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Offline Wt57

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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #214 on: December 30, 2013, 11:41:00 PM »
Quote from: Its_Got2Happen
Quote from: SirDerek
Quote from: cdmavs41
Quote from: kana
An American Purification- 10 years in the makingÂ…

I apologize for my absence, but I didn't feel I deserved to be here. I knew I had to post another day 1. The addict in me fought very hard, but in the end I surrendered, it's time to face my fears head on. it's time to bury selfishness once and for all..

Dec, 30th marks the day I finally take back control. Today is the first day I'm absolutely 100% free of all corruption. The lies have been flowing my entire life. It's been 3 months since I wrote on this page, and there's a reason it took so long. I've been lying to myself  once again i've entered a battle. I had that feeling in my gut again, and I needed it to go away. However this time it's different. This is my last battle because this will end my war for good.. The last 3 battles have made me a strong mother fucker, and I can no longer be defeated. Today I WILL ACTUALLY KILL THE FUCKING BEAR...

The story is simple, I'm an addict. Like all addicts if you remove something (DIP) (ALCOHOL) we will simply replace it. My addictions have run deep, but one by one they have fallen. For those of you who don't know me I will sum it up for you.

Everything I do is cold turkey. I want to feel the pain to remind me I'm alive.
I beat down the alcohol bitch 9 1/2 yrs ago, but dipped all day long to replace it. I made a promise to god I'd quit dip when my son was born. That was a lie. I continued dipping another 5 years. When I tried to quit on my own with a dr.'s help it lasted 8 months. They gave my fucked up depression  anxiety pills. I was on those a long time without telling anybody. One day I blacked out and hit my head on the concrete. I felt lucky to still be breathing, as I was home alone and have no idea how long I was out. It scared the shit out of my wife  son. I still felt like a reckless fool. Then dr. fuckhead decided to take me off those and give me medical marijuana. (Not a good idea for an addict) I was High the entire time during my dip quit. I felt guilty every time I came on here. I saw others with a way to vent, (alcohol) so I told myself I needed the weed, and it was ok. The dr. prescribed it, it must be ok. That's the addict coming up with excuses. That's proof that when it comes to addiction dr.'s don't know shit.. His way failed, This time I will take this in my own hands, and fight like the fucking Mongol I am. The body is amazing, with a strong mind it will heal itself...

All my life I've been searching for peace, but addictions have stood in the way. Many people just take a different route, but reel men remove the blockage, and carry on. Always move forward without side stepping. Be a man..

The signs were everywhere, the lord was telling me to pull my head out once and for all. He has been patient with me knowing what I'm going through, however I kept eating from his basket, and he finally said enough.
Inevitability can only be put off so long.

I now know why I'm here, I'm hear to finally receive the peace I crave. (Thanks KTC) I'm here to help others see the light. To tell others you don't have to go through all the suffering as I did. One day at a time to reach freedom.
Freedom isn't free, always remember that..

I decided the legacy I leave my son will be addiction free. This is the single most important thing I want to teach my son. The curse will end with me, and my legacy will be pure..

Today is my sons 7th birthday..

Today I'm 100% pure for the first time in 33 years.

Alcohol free - 08/15/2004
Tobacco free - 08/05/2012
Drug free - 12/30/2013

Happy Birthday Tanner, I love you...
That was really a great thing to read dude! I'm really happy to see you back on the site, but I'm even more happy to read that your time spent away was a means to become even stronger and finally throw off that final yoke. I'll quit with you any day!
this made my day.

Am happy for you and will stand right beside you in any fight that we need to be in.
Kana, as you were with me one year ago in the early days of my quit, I am with you now on this journey.

Happy Birthday to your son. Tanner is lucky to have a father that is taking steps to better himself. I too have a 7 year old. And it is my hope and prayer that he and my other children do not have to make the same mistakes that I have made.

Quit on Kana.

Kana and Ryan, congratulations to both of you. I waited a whole generation, my grandson just turned 6. It's taken me a long time to reach this point also but the past is gone and we may not see tomorrow but each of us are better men because we face our addictions and demons today. A huge part of recovery is reaching out and helping others. I'm not sure paying forward what I've received from so many here can ever be fulfilled.

Kana you sure drug that post out, I thought you were dropping a big cave on us and I couldn't believe it. A word of warning, you were right when you said we replace addictions with others and I'm still catching myself doing that. Until we face the demons that we all have we still fight recovery.
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
7/9/12: HOF The Missing Warning Label
TODAY is the day that counts
"Do, or do not, there is no try." Yoda

Offline Its_Got2Happen

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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #213 on: December 30, 2013, 10:41:00 PM »
Quote from: SirDerek
Quote from: cdmavs41
Quote from: kana
An American Purification- 10 years in the makingÂ…

I apologize for my absence, but I didn't feel I deserved to be here. I knew I had to post another day 1. The addict in me fought very hard, but in the end I surrendered, it's time to face my fears head on. it's time to bury selfishness once and for all..

Dec, 30th marks the day I finally take back control. Today is the first day I'm absolutely 100% free of all corruption. The lies have been flowing my entire life. It's been 3 months since I wrote on this page, and there's a reason it took so long. I've been lying to myself  once again i've entered a battle. I had that feeling in my gut again, and I needed it to go away. However this time it's different. This is my last battle because this will end my war for good.. The last 3 battles have made me a strong mother fucker, and I can no longer be defeated. Today I WILL ACTUALLY KILL THE FUCKING BEAR...

The story is simple, I'm an addict. Like all addicts if you remove something (DIP) (ALCOHOL) we will simply replace it. My addictions have run deep, but one by one they have fallen. For those of you who don't know me I will sum it up for you.

Everything I do is cold turkey. I want to feel the pain to remind me I'm alive.
I beat down the alcohol bitch 9 1/2 yrs ago, but dipped all day long to replace it. I made a promise to god I'd quit dip when my son was born. That was a lie. I continued dipping another 5 years. When I tried to quit on my own with a dr.'s help it lasted 8 months. They gave my fucked up depression  anxiety pills. I was on those a long time without telling anybody. One day I blacked out and hit my head on the concrete. I felt lucky to still be breathing, as I was home alone and have no idea how long I was out. It scared the shit out of my wife  son. I still felt like a reckless fool. Then dr. fuckhead decided to take me off those and give me medical marijuana. (Not a good idea for an addict) I was High the entire time during my dip quit. I felt guilty every time I came on here. I saw others with a way to vent, (alcohol) so I told myself I needed the weed, and it was ok. The dr. prescribed it, it must be ok. That's the addict coming up with excuses. That's proof that when it comes to addiction dr.'s don't know shit.. His way failed, This time I will take this in my own hands, and fight like the fucking Mongol I am. The body is amazing, with a strong mind it will heal itself...

All my life I've been searching for peace, but addictions have stood in the way. Many people just take a different route, but reel men remove the blockage, and carry on. Always move forward without side stepping. Be a man..

The signs were everywhere, the lord was telling me to pull my head out once and for all. He has been patient with me knowing what I'm going through, however I kept eating from his basket, and he finally said enough.
Inevitability can only be put off so long.

I now know why I'm here, I'm hear to finally receive the peace I crave. (Thanks KTC) I'm here to help others see the light. To tell others you don't have to go through all the suffering as I did. One day at a time to reach freedom.
Freedom isn't free, always remember that..

I decided the legacy I leave my son will be addiction free. This is the single most important thing I want to teach my son. The curse will end with me, and my legacy will be pure..

Today is my sons 7th birthday..

Today I'm 100% pure for the first time in 33 years.

Alcohol free - 08/15/2004
Tobacco free - 08/05/2012
Drug free - 12/30/2013

Happy Birthday Tanner, I love you...
That was really a great thing to read dude! I'm really happy to see you back on the site, but I'm even more happy to read that your time spent away was a means to become even stronger and finally throw off that final yoke. I'll quit with you any day!
this made my day.

Am happy for you and will stand right beside you in any fight that we need to be in.
Kana, as you were with me one year ago in the early days of my quit, I am with you now on this journey.

Happy Birthday to your son. Tanner is lucky to have a father that is taking steps to better himself. I too have a 7 year old. And it is my hope and prayer that he and my other children do not have to make the same mistakes that I have made.

Quit on Kana.


Offline SirDerek

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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #212 on: December 30, 2013, 06:16:00 PM »
Quote from: cdmavs41
Quote from: kana
An American Purification- 10 years in the makingÂ…

I apologize for my absence, but I didn't feel I deserved to be here. I knew I had to post another day 1. The addict in me fought very hard, but in the end I surrendered, it's time to face my fears head on. it's time to bury selfishness once and for all..

Dec, 30th marks the day I finally take back control. Today is the first day I'm absolutely 100% free of all corruption. The lies have been flowing my entire life. It's been 3 months since I wrote on this page, and there's a reason it took so long. I've been lying to myself  once again i've entered a battle. I had that feeling in my gut again, and I needed it to go away. However this time it's different. This is my last battle because this will end my war for good.. The last 3 battles have made me a strong mother fucker, and I can no longer be defeated. Today I WILL ACTUALLY KILL THE FUCKING BEAR...

The story is simple, I'm an addict. Like all addicts if you remove something (DIP) (ALCOHOL) we will simply replace it. My addictions have run deep, but one by one they have fallen. For those of you who don't know me I will sum it up for you.

Everything I do is cold turkey. I want to feel the pain to remind me I'm alive.
I beat down the alcohol bitch 9 1/2 yrs ago, but dipped all day long to replace it. I made a promise to god I'd quit dip when my son was born. That was a lie. I continued dipping another 5 years. When I tried to quit on my own with a dr.'s help it lasted 8 months. They gave my fucked up depression  anxiety pills. I was on those a long time without telling anybody. One day I blacked out and hit my head on the concrete. I felt lucky to still be breathing, as I was home alone and have no idea how long I was out. It scared the shit out of my wife  son. I still felt like a reckless fool. Then dr. fuckhead decided to take me off those and give me medical marijuana. (Not a good idea for an addict) I was High the entire time during my dip quit. I felt guilty every time I came on here. I saw others with a way to vent, (alcohol) so I told myself I needed the weed, and it was ok. The dr. prescribed it, it must be ok. That's the addict coming up with excuses. That's proof that when it comes to addiction dr.'s don't know shit.. His way failed, This time I will take this in my own hands, and fight like the fucking Mongol I am. The body is amazing, with a strong mind it will heal itself...

All my life I've been searching for peace, but addictions have stood in the way. Many people just take a different route, but reel men remove the blockage, and carry on. Always move forward without side stepping. Be a man..

The signs were everywhere, the lord was telling me to pull my head out once and for all. He has been patient with me knowing what I'm going through, however I kept eating from his basket, and he finally said enough.
Inevitability can only be put off so long.

I now know why I'm here, I'm hear to finally receive the peace I crave. (Thanks KTC) I'm here to help others see the light. To tell others you don't have to go through all the suffering as I did. One day at a time to reach freedom.
Freedom isn't free, always remember that..

I decided the legacy I leave my son will be addiction free. This is the single most important thing I want to teach my son. The curse will end with me, and my legacy will be pure..

Today is my sons 7th birthday..

Today I'm 100% pure for the first time in 33 years.

Alcohol free - 08/15/2004
Tobacco free - 08/05/2012
Drug free - 12/30/2013

Happy Birthday Tanner, I love you...
That was really a great thing to read dude! I'm really happy to see you back on the site, but I'm even more happy to read that your time spent away was a means to become even stronger and finally throw off that final yoke. I'll quit with you any day!
this made my day.

Am happy for you and will stand right beside you in any fight that we need to be in.

Offline cdmavs41

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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #211 on: December 30, 2013, 11:51:00 AM »
Quote from: kana
An American Purification- 10 years in the makingÂ…

I apologize for my absence, but I didn't feel I deserved to be here. I knew I had to post another day 1. The addict in me fought very hard, but in the end I surrendered, it's time to face my fears head on. it's time to bury selfishness once and for all..

Dec, 30th marks the day I finally take back control. Today is the first day I'm absolutely 100% free of all corruption. The lies have been flowing my entire life. It's been 3 months since I wrote on this page, and there's a reason it took so long. I've been lying to myself  once again i've entered a battle. I had that feeling in my gut again, and I needed it to go away. However this time it's different. This is my last battle because this will end my war for good.. The last 3 battles have made me a strong mother fucker, and I can no longer be defeated. Today I WILL ACTUALLY KILL THE FUCKING BEAR...

The story is simple, I'm an addict. Like all addicts if you remove something (DIP) (ALCOHOL) we will simply replace it. My addictions have run deep, but one by one they have fallen. For those of you who don't know me I will sum it up for you.

Everything I do is cold turkey. I want to feel the pain to remind me I'm alive.
I beat down the alcohol bitch 9 1/2 yrs ago, but dipped all day long to replace it. I made a promise to god I'd quit dip when my son was born. That was a lie. I continued dipping another 5 years. When I tried to quit on my own with a dr.'s help it lasted 8 months. They gave my fucked up depression  anxiety pills. I was on those a long time without telling anybody. One day I blacked out and hit my head on the concrete. I felt lucky to still be breathing, as I was home alone and have no idea how long I was out. It scared the shit out of my wife  son. I still felt like a reckless fool. Then dr. fuckhead decided to take me off those and give me medical marijuana. (Not a good idea for an addict) I was High the entire time during my dip quit. I felt guilty every time I came on here. I saw others with a way to vent, (alcohol) so I told myself I needed the weed, and it was ok. The dr. prescribed it, it must be ok. That's the addict coming up with excuses. That's proof that when it comes to addiction dr.'s don't know shit.. His way failed, This time I will take this in my own hands, and fight like the fucking Mongol I am. The body is amazing, with a strong mind it will heal itself...

All my life I've been searching for peace, but addictions have stood in the way. Many people just take a different route, but reel men remove the blockage, and carry on. Always move forward without side stepping. Be a man..

The signs were everywhere, the lord was telling me to pull my head out once and for all. He has been patient with me knowing what I'm going through, however I kept eating from his basket, and he finally said enough.
Inevitability can only be put off so long.

I now know why I'm here, I'm hear to finally receive the peace I crave. (Thanks KTC) I'm here to help others see the light. To tell others you don't have to go through all the suffering as I did. One day at a time to reach freedom.
Freedom isn't free, always remember that..

I decided the legacy I leave my son will be addiction free. This is the single most important thing I want to teach my son. The curse will end with me, and my legacy will be pure..

Today is my sons 7th birthday..

Today I'm 100% pure for the first time in 33 years.

Alcohol free - 08/15/2004
Tobacco free - 08/05/2012
Drug free - 12/30/2013

Happy Birthday Tanner, I love you...
That was really a great thing to read dude! I'm really happy to see you back on the site, but I'm even more happy to read that your time spent away was a means to become even stronger and finally throw off that final yoke. I'll quit with you any day!
Mr. Skoal, what you have just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

Offline kana

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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #210 on: December 30, 2013, 11:22:00 AM »
An American Purification- 10 years in the makingÂ…

I apologize for my absence, but I didn't feel I deserved to be here. I knew I had to post another day 1. The addict in me fought very hard, but in the end I surrendered, it's time to face my fears head on. it's time to bury selfishness once and for all..

Dec, 30th marks the day I finally take back control. Today is the first day I'm absolutely 100% free of all corruption. The lies have been flowing my entire life. It's been 3 months since I wrote on this page, and there's a reason it took so long. I've been lying to myself  once again i've entered a battle. I had that feeling in my gut again, and I needed it to go away. However this time it's different. This is my last battle because this will end my war for good.. The last 3 battles have made me a strong mother fucker, and I can no longer be defeated. Today I WILL ACTUALLY KILL THE FUCKING BEAR...

The story is simple, I'm an addict. Like all addicts if you remove something (DIP) (ALCOHOL) we will simply replace it. My addictions have run deep, but one by one they have fallen. For those of you who don't know me I will sum it up for you.

Everything I do is cold turkey. I want to feel the pain to remind me I'm alive.
I beat down the alcohol bitch 9 1/2 yrs ago, but dipped all day long to replace it. I made a promise to god I'd quit dip when my son was born. That was a lie. I continued dipping another 5 years. When I tried to quit on my own with a dr.'s help it lasted 8 months. They gave my fucked up depression  anxiety pills. I was on those a long time without telling anybody. One day I blacked out and hit my head on the concrete. I felt lucky to still be breathing, as I was home alone and have no idea how long I was out. It scared the shit out of my wife  son. I still felt like a reckless fool. Then dr. fuckhead decided to take me off those and give me medical marijuana. (Not a good idea for an addict) I was High the entire time during my dip quit. I felt guilty every time I came on here. I saw others with a way to vent, (alcohol) so I told myself I needed the weed, and it was ok. The dr. prescribed it, it must be ok. That's the addict coming up with excuses. That's proof that when it comes to addiction dr.'s don't know shit.. His way failed, This time I will take this in my own hands, and fight like the fucking Mongol I am. The body is amazing, with a strong mind it will heal itself...

All my life I've been searching for peace, but addictions have stood in the way. Many people just take a different route, but reel men remove the blockage, and carry on. Always move forward without side stepping. Be a man..

The signs were everywhere, the lord was telling me to pull my head out once and for all. He has been patient with me knowing what I'm going through, however I kept eating from his basket, and he finally said enough.
Inevitability can only be put off so long.

I now know why I'm here, I'm hear to finally receive the peace I crave. (Thanks KTC) I'm here to help others see the light. To tell others you don't have to go through all the suffering as I did. One day at a time to reach freedom.
Freedom isn't free, always remember that..

I decided the legacy I leave my son will be addiction free. This is the single most important thing I want to teach my son. The curse will end with me, and my legacy will be pure..

Today is my sons 7th birthday..

Today I'm 100% pure for the first time in 33 years.

Alcohol free - 08/15/2004
Tobacco free - 08/05/2012
Drug free - 12/30/2013

Happy Birthday Tanner, I love you...
we choose our battles.. the battles we do fight, be aware that they have to be, but passion rules? James Hetfield

Offline Mike from AB

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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #209 on: September 08, 2013, 05:18:00 PM »
Congrats on 400 days that's awesome work!!

Offline Its_Got2Happen

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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #208 on: September 08, 2013, 03:14:00 PM »
Quote from: kana
400 FOUR HUNDO - i don't know why but this was an important # too me.. I'm definitely in another zone now. One of the things i'm most proud of is watching my son lately. when i started 400 days ago, i was still a man of excess. everything was a gorge. it has been a priority for me to teach my son about moderation. watching lately has brought a tear to my eye. yesterday his first pet (hamster) died. i tried to cheer him up with some ice cream. after he had a scoop i asked him if he wanted more? his reply - no thanks dad, i already had one scoop, and that's enough. he's been doing this with all his food. loves donuts, but he knows they're only once a week. i have successfully programmed moderation into his brain. this along with me kicking the shit out of nic for 400 days? I'm presently a happy man. stay strong quitters, it's so worth it... peace
Congrats on 4th floor Kana. Great role model for your kid. Isnt it great to look them in the eyes and with a clear conscience. Could you imagine teaching them a lesson about anything with a fat dip in your mouth? Self control and moderation, I am with you man. Carry on, I suspect it just keeps getting better.

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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #207 on: September 08, 2013, 10:27:00 AM »
400 FOUR HUNDO - i don't know why but this was an important # too me.. I'm definitely in another zone now. One of the things i'm most proud of is watching my son lately. when i started 400 days ago, i was still a man of excess. everything was a gorge. it has been a priority for me to teach my son about moderation. watching lately has brought a tear to my eye. yesterday his first pet (hamster) died. i tried to cheer him up with some ice cream. after he had a scoop i asked him if he wanted more? his reply - no thanks dad, i already had one scoop, and that's enough. he's been doing this with all his food. loves donuts, but he knows they're only once a week. i have successfully programmed moderation into his brain. this along with me kicking the shit out of nic for 400 days? I'm presently a happy man. stay strong quitters, it's so worth it... peace
we choose our battles.. the battles we do fight, be aware that they have to be, but passion rules? James Hetfield

Offline SirDerek

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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #206 on: September 02, 2013, 10:53:00 AM »
Quote from: kana
Quote from: Mike
Congrats on making it past a year Kana!  I had to go back  read your whole story, just impressed by the awesome work that can go into getting a clean year.  Wow!
thanks.. your quit is like a painting, it's never done.. I work on it a little each day. it's starting to look like something, and I hang it on my wall proudly. One of the most important things I did early on was positive reinforcement thinking. When I craved i simply told myself that I no longer dip. many times out loud to myself. My neighbors heard it I'm sure. point is to re-program your thinking.
another thing that helped me:
When I was a kid (before corruption) I would get a lifesavers bible book every xmas. It had 10 varieties of lifesavers, but only 1 roll was butter rum. I wouldn't eat anything but that butter rum, my dad ate the others. anyway they sell those things at the store now. I bought a pack awhile back, slipped one in wow was it good. That taste brought back so many memories, and the memories were pre - addiction, my point is the mind is very powerful, find something you enjoyed before you were an addict, it's a great positive tool for the box. peace
Love it Kana,

read that and had to bust out laughing as I was the same with the life savers. For me it was the butter rum and the black cherry. But yes the same memories are there.

proud to be standing right here beside you quit on this great day.

Offline kana

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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #205 on: September 02, 2013, 10:17:00 AM »
Quote from: Mike
Congrats on making it past a year Kana!  I had to go back  read your whole story, just impressed by the awesome work that can go into getting a clean year.  Wow!
thanks.. your quit is like a painting, it's never done.. I work on it a little each day. it's starting to look like something, and I hang it on my wall proudly. One of the most important things I did early on was positive reinforcement thinking. When I craved i simply told myself that I no longer dip. many times out loud to myself. My neighbors heard it I'm sure. point is to re-program your thinking.
another thing that helped me:
When I was a kid (before corruption) I would get a lifesavers bible book every xmas. It had 10 varieties of lifesavers, but only 1 roll was butter rum. I wouldn't eat anything but that butter rum, my dad ate the others. anyway they sell those things at the store now. I bought a pack awhile back, slipped one in wow was it good. That taste brought back so many memories, and the memories were pre - addiction, my point is the mind is very powerful, find something you enjoyed before you were an addict, it's a great positive tool for the box. peace
we choose our battles.. the battles we do fight, be aware that they have to be, but passion rules? James Hetfield

Offline Mike from AB

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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #204 on: August 31, 2013, 11:44:00 AM »
Congrats on making it past a year Kana! I had to go back  read your whole story, just impressed by the awesome work that can go into getting a clean year. Wow!

Offline Mjollnir

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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #203 on: August 31, 2013, 10:48:00 AM »
Quote from: srans
Quote from: kana
This morning I noticed I only have 1 stitch left to fall out. My mouth is healing nicely, and I'm just thankful it wasn't worse. As bad as it was IT HEALED. Our bodies are amazing things. I'm entering another faze now, as I've learned that each floor was a different faze for me. I listened to different music, I had different feelings about my quit. I got to the point where I would post  battle everyday, but more than anything I wanted to see what the next floor would bring. If I can commit to 1 day, I CAN commit to 100, and then repeat. My word is a boulder of granite, If I say I'll do something, I will follow through.
This last couple weeks I've been working like crazy. Good day's, maybe a bad day or two, but then I realized I hadn't thought about dip at all. Then what amazed me even more? I hadn't even had gum. Nothing in my mouth for a week, even the sunflower seeds I keep in my truck.. I didn't think this was possible, but my Body  MIND are healing. peace
Great to hear this kana. I'm still using gum and toothpicks, more so the toothpicks. I'm about to hit 200 and i'm thinking it's time to get rid of the crutches. If I can get rid of the poison i can surely get rid of sticks. Glad to be quit with you.
Life is a journey. As we travel the road, we make choices. These choices take different paths and new people, things and ideas enter our worlds. At the same time other things are left behind. Even a span of 100 days brings changes. A season is only 91 days.

Enjoy your health.

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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #202 on: August 31, 2013, 10:32:00 AM »
Quote from: kana
This morning I noticed I only have 1 stitch left to fall out. My mouth is healing nicely, and I'm just thankful it wasn't worse. As bad as it was IT HEALED. Our bodies are amazing things. I'm entering another faze now, as I've learned that each floor was a different faze for me. I listened to different music, I had different feelings about my quit. I got to the point where I would post  battle everyday, but more than anything I wanted to see what the next floor would bring. If I can commit to 1 day, I CAN commit to 100, and then repeat. My word is a boulder of granite, If I say I'll do something, I will follow through.
This last couple weeks I've been working like crazy. Good day's, maybe a bad day or two, but then I realized I hadn't thought about dip at all. Then what amazed me even more? I hadn't even had gum. Nothing in my mouth for a week, even the sunflower seeds I keep in my truck.. I didn't think this was possible, but my Body  MIND are healing. peace
Great to hear this kana. I'm still using gum and toothpicks, more so the toothpicks. I'm about to hit 200 and i'm thinking it's time to get rid of the crutches. If I can get rid of the poison i can surely get rid of sticks. Glad to be quit with you.
Hof date may 25, 2013
HoF Speech

The poison sucks. I hate it. I hated it this morning, I hated it at noon, I hated it at supper and I hate it tonight. I enjoy hating it so much I'm going to wake up tomorrow and start over hating it. I quit with anyone that wants to hate it with me.

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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #201 on: August 31, 2013, 10:25:00 AM »
This morning I noticed I only have 1 stitch left to fall out. My mouth is healing nicely, and I'm just thankful it wasn't worse. As bad as it was IT HEALED. Our bodies are amazing things. I'm entering another faze now, as I've learned that each floor was a different faze for me. I listened to different music, I had different feelings about my quit. I got to the point where I would post  battle everyday, but more than anything I wanted to see what the next floor would bring. If I can commit to 1 day, I CAN commit to 100, and then repeat. My word is a boulder of granite, If I say I'll do something, I will follow through.
This last couple weeks I've been working like crazy. Good day's, maybe a bad day or two, but then I realized I hadn't thought about dip at all. Then what amazed me even more? I hadn't even had gum. Nothing in my mouth for a week, even the sunflower seeds I keep in my truck.. I didn't think this was possible, but my Body  MIND are healing. peace
we choose our battles.. the battles we do fight, be aware that they have to be, but passion rules? James Hetfield

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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #200 on: August 14, 2013, 11:54:00 AM »
I've always been one to share, so here's some fuel for your quit.
4 incisions  36 stitches to fix the damage tobacco did to my mouth. I was one of the lucky ones, (no cancer so far) all they had to do was repair 30+ years of abuse I did to myself. It makes me sick to my stomach to think all this could've been avoided if I had just taken care of myself.
Yesterday I finally felt good enough to go to the store and get some more popsicles. The cuts in my mouth still fresh and hurting like a mother, I walked through the store. Once I got outside I had to spit. A nice bloody, oozy, disgusting mess into the bush. All I could think about was water.. In my car water.. Then a guy about my age unloaded a mouthful of dip  spit on the ground in the parking lot, right in front of me. He said oh sorry bro! He had no idea of what I had just gone through, and that seeing him do this overwhelmed me with emotions. Maybe he would end up like me? Maybe he'd be one that doesn't make it? I sat in my car thinking I should've shown him the inside of my mouth. Well we can't always help strangers, but we can help each other.
When I first came to KTC I was a mess. I continue to transform into the person I want to be. I was always a very strong person, but that wasn't enough. I now possess something greater than strength, I now have Resolve..
This morning I kissed my son twice, I hugged him a little harder. I watched my sleeping wife, and I thanked god that I finally chose the correct path. Peace
we choose our battles.. the battles we do fight, be aware that they have to be, but passion rules? James Hetfield