Author Topic: Day 140 and counting  (Read 29609 times)

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Offline davidc67

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Re: Day 140 and counting
« Reply #178 on: June 21, 2011, 03:22:00 PM »
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: Souliman
Quote from: Greg5280
Day 600

Hell Yeah !!!
Congrats brother. And thanks for all the support you throw around here.
Wow. Awesome job. Congratulations.
Damn nice Greg. Great example of what we all can achieve!
Quit Date: March 3, 2011 @ 10:10 AM I took my life back.
HOF Date: June 10, 2011
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Offline Scowick65

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Re: Day 140 and counting
« Reply #177 on: June 21, 2011, 02:23:00 PM »
Quote from: Souliman
Quote from: Greg5280
Day 600

Hell Yeah !!!
Congrats brother. And thanks for all the support you throw around here.
Wow. Awesome job. Congratulations.

Offline Souliman

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Re: Day 140 and counting
« Reply #176 on: June 21, 2011, 02:20:00 PM »
Quote from: Greg5280
Day 600

Hell Yeah !!!
Congrats brother. And thanks for all the support you throw around here.

Offline Greg5280

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Re: Day 140 and counting
« Reply #175 on: June 21, 2011, 01:45:00 PM »
Saw this today.

I like them !!

Tobacco Warnings

Offline Greg5280

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Re: Day 140 and counting
« Reply #174 on: June 21, 2011, 01:39:00 PM »
Day 600

Hell Yeah !!!

Offline Greg5280

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Re: Day 140 and counting
« Reply #173 on: May 23, 2011, 01:55:00 PM »
Found these today. If this will not make your hatred for these fucks intensify I am not sure what will. They have no concern for you other than how much money they can suck out of you before you die a slow and painful death...

FUCK YOU BIG TOBACCO !! I will set my money on fire before you see one more cent of it....

Real Quotes From Tobacco Companies

What tobacco companies say about you! In their own words:

“We don’t smoke that s_ _ _. We just sell it. We reserve the right to smoke for the young, the poor, the black and stupid.”
[R.J. Reynolds executive’s reply when asked why he didn’t smoke according to Dave Goerlitz, lead Winston model for seven years for R.J. Reynolds.] Giovanni, J, “Come to Cancer Country; USA; Focus,” The Times of London, August 2, 1992.

"They got lips? We want them."
This was the answer given to Terrence Sullivan, sales representative for R.J. Reynolds, when he asked the company which young people they were targeting – junior high kids or even younger? R.J. Reynolds, 1990“

The base of our business is the high school student.”
Lorillard, Memo from executive TL Achey to former Lorillard President Curtis Judge re Newport brand, August 30, 1978, Bates No. TINY0003062.

“Younger adult smokers are the only source of replacement smokers...If younger adults turn away from smoking, the industry must decline”.
R.J. Reynolds, February 29, 1984

"Long after adolescent preoccupation with self-image has subsided, the cigarette will even preempt food in times of scarcity on the smoker's priority list."
November 26, 1969 presentation to the PM Board of Directors, "Smoker Psychology Research." Bates No. 1000273741.

“Today’s teenager is tomorrow’s potential regular customer, and the overwhelming majority of smokers first begin to smoke while still in their teens…The smoking patterns of teenagers are particularly important to Philip Morris.”
Philip Morris, Special Report, “Young Smokers: Prevalence, Trends, Implications, and Related Demographic Trends,” March 31, 1981, Bates No. 1000390803.

"The fragile, developing self-image of the young person needs all the support and enhancement it can get. Smoking may appear to enhance that self-image."
1973 RJR draft paper, "Some Thoughts About New Brands of Cigarettes For the Youth Market." Bates No 502987357 -7368.

“Cherry Skoal is for somebody who likes the taste of candy, if you know what I’m saying.”
Freedman, A, “Juiced up: How a tobacco giant doctors snuff brands to boost their ‘kick,’” Wall Street Journal, October 26, 1994 [quoting former UST sales representative].

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Re: Day 140 and counting
« Reply #172 on: May 14, 2011, 03:03:00 PM »
Great post Greg! Every time I read one of these by people with time under their belt, it strengthens my resolve to stay vigilant.

Proud to be quit with you,


Offline bnlelliott

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Re: Day 140 and counting
« Reply #171 on: May 14, 2011, 02:45:00 PM »
Day 562

I have debated for a couple of days whether I should even post this. But you can never know which post may help another quitter so I decided to go ahead and get it written down. So as not to alarm anyone eary this morning this is NOT a cave post.

The past couple of months of my life have been eventful to say the least. I am stupid busy at my job, stress level extremely high, my son and I have started a photograply business, a lot going on. At home same thing, daughter graduating, family coming over, extremely busy, more stress than usual and to top it off my daughter decided she needed to wreck her car which I am still trying to unwreck, and which also cost me the money I had saved to go the the Summit. Way more exciting and stressful than ol Greg is used to.

I was back in Oklahoma a couple of weeks ago, the state I grew up in and also where I started my addiction. Had a few different things planned for the week so even vacation was going to be busy. Had a photo shoot for my wife's charity event, another shoot with my son at a local club for Cinco De Mayo, some urban exploration, visiting friends, busy-busy. I have been back to Oklahoma many times since my quit began with no real problems to speak of as far as craves go, but this time would be different. I have been posting roll every day. Certainly not the first thing I did every day, but I make sure I post daily which as you will see shortly is the reason I am still posting here clean today.

The morning of the 5th my anxiety was up when I woke up, not quite as bad as the first few weeks of my quit but way above anything I had experienced recently and certainly not normal. I got calmed down, shook it off and began the day. Was out running around with my son and the little voice in my head started talking to me, "Doesn't that Skoal look good, you deserve one." Very faint at first, and not the first time I have had this internal discussion so I did not think much of it. I turned my thoughts elsewhere and it went away. This repeated itself a number of times as the day went on. Each time the thought got a little stronger and harder to get rid of, anxiety came and went too. WTF, wierd ass day.

My son and I arrived at the club and got our equipment set up for the nights events. As the photographers for the club we get free drinks so I got a beer and got ready for the evening. Decent party, lots of people, music was good, pretty women, good times !! 10:06PM ( I remember because I had just looked at my watch ) a crave hits me like I have not had in a very long time. Not sure what triggered it but holy shit!! My jaws started hurting, mouth watering, hands sweating, shaking,.. the real deal.

I have long stopped carrying fake with me in my briefcase or camera bag. Have not needed any so why carry it. No gum, no seeds, nothing. My inner voice is laughing its ass off..."got you where I want you", "come one dude you see a can over there just go get a dip". "Who cares". "Grab the smokes off the table and get one", nobody will see you. "Go up to the VIP area and act like you are taking pictures", who would know. I felt like I was posessed. This is not me I quit that shit.. What the fuck is going on ??!! I was dizzy, felt like I was going to puke, could not catch my breath, all the while my inner voice taunting me to get some NIC.

I had to get some air! I started making my way to the door. On my way out a guy I grew up with sees me and starts heading out with me and yes he has a big fat lip of shit. Wow, I thought when it rains it fucking pours. I get outside and get some air in my lungs and try to focus, what next? I need to talk to someone !! Should I call my wife,mom, son, who? This is where the magic happens quitters.

I had to talk to someone !! I reached in my pocket for my phone and as I pulled my hand out of my pocket my HOF coin came out dropped on the ground. I watched it hit the ground and land at my feet. I reached down and picked it up, I held the coin in my hand a minute and looked at it as I scrolled through the list of names in my phone trying to decide which one I was going to call. I kept seeing names of quitters; Murf, NOLAQ, Mule, Ready, Emily, Luke, Denney and the list went on and on. Some quitters I see here daily and others I have not seen in a long time. All these names, who should I call? As I searched the names looking for the one to call the crave started to go away, my mind started to clear, and I started calming back down. I scrolled through the numbers a couple more times and realized I no longer needed to call any of them. I had posted my promise and that was all I needed. I would not let all of these people down!! I went back inside, finished the night off and here I sit.

I have been in a funk since that night until this morning. I woke up today and my mood was back to normal, anxiety gone, the old me. Maybe that is why I felt the need to post this today. I have been trying to figure out what caused the crave and I have not figured it out. Maybe it was stress from work, Pissed about not going to the summit, worried about my daughter graduating, maybe it was the lights bouncing off the disco ball who knows. All I know is it came out of nowhere and hit me pretty hard.

I guess the reason for this post is to let you all know to keep your guard up at all times. Do not get relaxed and take your quit for granted. You see some people stop posting, others only post from time to time, both of which are a mistake in my opinion. 500 days seems like a long time but even at 500+ days I still have a long way to go to get even with the number of days I stuffed poision into my face. The 5th opened my eyes, I have been far too relaxed !!

This site works when used as directed. I will be posting daily for a long time. It is the reason I made it as far as I have, and it is the reason I am able to sit here today writing this NIC FREE !!

Thank you all for being quit and keeping me quit !!

Never Again !!

Thanks Greg...that was awesome. I have been dealing with the death of my father-in-law, I guy who was really my hero, and I kind of went thrrough the same thing the morning of his funeral. I then wne tscrolling through my phone. logged on to the site...realized that not only had I promised, but that Skoal Monster and others knew where I was, and that I was in the same state he is in AND he was pissed because it was snowing. It never crossed my mind again!

I love this place and every serious quitter here!
May '09

Somebody has to do something, and it's just incredibly pathetic that it has to be us.
-Jerry Garcia

Read My HOF Speech, Maybe It'll Help!

That Decision Has Been Made Today!

Quit Date 2/17/2009
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Offline Greg5280

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Re: Day 140 and counting
« Reply #170 on: May 14, 2011, 02:12:00 PM »
Day 562

I have debated for a couple of days whether I should even post this. But you can never know which post may help another quitter so I decided to go ahead and get it written down. So as not to alarm anyone eary this morning this is NOT a cave post.

The past couple of months of my life have been eventful to say the least. I am stupid busy at my job, stress level extremely high, my son and I have started a photograply business, a lot going on. At home same thing, daughter graduating, family coming over, extremely busy, more stress than usual and to top it off my daughter decided she needed to wreck her car which I am still trying to unwreck, and which also cost me the money I had saved to go the the Summit. Way more exciting and stressful than ol Greg is used to.

I was back in Oklahoma a couple of weeks ago, the state I grew up in and also where I started my addiction. Had a few different things planned for the week so even vacation was going to be busy. Had a photo shoot for my wife's charity event, another shoot with my son at a local club for Cinco De Mayo, some urban exploration, visiting friends, busy-busy. I have been back to Oklahoma many times since my quit began with no real problems to speak of as far as craves go, but this time would be different. I have been posting roll every day. Certainly not the first thing I did every day, but I make sure I post daily which as you will see shortly is the reason I am still posting here clean today.

The morning of the 5th my anxiety was up when I woke up, not quite as bad as the first few weeks of my quit but way above anything I had experienced recently and certainly not normal. I got calmed down, shook it off and began the day. Was out running around with my son and the little voice in my head started talking to me, "Doesn't that Skoal look good, you deserve one." Very faint at first, and not the first time I have had this internal discussion so I did not think much of it. I turned my thoughts elsewhere and it went away. This repeated itself a number of times as the day went on. Each time the thought got a little stronger and harder to get rid of, anxiety came and went too. WTF, wierd ass day.

My son and I arrived at the club and got our equipment set up for the nights events. As the photographers for the club we get free drinks so I got a beer and got ready for the evening. Decent party, lots of people, music was good, pretty women, good times !! 10:06PM ( I remember because I had just looked at my watch ) a crave hits me like I have not had in a very long time. Not sure what triggered it but holy shit!! My jaws started hurting, mouth watering, hands sweating, shaking,.. the real deal.

I have long stopped carrying fake with me in my briefcase or camera bag. Have not needed any so why carry it. No gum, no seeds, nothing. My inner voice is laughing its ass off..."got you where I want you", "come one dude you see a can over there just go get a dip". "Who cares". "Grab the smokes off the table and get one", nobody will see you. "Go up to the VIP area and act like you are taking pictures", who would know. I felt like I was posessed. This is not me I quit that shit.. What the fuck is going on ??!! I was dizzy, felt like I was going to puke, could not catch my breath, all the while my inner voice taunting me to get some NIC.

I had to get some air! I started making my way to the door. On my way out a guy I grew up with sees me and starts heading out with me and yes he has a big fat lip of shit. Wow, I thought when it rains it fucking pours. I get outside and get some air in my lungs and try to focus, what next? I need to talk to someone !! Should I call my wife,mom, son, who? This is where the magic happens quitters.

I had to talk to someone !! I reached in my pocket for my phone and as I pulled my hand out of my pocket my HOF coin came out dropped on the ground. I watched it hit the ground and land at my feet. I reached down and picked it up, I held the coin in my hand a minute and looked at it as I scrolled through the list of names in my phone trying to decide which one I was going to call. I kept seeing names of quitters; Murf, NOLAQ, Mule, Ready, Emily, Luke, Denney and the list went on and on. Some quitters I see here daily and others I have not seen in a long time. All these names, who should I call? As I searched the names looking for the one to call the crave started to go away, my mind started to clear, and I started calming back down. I scrolled through the numbers a couple more times and realized I no longer needed to call any of them. I had posted my promise and that was all I needed. I would not let all of these people down!! I went back inside, finished the night off and here I sit.

I have been in a funk since that night until this morning. I woke up today and my mood was back to normal, anxiety gone, the old me. Maybe that is why I felt the need to post this today. I have been trying to figure out what caused the crave and I have not figured it out. Maybe it was stress from work, Pissed about not going to the summit, worried about my daughter graduating, maybe it was the lights bouncing off the disco ball who knows. All I know is it came out of nowhere and hit me pretty hard.

I guess the reason for this post is to let you all know to keep your guard up at all times. Do not get relaxed and take your quit for granted. You see some people stop posting, others only post from time to time, both of which are a mistake in my opinion. 500 days seems like a long time but even at 500+ days I still have a long way to go to get even with the number of days I stuffed poision into my face. The 5th opened my eyes, I have been far too relaxed !!

This site works when used as directed. I will be posting daily for a long time. It is the reason I made it as far as I have, and it is the reason I am able to sit here today writing this NIC FREE !!

Thank you all for being quit and keeping me quit !!

Never Again !!

Offline Greg5280

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Re: Day 140 and counting
« Reply #169 on: April 26, 2011, 01:37:00 PM »
Quote from: teaka
Quote from: Greg5280
Day 543

    I am sitting around yesterday watching some TV with the wife.  A Nicorette commercial comes on which as you can imagine gets much attention and mockery at my house.  Usually I have some smart ass comment to make and go on about my day.   Yesterday was different.  The commercial I am talking about is the commercial with the two guys that are supposed to be cops.   I am sure everyone has seen it. 
    A couple of things about this commercial bothered me, actually to the point that I was ranting and stomping around the house.  Full on Chugg rage !  I was cussing and speaking foreign languages.  My wife has figured out over the years to just let me go for a bit and then find out what the problem is. 

    As I calmed down a bit she finally posed the question.  Why in the world does that bother you so much?  She knows and understands how I feel about "Quitting" with Nicorette but I typically do not let it get to me so much so she was stunned at my reaction.

    Well, The first thing that bothers me is now the drug no longer even has to be taken via a disgusting, painful, sometimes sickening route to get you hooked.  It now comes in a convenient little pocket purse, looks like tic-tacs and I am sure tastes minty fucking fresh.  Although the pain of choking a few cigs or puking up your first chew did not stop many of us I am sure there are kids who never started using for fear of these affects.  So now just put it in a nice tasty candy shell and let everyone carry it around and use it whenever they fucking please...

     The second part that pissed me off, probably not as badly as the candy fucking nicotine did, was the tag line at the end.  " It makes quitting suck less."  Well what exactly are you fucking quitting when you are sucking on nicotine candy ? Tobacco is merely the delivery system for nicotine.  The tobacco companies know it !!  Without nicotine in it their vile product would not sell for shit and they would all be doing something other than killing every customer that uses their products.

     So now that smoking or dipping has become less socially acceptable lets put our fucking little drug into a nice candy shape. We can put it in a convenient to carry little pez dispenser, and start helping everyone get off the nasty tobacco plant by using our pleasant little candy.   After all it " Makes quitting suck less." 

FUCK ....... 'bang head'
Tobacco companies disgust me too. They are pure evil. What angers me is that the tobacco companies are now taking there death products to the international markets. For the most part, Americans are beginning to wise up, more and more americans are saying no to tobacco and indoor smoking is banned in more and more states. Tobacco is slowly losing the battle in the US. So now, as all true predators do, they move on to the next easiest target. It's like, "Well boys, the gig is up, we can't fool the americans any longer". "Better take our B.S. over to some other countries that aren't as well informed". Pisses me off!

The big prize lies in developing nations.....and the big three have been planning for this for over two decades. China alone has more smokers than the US has people........
I have read about that too. Targeting children in the developing countries, hooking 4 year olds on cigs. Fucking disgusting.

It just amazes me the most addictive drug known to mankind is as readily available as the corner fuel station. WTF ?? And as I said yesterday when you can no longer sell your drug by the delivery method you have been using you just come up with another delivery method.

And lets not kid ourselves, when they came up with the little candy nicotine they were targeting the kids that might have avoided being drug through this shit by other means.

Still makes me sick....

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Re: Day 140 and counting
« Reply #168 on: April 26, 2011, 12:57:00 AM »
Quote from: Greg5280
Day 543

    I am sitting around yesterday watching some TV with the wife.  A Nicorette commercial comes on which as you can imagine gets much attention and mockery at my house.  Usually I have some smart ass comment to make and go on about my day.  Yesterday was different.  The commercial I am talking about is the commercial with the two guys that are supposed to be cops.  I am sure everyone has seen it. 
    A couple of things about this commercial bothered me, actually to the point that I was ranting and stomping around the house.  Full on Chugg rage !  I was cussing and speaking foreign languages.  My wife has figured out over the years to just let me go for a bit and then find out what the problem is. 

    As I calmed down a bit she finally posed the question.  Why in the world does that bother you so much?  She knows and understands how I feel about "Quitting" with Nicorette but I typically do not let it get to me so much so she was stunned at my reaction.

    Well, The first thing that bothers me is now the drug no longer even has to be taken via a disgusting, painful, sometimes sickening route to get you hooked.  It now comes in a convenient little pocket purse, looks like tic-tacs and I am sure tastes minty fucking fresh.  Although the pain of choking a few cigs or puking up your first chew did not stop many of us I am sure there are kids who never started using for fear of these affects.  So now just put it in a nice tasty candy shell and let everyone carry it around and use it whenever they fucking please...

    The second part that pissed me off, probably not as badly as the candy fucking nicotine did, was the tag line at the end.  " It makes quitting suck less."  Well what exactly are you fucking quitting when you are sucking on nicotine candy ? Tobacco is merely the delivery system for nicotine.  The tobacco companies know it !!  Without nicotine in it their vile product would not sell for shit and they would all be doing something other than killing every customer that uses their products.

    So now that smoking or dipping has become less socially acceptable lets put our fucking little drug into a nice candy shape. We can put it in a convenient to carry little pez dispenser, and start helping everyone get off the nasty tobacco plant by using our pleasant little candy.  After all it " Makes quitting suck less." 

FUCK ....... 'bang head'
Tobacco companies disgust me too. They are pure evil. What angers me is that the tobacco companies are now taking there death products to the international markets. For the most part, Americans are beginning to wise up, more and more americans are saying no to tobacco and indoor smoking is banned in more and more states. Tobacco is slowly losing the battle in the US. So now, as all true predators do, they move on to the next easiest target. It's like, "Well boys, the gig is up, we can't fool the americans any longer". "Better take our B.S. over to some other countries that aren't as well informed". Pisses me off!

The big prize lies in developing nations.....and the big three have been planning for this for over two decades. China alone has more smokers than the US has people........
a strange game. the only winning move is not to play

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Re: Day 140 and counting
« Reply #167 on: April 25, 2011, 01:52:00 PM »
Day 543

I am sitting around yesterday watching some TV with the wife. A Nicorette commercial comes on which as you can imagine gets much attention and mockery at my house. Usually I have some smart ass comment to make and go on about my day. Yesterday was different. The commercial I am talking about is the commercial with the two guys that are supposed to be cops. I am sure everyone has seen it.

A couple of things about this commercial bothered me, actually to the point that I was ranting and stomping around the house. Full on Chugg rage ! I was cussing and speaking foreign languages. My wife has figured out over the years to just let me go for a bit and then find out what the problem is.

As I calmed down a bit she finally posed the question. Why in the world does that bother you so much? She knows and understands how I feel about "Quitting" with Nicorette but I typically do not let it get to me so much so she was stunned at my reaction.

Well, The first thing that bothers me is now the drug no longer even has to be taken via a disgusting, painful, sometimes sickening route to get you hooked. It now comes in a convenient little pocket purse, looks like tic-tacs and I am sure tastes minty fucking fresh. Although the pain of choking a few cigs or puking up your first chew did not stop many of us I am sure there are kids who never started using for fear of these affects. So now just put it in a nice tasty candy shell and let everyone carry it around and use it whenever they fucking please...

The second part that pissed me off, probably not as badly as the candy fucking nicotine did, was the tag line at the end. " It makes quitting suck less." Well what exactly are you fucking quitting when you are sucking on nicotine candy ? Tobacco is merely the delivery system for nicotine. The tobacco companies know it !! Without nicotine in it their vile product would not sell for shit and they would all be doing something other than killing every customer that uses their products.

So now that smoking or dipping has become less socially acceptable lets put our fucking little drug into a nice candy shape. We can put it in a convenient to carry little pez dispenser, and start helping everyone get off the nasty tobacco plant by using our pleasant little candy. After all it " Makes quitting suck less."

FUCK ....... 'bang head'

Offline Greg5280

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Re: Day 140 and counting
« Reply #166 on: April 21, 2011, 11:43:00 AM »
Quote from: Parputt
Quote from: Greg5280
Just found this little nugget on SM's page.  Very strong message !!  Wow...
This guyÂ’s walking down a street, when he falls in a hole. The walls are so steep, he canÂ’t get out.

A doctor passes by, and the guy shouts up, Hey you! Can you help me out? The doctor writes him a prescription, throws it down the hole, and moves on.

Then a priest comes along, and the guy shouts up, Father, IÂ’m down in this hole! Can you help me out? The priest writes out a prayer, throws it down in the hole, and moves on.

Then a friend walks by. Hey Joe, itÂ’s me, can you help me out? And the friend jumps in the hole! Our guy says Are you stupid? Now weÂ’re both down here! And the friend says, Yeah, but IÂ’ve been down here before, and I know the way out.

-from The West Wing, "Noel"
Good stuff right there!
Yes it is.. and it sums up this site extremely well.

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Re: Day 140 and counting
« Reply #165 on: April 21, 2011, 11:24:00 AM »
Quote from: Greg5280
Just found this little nugget on SM's page. Very strong message !! Wow...
This guyÂ’s walking down a street, when he falls in a hole. The walls are so steep, he canÂ’t get out.

A doctor passes by, and the guy shouts up, Hey you! Can you help me out? The doctor writes him a prescription, throws it down the hole, and moves on.

Then a priest comes along, and the guy shouts up, Father, IÂ’m down in this hole! Can you help me out? The priest writes out a prayer, throws it down in the hole, and moves on.

Then a friend walks by. Hey Joe, itÂ’s me, can you help me out? And the friend jumps in the hole! Our guy says Are you stupid? Now weÂ’re both down here! And the friend says, Yeah, but IÂ’ve been down here before, and I know the way out.

-from The West Wing, "Noel"
Good stuff right there!
QD:  1-13-11
HOF: 4-22-11
Sobriety date: 3-4-07

One is one too many
One more is never enough

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You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself, any direction you choose ~ Dr. Seuss

Offline BeerBottleSpittoon

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Re: Day 140 and counting
« Reply #164 on: April 21, 2011, 12:59:00 AM »
Uuhmmm YES!