Author Topic: I quit, or have I?  (Read 3417 times)

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Offline AppleJack

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Re: I quit, or have I?
« Reply #35 on: October 17, 2014, 04:37:00 PM »
Quote from: Benjo
Quote from: AppleJack
I haven't even read all this ongoing stupidity.

I don't need to.

Quit or leave. It's pretty simple. Stop trying to justify your addiction... It won't work here.
We'll stay right beside you if you wanna quit.

If that's not your goal... Buh-Bye.
I guess if you say "not gonna even bother reading this", I can't accuse you of poor reading comprehension, can I.

He is stopped, and he told himself he's quit, as of six months ago, but he's wavering.

The talk about using in moderation, that's not him advocating it, it's the pre-addict part of his dopamine system trying to get him to give up his quit.

Reaper, you've given your brain hundreds, maybe thousands of doses of nicotine. Your brain loves that shit, because as far as it can tell, each one of those dopamine rushes was for bringing down a buffalo or bedding the chief's daughter. Your brain remembers. It wants that again.

I think it's an interesting, and open, question whether or not that's a symptom of addiction. You certainly haven't gotten away with using dip without modifying your brain, and I think if you reflect on that, it'll be obviously true to you.

You're not in the immediate hold of nicotine, so just try to be rational when you think about picking up another can. What's the upside? Cheap dopamine rush. What's the potential (probable) downside? A disgusting, expensive, embarrassing addiction. Maybe cancer.

Again, good luck with your decision. If you decide you're really, really, done with it, and want some backup, come join us in the Shell.
Benjo... Your own vocabulary screams your ignorance.

We don't aim for "stopped". It's not acceptable. For you to use that term as a defense of this guy means you need to be quiet and pay attention.

Quit is a mindset that this cat, and you apparently, need to learn.
Well, it’s one louder, isn’t it? It’s not ten.

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Re: I quit, or have I?
« Reply #34 on: October 17, 2014, 04:33:00 PM »
Quote from: FkSkoal
Quote from: shorthorn
Look.. I am not here to make friends so I will just say it.

GET THE FUCK OUT! I have spent 269 days battling the nicotine addition that wants like nothing else for me to stuff one more pinch in my fucking mouth. Every day is a battle and its little bitches like you that want to come in here and talk utter bullshit... How the fuck dare you fill my head with thoughts of "oh it is ok in moderation" or "just one won't hurt you".

This is a 100% quit site. No nicotine period. If you want to talk other forms of use or moderation or whatever kind of bullshit you want, there are other sites for that. THis is not the site for you friend.

And yes... That is my douchbag cultline opinion. And yes it is my intention to keep people like you, who think occasional nicotine use is ok away from this site and away from people like me struggling to stay away from my addition.

I love the idea of blowing up gas stations to prevent my addition... thanks.. may have to try that. 'Finger'
You piss on all the advances we've made in neurochemistry you if you think addiction is inherently the same in each individual. Guess what- the world isn't flat, either.
Go to one of the other sites that quits the way your neurochemistry works. This site quits the way my neurochemistry works.

PS, you're a hypocritical douche. You're doing the exact thing you're railing against.

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Re: I quit, or have I?
« Reply #33 on: October 17, 2014, 04:32:00 PM »
Quote from: AppleJack
I haven't even read all this ongoing stupidity.

I don't need to.
Ah, failure to read: the same mentality applied to warning labels on every tin you opened. And yet we're all quick to blame big tobacco for brainwashing us. As if our own personal choices make no difference in the matter.
Habits begin as cobwebs and end up as chains.
"The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bullshit story you keep telling yourself as to why you can't achieve it." -Jordan Belfort

Offline Benjo

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  • Interests: Well, there's no acceptable way to say goodbye here. You're either all in, or get out. I'm checking out. I do appreciate having a bunch of quitters to shoot the shit with, to distract each other from difficulty and share encouragement. Those of you who stay and pay it forward are better than I for doing so. I do congratulate all of you for finding the strength to quit and the toughness to stay quit. Stay strong. Stay quit.I just don't feel net positive from the time I spend here, and I don't feel like the KTC system itself has any bearing on my quit. That's not to say it doesn't work if you invest in it, but y'all have known since day one I believe I can do this myself. I've got family and friends I'm accountable to. I've been enjoying every single day of not having to feed an addiction. Even that first week, I loved being able to say no. I'm all in for improving my health and not making stupid choices.I'm going to continue to say no to nicotine for the rest of my life. You do the same. All the best. Ben.P.S. Fuck Marty Barrington.
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Re: I quit, or have I?
« Reply #32 on: October 17, 2014, 04:25:00 PM »
Quote from: AppleJack
I haven't even read all this ongoing stupidity.

I don't need to.

Quit or leave. It's pretty simple. Stop trying to justify your addiction... It won't work here.
We'll stay right beside you if you wanna quit.

If that's not your goal... Buh-Bye.
I guess if you say "not gonna even bother reading this", I can't accuse you of poor reading comprehension, can I.

He is stopped, and he told himself he's quit, as of six months ago, but he's wavering.

The talk about using in moderation, that's not him advocating it, it's the pre-addict part of his dopamine system trying to get him to give up his quit.

Reaper, you've given your brain hundreds, maybe thousands of doses of nicotine. Your brain loves that shit, because as far as it can tell, each one of those dopamine rushes was for bringing down a buffalo or bedding the chief's daughter. Your brain remembers. It wants that again.

I think it's an interesting, and open, question whether or not that's a symptom of addiction. You certainly haven't gotten away with using dip without modifying your brain, and I think if you reflect on that, it'll be obviously true to you.

You're not in the immediate hold of nicotine, so just try to be rational when you think about picking up another can. What's the upside? Cheap dopamine rush. What's the potential (probable) downside? A disgusting, expensive, embarrassing addiction. Maybe cancer.

Again, good luck with your decision. If you decide you're really, really, done with it, and want some backup, come join us in the Shell.
"If you are hoping, you aint quitting. Quitting is a lot more of a sure thing than hoping and trying." -Bronc

Each cue driven crave episode presents an opportunity to extinguish additional conditioning and reclaim another aspect of life.

Offline basshaug

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Re: I quit, or have I?
« Reply #31 on: October 17, 2014, 04:23:00 PM »
Quote from: greg5280
I spend time learning about the tobacco industry and their tactics as I find doing so helps me stay focused and stay quit. If the message below does not help you get pissed off at the people who produce, market and sell tobacco I am not sure anything will.

Lies and decpetion

For years, the tobacco industry has known of the health consequences of
tobacco and its addictive component, nicotine. In 1954, tobacco researchers commented,
“It’s fortunate for us that tobacco is a habit consumers can’t break.”

In 1964,an internal British American Tobacco document discussed the issue of nicotine and
addiction, “There seems no doubt that the ‘kick’ of tobacco is due to the concentration
of nicotine in the bloodstream which it achieves, and this is a product
of the quantity of nicotine in the tobacco and the speed of transfer of that nicotine
into the bloodstream.”

In 1969, a Philip Morris researcher bluntly stated, “We have, then, as our first premise, that the primary motivation for tobacco use is to obtain the pharmacological effect of nicotine.” Philip Morris researchers
also concluded: “The cigarette should be conceived not as a product but as a package. The
product is nicotine. The cigarette is but one of many package layers. There
is the carton, which contains the pack, which contains the cigarette, which
contains the smoke. The smoker must strip off all these package layers to get
to that which he seeks Â… Think of a cigarette pack as a storage container for
a dayÂ’s supply of nicotine Â… Think of a cigarette as a dispenser for a dose
unit of nicotine … Think of a puff of smoke as the vehicle of nicotine …”

For Big Tobacco, failure to win the debate over regulating nicotine in tobacco
threatened its existence as an industry. In a 1972 internal memorandum the director
of research for R.J. Reynolds wrote, “If, as proposed above, nicotine is the sine qua non of tobacco use, and if we meekly accept the allegations of our critics and move toward reduction or
elimination of nicotine from our products, then we shall eventually liquidate
our business. If we intend to remain in business and our business is
the manufacture and sale of dosage forms of nicotine, then at some point
we must make a stand.”

For Big Tobacco researchers, the evidence of the addictiveness of nicotine kept
piling up. In a 1983 internal Brown  Williamson memorandum, the message was
clear “Nicotine is the addicting agent in tobacco.”

On April 14, 1994, the CEOs of the seven leading tobacco companies testified
under oath in a hearing held by the U.S. Congress House of Representatives
Committee on Energy and Commerce, Subcommittee on Health and the
Environment. Despite extensive internal research on the issue of nicotine and addiction,
Big TobaccoÂ’s executives testified that they believed that nicotine was not
addictive. Below is the transcript of the relevant exchange on that issue:

Rep. Ron Wyden (D-OR): Thank you, Mr. Chairman Â… Let me begin my questioning
on the matter of whether or not nicotine is addictive. Let me ask you first,
and IÂ’d like to just go down the row, whether each of you believes that nicotine is
not addictive. I heard virtually all of you touch on it. Just yes or no. Do you believe
nicotine is not addictive?

Mr. Campbell (President and CEO, Philip Morris, USA): I believe nicotine is not
addictive, yes.

Rep. Wyden: Mr. Johnston?

Mr. Johnston (Chairman and CEO, RJR Tobacco Co.): Congressman, cigarettes
and nicotine clearly do not meet the classic definitions of addiction. There is no

Rep. Wyden: We’ll take that as a no and, again, time is short. If you can just — I
think each of you believe nicotine is not addictive. We just would like to have this
for the record.

Mr. Taddeo (President, US Tobacco Co.): I donÂ’t believe that nicotine or our products
are addictive.

Mr. Horrigan (Chairman and CEO, Liggett Group): I believe nicotine is not

Mr. Tisch (Chairman and CEO, Lorillard Tobacco Co.): I believe that nicotine is
not addictive.

Mr. Sandefur (Chairman and CEO, Brown  Williamson Tobacco Corp.): I
believe that nicotine is not addictive.

Mr. Donald Johnston (President and CEO, American Tobacco Co.): And I, too,
believe that nicotine is not addictive.

As pressure in the U.S. has increased to curb its marketing to children, Big
Tobacco has focused more of its advertising in developing nations. A World Health
Organization (WHO)-Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) study
found that 11 percent of children in Latin America and the Caribbean were offered
tobacco by company representatives in 1999 and 2000. In Russia, nearly 17
percent said they were given free tobacco products. In Jordan, it was a whopping 25 percent!

These efforts are found all over the world. According to Vera da Costa e Silva,
director of the WHOÂ’s tobacco program, Big Tobacco is making a big move to hook
children outside of the United States:

“This is the right time for the tobacco industry to seduce children overseas.
They are looking to increase the number of users in developing countries
and elsewhere abroad because in the United States they are losing their market shares.

Tobacco kills an estimated four million people around the globe each year.
Because of growing international sales, experts believe that by the year 2020, one in
three adult deaths in the world will be caused by smoking and other tobacco use.
And these experts believe that by the year 2030, over ten million deaths worldwide
will be caused each year by tobacco use. Tobacco is expected to be the leading cause
of death worldwide in less than thirty years; 70 percent of these deaths will occur in
developing countries.

Other global practices by Big Tobacco have come under fire:

• 520,000 children work on tobacco farms in Brazil, and a third of them
are under the age of 14 years old.

• Children in southern Brazil are removed from classes before the end of
the school year to help with the harvest the tobacco crop.

• The average monthly income for a tobacco-growing family in Brazil is
334 Reals, the equivalent of $137.

Understand that to Big tobacco you are nothing more than “a percentage of market share” the pain and suffering of you and your lost family members means nothing to these death dealers. They have knowingly marketed and produced a product that when used as directed will result in early death for the people who use it. If you ever think you miss this shit, read some of the tactics they have used over the years and it should help keep you quit. As I have said before, I will set my money on fire before I ever give these people one cent of it.

These are the people, that we have all given our time and money to, that are behind the "buzz" which you are finding harder and harder to resist. Guess why? Nicotine is tied with crack cocaine as the 2nd most addictive substance behind only heroin.

Offline AppleJack

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Re: I quit, or have I?
« Reply #30 on: October 17, 2014, 04:17:00 PM »
Quote from: R34P3R
Well its a one day thing every 6 months or so, which I would normally just go deal with. But this most recent attempt I actually said I was done, and was surprised with how hard it hit me on that 6 month pattern I have been on. So I came looking for some support to get through the night, and searching for information to see if moderation in nicotine just like alcohol would be ok. I got the support, some very good and helpful stuff, some that made me just want to revert to a rebellious teenager stage and just go do it.

But I have come to the conclusion that unless I can find information about moderation, baring a horrible breakup/maybe finals I am done. I have taken the time to read your speeches and have found the helpful.
Moderation applies to the healthier components of life...

Nicotine is not a healthy component of life.

Quit or die an addicts death.

Shut up and just do it...
Well, it’s one louder, isn’t it? It’s not ten.

Offline basshaug

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Re: I quit, or have I?
« Reply #29 on: October 17, 2014, 04:14:00 PM »
Quote from: AppleJack
I haven't even read all this ongoing stupidity.

I don't need to.

Quit or leave. It's pretty simple. Stop trying to justify your addiction... It won't work here.
We'll stay right beside you if you wanna quit.

If that's not your goal... Buh-Bye.

Offline R34P3R

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Re: I quit, or have I?
« Reply #28 on: October 17, 2014, 04:13:00 PM »
Well its a one day thing every 6 months or so, which I would normally just go deal with. But this most recent attempt I actually said I was done, and was surprised with how hard it hit me on that 6 month pattern I have been on. So I came looking for some support to get through the night, and searching for information to see if moderation in nicotine just like alcohol would be ok. I got the support, some very good and helpful stuff, some that made me just want to revert to a rebellious teenager stage and just go do it.

But I have come to the conclusion that unless I can find information about moderation, baring a horrible breakup/maybe finals I am done. I have taken the time to read your speeches and have found them helpful.

...also not reading the whole conversation you miss some pretty key points. If you wont bother with that, then I dont have much to say to you. I am here for help, just like you, I will go about it how I see fit. If the conversation makes you feel weak avoid it, and dont post here. If you want to contribute then actually read it and don't post a close-minded statement that is not even close to accurate about what is going on here.

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Re: I quit, or have I?
« Reply #27 on: October 17, 2014, 04:12:00 PM »
Quote from: AppleJack
I haven't even read all this ongoing stupidity.

I don't need to.

Quit or leave. It's pretty simple. Stop trying to justify your addiction... It won't work here.
We'll stay right beside you if you wanna quit.

If that's not your goal... Buh-Bye.
Exactly....this is a quit site. If you want to do it in moderation, take the risk, but this site isn't for you.

Offline AppleJack

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Re: I quit, or have I?
« Reply #26 on: October 17, 2014, 04:08:00 PM »
I haven't even read all this ongoing stupidity.

I don't need to.

Quit or leave. It's pretty simple. Stop trying to justify your addiction... It won't work here.
We'll stay right beside you if you wanna quit.

If that's not your goal... Buh-Bye.
Well, it’s one louder, isn’t it? It’s not ten.

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Re: I quit, or have I?
« Reply #25 on: October 17, 2014, 04:06:00 PM »

Read my HOF speech and realize you are not alone.


I also posted an article about a young man named Gruen. He was 17 and had a 25% chance of living through oral cancer. He had 33 surgeries and he beat the odds and is a living reason why we are all here. You may need to read Kern's Story as well.


This is not something we can take lightly and that is why there is no way but hardcore for us. We are all addicts to nicotine. Why do you think you get this feeling that "only one" and that won't hurt me... That is addiction to nicotine calling the shots. No one believes that you are addicted to any substance. Be it alcohol, drugs or tobacco, none of us believed we were addicts till we took a long hard look in the mirror and realized we had a problem with nicotine.

This is not saying that you have an addicted personality either. I (don't believe I do) have an issue with alcohol or drugs. I will have a wine with dinner or a beer or two while watching football and have steered clear of drugs. But I am not thinking of the feeling all day about getting drunk, like you seem to be with tobacco, and that is if I read the intro right... You stayed reading on this site to keep yourself from using.... I believe the nic bitch could be playing mind games with you. If you want to write off the whole site and not realize 100% all in quit is the only way then that is fine and your choice. But it has worked damn well for me and thousands of others here, so we must be doing something right.

Starr- Day 311

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Re: I quit, or have I?
« Reply #24 on: October 17, 2014, 04:05:00 PM »
Myself, I could easily discuss this ... because I've slammed the door on the option of failure. I guess the reason I came across strong (and lacking respect) is because I acknowledge that although we all have a different battle going on, MOST of the members here at KTC are truly fighting for their lives, and DO NOT need a discussion about potentials for use again. Every day someone loses that very battle. So although abrasive, I certainly didn't call anyone names (FK?). To appease, a simple edit of my original post:

To come in here, knowing full well that this is a QUIT site (not a moderation site) and try to have a conversation about the very thing we warn all addicts about (you can have just one) is bullshit a little small-sighted. I understand it doesn't have a grip on you (yet). You damn well better I wish you would realize the grip it has on almost everyone here fighting for their lives every day. To come in here and talk about moderation is akin to coming into an AA meeting and discussing having "just one" beer. Knock . it . the . fuck . off. Please consider thinking about the big picture here.

Show some respect, or GTFO at a minimum, reflect a grasp of how difficult it is for some. There is one thing that is for DAMN is for sure here ... it's not a site for moderation.

If you can, realize my stance carries some venom because your question is self-centered and does not consider the effects it may have. Also, unregistered guests come here, and have the ability to read your intro, especially with links in it that lead to the wrong mindset could possibly make them choose to not quit!. The last fucking thing As someone who looks at the big picture here at KTC, I am unsure I want someone with someone battling a horrible addiction to read and think about the question, "do you think I could use in moderation"?
My personality is who I am, my attitude depends on who you are.

Offline FkSkoal

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Re: I quit, or have I?
« Reply #23 on: October 17, 2014, 04:03:00 PM »
Quote from: shorthorn
Look.. I am not here to make friends so I will just say it.

GET THE FUCK OUT! I have spent 269 days battling the nicotine addition that wants like nothing else for me to stuff one more pinch in my fucking mouth. Every day is a battle and its little bitches like you that want to come in here and talk utter bullshit... How the fuck dare you fill my head with thoughts of "oh it is ok in moderation" or "just one won't hurt you".

This is a 100% quit site. No nicotine period. If you want to talk other forms of use or moderation or whatever kind of bullshit you want, there are other sites for that. THis is not the site for you friend.

And yes... That is my douchbag cultline opinion. And yes it is my intention to keep people like you, who think occasional nicotine use is ok away from this site and away from people like me struggling to stay away from my addition.

I love the idea of blowing up gas stations to prevent my addition... thanks.. may have to try that. 'Finger'
You piss on all the advances we've made in neurochemistry you if you think addiction is inherently the same in each individual. Guess what- the world isn't flat, either.
Habits begin as cobwebs and end up as chains.
"The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bullshit story you keep telling yourself as to why you can't achieve it." -Jordan Belfort

Offline Shorthorn

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Re: I quit, or have I?
« Reply #22 on: October 17, 2014, 03:59:00 PM »
Quote from: FkSkoal
Quote from: Smeds
To come in here, knowing full well that this is a QUIT site (not a moderation site) and try to have a conversation about the very thing we warn all addicts about (you can have just one) is bullshit. I understand it doesn't have a grip on you (yet). You damn well better realize the grip it has on almost everyone here fighting for their lives every day. To come in here and talk about moderation is akin to coming into an AA meeting and discussing having "just one" beer. Knock . it . the . fuck . off.

Show some respect, or GTFO. There is one thing that is for DAMN sure here ... it's not a site for moderation.

If you can, realize my stance carries some venom because your question is self-centered and does not consider the effects it may have. Also, unregistered guests come here, and have the ability to read your intro, especially with links in it that lead to the wrong mindset!. The last fucking thing I want someone with a horrible addiction to read is "do you think I could use in moderation"?

'finger point' 'Finger'
I wish there was a way to link/hashtag @grizzlyhasclaws to this thread. Because this is exactly the douchebag, cultlike mentality that I'm talking about. Keeps people like me and others who have different viewpoints out of in-depth (or lack thereof) discussion and strictly to roll-posting.

The moment you even BRING UP questions of trophy tins, moderation, social media, etc. you get run off the site. Fucking babies. It's tantamount to ripping down every Skoal ad you see at every gas station and then blowing up the gas station because of YOUR addiction.
Look.. I am not here to make friends so I will just say it.

GET THE FUCK OUT! I have spent 269 days battling the nicotine addition that wants like nothing else for me to stuff one more pinch in my fucking mouth. Every day is a battle and its little bitches like you that want to come in here and talk utter bullshit... How the fuck dare you fill my head with thoughts of "oh it is ok in moderation" or "just one won't hurt you".

This is a 100% quit site. No nicotine period. If you want to talk other forms of use or moderation or whatever kind of bullshit you want, there are other sites for that. THis is not the site for you friend.

And yes... That is my douchbag cult like opinion. And yes it is my intention to keep people like you, who think occasional nicotine use is ok away from this site and away from people like me struggling to stay away from my addition.

I love the idea of blowing up gas stations to prevent my addition... thanks.. may have to try that. 'Finger'

Offline R34P3R

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Re: I quit, or have I?
« Reply #21 on: October 17, 2014, 03:58:00 PM »
Eh, I prefer to diffuse anger when possible rather then ignore it. I feel the editing of my posts should help a little. Afterall I geninuly dont want to be part of the problem that causes people to use.

The upside would be, when I am really down and don't have a romantic partner to turn to, that buzz is the closest thing to comfort I can find.
For the moment unless I find facts that confirm moderation should be ok, I am committed to staying quit one day at a time.

The biggest thing in making that decision for me, was this simple thought process. There are not studies on it. Meaning it could indeed be worse for you, something akin to how second hand smoke can be worse for people then actually smoking because you don't have that resistance built up. Id rather my face did not melt off. I have no interest in being a regular user of the stuff. And if a rare buzz is that dangerous It is best to avoid it.

Thank you for helping me come to that conclusion.