Author Topic: Stressed out Mom and Quitting  (Read 24258 times)

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Re: Stressed out Mom and Quitting
« Reply #68 on: September 21, 2011, 10:51:00 AM »
Quote from: chewife
OK What is happening to me? Is this what I get for quitting cause if so its really discouraging. TEN, yes TEN pounds gained in 19 days. I know I know I need to "watch what I eat and exercise" Well easier said than done when your constantly cravind SOMETHING and trying to fill that oral fixation. My gosh I never realized how little I ate when I chewed. Like a natural appetite supressant. Now the floodgates have opened. If I dont have something in my mouth at all times I get fidgety and nervous and ornery. I crave stuff like I never used to. Taco Bell, Arbys, giant loaded pizzas!!!?? What used to be a treat is now like a necessity. TEN pounds. Oh and Ive been walking almost every night and am in the best shape Ive been in in awhile. Yet the pounds just keep on comin'!!! My digestive tract has grinded to a halt and I am as bloated as hell. This is just depressing. Is this what I get?? I wont get cancer and die Ill just get obese. Nice tradeoff.
Now where is my frosting and nachos.Stat.
Listen, right now, quitting is the only thing you need to worry about. You can loose weight later.

I know it's different for men than women, but when I quit, I put on a good 20 pounds. I knew I was getting overweight, but put that on a back burner until I had a solid quit.

One year later (I did it one day at a time), I started working out, and loosing weight. But only cuz I could FOCUS on it.

Right now, you can't focus on shit except keeping worm shit outta your face. Fill that void with whatever you want, as long as it's not nicotine.

The weight will come.
What is your major malfunction?!?!?!?!

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Re: Stressed out Mom and Quitting
« Reply #67 on: September 21, 2011, 09:54:00 AM »
OK What is happening to me? Is this what I get for quitting cause if so its really discouraging. TEN, yes TEN pounds gained in 19 days. I know I know I need to "watch what I eat and exercise" Well easier said than done when your constantly cravind SOMETHING and trying to fill that oral fixation. My gosh I never realized how little I ate when I chewed. Like a natural appetite supressant. Now the floodgates have opened. If I dont have something in my mouth at all times I get fidgety and nervous and ornery. I crave stuff like I never used to. Taco Bell, Arbys, giant loaded pizzas!!!?? What used to be a treat is now like a necessity. TEN pounds. Oh and Ive been walking almost every night and am in the best shape Ive been in in awhile. Yet the pounds just keep on comin'!!! My digestive tract has grinded to a halt and I am as bloated as hell. This is just depressing. Is this what I get?? I wont get cancer and die Ill just get obese. Nice tradeoff.
Now where is my frosting and nachos.Stat.

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Re: Stressed out Mom and Quitting
« Reply #66 on: September 13, 2011, 11:25:00 PM »
Quote from: Gump
Quote from: Radman
First, the QUIT:  You DO NOT miss it.  You gotta get that outta your head.  How can we miss something that is killing us?  I fought with that mental block for quite a while last year.  What you miss is the relief from withdrawal symptoms. That relief is brought by daily poison consumption.  As we emerge from the withdrawal process, the relief comes naturally.  We get the same sense of calm by doing the relaxing things other people enjoy.  We actually begin to enjoy the thing itself instead of focusing on the nicotine we expect to receive while involved in it.  It takes different amounts of time for every person.  Trust me, hang in there and you'll eventually feel it.  The freedom is wonderful.  After chewing and dipping for almost 20 years, I'll be quit a year tomorrow.  I can honestly say I don't miss anything about it.  But, I know if I ever take "one pinch", that will change.  I'm not trying to be a smartass here, just hoping to offer some reassurance.

As for the boobs:  I see your point.  I have a cousin who was in your situation.  For health and posture reasons, she did just what you speak of.
Never been a huge breast fan myself...they do get in the way. I don't know how much the surgery costs, but figure on saving about a grand a year that you used to piss away on dip.
I am an ass man anyway... ODDAT... Avatar now please!

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Re: Stressed out Mom and Quitting
« Reply #65 on: September 13, 2011, 10:37:00 PM »
Quote from: Radman
First, the QUIT:  You DO NOT miss it.  You gotta get that outta your head.  How can we miss something that is killing us?  I fought with that mental block for quite a while last year.  What you miss is the relief from withdrawal symptoms. That relief is brought by daily poison consumption.  As we emerge from the withdrawal process, the relief comes naturally.  We get the same sense of calm by doing the relaxing things other people enjoy.  We actually begin to enjoy the thing itself instead of focusing on the nicotine we expect to receive while involved in it.  It takes different amounts of time for every person.  Trust me, hang in there and you'll eventually feel it.  The freedom is wonderful.  After chewing and dipping for almost 20 years, I'll be quit a year tomorrow.  I can honestly say I don't miss anything about it.  But, I know if I ever take "one pinch", that will change.  I'm not trying to be a smartass here, just hoping to offer some reassurance.

As for the boobs:  I see your point.  I have a cousin who was in your situation.  For health and posture reasons, she did just what you speak of.
Never been a huge breast fan myself...they do get in the way. I don't know how much the surgery costs, but figure on saving about a grand a year that you used to piss away on dip.
"Stupid is as stupid does"

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Re: Stressed out Mom and Quitting
« Reply #64 on: September 13, 2011, 04:26:00 PM »
First, the QUIT: You DO NOT miss it. You gotta get that outta your head. How can we miss something that is killing us? I fought with that mental block for quite a while last year. What you miss is the relief from withdrawal symptoms. That relief is brought by daily poison consumption. As we emerge from the withdrawal process, the relief comes naturally. We get the same sense of calm by doing the relaxing things other people enjoy. We actually begin to enjoy the thing itself instead of focusing on the nicotine we expect to receive while involved in it. It takes different amounts of time for every person. Trust me, hang in there and you'll eventually feel it. The freedom is wonderful. After chewing and dipping for almost 20 years, I'll be quit a year tomorrow. I can honestly say I don't miss anything about it. But, I know if I ever take "one pinch", that will change. I'm not trying to be a smartass here, just hoping to offer some reassurance.

As for the boobs: I see your point. I have a cousin who was in your situation. For health and posture reasons, she did just what you speak of.

Offline chewife

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Re: Stressed out Mom and Quitting
« Reply #63 on: September 13, 2011, 03:53:00 PM »
Well Radman my husbands and I's quit is going pretty good. It hasnt really gotten any easier in the past few days though. Like I hit a roadblock. In fact day 5 was easier than yesterday. I always had my first chew with a hot cup of coffee and checked my email. Ahhh the relief and sweet burn. It instantly cured my morning cranks. Now my morning cranks just last a looong time. I really really miss it. When is the irratibility gonna go away? Or is that just me? Gosh I hope not.
Now to do with the whole "boob" subject. The real reason I take such issue with it is that me myself has had to deal with that shit my whole life. Since 8th grade teased mercilessly,called "bowling balls B" yeah ha ha funny. Ive had stupid huge boobs for forever and I cant wear cute shirts,swimsuits,jackets,etc. I cannot run,jump,play volleyball,dive in the water,jog or anything without calling attention to my assets. I was called a slut (i was far from it) just for having them. They are the BANE of my existence and the minute I can afford it I am getting them LOPPED THE FUCK OFF. They ruin my life. Literally. I would just love to be able to run.(and no im not obese).
So anyway thats that. Kinda personal but feels good to get it off my chest*snicker,snicker*.
Oh and hub still wont join this and the boob avatars wouldnt sway him because Im pretty sure hes had his fill of big ole knockers in the past few years.

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Re: Stressed out Mom and Quitting
« Reply #62 on: September 13, 2011, 10:49:00 AM »
Quote from: Gump
Chewife, your post was not at all what I was hoping for when I saw a thread labeled "Boobs", LOL! Of all the things you could be disgusted with on this board...the meanness, the absurdity, the caves, the pseudo- or not-so-pseudo faggotry, pretty much anything the Warrant Officer has posted in the last couple of days - I'm REALLY disappointed that you chose breasts to complain about.

Except the fake ones. Can't stand the fake ones.
Word. I saw the subject and was hoping to see a whole library of Teamkeoki's avatar, or something similar. I'm just disappointed. Does chewhusband know about all of these offensive mammaries around here? Might be the dealmaker.

I hate fluffy kittens.... and non fluffy kittens. I pretty much just don't like cats. How about an avatar of a dog chasing a cat?

Seriously, though... how is your quit going, and what's up with hubby? Maybe I missed a chapter somewhere.

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Re: Stressed out Mom and Quitting
« Reply #61 on: September 13, 2011, 09:56:00 AM »
Quote from: greg40
Chewife, I invite you to take your proposition on penis avatars to the administrators. I once had an avatar of a gentleman performing felatio on himself. It was one of my favorites, but certain people with less confidence in their sexual indentities than I were offended. Good luck with airing your greivance and I am on your side!

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Re: Stressed out Mom and Quitting
« Reply #60 on: September 12, 2011, 03:37:00 PM »
Now THAT'S sick! No ketchup? No napkin? eeeewwwww!
"Stupid is as stupid does"

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Re: Stressed out Mom and Quitting
« Reply #59 on: September 12, 2011, 03:34:00 PM »
Quote from: WoweeZowee216
how about a hillbilly eating a kitten?
kittys are yummy.

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Re: Stressed out Mom and Quitting
« Reply #58 on: September 12, 2011, 02:59:00 PM »
how about a hillbilly eating a kitten?

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Re: Stressed out Mom and Quitting
« Reply #57 on: September 12, 2011, 02:08:00 PM »
Quote from: whsii
Maybe if we had some big veiny penises stickin around it be a little more evened out! There now I feel better oh and   !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sounds perfect for one the December Drippy Dicks!!
I hate to have to point this out but......chewwife......if you look closesly at one of those avatars (MOTO) you will see a little more than just big flopping boobs! 'archer'
EX ninja dipper!
Felt good to come clean on August 12, 2011

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Re: Stressed out Mom and Quitting
« Reply #56 on: September 10, 2011, 01:39:00 PM »
Maybe if we had some big veiny penises stickin around it be a little more evened out! There now I feel better oh and  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sounds perfect for one the December Drippy Dicks!!
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Re: Stressed out Mom and Quitting
« Reply #55 on: September 10, 2011, 01:38:00 PM »
Quote from: greg40
Chewife, I invite you to take your proposition on penis avatars to the administrators. I once had an avatar of a gentleman performing felatio on himself. It was one of my favorites, but certain people with less confidence in their sexual indentities than I were offended. Good luck with airing your greivance and I am on your side!
I personally like your chicken choker avitar best.

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Re: Stressed out Mom and Quitting
« Reply #54 on: September 10, 2011, 11:21:00 AM »
Chewife, I invite you to take your proposition on penis avatars to the administrators. I once had an avatar of a gentleman performing felatio on himself. It was one of my favorites, but certain people with less confidence in their sexual indentities than I were offended. Good luck with airing your greivance and I am on your side!