This journey of quitting has taught me a pretty important new skill...the ability to handle extreme discomfort. I am all about not getting comfortable now. Personal growth comes from your ability to handle uncomfortable situations and feelings and thoughts. Since I quit, since I went through some mental issues, I still have anxiety, I still have depression but I handle them differently, they are secondary feelings and I've still got bad days. but the good outnumber them 5 to 1 easily and even on the bad days its mostly just a couple bad moments, a couple bad hours. I don't focus on it anymore. I don't let one bad hour ruin my whole day. One bad day ruin my whole week. Shit happens, deal with it and move on. Since I started on this site, I've quit nicotine, obviously, I've quit drinking, I've had my brothers guide me through some of the shittiest days of my life. I'm 177 days quit of nic and 59 days quit of alcohol, my life has literally never been better. I feel great, I'm taking suppliments for the anxiety and depression and have my medication still. I'm going back to school for the first time in nearly a decade. As soon as I put myself out there I got a LOT of job opportunities coming up, there is no rut anymore. Why would I waste my life doing this when I can enjoy it doing something else, why put myself in a job thats going to give me financial stress when I can make significantly more and be happier somewhere else? I was putting so much time and effort into complaining about being miserable for the last few years that I didn't realize I could put that same time and effort into making myself happy. Handle your uncomfortable situations and your life will get 1000x better. You ignore them they're just gonna get worse, you let them control you you're gonna end up being more miserable than if you'd have just sacked up and gotten uncomfortable for a few minutes, hours, days, months, years. Whatever it takes.