Author Topic: My Story  (Read 5641 times)

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Offline luby

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Re: My Story
« Reply #83 on: January 24, 2012, 02:18:00 PM »
Quote from: PMac
Holy hell. Today I started CrossFit. I've done several rounds of P90X in the last three years and I've done Insanity twice. However, I didn't realize how out of shape I had become over the last six or seven months. I hurt like hell and I hurt all over.

Glad to be back at something though and it feel unbelievably awesome to be doing it and be 36 days into the quit of a lifetime and loving every minute of it. Funny...every time I did P90X there was the nagging in the back of my mind. Why? Because I did the nutrition plan, I did the workouts religiously, and I gave 110% every day...but I knew every day that I would continue to dip and that I was getting in the best shape of my life but killing myself one raccoon turd in my lip at a time. Not this time amigos!

Quit is good.
Welcome to crossfit, me redyota and ryan (when he is around) have been posting about our xfit experiences over in the exercise forum. I, like you, was a p90x'er and on again off again insanity guy, and I had the exact same thoughts! Look how healthy I am working out! I eat right! I am so healthy! Cut way back on the drinking, I am healthy!!!!! Anybody seen my cancer can? So fucked up, that being said I doing getting into crossfit, which is new to me since my quit began, is great because I am embracing it QUIT. I am also going fairly strict paleo (tomorrow makes 2 weeks of paleo). Come on over to exercise and join the party and bitching about the soreness!

Offline Souliman

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Re: My Story
« Reply #82 on: January 24, 2012, 07:59:00 AM »
Quote from: PMac
Holy hell. Today I started CrossFit. I've done several rounds of P90X in the last three years and I've done Insanity twice. However, I didn't realize how out of shape I had become over the last six or seven months. I hurt like hell and I hurt all over.

Glad to be back at something though and it feel unbelievably awesome to be doing it and be 36 days into the quit of a lifetime and loving every minute of it. Funny...every time I did P90X there was the nagging in the back of my mind. Why? Because I did the nutrition plan, I did the workouts religiously, and I gave 110% every day...but I knew every day that I would continue to dip and that I was getting in the best shape of my life but killing myself one raccoon turd in my lip at a time. Not this time amigos!

Quit is good.
This is awesome PMac. My opinion is that there is no better way to separate the addict from you then changing your whole being and I really believe exercise is a fucking crowbar in that process. Way to go man.

You checking out some of the other threads around exercise? index.php?showtopic=755

And if you want to see the fucking monks of fitness check out the endurance thread:

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Re: My Story
« Reply #81 on: January 23, 2012, 11:09:00 PM »
Holy hell. Today I started CrossFit. I've done several rounds of P90X in the last three years and I've done Insanity twice. However, I didn't realize how out of shape I had become over the last six or seven months. I hurt like hell and I hurt all over.

Glad to be back at something though and it feel unbelievably awesome to be doing it and be 36 days into the quit of a lifetime and loving every minute of it. Funny...every time I did P90X there was the nagging in the back of my mind. Why? Because I did the nutrition plan, I did the workouts religiously, and I gave 110% every day...but I knew every day that I would continue to dip and that I was getting in the best shape of my life but killing myself one raccoon turd in my lip at a time. Not this time amigos!

Quit is good.
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Re: My Story
« Reply #80 on: January 17, 2012, 03:55:00 PM »
Quote from: PMac
Spent the last few days at Disney World with my wife and kids. No longer being a slave was fantastic. Not having to sneak off, make some excuse, or otherwise disappear like a ninja douche was awesome. I still hate going to Disney, but I loved spending time with my kids without constantly thinking about how I was going to get that next fix.

KTC rocks. I love being a quitter. If you're here for the first time going through the site wondering if this is right for is! Get on board and buy in 100%.

Amen brother. Man, to think of all the lost time I wasted being a ninja dipper. All the wasted opportunity with the kids. Time with the wife. Vacations always sucked unless I could find time to breakaway just to put black cancer shit in my face. Proud to quit with PMAC. You get to redefine who PMAC is now. Your better days are AHEAD of you. Never look back, but never forget you're an addict.

Offline Souliman

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Re: My Story
« Reply #79 on: January 17, 2012, 05:26:00 AM »
This is good shit PMac. Perfect example of being the man you are suppose to be. That's awesome and made my day to read it.

Offline Southerntux87

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Re: My Story
« Reply #78 on: January 17, 2012, 12:57:00 AM »
Quote from: tsmith17
Quote from: PMac
Spent the last few days at Disney World with my wife and kids.  No longer being a slave was fantastic.  Not having to sneak off, make some excuse, or otherwise disappear like a ninja douche was awesome.  I still hate going to Disney, but I loved spending time with my kids without constantly thinking about how I was going to get that next fix.

KTC rocks.  I love being a quitter.  If you're here for the first time going through the site wondering if this is right for is! Get on board and buy in 100%.

Is Disney World the one in California or Florida? I live in Iowa... My nephews would love to go there. Feels good to not have to sneak around, doesn't it? Keep it up man.
I used to live next to it in Orlando. Disney Land is in California. You would think living close to the self proclaimed happiest place on earth would be great, right? WRONG! I heard fireworks EVERY NIGHT!!!
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Offline Tsmith17

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Re: My Story
« Reply #77 on: January 17, 2012, 12:36:00 AM »
Quote from: PMac
Spent the last few days at Disney World with my wife and kids.  No longer being a slave was fantastic.  Not having to sneak off, make some excuse, or otherwise disappear like a ninja douche was awesome.  I still hate going to Disney, but I loved spending time with my kids without constantly thinking about how I was going to get that next fix.

KTC rocks.  I love being a quitter.  If you're here for the first time going through the site wondering if this is right for is! Get on board and buy in 100%.

Is Disney World the one in California or Florida? I live in Iowa... My nephews would love to go there. Feels good to not have to sneak around, doesn't it? Keep it up man.

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Re: My Story
« Reply #76 on: January 17, 2012, 12:25:00 AM »
Spent the last few days at Disney World with my wife and kids. No longer being a slave was fantastic. Not having to sneak off, make some excuse, or otherwise disappear like a ninja douche was awesome. I still hate going to Disney, but I loved spending time with my kids without constantly thinking about how I was going to get that next fix.

KTC rocks. I love being a quitter. If you're here for the first time going through the site wondering if this is right for is! Get on board and buy in 100%.

My Independence Day - December 19, 2011
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Offline Tsmith17

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Re: My Story
« Reply #75 on: January 11, 2012, 11:25:00 PM »
I like PMac. The dude has bought into the system and gets it. Proud to be quit with you today.

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Re: My Story
« Reply #74 on: January 11, 2012, 11:16:00 PM »
Today is Day 24. In anticipation of Day 25 and being one-fourth of the way to nothing other than a date along the path of being quit forever (mind you that I'm looking DAMN forward to getting to that date though), I offer my top five reasons so far for being quit - and other than number 1 being the clear number 1, the rest are in no particular order:

1. I am quit. I am done. I may very well be an addict (okay...I am), but I'm no longer a slave. Easily number one. Plain and simple.

2. For the love of all things did I ever justify something that cost me upwards of $12 per day over the last five to ten years? Just using rough numbers, that's almost $4,400 per year. I won't bore you with numbers...just go to an online calculator of what would happen to that money if invested for the last decade. I haven't made a rough calculation of what it has been over the last 25 plus years. That's just depressing.

3. Since December 19th, the door to my office has not been closed a single time at work. When colleagues, employees, clients, or partners have wanted to speak to me there has been no closed door. When someone has tapped on the door (they still do so on the door jam out of politeness even though the door is open), I'm not scrambling to drag a coyote turd out of my cheek. I'm not forcing myself not to smile for fear of dip being spread out in my teeth like, well, someone dipping. I don't have to hope that they don't get close to me because the overpowering smell of Skoal Long Cut Mint is pervasive in the air. Oh, and I haven't had one instance of dropped dip when inserting or removing so it's not in the carpet, on my desk, on my credenza, in my keyboard, etc.

4. For 24 days, I haven't had one time where I had to be careful about being too close to my wife, not kissing her, not hugging her, not turning my head when watching something on television and she walks into the room, etc. This is probably right up there at Number Two. If you've been a NINJA dipper, then the liberation from the hiding, sneaking, slinking, and generally being an ass-clown douche bag is a great, great feeling.

5. This last one I'm going to call "confidence." Not like I am now super confident in everything because I have quit for a few weeks. More like - I haven't had one instance in the last three weeks where I have looked at my fingernails or fingers and seen brown stains or dip jammed up under the nails. I haven't had a stain on a pair of jeans, socks (you know the old move where you put a dip in while driving and then rub your fingers on your shoes or socks...right?), or shirt. I haven't looked in the mirror and seen black specks on my chin or in the corner of my mouth and wondered who the hell else had seen them before I saw them. I don't worry when I run into the mom of a friend of one of my kids if my breath smells like a camel's taint because I just took a dip out a few minutes earlier. I don't run into a friend in the store or a restaurant and wonder whether or not it looks like I have gaps between EVERY one of my teeth because there is dip stuck all over the place. In other words, I know that I don't exhibit the smells and characteristics of someone that is a lowly bitch to the nicotine tramp. That feels good. Makes me glad to run into folks rather than wish I could slip out of the way without being seen. What a miserable existence I had before. Damn straight I'm glad that it's gone.
My Independence Day - December 19, 2011
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Offline Souliman

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Re: My Story
« Reply #73 on: January 11, 2012, 09:43:00 PM »
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: Greg5280
Quote from: PMac
Yesterday was my first big time crave event and it lasted a couple of hours.  Man, did that suck.  But considering that at no point did I even consider caving I determine it a highly successful day that will be invaluable to future craves.

I fucking love being quit.
That attitude will keep you free !!

Embrace your quit, own your quit!!

That is hard core shit. You win.

Pmac = 1. Nic bitch = 0
Jeez PMac that is great stuff bro.


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Re: My Story
« Reply #72 on: January 11, 2012, 07:03:00 PM »
Quote from: Greg5280
Quote from: PMac
Yesterday was my first big time crave event and it lasted a couple of hours.  Man, did that suck.  But considering that at no point did I even consider caving I determine it a highly successful day that will be invaluable to future craves.

I fucking love being quit.
That attitude will keep you free !!

Embrace your quit, own your quit!!

That is hard core shit. You win.

Pmac = 1. Nic bitch = 0

Offline Greg5280

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Re: My Story
« Reply #71 on: January 11, 2012, 11:40:00 AM »
Quote from: PMac
Yesterday was my first big time crave event and it lasted a couple of hours. Man, did that suck. But considering that at no point did I even consider caving I determine it a highly successful day that will be invaluable to future craves.

I fucking love being quit.
That attitude will keep you free !!

Embrace your quit, own your quit!!


Offline PMac

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Re: My Story
« Reply #70 on: January 11, 2012, 11:30:00 AM »
Yesterday was my first big time crave event and it lasted a couple of hours. Man, did that suck. But considering that at no point did I even consider caving I determine it a highly successful day that will be invaluable to future craves.

I fucking love being quit.
My Independence Day - December 19, 2011
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Offline brentworth22

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Re: My Story
« Reply #69 on: January 08, 2012, 09:08:00 AM »
My name is Brent and I'm 22 years old. I have started my quit for the sake of my family and girlfriend and myself. I've tried and failed before like many of you but this time I know I can do it with this powerful website. What made me start thinking about quitting was seeing my mother scoff at me while I played Nintendo with a fatty in. She's recovering from breast cancer and her hair had just started growing back on her bald head that was once covered with long beautiful hair. I will not let her down, and I won't let myself down either. I feel like a shitty son having to make her watch me kill myself. I need help and now I'm not looking back at the nic bitch anymore!