Author Topic: Starting today  (Read 7994 times)

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Offline worktowin

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Re: Starting today
« Reply #83 on: September 08, 2013, 05:32:00 PM »
There have been several posts by new members recently who haven't bought in to the daily roll call post requirement. I'm bumping this up to the top, because so many bad ass people on this board reached out to this dude... But he didn't want to quit. This system works - take a couple of minutes each morning and commit to yourself and others that for today you will be nicotine free. A couple of minutes.

And trev, I hope you see this post. Im 41 years old dude. 41. It took me 23 years longer than you to realize that I needed to quit. I went at it balls to the wall, and the quitters that reached out to help you... Many of the same ones walked me to the hall of fame and beyond. We all know that we dared cancer to come into our lives, to take us away from our family and friends too soon. Hopefully the quitters on here quit in time. You have a whole life ahead of you - you are at a crossroad... You can continue down this dangerous, dirty, and crazy expensive road of addiction. Or you can join us.

Please, please come back and follow the plan. Post roll first thing. Keep your word. Reach out with a text or a call to one of us if you find yourself in a situation where you feel vulnerable or just need some support. The people on ktc will do anything to help you. Let us help you.

Offline DiplessinJax

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Re: Starting today
« Reply #82 on: September 05, 2013, 09:05:00 AM »
Quote from: Evil_Won
Quote from: JRizzle
Quote from: Trev10hockey
Quote from: Miles
Quote from: Minny
Quote from: Trev10hockey
Doing fine, I like the support from here but just posting roll annoys me. I'll be fine quitting without posting roll or being too active on here
Good luck to ya. It never worked for me.
KTC wasn't beating down your door, begging you to quit. No, you recognized that you need help and googled something along the lines of 'quit dip'. Posting roll is the single most important thing you can do for yourself on a daily basis. Don't discount the power of that promise that you make DAILY to your brothers and sisters. You better invest more into your quit or you will fail.

I have failed many times but 912 days ago I quit..for real quit. KTC has literally helped me save my life. The friendships I have made here will be lifelong. To pass on an opportunity to up your accountability is foolish my friend. Boggles my mind.

All of these people showed up on your intro thread because they (we) genuinely care about your well being. Imagine if they weren't 'too active on here' or found posting roll was 'annoying'. This place would be a ghost town.

Think it through. We all want you to succeed.

Miles - +1 with you
I googled alternatives to chew and found this site, didn't know about roll when I found it.
Trev, I think you need to embrace it. Not everyone needs to quit this way, but if you're saying that posting roll is too much of a hassle then I do maybe question your resolve. I've gotta say that it's the best part of my day each and every day. I've been quit for 89 days and started posting roll on day 3. When I first started, if I were 2 hours late posting roll then I would have guys texting and calling me. For me the accountability and the opportunity to be apart of something bigger than myself, to be apart of a group that had stories similar to mine yet still distinct, guys that came from different walks of life but had all struggled with the same thing, that was what was most important. That might not be you, but rather than complain about posting roll I encourage you to swallow the drink to the bottom. It might scald at first, but by the bottom of the cup I think you'll be very satisfied.
You can't take 15 seconds out of your day to post a promise? It's only 15 seconds but is HUGE. Don't underestimate the power of Posting Roll and the Accountability that it brings.
Trev - There are thousands of guys that are on this site an have remained quit because posting every day works. There are twice as many that have failed because they thought they didn't have to post. The simple fact that you took the time to write that in you intro tells me that you are planning your cave and just aren't ready to quit. Seriously, "Posting roll just annoys me". How so? What is so annoying about it? I'm guessing you are or were an athlete. So was I and so were A LOT of the quitters on this site. Let me tell you, the camaraderie, support, brotherhood, fellowship, common bond and total ball busting that is what makes playing sports so special can be found right here. This is as close as it gets. If you don't recognize that, then you don't want to be quit. If you aren't blown away by the number of people that have taken time out of their day to write on your Intro to support you or give you a little tough love then you don't get it and are not ready.

It's your decision. Be quit or don't. Just make a decision.
Quit Date: 9/4/12
HOF: 12/12/12

"I'm too drunk to taste this chicken" - Ricky Bobby
"Time passes. Will you?" - written on the wall of a class room
Stay quit, Bitches!!! - DiplessinJax

Offline srans

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Re: Starting today
« Reply #81 on: September 05, 2013, 07:59:00 AM »
Trev,, truth time. You didn't make it past the first day did you?? I hope I'm wrong, but your whole thread spells out cave.

I hope you smarten up before it's to late. Now if you'll if you'll excuse me I've wasted enough time here. It's time to get back to real quitters. Let me know when your tired of being a slave to a filthy disgusting can of poison.
Hof date may 25, 2013
HoF Speech

The poison sucks. I hate it. I hated it this morning, I hated it at noon, I hated it at supper and I hate it tonight. I enjoy hating it so much I'm going to wake up tomorrow and start over hating it. I quit with anyone that wants to hate it with me.

Offline Evil_Won

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Re: Starting today
« Reply #80 on: September 05, 2013, 01:19:00 AM »
Quote from: JRizzle
Quote from: Trev10hockey
Quote from: Miles
Quote from: Minny
Quote from: Trev10hockey
Doing fine, I like the support from here but just posting roll annoys me. I'll be fine quitting without posting roll or being too active on here
Good luck to ya. It never worked for me.
KTC wasn't beating down your door, begging you to quit. No, you recognized that you need help and googled something along the lines of 'quit dip'. Posting roll is the single most important thing you can do for yourself on a daily basis. Don't discount the power of that promise that you make DAILY to your brothers and sisters. You better invest more into your quit or you will fail.

I have failed many times but 912 days ago I quit..for real quit. KTC has literally helped me save my life. The friendships I have made here will be lifelong. To pass on an opportunity to up your accountability is foolish my friend. Boggles my mind.

All of these people showed up on your intro thread because they (we) genuinely care about your well being. Imagine if they weren't 'too active on here' or found posting roll was 'annoying'. This place would be a ghost town.

Think it through. We all want you to succeed.

Miles - +1 with you
I googled alternatives to chew and found this site, didn't know about roll when I found it.
Trev, I think you need to embrace it. Not everyone needs to quit this way, but if you're saying that posting roll is too much of a hassle then I do maybe question your resolve. I've gotta say that it's the best part of my day each and every day. I've been quit for 89 days and started posting roll on day 3. When I first started, if I were 2 hours late posting roll then I would have guys texting and calling me. For me the accountability and the opportunity to be apart of something bigger than myself, to be apart of a group that had stories similar to mine yet still distinct, guys that came from different walks of life but had all struggled with the same thing, that was what was most important. That might not be you, but rather than complain about posting roll I encourage you to swallow the drink to the bottom. It might scald at first, but by the bottom of the cup I think you'll be very satisfied.
You can't take 15 seconds out of your day to post a promise? It's only 15 seconds but is HUGE. Don't underestimate the power of Posting Roll and the Accountability that it brings.
"Dunno about you HP, but LOOT doesn't like getting assfucked, by anyone....and certainly won't chalk it up to 'shit happens'."

Offline JRizzle

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Re: Starting today
« Reply #79 on: September 04, 2013, 10:39:00 PM »
Quote from: Trev10hockey
Quote from: Miles
Quote from: Minny
Quote from: Trev10hockey
Doing fine, I like the support from here but just posting roll annoys me. I'll be fine quitting without posting roll or being too active on here
Good luck to ya. It never worked for me.
KTC wasn't beating down your door, begging you to quit. No, you recognized that you need help and googled something along the lines of 'quit dip'. Posting roll is the single most important thing you can do for yourself on a daily basis. Don't discount the power of that promise that you make DAILY to your brothers and sisters. You better invest more into your quit or you will fail.

I have failed many times but 912 days ago I quit..for real quit. KTC has literally helped me save my life. The friendships I have made here will be lifelong. To pass on an opportunity to up your accountability is foolish my friend. Boggles my mind.

All of these people showed up on your intro thread because they (we) genuinely care about your well being. Imagine if they weren't 'too active on here' or found posting roll was 'annoying'. This place would be a ghost town.

Think it through. We all want you to succeed.

Miles - +1 with you
I googled alternatives to chew and found this site, didn't know about roll when I found it.
Trev, I think you need to embrace it. Not everyone needs to quit this way, but if you're saying that posting roll is too much of a hassle then I do maybe question your resolve. I've gotta say that it's the best part of my day each and every day. I've been quit for 89 days and started posting roll on day 3. When I first started, if I were 2 hours late posting roll then I would have guys texting and calling me. For me the accountability and the opportunity to be apart of something bigger than myself, to be apart of a group that had stories similar to mine yet still distinct, guys that came from different walks of life but had all struggled with the same thing, that was what was most important. That might not be you, but rather than complain about posting roll I encourage you to swallow the drink to the bottom. It might scald at first, but by the bottom of the cup I think you'll be very satisfied.
We all want progress, but if you're on the wrong road, progress means doing an about-turn and walking back to the right road; in that case, the man who turns back soonest is the most progressive.

Has tobacco been so kind to you that you should leave it with regret? There are far better things ahead than any we leave behind.

Come join us. Come be quit with us. Rather than slowly commit suicide, slowly regain your health. It might hurt at first, but it won't kill you. And once the birthing process is done you'll find yourself a free man. With friends. And health. And wealth. Come drink at the fountain of quit.

Offline KC_Guy

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Re: Starting today
« Reply #78 on: September 04, 2013, 10:34:00 PM »
Quote from: Trev10hockey
Quote from: Miles
Quote from: Minny
Quote from: Trev10hockey
Doing fine, I like the support from here but just posting roll annoys me. I'll be fine quitting without posting roll or being too active on here
Good luck to ya. It never worked for me.
KTC wasn't beating down your door, begging you to quit. No, you recognized that you need help and googled something along the lines of 'quit dip'. Posting roll is the single most important thing you can do for yourself on a daily basis. Don't discount the power of that promise that you make DAILY to your brothers and sisters. You better invest more into your quit or you will fail.

I have failed many times but 912 days ago I quit..for real quit. KTC has literally helped me save my life. The friendships I have made here will be lifelong. To pass on an opportunity to up your accountability is foolish my friend. Boggles my mind.

All of these people showed up on your intro thread because they (we) genuinely care about your well being. Imagine if they weren't 'too active on here' or found posting roll was 'annoying'. This place would be a ghost town.

Think it through. We all want you to succeed.

Miles - +1 with you
I googled alternatives to chew and found this site, didn't know about roll when I found it.
Look bro you have alot of badass quitters in here that drank the ktc kool aid. We all posted roll, quit one day at a time and are straight up killin our quits. So......... why not join us and post roll. You do WANT to quit right? Use a method with proven success. The KTC method.
Quit Date 05/20/2013

HOF 08/27/13
2nd Floor 12/5/13
3rd Floor 3/15/14
4th Floor 6/23/14
5th Floor 10/1/14

Offline Trev10hockey

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Re: Starting today
« Reply #77 on: September 04, 2013, 10:28:00 PM »
Quote from: Miles
Quote from: Minny
Quote from: Trev10hockey
Doing fine, I like the support from here but just posting roll annoys me. I'll be fine quitting without posting roll or being too active on here
Good luck to ya. It never worked for me.
KTC wasn't beating down your door, begging you to quit. No, you recognized that you need help and googled something along the lines of 'quit dip'. Posting roll is the single most important thing you can do for yourself on a daily basis. Don't discount the power of that promise that you make DAILY to your brothers and sisters. You better invest more into your quit or you will fail.

I have failed many times but 912 days ago I quit..for real quit. KTC has literally helped me save my life. The friendships I have made here will be lifelong. To pass on an opportunity to up your accountability is foolish my friend. Boggles my mind.

All of these people showed up on your intro thread because they (we) genuinely care about your well being. Imagine if they weren't 'too active on here' or found posting roll was 'annoying'. This place would be a ghost town.

Think it through. We all want you to succeed.

Miles - +1 with you
I googled alternatives to chew and found this site, didn't know about roll when I found it.

Offline Pinched

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Re: Starting today
« Reply #76 on: September 04, 2013, 11:09:00 AM »
Quote from: traumagnet
Quote from: Miles
Quote from: Minny
Quote from: Trev10hockey
Doing fine, I like the support from here but just posting roll annoys me. I'll be fine quitting without posting roll or being too active on here
Good luck to ya. It never worked for me.
KTC wasn't beating down your door, begging you to quit. No, you recognized that you need help and googled something along the lines of 'quit dip'. Posting roll is the single most important thing you can do for yourself on a daily basis. Don't discount the power of that promise that you make DAILY to your brothers and sisters. You better invest more into your quit or you will fail.

I have failed many times but 912 days ago I quit..for real quit. KTC has literally helped me save my life. The friendships I have made here will be lifelong. To pass on an opportunity to up your accountability is foolish my friend. Boggles my mind.

All of these people showed up on your intro thread because they (we) genuinely care about your well being. Imagine if they weren't 'too active on here' or found posting roll was 'annoying'. This place would be a ghost town.

Think it through. We all want you to succeed.

Miles - +1 with you
Yep what all these quitters have said. Oh 18 I know everything about everything I got time I am only 18...blah blah the support has poured into your thread because everyone on your thread realizes that the 18 year old ship has sailed long ago. They are trying to reach you like Anne Sulivan did for Helen but like Helen you are blind and deaf. Good luck on your quit yes I said luck because that is the only thing you have...oh and hope that some magical quit fairy is gonna sprinkle some quit dust on your ass and your gonna be cured.
None of us are here to be your friends so don't mistake the outpouring of support for a friend outreach program.

If you choose to go solo and do your own thing then best of luck, but the statistics show that without a sense of accountability you will succumb to that little part of your brain that pulls the Nic Bitch back.

If you decide to go solo, then please log back on at day 100, one year, and then each 100th day after that, come to my into spot and indicate that you are proving me wrong, because I don't think you will be successful on your own.
"If you want to quit then stop talking and just QUIT. If you want to kill yourself a bullet is cheaper and faster than a tin, plus it eliminates my hearing you whine and cry like a bitch."

Best thing I have read on KTC...Submitted by tgafish on 7/3/14

Former Skoal Straight and Cope Longcut user that started at the age of 12. QUIT on 7/15/13

Offline traumagnet

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Re: Starting today
« Reply #75 on: September 04, 2013, 11:00:00 AM »
Quote from: Miles
Quote from: Minny
Quote from: Trev10hockey
Doing fine, I like the support from here but just posting roll annoys me. I'll be fine quitting without posting roll or being too active on here
Good luck to ya. It never worked for me.
KTC wasn't beating down your door, begging you to quit. No, you recognized that you need help and googled something along the lines of 'quit dip'. Posting roll is the single most important thing you can do for yourself on a daily basis. Don't discount the power of that promise that you make DAILY to your brothers and sisters. You better invest more into your quit or you will fail.

I have failed many times but 912 days ago I quit..for real quit. KTC has literally helped me save my life. The friendships I have made here will be lifelong. To pass on an opportunity to up your accountability is foolish my friend. Boggles my mind.

All of these people showed up on your intro thread because they (we) genuinely care about your well being. Imagine if they weren't 'too active on here' or found posting roll was 'annoying'. This place would be a ghost town.

Think it through. We all want you to succeed.

Miles - +1 with you
Yep what all these quitters have said. Oh 18 I know everything about everything I got time I am only 18...blah blah the support has poured into your thread because everyone on your thread realizes that the 18 year old ship has sailed long ago. They are trying to reach you like Anne Sulivan did for Helen but like Helen you are blind and deaf. Good luck on your quit yes I said luck because that is the only thing you have...oh and hope that some magical quit fairy is gonna sprinkle some quit dust on your ass and your gonna be cured.
Complacency sucks, one moment of it is the difference between being a user and a quitter....OIB

"Lean into the fall my friends, life can be amazing without nicotine. It's just a matter of choice." sM

"Endeavor to persevere."Chief Dan George "The Outlaw Josey Wales".

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Re: Starting today
« Reply #74 on: September 04, 2013, 10:27:00 AM »
Quote from: Minny
Quote from: Trev10hockey
Doing fine, I like the support from here but just posting roll annoys me. I'll be fine quitting without posting roll or being too active on here
Good luck to ya. It never worked for me.
KTC wasn't beating down your door, begging you to quit. No, you recognized that you need help and googled something along the lines of 'quit dip'. Posting roll is the single most important thing you can do for yourself on a daily basis. Don't discount the power of that promise that you make DAILY to your brothers and sisters. You better invest more into your quit or you will fail.

I have failed many times but 912 days ago I quit..for real quit. KTC has literally helped me save my life. The friendships I have made here will be lifelong. To pass on an opportunity to up your accountability is foolish my friend. Boggles my mind.

All of these people showed up on your intro thread because they (we) genuinely care about your well being. Imagine if they weren't 'too active on here' or found posting roll was 'annoying'. This place would be a ghost town.

Think it through. We all want you to succeed.

Miles - +1 with you
I quit with with you all!

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Re: Starting today
« Reply #73 on: September 04, 2013, 09:20:00 AM »
Quote from: Trev10hockey
Doing fine, I like the support from here but just posting roll annoys me. I'll be fine quitting without posting roll or being too active on here
Good luck to ya. It never worked for me.
Quit Date 7/12/13
HOF Date 10/19/13

My HOF Speech

Offline srans

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Re: Starting today
« Reply #72 on: September 04, 2013, 08:51:00 AM »
Quote from: derk40
Quote from: KC_Guy
Quote from: Trev10hockey
Doing fine, I like the support from here but just posting roll annoys me. I'll be fine quitting without posting roll or being too active on here
I hate to break it to you dude. Posting roll is the price of admission around here. Either do it and be a man or GET GONE. The program here works. We don't have special butterflies here. Let's get with the program. Post roll.
Dude, you are young and have a great opportunity here. Was seeing your buddies this week too much for you? I realize you thought you could quit starting on Saturday  ending Monday because that would be the "hardest part"... unfortunately it doesn't work that way. For you  the rest of us, the hardest part is today... because we need to stay quit today. This is not something you just snap your fingers for and it is all good. You need to put in the work. I'd recommend posting roll  keep your quit going. But it is your call though... you seem to think you have this all figured out. Sounds like me at your age.
You know what annoys me brother. People that don't think posting roll is important. You know why it's not important to you trev? Because quitting is not the most important thing in your life. If you don't make quitting the most important thing in your life then you will fail.

Nicotine is no joke my friend. The poison shows no mercy. Do you think we're idiots here? You not wanting to post roll means your addict mind is still giving the orders. Your still being controlled by the poison. Don't think for one second you own this quit. Right now your being owned.

You have to give this process a chance trev. I didn't like posting roll at the beginning either, but after a while I got use to it and now it's just something I have to do everyday.

Come on man,,, Wake up!!!! Post roll and stay quit,, it's that simple. Own it or be owned (cbird).....
Hof date may 25, 2013
HoF Speech

The poison sucks. I hate it. I hated it this morning, I hated it at noon, I hated it at supper and I hate it tonight. I enjoy hating it so much I'm going to wake up tomorrow and start over hating it. I quit with anyone that wants to hate it with me.

Offline Derk40

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Re: Starting today
« Reply #71 on: September 04, 2013, 08:36:00 AM »
Quote from: KC_Guy
Quote from: Trev10hockey
Doing fine, I like the support from here but just posting roll annoys me. I'll be fine quitting without posting roll or being too active on here
I hate to break it to you dude. Posting roll is the price of admission around here. Either do it and be a man or GET GONE. The program here works. We don't have special butterflies here. Let's get with the program. Post roll.
Dude, you are young and have a great opportunity here. Was seeing your buddies this week too much for you? I realize you thought you could quit starting on Saturday  ending Monday because that would be the "hardest part"... unfortunately it doesn't work that way. For you  the rest of us, the hardest part is today... because we need to stay quit today. This is not something you just snap your fingers for and it is all good. You need to put in the work. I'd recommend posting roll  keep your quit going. But it is your call though... you seem to think you have this all figured out. Sounds like me at your age.
Quit date: 6/23/2013
HOF Date: 9/30/2013

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Offline KC_Guy

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Re: Starting today
« Reply #70 on: September 03, 2013, 10:46:00 PM »
Quote from: Trev10hockey
Doing fine, I like the support from here but just posting roll annoys me. I'll be fine quitting without posting roll or being too active on here
I hate to break it to you dude. Posting roll is the price of admission around here. Either do it and be a man or GET GONE. The program here works. We don't have special butterflies here. Let's get with the program. Post roll.
Quit Date 05/20/2013

HOF 08/27/13
2nd Floor 12/5/13
3rd Floor 3/15/14
4th Floor 6/23/14
5th Floor 10/1/14

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Re: Starting today
« Reply #69 on: September 03, 2013, 10:32:00 PM »
Doing fine, I like the support from here but just posting roll annoys me. I'll be fine quitting without posting roll or being too active on here