of kids are that way. Like all kids he has made bad decisions. None so serious that he went to jail or anything, just stuff like not always telling the truth, not being where he is supposed to be, not turning his school work in on time. He did try smoking some pot. Luckily he got busted by his mother instead of the cops!

Here has what has had me all tore up. Wife 2 is a man hater. She suffered some abuse at the hands of her own father and because of that she believes that all men are pieces of shit. All men are and all boys will turn out to be just like her father. She has been disappointed in our son from the day she found out that he was a boy. I wish you could have heard the tone in her voice when she told me that we were going to have a boy. It was the sound of deep disappointment. I didn't recognize it as such at the time but came to hear it later after many years of tyring to prove to her that neither I or Michael was her father.

Wife 2 has never been able to have a relationship with a man in any situation. She has failed at every relationship she has had and that includes relationships in love and professional relationships. It really is unbelievable. Because she is so jaded towards men, she has never really had a good relationship with our son. Truth be told she is one of those people that should never have had children. She has never been the nurturing type. Michael got his nurturing from his nanny and my mother. But we all know that is not the same as getting it from your mother. She always expected him to act older than he was. When he was 3 she wanted him to act like he was 7. When he was 10 she wanted him to act like he was 14 or 15. Now that he is 17 she expects him to have the maturity of a 35 year old man.

Michael could never please her. She never tells anyone they have done a good job. She is always critcal of whatever he does. It's never good enough. I tried to tell him for years that that was just how his mother was and he would have to learn to except her as she was. That hard for a kid to do. He just never understood why his mother couldn't be like other moms. For tht matter, I could understand it either.

Wife 2 reached her breaking point and has decided to wash her hands of him. Soon I will become the parent with full custody of him until he graduates next year. She has told him to take all his stuff that he wants to keep and move it to my house. She has told him the rest will be given away or thrown in the trash. She wants no part of anything that goes on at school. In short she wants nothing to do with him. She says she will still come and watch him play ball and watch him take part in other school activities. So really she will just play the "mommie" roll when it suits her or when there are people around who might ask questions.

She has always compared him to her neices. One is at Carnigie Mellon, the other is at Duke. They are very bright and had very successful high school careers. Michael is every bit as bright and capable as they are but hasn't put forth the effort to really achieve the way they have. Part of that is he knows everything he does will never be as good as they are. Who wouldn't get tired of hearing that shit!!

So, tonight she brought him to my house and dumped him and all his clothes on my front porch. I happend to be at work or I might have just choked the bitch right there in the driveway! My current wife said wife 2 told him she loved him. What a fucking crock!! How can you treat your son like a piece of garbage and then turn around and say that?

So now my biggest challenge I've ever had begins. How do I try and piece his heart back together? I can't imagine the pain that comes with knowing that your mother doesn't love you, has totally given up on you, and has basically thrown you out with the trash. Michael puts on a brave face but I know that this is painful for him. So now it's up to me to show him that he is not a piece of trash. That he is a good person and that he can become a successful person and achieve the things he wants to achieve in life. And I have to do all this without being to mushy and cottling. I have to do it while still being the parent and being firm enough to still give him boundries and enforce those rules and boundries.

Shit!!! this is going to be tough!!!

Thanks for listening


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Re: Day 6 After 36 years using
« Reply #51 on: April 20, 2014, 03:21:00 AM »
Quote from: SirDerek
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: Mike_Land
Day 512 and still quit. That's Q U I T, Quit!! Not stopped, not taking a break but QUIT! There is a huge difference. If you don't get it then you need to do some more studying of this site and the material that is available on it. If you are planning a day when you might be able to have just one small dip then you are just stopped. If you are just slowing down or taking a break then you are just stopped. The probem with a stop is that eventually you will start again. Quit means never again. You are completely soldout. You are OBSESSED!!

I've had alot of changes in my life the last year and a half. Most of them are good things. I quit nicotine in November of '12. I started exercising regular in January '13. I had weight loss surgery in May '13 that drastically altered my eating habits. As a result of all these things I lost 110 lbs. I've often wondered what the difference is between the last couple of years and the other times that I tried to quit using nicotine, start exercising and lose some weight. I was always successful in the short run. But sooner or later I would fall off the wagon and go back to my old ways. Soon I would be dipping more than ever before and weigh 10 lbs more than ever before. So what is the difference? I'm not sure I have the whole answer here is what I think.

My wife has often told me that i'm obsessive about stuff. I get my mind on something and I can't let it rest. I told her i'm not obsessive, i'm just super focused. But after thinking about it for a while, I think she may be right. I am obsessive. I can't help it. It's part of my addictive personality. it's in my genes. It's who I am. I don't think you can ever be completely successful unless you sellout 100% to something. You have to be laser focused. In other words, you have to be obsessive.

Looking back I can see that now. When I quit nicotine and joined KTC I soldout 100% to the idea of quitting. With that determination and a lot of help from guys at this site I was successful. When I decided to exercise all those other times I wasn't 100% committed. This time I soldout completely. I workout a minimum of 4 days a week and sometimes 6 days a week. I will not miss more than one day at a time of working out. I'm always thinking about the next workout, the next road race or the next triathlon. The difference is i'm committed and I wasn't before.

Before the last year I had lost 65 or more lbs 3 different times in my life. 2 years after loosing the weight I would weigh more than I had ever before. I gained it all back because I wasn't committed. This time I am. The surgery helped but the burden remains on me to be disciplined about what and how much I eat. I've been able to drop 100+ lbs because i'm committed. In the words of my lovely wife, I am OBSESSED.

I don't really want to sing my own praises but I want everyone to understand that to be successful at quitting nicotine we must be completely soldout to the idea of never using nicotine again. We must be laser focused. Some people have said that hate this site because the only time they think about dip is when they are here. I say that is good. Keeps your quit in the forefront of your mind. It helps keep you contanly on guard. The fact that I think about it everyday just makes me that more focused. I'm that much more OBSESSED with my quit.

BE committed quitters!. Get laser focused. BE OBSESSED with your quit!! Never let nicotine have control of your life again. Freedom is so sweet!!!

This is a great read, Mike. Congratulations on recommitting your life to positive change. Being obsessive is something a lot of us are. Focusing that trait in the right way can make the impossible possible.

Well done!
Damn Mike! I'm glad I read this. Awesome brother!!! I think I'll go to the gym now 'oh yeah' thanks
well stated my friend. Being Obsessed has many different connotations and you just put it into a great bright light of the good that can come from it. As you have picked out the right things to be obsessed of, so we all need to look at our own lives and do the same.

I know this quitter in person and he is laser focused. Mike your a bad ass
I would rather lose to a cheater than win as a cheater.

Offline SirDerek

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Re: Day 6 After 36 years using
« Reply #50 on: April 19, 2014, 04:04:00 PM »
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: Mike_Land
Day 512 and still quit. That's Q U I T, Quit!! Not stopped, not taking a break but QUIT! There is a huge difference. If you don't get it then you need to do some more studying of this site and the material that is available on it. If you are planning a day when you might be able to have just one small dip then you are just stopped. If you are just slowing down or taking a break then you are just stopped. The probem with a stop is that eventually you will start again. Quit means never again. You are completely soldout. You are OBSESSED!!

I've had alot of changes in my life the last year and a half. Most of them are good things. I quit nicotine in November of '12. I started exercising regular in January '13. I had weight loss surgery in May '13 that drastically altered my eating habits. As a result of all these things I lost 110 lbs. I've often wondered what the difference is between the last couple of years and the other times that I tried to quit using nicotine, start exercising and lose some weight. I was always successful in the short run. But sooner or later I would fall off the wagon and go back to my old ways. Soon I would be dipping more than ever before and weigh 10 lbs more than ever before. So what is the difference? I'm not sure I have the whole answer here is what I think.

My wife has often told me that i'm obsessive about stuff. I get my mind on something and I can't let it rest. I told her i'm not obsessive, i'm just super focused. But after thinking about it for a while, I think she may be right. I am obsessive. I can't help it. It's part of my addictive personality. it's in my genes. It's who I am. I don't think you can ever be completely successful unless you sellout 100% to something. You have to be laser focused. In other words, you have to be obsessive.

Looking back I can see that now. When I quit nicotine and joined KTC I soldout 100% to the idea of quitting. With that determination and a lot of help from guys at this site I was successful. When I decided to exercise all those other times I wasn't 100% committed. This time I soldout completely. I workout a minimum of 4 days a week and sometimes 6 days a week. I will not miss more than one day at a time of working out. I'm always thinking about the next workout, the next road race or the next triathlon. The difference is i'm committed and I wasn't before.

Before the last year I had lost 65 or more lbs 3 different times in my life. 2 years after loosing the weight I would weigh more than I had ever before. I gained it all back because I wasn't committed. This time I am. The surgery helped but the burden remains on me to be disciplined about what and how much I eat. I've been able to drop 100+ lbs because i'm committed. In the words of my lovely wife, I am OBSESSED.

I don't really want to sing my own praises but I want everyone to understand that to be successful at quitting nicotine we must be completely soldout to the idea of never using nicotine again. We must be laser focused. Some people have said that hate this site because the only time they think about dip is when they are here. I say that is good. Keeps your quit in the forefront of your mind. It helps keep you contanly on guard. The fact that I think about it everyday just makes me that more focused. I'm that much more OBSESSED with my quit.

BE committed quitters!. Get laser focused. BE OBSESSED with your quit!! Never let nicotine have control of your life again. Freedom is so sweet!!!

This is a great read, Mike. Congratulations on recommitting your life to positive change. Being obsessive is something a lot of us are. Focusing that trait in the right way can make the impossible possible.

Well done!
Damn Mike! I'm glad I read this. Awesome brother!!! I think I'll go to the gym now 'oh yeah' thanks
well stated my friend. Being Obsessed has many different connotations and you just put it into a great bright light of the good that can come from it. As you have picked out the right things to be obsessed of, so we all need to look at our own lives and do the same.


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Re: Day 6 After 36 years using
« Reply #49 on: April 19, 2014, 12:40:00 PM »
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: Mike_Land
Day 512 and still quit. That's Q U I T, Quit!! Not stopped, not taking a break but QUIT! There is a huge difference. If you don't get it then you need to do some more studying of this site and the material that is available on it. If you are planning a day when you might be able to have just one small dip then you are just stopped. If you are just slowing down or taking a break then you are just stopped. The probem with a stop is that eventually you will start again. Quit means never again. You are completely soldout. You are OBSESSED!!

I've had alot of changes in my life the last year and a half. Most of them are good things. I quit nicotine in November of '12. I started exercising regular in January '13. I had weight loss surgery in May '13 that drastically altered my eating habits. As a result of all these things I lost 110 lbs. I've often wondered what the difference is between the last couple of years and the other times that I tried to quit using nicotine, start exercising and lose some weight. I was always successful in the short run. But sooner or later I would fall off the wagon and go back to my old ways. Soon I would be dipping more than ever before and weigh 10 lbs more than ever before. So what is the difference? I'm not sure I have the whole answer here is what I think.

My wife has often told me that i'm obsessive about stuff. I get my mind on something and I can't let it rest. I told her i'm not obsessive, i'm just super focused. But after thinking about it for a while, I think she may be right. I am obsessive. I can't help it. It's part of my addictive personality. it's in my genes. It's who I am. I don't think you can ever be completely successful unless you sellout 100% to something. You have to be laser focused. In other words, you have to be obsessive.

Looking back I can see that now. When I quit nicotine and joined KTC I soldout 100% to the idea of quitting. With that determination and a lot of help from guys at this site I was successful. When I decided to exercise all those other times I wasn't 100% committed. This time I soldout completely. I workout a minimum of 4 days a week and sometimes 6 days a week. I will not miss more than one day at a time of working out. I'm always thinking about the next workout, the next road race or the next triathlon. The difference is i'm committed and I wasn't before.

Before the last year I had lost 65 or more lbs 3 different times in my life. 2 years after loosing the weight I would weigh more than I had ever before. I gained it all back because I wasn't committed. This time I am. The surgery helped but the burden remains on me to be disciplined about what and how much I eat. I've been able to drop 100+ lbs because i'm committed. In the words of my lovely wife, I am OBSESSED.

I don't really want to sing my own praises but I want everyone to understand that to be successful at quitting nicotine we must be completely soldout to the idea of never using nicotine again. We must be laser focused. Some people have said that hate this site because the only time they think about dip is when they are here. I say that is good. Keeps your quit in the forefront of your mind. It helps keep you contanly on guard. The fact that I think about it everyday just makes me that more focused. I'm that much more OBSESSED with my quit.

BE committed quitters!. Get laser focused. BE OBSESSED with your quit!! Never let nicotine have control of your life again. Freedom is so sweet!!!

This is a great read, Mike. Congratulations on recommitting your life to positive change. Being obsessive is something a lot of us are. Focusing that trait in the right way can make the impossible possible.

Well done!
Damn Mike! I'm glad I read this. Awesome brother!!! I think I'll go to the gym now 'oh yeah' thanks

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Re: Day 6 After 36 years using
« Reply #48 on: April 19, 2014, 06:03:00 AM »
Quote from: Mike_Land
Day 512 and still quit. That's Q U I T, Quit!! Not stopped, not taking a break but QUIT! There is a huge difference. If you don't get it then you need to do some more studying of this site and the material that is available on it. If you are planning a day when you might be able to have just one small dip then you are just stopped. If you are just slowing down or taking a break then you are just stopped. The probem with a stop is that eventually you will start again. Quit means never again. You are completely soldout. You are OBSESSED!!

I've had alot of changes in my life the last year and a half. Most of them are good things. I quit nicotine in November of '12. I started exercising regular in January '13. I had weight loss surgery in May '13 that drastically altered my eating habits. As a result of all these things I lost 110 lbs. I've often wondered what the difference is between the last couple of years and the other times that I tried to quit using nicotine, start exercising and lose some weight. I was always successful in the short run. But sooner or later I would fall off the wagon and go back to my old ways. Soon I would be dipping more than ever before and weigh 10 lbs more than ever before. So what is the difference? I'm not sure I have the whole answer here is what I think.

My wife has often told me that i'm obsessive about stuff. I get my mind on something and I can't let it rest. I told her i'm not obsessive, i'm just super focused. But after thinking about it for a while, I think she may be right. I am obsessive. I can't help it. It's part of my addictive personality. it's in my genes. It's who I am. I don't think you can ever be completely successful unless you sellout 100% to something. You have to be laser focused. In other words, you have to be obsessive.

Looking back I can see that now. When I quit nicotine and joined KTC I soldout 100% to the idea of quitting. With that determination and a lot of help from guys at this site I was successful. When I decided to exercise all those other times I wasn't 100% committed. This time I soldout completely. I workout a minimum of 4 days a week and sometimes 6 days a week. I will not miss more than one day at a time of working out. I'm always thinking about the next workout, the next road race or the next triathlon. The difference is i'm committed and I wasn't before.

Before the last year I had lost 65 or more lbs 3 different times in my life. 2 years after loosing the weight I would weigh more than I had ever before. I gained it all back because I wasn't committed. This time I am. The surgery helped but the burden remains on me to be disciplined about what and how much I eat. I've been able to drop 100+ lbs because i'm committed. In the words of my lovely wife, I am OBSESSED.

I don't really want to sing my own praises but I want everyone to understand that to be successful at quitting nicotine we must be completely soldout to the idea of never using nicotine again. We must be laser focused. Some people have said that hate this site because the only time they think about dip is when they are here. I say that is good. Keeps your quit in the forefront of your mind. It helps keep you contanly on guard. The fact that I think about it everyday just makes me that more focused. I'm that much more OBSESSED with my quit.

BE committed quitters!. Get laser focused. BE OBSESSED with your quit!! Never let nicotine have control of your life again. Freedom is so sweet!!!

This is a great read, Mike. Congratulations on recommitting your life to positive change. Being obsessive is something a lot of us are. Focusing that trait in the right way can make the impossible possible.

Well done!

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Re: Day 6 After 36 years using
« Reply #47 on: April 19, 2014, 02:25:00 AM »
Day 512 and still quit. That's Q U I T, Quit!! Not stopped, not taking a break but QUIT! There is a huge difference. If you don't get it then you need to do some more studying of this site and the material that is available on it. If you are planning a day when you might be able to have just one small dip then you are just stopped. If you are just slowing down or taking a break then you are just stopped. The probem with a stop is that eventually you will start again. Quit means never again. You are completely soldout. You are OBSESSED!!

I've had alot of changes in my life the last year and a half. Most of them are good things. I quit nicotine in November of '12. I started exercising regular in January '13. I had weight loss surgery in May '13 that drastically altered my eating habits. As a result of all these things I lost 110 lbs. I've often wondered what the difference is between the last couple of years and the other times that I tried to quit using nicotine, start exercising and lose some weight. I was always successful in the short run. But sooner or later I would fall off the wagon and go back to my old ways. Soon I would be dipping more than ever before and weigh 10 lbs more than ever before. So what is the difference? I'm not sure I have the whole answer here is what I think.

My wife has often told me that i'm obsessive about stuff. I get my mind on something and I can't let it rest. I told her i'm not obsessive, i'm just super focused. But after thinking about it for a while, I think she may be right. I am obsessive. I can't help it. It's part of my addictive personality. it's in my genes. It's who I am. I don't think you can ever be completely successful unless you sellout 100% to something. You have to be laser focused. In other words, you have to be obsessive.

Looking back I can see that now. When I quit nicotine and joined KTC I soldout 100% to the idea of quitting. With that determination and a lot of help from guys at this site I was successful. When I decided to exercise all those other times I wasn't 100% committed. This time I soldout completely. I workout a minimum of 4 days a week and sometimes 6 days a week. I will not miss more than one day at a time of working out. I'm always thinking about the next workout, the next road race or the next triathlon. The difference is i'm committed and I wasn't before.

Before the last year I had lost 65 or more lbs 3 different times in my life. 2 years after loosing the weight I would weigh more than I had ever before. I gained it all back because I wasn't committed. This time I am. The surgery helped but the burden remains on me to be disciplined about what and how much I eat. I've been able to drop 100+ lbs because i'm committed. In the words of my lovely wife, I am OBSESSED.

I don't really want to sing my own praises but I want everyone to understand that to be successful at quitting nicotine we must be completely soldout to the idea of never using nicotine again. We must be laser focused. Some people have said that hate this site because the only time they think about dip is when they are here. I say that is good. Keeps your quit in the forefront of your mind. It helps keep you contanly on guard. The fact that I think about it everyday just makes me that more focused. I'm that much more OBSESSED with my quit.

BE committed quitters!. Get laser focused. BE OBSESSED with your quit!! Never let nicotine have control of your life again. Freedom is so sweet!!!


Offline brettlees

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Re: Day 6 After 36 years using
« Reply #46 on: April 08, 2014, 10:13:00 AM »
Nice job! Glad you are still coming around too!
This info helped me early on, and still does today:

Quitters I’ve met so far: Ihatecope, >Pinched<, T-Cell, grizzlyhasclaws, Canvasback, BaseballPlayer, Cbird65, ERDVM, BradleyGuy, Ted, Zeno, AppleJack, Bronc, Knockout, MookieBlaylock, Rdad, 2mch2lv4, MN_Ben, Natro, Lippizaner, Amquash, ChristopherJ, GDubya, SRohde  -- always eager to meet more!

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Re: Day 6 After 36 years using
« Reply #45 on: April 08, 2014, 02:14:00 AM »
Quote from: SirDerek
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: Winter
Quote from: AppleJack
Awesome job bro!
This is to freakin cool man. Great job!!
Great job!! Congrats!
Dang man, Congrats on the big 500 Mike.
Half comma's are awesome, congrats!

Offline SirDerek

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Re: Day 6 After 36 years using
« Reply #44 on: April 07, 2014, 09:21:00 PM »
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: Winter
Quote from: AppleJack
Awesome job bro!
This is to freakin cool man. Great job!!
Great job!! Congrats!
Dang man, Congrats on the big 500 Mike.

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Re: Day 6 After 36 years using
« Reply #43 on: April 07, 2014, 09:02:00 PM »
Quote from: Winter
Quote from: AppleJack
Awesome job bro!
This is to freakin cool man. Great job!!
Great job!! Congrats!
Nicotine Quit Date:10/31/2013
Exercise Start Date: 6/29/2018

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Re: Day 6 After 36 years using
« Reply #42 on: April 07, 2014, 08:49:00 PM »
Quote from: AppleJack
Awesome job bro!
This is to freakin cool man. Great job!!
Quit~December - 2 - 2013
1st Floor~March - 11 - 2014