WTF did I just read 'bang head'
Keep up the quit.
I know all this has been talked about but I must throw my 2 cents out there. All that talk about how you are a "handsome rich mf'er" with money and all this crap really makes you look ignorant. There are guys on here that make 6 figures and never flaunt a word about it. Have some humility man, and respect what's going on here. Nobody gives 2 fucks about how much money you have or any of that b.s.... Come in here, post roll, and support quitters...leave that other bullshit on facebook and twitter.
Just leave the alcohol alone, forget about it until you are solid. You can cross that bridge at a later date. I know first hand, alcohol WILL ruin your quit. You get in that drunken mindset and next thing you know, you are puffin' on a cigg or have a lip turd in....instant CAVE status. If you are using alcohol to cope with your quit withdrawals, then what are you really accomplishing? You are just replacing one mind altering substance with another mind altering substance. Alcohol is still a drug no matter how much society deems it acceptable.
You were in the marines so I know they instilled discipline in you and how to act. I'm a soldier and I was taught this so I know you understand because the marines are way more hardcore about that. You can take the man out of the military but you can't take the military out of a man. Remember what you learned and fix yourself *insert command hand*
I quit with you bro.