Author Topic: Live Chat  (Read 9676 times)

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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #184 on: August 04, 2013, 10:24:00 AM »
Quote from: srans
Quote from: kana
365 today! One friggin year, and I'm definitely in a very different place.. One year ago I found KTC.. That first week I was reading on this sight till my eyes bled. Finally something new that I hadn't tried before. A brotherhood, an army of quit that felt the same way I did. Finally I wasn't alone anymore. I found my place in the ASSylum, and together we all march forward gaining more strength with each step. Today I'm quit.. That I can promise you.. Tomorrow I'll tell you the same thing, and that my friends is what got me here. Have a blessed day. PEACE B)
Always enjoy reading what you have to say kana. Lot of good stuff comes from your knowledge of quitting. Glad to have you in this army.
Good work Kana, just say your last intro post, I'll hope with you, keep us informed and hang in there.
my intro
QD 07-19-2012
Group - Roctober Madmen Post with some Madmen (and women)
HOF 10-27-12 HOF Speech
2nd Floor 2-4-13, 3rd Floor 5-15-13
1 year of freedom - 7-19-2013. Thank you KTC
4th Floor 8-23-13, 5th Floor 12-1-13, 6th Floor 3-11-14, 7th Floor 6-19-14, 8th Floor 9-27-14, 9th Floor 1-5-15

Offline srans

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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #183 on: August 04, 2013, 10:13:00 AM »
Quote from: kana
365 today! One friggin year, and I'm definitely in a very different place.. One year ago I found KTC.. That first week I was reading on this sight till my eyes bled. Finally something new that I hadn't tried before. A brotherhood, an army of quit that felt the same way I did. Finally I wasn't alone anymore. I found my place in the ASSylum, and together we all march forward gaining more strength with each step. Today I'm quit.. That I can promise you.. Tomorrow I'll tell you the same thing, and that my friends is what got me here. Have a blessed day. PEACE B)
Always enjoy reading what you have to say kana. Lot of good stuff comes from your knowledge of quitting. Glad to have you in this army.
Hof date may 25, 2013
HoF Speech

The poison sucks. I hate it. I hated it this morning, I hated it at noon, I hated it at supper and I hate it tonight. I enjoy hating it so much I'm going to wake up tomorrow and start over hating it. I quit with anyone that wants to hate it with me.

Offline kana

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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #182 on: August 04, 2013, 10:04:00 AM »
365 today! One friggin year, and I'm definitely in a very different place.. One year ago I found KTC.. That first week I was reading on this sight till my eyes bled. Finally something new that I hadn't tried before. A brotherhood, an army of quit that felt the same way I did. Finally I wasn't alone anymore. I found my place in the ASSylum, and together we all march forward gaining more strength with each step. Today I'm quit.. That I can promise you.. Tomorrow I'll tell you the same thing, and that my friends is what got me here. Have a blessed day. PEACE B)
we choose our battles.. the battles we do fight, be aware that they have to be, but passion rules? James Hetfield

Offline kana

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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #181 on: July 24, 2013, 10:08:00 AM »
(353) Well I survived what I thought would be my 2 largest triggers. I was glad to be approaching a year when these came.. a plane ride, and the parents house.. The 2 most stressful things in my life. First I friggin hate to fly, don't know why or when this happened. Second my parents are getting up there in age, father with dementia. That week really tested my patience. My 6yr old son? he just had a great time with the grandparents. still at that age where everything is so worries...
Then we came home.. like all others back to the grind.. At this point I'm feeling pretty confident, I feel good.. I've made those significant changes to my lifestyle that are keeping me healthy. Regular exercise, eating well. Just trying to take care of myself in general. Well you can be the healthiest guy in the world, but dip could still kill you. I had a reminder you see.. Yesterday I was feeling on top of the world until I visited the dentist. They said all my teeth looked good, they couldn't tell where I had kept my dip, so the gums looked good. Then I heard those words. There are ONLY 2 spots of concern. One on the side of the tongue, and one behind my molar same side. My heart sank to my gut as he said they're sending me to the perio for further analysis. Not sure if that means cutting my tongue open, but I'll have to wait 2 weeks to find out. Talk about effin torture, the unknown sucks. The only time you'll hear me use the word "hope" is I hope they're wrong. I hope it was that bag of sunflower seeds I ate the night before. I hope it is a canker soar. I hope this is the same as always and I'm worrying for nothing.. I really, really, hope they're wrong..
Remember folks why we're here, this is about life  death. This is no game.
Quit like your fuggin life depends on it... see you at role
we choose our battles.. the battles we do fight, be aware that they have to be, but passion rules? James Hetfield

Offline kana

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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #180 on: July 13, 2013, 09:43:00 AM »
(343) As I approach 1 year I had a lot of first's the last couple weeks..

Installed my 4th dishwasher..
Major irrigation repair..
Long road trip..
Vacation.. (First guy I saw had a fatty in by the way)

All these were done WITHOUT dip!!!

Now I'm adding one more, taking my son to see the grandparents  great grandparents.. Today will be my first flight without a dip... I'm so excited!!!!

I didn't even really think about it until now as I write. The day's get better, life has more purpose, life has more meaning.. Please treat your quit with respect, in return your quit will set you free... Big OL PEACE today... :D
we choose our battles.. the battles we do fight, be aware that they have to be, but passion rules? James Hetfield

Offline jaynellie

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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #179 on: July 03, 2013, 11:36:00 PM »
Quote from: kana
I'll be honest, Once I hit the second floor I got lazy with my daily post. I missed a few hear and there. I kept asking myself the question when am I gonna leave ktc? I tried to leave twice, but kept getting pulled back by someone reaching out to me. Sigh, you guys rock!
Then 2 things happened last week that opened my eyes again.
First I ran into an old customer, he still had a massive wad in the same spot as always. I felt sorry for him, standing there with his wife  daughter. I remembered how dumb I used to look with a dip in.
Secondly I was talking with my sister in law and mentioned that I had gone 300 day's without tobacco, her reply, wow that's great! So what's helen doing? You see she was happy for me, but she has no friggin idea of what it took to get here.
That's why I come to ktc. This is a place where everybody understands each other, and the difficulties of this journey, and also the rewards. Honestly I don't think about chew at all anymore, but I think about helping those that do. I definitely don't have time to post in all the groups like some of you quit madmen, but I'm here for anyone of you. I try to help by posting in my thread, and hopefully it helps someone.
My addiction will never go away, but I have my foot on nics throat, and NO CHANCE of letting up. However,  I need to be here to get my quit juice for extra power. I'll never question myself again, and just enjoy my time with all the brothers  sisters on this wonderful sight. peace
You are an inspiration to my quit and you just nailed it with "Quit Juice"!!! I think i might be a bit smitten..... :wub: Thanks for being...........well YOU.
"You never have to remember what you said, if you always tell the truth"

"Post roll everyday and your chances of staying quit goes up 100%" --mememe

Offline kana

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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #178 on: July 03, 2013, 10:42:00 AM »
I'll be honest, Once I hit the second floor I got lazy with my daily post. I missed a few hear and there. I kept asking myself the question when am I gonna leave ktc? I tried to leave twice, but kept getting pulled back by someone reaching out to me. Sigh, you guys rock!
Then 2 things happened last week that opened my eyes again.
First I ran into an old customer, he still had a massive wad in the same spot as always. I felt sorry for him, standing there with his wife  daughter. I remembered how dumb I used to look with a dip in.
Secondly I was talking with my sister in law and mentioned that I had gone 300 day's without tobacco, her reply, wow that's great! So what's helen doing? You see she was happy for me, but she has no friggin idea of what it took to get here.
That's why I come to ktc. This is a place where everybody understands each other, and the difficulties of this journey, and also the rewards. Honestly I don't think about chew at all anymore, but I think about helping those that do. I definitely don't have time to post in all the groups like some of you quit madmen, but I'm here for anyone of you. I try to help by posting in my thread, and hopefully it helps someone.
My addiction will never go away, but I have my foot on nics throat, and NO CHANCE of letting up. However, I need to be here to get my quit juice for extra power. I'll never question myself again, and just enjoy my time with all the brothers  sisters on this wonderful sight. peace
we choose our battles.. the battles we do fight, be aware that they have to be, but passion rules? James Hetfield

Offline Dlee3

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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #177 on: June 12, 2013, 10:24:00 PM »
Quote from: Its_Got2Happen
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: Murph8804
Quote from: jaynellie
Quote from: srans
Quote from: AppleJack
Quote from: jayd41
Quote from: kana
Growth Spurt.. Today's another bday (45). Yesterday I was thinking about how fast this last year has gone. I remember my last bday vividly. I had promised myself yet again, that I would quit dipping after being a slave to tobacco for 33 years... That time it lasted 2 days.. (What a joke)  2 months later I was on my knees in depression, and I felt suicidal. I knew what I was doing wasn't right, But I also knew I couldn't stop.. Then one night I prayed for help, and the Lord guided me to KTC.. This was my last chance. Nothing else worked for me.. I followed the vets instructions, and I had a ktc growth spurt. Watching my son this year was amazing, but I have reached new levels myself. Everything about me is different now. Physically, I lost 30lbs, and my chi has grown immensely. I went from a lazy, depressed, sorry ass. To a confident, calm,  loving father.  I eat differently, exercise, think differently, but most importantly I learned to enjoy life again. I finally feel free.. I like many had a tough time, and the last couple months were no exception, but I knew what it was this time. I hadn't been exercising for awhile. Not because I didn't want to, but just to busy at work. Once I got with it again (2 weeks ago) the skies parted, and I'm feeling like that cheetah again.. FYI Swimming, Biking, and yoga 6 days a week will make you feel invincible. I can't remember the last time I thought about a dip, but I did think about forgetting my pack of gum yesterday sigh..
The brain is pretty much re-wired.
The knowledge I gained,  growth I made this year still leave me in awe..
To those vets who guided me. Thank you for saving my life...
To the newbies, post everyday, and keep your word.. It works...
Early on I read others saying it, but now I'm living it.
It's truly amazing over here... but you have to want it... peace :D
That was inspiring...not sure what "chi" is but i want to get me some of that. Congrats man
That was GOLD. Thank you brother...
Good post Kana. Enjoyed the read.
Good stuff right there!!! Thanks for sharing that kana, very inspiring.
I understand completely I was in a bad place. And this site helped pull me out of it. It's funny how much of an effect one negative habit or influence can have such a hold on your life. Glad to be quit with you!
We've been on this journey together the while time and seen the ups and downs. Your story is so similar to mine it's amazing. Enjoy this nic free birthday and give your son a extra hug!
Kana, I am so happy for you. You helped my quit immensely, especially early on. Keep up the great work Kana.
That makes me smile.

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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #176 on: June 12, 2013, 10:04:00 PM »
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: Murph8804
Quote from: jaynellie
Quote from: srans
Quote from: AppleJack
Quote from: jayd41
Quote from: kana
Growth Spurt.. Today's another bday (45). Yesterday I was thinking about how fast this last year has gone. I remember my last bday vividly. I had promised myself yet again, that I would quit dipping after being a slave to tobacco for 33 years... That time it lasted 2 days.. (What a joke)  2 months later I was on my knees in depression, and I felt suicidal. I knew what I was doing wasn't right, But I also knew I couldn't stop.. Then one night I prayed for help, and the Lord guided me to KTC.. This was my last chance. Nothing else worked for me.. I followed the vets instructions, and I had a ktc growth spurt. Watching my son this year was amazing, but I have reached new levels myself. Everything about me is different now. Physically, I lost 30lbs, and my chi has grown immensely. I went from a lazy, depressed, sorry ass. To a confident, calm,  loving father.  I eat differently, exercise, think differently, but most importantly I learned to enjoy life again. I finally feel free.. I like many had a tough time, and the last couple months were no exception, but I knew what it was this time. I hadn't been exercising for awhile. Not because I didn't want to, but just to busy at work. Once I got with it again (2 weeks ago) the skies parted, and I'm feeling like that cheetah again.. FYI Swimming, Biking, and yoga 6 days a week will make you feel invincible. I can't remember the last time I thought about a dip, but I did think about forgetting my pack of gum yesterday sigh..
The brain is pretty much re-wired.
The knowledge I gained,  growth I made this year still leave me in awe..
To those vets who guided me. Thank you for saving my life...
To the newbies, post everyday, and keep your word.. It works...
Early on I read others saying it, but now I'm living it.
It's truly amazing over here... but you have to want it... peace :D
That was inspiring...not sure what "chi" is but i want to get me some of that. Congrats man
That was GOLD. Thank you brother...
Good post Kana. Enjoyed the read.
Good stuff right there!!! Thanks for sharing that kana, very inspiring.
I understand completely I was in a bad place. And this site helped pull me out of it. It's funny how much of an effect one negative habit or influence can have such a hold on your life. Glad to be quit with you!
We've been on this journey together the while time and seen the ups and downs. Your story is so similar to mine it's amazing. Enjoy this nic free birthday and give your son a extra hug!
Kana, I am so happy for you. You helped my quit immensely, especially early on. Keep up the great work Kana.

Offline Wt57

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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #175 on: June 12, 2013, 06:14:00 PM »
Quote from: Murph8804
Quote from: jaynellie
Quote from: srans
Quote from: AppleJack
Quote from: jayd41
Quote from: kana
Growth Spurt.. Today's another bday (45). Yesterday I was thinking about how fast this last year has gone. I remember my last bday vividly. I had promised myself yet again, that I would quit dipping after being a slave to tobacco for 33 years... That time it lasted 2 days.. (What a joke)  2 months later I was on my knees in depression, and I felt suicidal. I knew what I was doing wasn't right, But I also knew I couldn't stop.. Then one night I prayed for help, and the Lord guided me to KTC.. This was my last chance. Nothing else worked for me.. I followed the vets instructions, and I had a ktc growth spurt. Watching my son this year was amazing, but I have reached new levels myself. Everything about me is different now. Physically, I lost 30lbs, and my chi has grown immensely. I went from a lazy, depressed, sorry ass. To a confident, calm,  loving father.  I eat differently, exercise, think differently, but most importantly I learned to enjoy life again. I finally feel free.. I like many had a tough time, and the last couple months were no exception, but I knew what it was this time. I hadn't been exercising for awhile. Not because I didn't want to, but just to busy at work. Once I got with it again (2 weeks ago) the skies parted, and I'm feeling like that cheetah again.. FYI Swimming, Biking, and yoga 6 days a week will make you feel invincible. I can't remember the last time I thought about a dip, but I did think about forgetting my pack of gum yesterday sigh..
The brain is pretty much re-wired.
The knowledge I gained,  growth I made this year still leave me in awe..
To those vets who guided me. Thank you for saving my life...
To the newbies, post everyday, and keep your word.. It works...
Early on I read others saying it, but now I'm living it.
It's truly amazing over here... but you have to want it... peace :D
That was inspiring...not sure what "chi" is but i want to get me some of that. Congrats man
That was GOLD. Thank you brother...
Good post Kana. Enjoyed the read.
Good stuff right there!!! Thanks for sharing that kana, very inspiring.
I understand completely I was in a bad place. And this site helped pull me out of it. It's funny how much of an effect one negative habit or influence can have such a hold on your life. Glad to be quit with you!
We've been on this journey together the while time and seen the ups and downs. Your story is so similar to mine it's amazing. Enjoy this nic free birthday and give your son a extra hug!
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
7/9/12: HOF The Missing Warning Label
TODAY is the day that counts
"Do, or do not, there is no try." Yoda

Offline Murph8804

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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #174 on: June 12, 2013, 05:38:00 PM »
Quote from: jaynellie
Quote from: srans
Quote from: AppleJack
Quote from: jayd41
Quote from: kana
Growth Spurt.. Today's another bday (45). Yesterday I was thinking about how fast this last year has gone. I remember my last bday vividly. I had promised myself yet again, that I would quit dipping after being a slave to tobacco for 33 years... That time it lasted 2 days.. (What a joke)  2 months later I was on my knees in depression, and I felt suicidal. I knew what I was doing wasn't right, But I also knew I couldn't stop.. Then one night I prayed for help, and the Lord guided me to KTC.. This was my last chance. Nothing else worked for me.. I followed the vets instructions, and I had a ktc growth spurt. Watching my son this year was amazing, but I have reached new levels myself. Everything about me is different now. Physically, I lost 30lbs, and my chi has grown immensely. I went from a lazy, depressed, sorry ass. To a confident, calm,  loving father.  I eat differently, exercise, think differently, but most importantly I learned to enjoy life again. I finally feel free.. I like many had a tough time, and the last couple months were no exception, but I knew what it was this time. I hadn't been exercising for awhile. Not because I didn't want to, but just to busy at work. Once I got with it again (2 weeks ago) the skies parted, and I'm feeling like that cheetah again.. FYI Swimming, Biking, and yoga 6 days a week will make you feel invincible. I can't remember the last time I thought about a dip, but I did think about forgetting my pack of gum yesterday sigh..
The brain is pretty much re-wired.
The knowledge I gained,  growth I made this year still leave me in awe..
To those vets who guided me. Thank you for saving my life...
To the newbies, post everyday, and keep your word.. It works...
Early on I read others saying it, but now I'm living it.
It's truly amazing over here... but you have to want it... peace :D
That was inspiring...not sure what "chi" is but i want to get me some of that. Congrats man
That was GOLD. Thank you brother...
Good post Kana. Enjoyed the read.
Good stuff right there!!! Thanks for sharing that kana, very inspiring.
I understand completely I was in a bad place. And this site helped pull me out of it. It's funny how much of an effect one negative habit or influence can have such a hold on your life. Glad to be quit with you!

Offline jaynellie

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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #173 on: June 12, 2013, 03:02:00 PM »
Quote from: srans
Quote from: AppleJack
Quote from: jayd41
Quote from: kana
Growth Spurt.. Today's another bday (45). Yesterday I was thinking about how fast this last year has gone. I remember my last bday vividly. I had promised myself yet again, that I would quit dipping after being a slave to tobacco for 33 years... That time it lasted 2 days.. (What a joke)  2 months later I was on my knees in depression, and I felt suicidal. I knew what I was doing wasn't right, But I also knew I couldn't stop.. Then one night I prayed for help, and the Lord guided me to KTC.. This was my last chance. Nothing else worked for me.. I followed the vets instructions, and I had a ktc growth spurt. Watching my son this year was amazing, but I have reached new levels myself. Everything about me is different now. Physically, I lost 30lbs, and my chi has grown immensely. I went from a lazy, depressed, sorry ass. To a confident, calm,  loving father.  I eat differently, exercise, think differently, but most importantly I learned to enjoy life again. I finally feel free.. I like many had a tough time, and the last couple months were no exception, but I knew what it was this time. I hadn't been exercising for awhile. Not because I didn't want to, but just to busy at work. Once I got with it again (2 weeks ago) the skies parted, and I'm feeling like that cheetah again.. FYI Swimming, Biking, and yoga 6 days a week will make you feel invincible. I can't remember the last time I thought about a dip, but I did think about forgetting my pack of gum yesterday sigh..
The brain is pretty much re-wired.
The knowledge I gained,  growth I made this year still leave me in awe..
To those vets who guided me. Thank you for saving my life...
To the newbies, post everyday, and keep your word.. It works...
Early on I read others saying it, but now I'm living it.
It's truly amazing over here... but you have to want it... peace :D
That was inspiring...not sure what "chi" is but i want to get me some of that. Congrats man
That was GOLD. Thank you brother...
Good post Kana. Enjoyed the read.
Good stuff right there!!! Thanks for sharing that kana, very inspiring.
"You never have to remember what you said, if you always tell the truth"

"Post roll everyday and your chances of staying quit goes up 100%" --mememe

Offline srans

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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #172 on: June 12, 2013, 12:31:00 PM »
Quote from: AppleJack
Quote from: jayd41
Quote from: kana
Growth Spurt.. Today's another bday (45). Yesterday I was thinking about how fast this last year has gone. I remember my last bday vividly. I had promised myself yet again, that I would quit dipping after being a slave to tobacco for 33 years... That time it lasted 2 days.. (What a joke)  2 months later I was on my knees in depression, and I felt suicidal. I knew what I was doing wasn't right, But I also knew I couldn't stop.. Then one night I prayed for help, and the Lord guided me to KTC.. This was my last chance. Nothing else worked for me.. I followed the vets instructions, and I had a ktc growth spurt. Watching my son this year was amazing, but I have reached new levels myself. Everything about me is different now. Physically, I lost 30lbs, and my chi has grown immensely. I went from a lazy, depressed, sorry ass. To a confident, calm,  loving father.  I eat differently, exercise, think differently, but most importantly I learned to enjoy life again. I finally feel free.. I like many had a tough time, and the last couple months were no exception, but I knew what it was this time. I hadn't been exercising for awhile. Not because I didn't want to, but just to busy at work. Once I got with it again (2 weeks ago) the skies parted, and I'm feeling like that cheetah again.. FYI Swimming, Biking, and yoga 6 days a week will make you feel invincible. I can't remember the last time I thought about a dip, but I did think about forgetting my pack of gum yesterday sigh..
The brain is pretty much re-wired.
The knowledge I gained,  growth I made this year still leave me in awe..
To those vets who guided me. Thank you for saving my life...
To the newbies, post everyday, and keep your word.. It works...
Early on I read others saying it, but now I'm living it.
It's truly amazing over here... but you have to want it... peace :D
That was inspiring...not sure what "chi" is but i want to get me some of that. Congrats man
That was GOLD. Thank you brother...
Good post Kana. Enjoyed the read.
Hof date may 25, 2013
HoF Speech

The poison sucks. I hate it. I hated it this morning, I hated it at noon, I hated it at supper and I hate it tonight. I enjoy hating it so much I'm going to wake up tomorrow and start over hating it. I quit with anyone that wants to hate it with me.

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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #171 on: June 12, 2013, 12:26:00 PM »
Quote from: jayd41
Quote from: kana
Growth Spurt.. Today's another bday (45). Yesterday I was thinking about how fast this last year has gone. I remember my last bday vividly. I had promised myself yet again, that I would quit dipping after being a slave to tobacco for 33 years... That time it lasted 2 days.. (What a joke)  2 months later I was on my knees in depression, and I felt suicidal. I knew what I was doing wasn't right, But I also knew I couldn't stop.. Then one night I prayed for help, and the Lord guided me to KTC.. This was my last chance. Nothing else worked for me.. I followed the vets instructions, and I had a ktc growth spurt. Watching my son this year was amazing, but I have reached new levels myself. Everything about me is different now. Physically, I lost 30lbs, and my chi has grown immensely. I went from a lazy, depressed, sorry ass. To a confident, calm,  loving father.  I eat differently, exercise, think differently, but most importantly I learned to enjoy life again. I finally feel free.. I like many had a tough time, and the last couple months were no exception, but I knew what it was this time. I hadn't been exercising for awhile. Not because I didn't want to, but just to busy at work. Once I got with it again (2 weeks ago) the skies parted, and I'm feeling like that cheetah again.. FYI Swimming, Biking, and yoga 6 days a week will make you feel invincible. I can't remember the last time I thought about a dip, but I did think about forgetting my pack of gum yesterday sigh..
The brain is pretty much re-wired.
The knowledge I gained,  growth I made this year still leave me in awe..
To those vets who guided me. Thank you for saving my life...
To the newbies, post everyday, and keep your word.. It works...
Early on I read others saying it, but now I'm living it.
It's truly amazing over here... but you have to want it... peace :D
That was inspiring...not sure what "chi" is but i want to get me some of that. Congrats man

That was GOLD. Thank you brother...
Well, it’s one louder, isn’t it? It’s not ten.

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Re: Live Chat
« Reply #170 on: June 12, 2013, 11:18:00 AM »
Quote from: kana
Growth Spurt.. Today's another bday (45). Yesterday I was thinking about how fast this last year has gone. I remember my last bday vividly. I had promised myself yet again, that I would quit dipping after being a slave to tobacco for 33 years... That time it lasted 2 days.. (What a joke) 2 months later I was on my knees in depression, and I felt suicidal. I knew what I was doing wasn't right, But I also knew I couldn't stop.. Then one night I prayed for help, and the Lord guided me to KTC.. This was my last chance. Nothing else worked for me.. I followed the vets instructions, and I had a ktc growth spurt. Watching my son this year was amazing, but I have reached new levels myself. Everything about me is different now. Physically, I lost 30lbs, and my chi has grown immensely. I went from a lazy, depressed, sorry ass. To a confident, calm,  loving father. I eat differently, exercise, think differently, but most importantly I learned to enjoy life again. I finally feel free.. I like many had a tough time, and the last couple months were no exception, but I knew what it was this time. I hadn't been exercising for awhile. Not because I didn't want to, but just to busy at work. Once I got with it again (2 weeks ago) the skies parted, and I'm feeling like that cheetah again.. FYI Swimming, Biking, and yoga 6 days a week will make you feel invincible. I can't remember the last time I thought about a dip, but I did think about forgetting my pack of gum yesterday sigh..
The brain is pretty much re-wired.
The knowledge I gained,  growth I made this year still leave me in awe..
To those vets who guided me. Thank you for saving my life...
To the newbies, post everyday, and keep your word.. It works...
Early on I read others saying it, but now I'm living it.
It's truly amazing over here... but you have to want it... peace :D
That was inspiring...not sure what "chi" is but i want to get me some of that. Congrats man
Boy I sure could use a beer right about now!