Author Topic: Quitter  (Read 9291 times)

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Offline SirDerek

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Re: Quitter
« Reply #45 on: July 02, 2013, 11:14:00 AM »
Quote from: Coach
Quote from: SirDerek
Quote from: Minny
What is "bump" on these boards?
well there are 2 types of BUMP:

1 - when 2 people open up the window to insert their reply or quote (as we do in posting roll). Then when they save, the one that saves first is 'lost' when the second one saves (sort of like an overwrite, post is saved but is below the one that saved over the top).

2 - the other type of bump is when an older post is given a new 'timestamp', for instance if a 5 day old post is responded to and saved it comes to the top

hope that helps
3 - 'BanDog'
only for those in the glass house CS 'crackup' 'crackup' 'crackup'

Offline Coach Steve

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Re: Quitter
« Reply #44 on: July 02, 2013, 11:10:00 AM »
Quote from: SirDerek
Quote from: Minny
What is "bump" on these boards?
well there are 2 types of BUMP:

1 - when 2 people open up the window to insert their reply or quote (as we do in posting roll). Then when they save, the one that saves first is 'lost' when the second one saves (sort of like an overwrite, post is saved but is below the one that saved over the top).

2 - the other type of bump is when an older post is given a new 'timestamp', for instance if a 5 day old post is responded to and saved it comes to the top

hope that helps
3 - 'BanDog'
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Offline SirDerek

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Re: Quitter
« Reply #43 on: July 02, 2013, 10:56:00 AM »
Quote from: Minny
What is "bump" on these boards?
well there are 2 types of BUMP:

1 - when 2 people open up the window to insert their reply or quote (as we do in posting roll). Then when they save, the one that saves first is 'lost' when the second one saves (sort of like an overwrite, post is saved but is below the one that saved over the top).

2 - the other type of bump is when an older post is given a new 'timestamp', for instance if a 5 day old post is responded to and saved it comes to the top

hope that helps

Offline Minny

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Re: Quitter
« Reply #42 on: July 02, 2013, 10:52:00 AM »
What is "bump" on these boards?
Quit Date 7/12/13
HOF Date 10/19/13

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Offline Minny

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Re: Quitter
« Reply #41 on: July 02, 2013, 10:50:00 AM »

I really underestimated KTC. What's been most helpful is everyone's perspective and cold analysis.

I'm glad that I keep reading (and a bit more posting) others' comments. Dougie's talk of hitting the fog again at day 31 is helpful - it's easier to brace for it when you know it's coming.

A really strange thing happened on day 6: I found out that two of my duck blind pals that also quit chewing, but at separate times. They just quit cold turkey, no KTC, fake chew, etc. They've been quit for 6 and 3 weeks, respectively. One of them plans to start back up after 3 months (he just wanted to see if he could quit WTF?!?) and my conversation with the other buddy went something like this:

Him: "Yeah, I'm still gonna chew for the annual duck trip, though"

Me: "I was thinking that, too, but I tried that once and I ended up chewing straight through the year and on to the next trip. I started right back up again."

Him: "So you're saying we shouldn't chew while duck hunting?"

Me: "Yeah, I think I'm done with it."

Him: "Well maybe we should smoke then."

Me: "Yeah, I have no problem quitting smoking."


Firstly, no, I am not planning on caving/smoking/chewing, etc. This is just self-reflection on my self-talk.

WTF?? It's amazing that A) we have a hard time comprehending the annual duck trip without chewing, B we recognize that we're addicts and that we can't have just one chew but mostly that C) this absurd addict speak snuck its way into the conversation between two people who are quit (at least one of us, me).

Anyway, right now I'm feeling good and happy to be past what I think was the worst of it. I never want to do it again. If you're reading this and on the first couple of days, keep going and post roll every day, or QLFEDD as they say.
Quit Date 7/12/13
HOF Date 10/19/13

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Offline JRizzle

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Re: Quitter
« Reply #40 on: July 02, 2013, 09:55:00 AM »
Quote from: Minny
Quote from: Jungleland
Quote from: Minny
Are you looking for excuses? I have no excuses. I am an addict and have been weak for a long time, always rationalizing one more tin/chew.

What happened?
I bought a tin. I had two quick  guilt-ridden dips before tossing the can into the wastebasket.

Why did it happen?
Apparently, I wasn't serious about quitting.

What are you going to do different this time?
Get serious about quitting. For whatever the reason, it has taken interaction with ktc brothers for me to truly commit.

I hadn't read any of the replies to my earlier posts about being a serial quitter. Wastepanel, LionHeartedGirl, Dougie, CBird65, Jungleland, Billybill3934, and Mthomas3824, and others, have been particularly helpful in helping me recognize the absurdity in my serial quit. I also appreciate the concept of quitting each day, for one day. Wastepanel's comments in particular...

This time, I'm going to quit today, each day.

I realize that the Jake Frawleys of the world, having been on ktc for 3 weeks, are eager to toss me out for being poisonous to the group. Fair enough, I get it.
Minny -

Might be helpful if you shared a little about yourself, where you from, how'd you start, what your triggers are, what issues you may have in your life that have made in hard in the past for you to quit. It'll surprise you how many common threads there are among quitters.

BTW - you do realize no one really wants to toss you out - we want all you got dedicated to this quit - nothing less.

I'm around day 50, and it's taken that long for me to reeeaaally believe what a complete f'n idiot I've been to let this shit control me for so long. I can't change the past, but I damn sure can change today.
I'm in my early thirties, live in Minneapolis, and have a wife and daughter. I don't really have any life issues that make it harder than anyone else to quit. I do live a very stressful life, though I feel like most people do, too.

I got started with nic when a buddy's older brother started smoking and chewing. I was thirteen. I was a smoker and dipper for years until I met my wife, at which point I became a ninja dipper. Grizzly Wintergreen, Cope long cut, skoal and kodiak some times. I kicked my addiction into 5th gear when I realized I could put in an upper at work whenever I wanted to and no one knew.

My triggers are driving, working, hunting, fishing, golfing, playing vids, sporting clays, etc. Breathing... Beers certainly don't help the fight to quit.

Over the past nine days I've been in very tempting situations. Several long days in the car for work, 2 hours in a car with a dipping buddy and his tin within an arm's reach. Golfing with three other dippers, shooting clays with five pals chewing kodiak, etc. Yesterday a friend actually held out an open tin of bandits and offered me one, and for my birthday we spent the day on a boat and I was given cigars and a nice cutter. It was a perfect day for a cigar.

It has certainly gotten easier. Days 2, 3, and 4 were awful. I hope the fog doesn't come back.

I appreciate the support. I didn't "get it" at first: that these sections of KTC are for people that are tobacco free, period.

Although your answers were brief, I'm glad to see you finally answered them and gave us some background about yourself. Like both you and FuFu, I lived in Minneapolis during college and make it back there a few times a year to visit friends and enjoy the amazing Minneapolis summertime.

And I have a lot of the exact same triggers you do. I started chewing when I was 16 and never looked back until I was 28 and started literally waring little holes in my gums. I can resonate what you said about pulling a top-decker; I discovered that around age 23 and that revolutionized how much poison I could squeeze into my system every day.

And since I'm from the Sioux Falls area, dipping on I-90, then on HWYs 30, 60,  169 was an integral part of my life for 10+ years. Every trip included multiple dips on each stretch of the journey. I'd spent more time with dip than any friend, family member, or significant other.

The funny thing was that I didn't really enjoy being around dip. Dip always required that I have an empty bottle or some beverage to consume along with it. Dip was constantly making me stock up in South Dakota where it was cheaper before I headed east. Dip started causing issues with my gums, gave me quasi panic attacks if I didn't have enough of it, and started affected my professional and personal decisions. And through all of this dip kept costing me more and more money.

Then one day (well, it was actually over the course of months) I started deciding that I really didn't like dip. I felt that dip was treating me as if I was a dependent, an addict, and that dip was disrespecting me. It was the quintessential bad romance. Dip was daring me to quit, to walk away, and each time I failed I became more addicted. Until one day I succeeded. I managed to free myself from dip's bondage and walk away. And I did so on a second day. And a third. And although breaking off the relationship hurt at first, I knew I didn't miss it, knew that I never wanted to go back.

And so here I sit at day 25 with you. The best way I can describe it is that I contracted some type of minor STD from dip and it occasionally flares up. It sucks because I will always fight this STD. But the symptoms become less and less with time. The biggest thing to remember is that if you ever participate in that bad romance again then the slavery comes back and rather than fighting a minor STD you're going to contract HIV. You can't flirt with this relationship and you can't start to romanticize about the "good times" you had. It was a depraved relationship in which you were a dependent through and through, and one that you can't EVER join again, not for any reason. So today let's be quit today and recognize the dip demon for exactly that.
We all want progress, but if you're on the wrong road, progress means doing an about-turn and walking back to the right road; in that case, the man who turns back soonest is the most progressive.

Has tobacco been so kind to you that you should leave it with regret? There are far better things ahead than any we leave behind.

Come join us. Come be quit with us. Rather than slowly commit suicide, slowly regain your health. It might hurt at first, but it won't kill you. And once the birthing process is done you'll find yourself a free man. With friends. And health. And wealth. Come drink at the fountain of quit.

Offline FuFuTheSnu

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Re: Quitter
« Reply #39 on: July 01, 2013, 12:50:00 PM »
Quote from: Minny
Quote from: Jungleland
Quote from: Minny
Are you looking for excuses? I have no excuses. I am an addict and have been weak for a long time, always rationalizing one more tin/chew.

What happened?
I bought a tin. I had two quick  guilt-ridden dips before tossing the can into the wastebasket.

Why did it happen?
Apparently, I wasn't serious about quitting.

What are you going to do different this time?
Get serious about quitting. For whatever the reason, it has taken interaction with ktc brothers for me to truly commit.

I hadn't read any of the replies to my earlier posts about being a serial quitter. Wastepanel, LionHeartedGirl, Dougie, CBird65, Jungleland, Billybill3934, and Mthomas3824, and others, have been particularly helpful in helping me recognize the absurdity in my serial quit. I also appreciate the concept of quitting each day, for one day. Wastepanel's comments in particular...

This time, I'm going to quit today, each day.

I realize that the Jake Frawleys of the world, having been on ktc for 3 weeks, are eager to toss me out for being poisonous to the group. Fair enough, I get it.
Minny -

Might be helpful if you shared a little about yourself, where you from, how'd you start, what your triggers are, what issues you may have in your life that have made in hard in the past for you to quit. It'll surprise you how many common threads there are among quitters.

BTW - you do realize no one really wants to toss you out - we want all you got dedicated to this quit - nothing less.

I'm around day 50, and it's taken that long for me to reeeaaally believe what a complete f'n idiot I've been to let this shit control me for so long. I can't change the past, but I damn sure can change today.
I'm in my early thirties, live in Minneapolis, and have a wife and daughter. I don't really have any life issues that make it harder than anyone else to quit. I do live a very stressful life, though I feel like most people do, too.

I got started with nic when a buddy's older brother started smoking and chewing. I was thirteen. I was a smoker and dipper for years until I met my wife, at which point I became a ninja dipper. Grizzly Wintergreen, Cope long cut, skoal and kodiak some times. I kicked my addiction into 5th gear when I realized I could put in an upper at work whenever I wanted to and no one knew.

My triggers are driving, working, hunting, fishing, golfing, playing vids, sporting clays, etc. Breathing... Beers certainly don't help the fight to quit.

Over the past nine days I've been in very tempting situations. Several long days in the car for work, 2 hours in a car with a dipping buddy and his tin within an arm's reach. Golfing with three other dippers, shooting clays with five pals chewing kodiak, etc. Yesterday a friend actually held out an open tin of bandits and offered me one, and for my birthday we spent the day on a boat and I was given cigars and a nice cutter. It was a perfect day for a cigar.

It has certainly gotten easier. Days 2, 3, and 4 were awful. I hope the fog doesn't come back.

I appreciate the support. I didn't "get it" at first: that these sections of KTC are for people that are tobacco free, period.

I'm in MPLS as well. Mid 30's two small boys. Chewed for 20 years. Golf is/was a trigger for me (Link at Northfork). Driving too. Beers were/are the biggest trigger. You just have to get all those "firsts" out of the way. First time playing golf sans chew, first road trip without chew, etc. After all the firsts are knocked out, it gets much easier. I honestly think very little about chewing nowadays. I'm on autopilot, sort of. In the early days I never thought I would get to this point. Fog comes and goes but it gets easier by degrees. I'm on day 92. If a pussy like me can do it, so can you. It is a very rewarding thing and it's not all gritting your teeth and white-knuckling it through intense craves (although there are moments). Eventually you'll think less and less about it and it'll be second nature. PM me for digits. You can do this. You quit, so, that's all done. Now just get your mind right and and put this bitch to bed.
So, you see, the puppy was like industry, in that they were both lost in the woods. And nobody, especially the little boy - "society" - knew where to find 'em. Except that the puppy... was a DOG. But the industry, my friends, THAT was a revolution.

Offline Minny

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Re: Quitter
« Reply #38 on: July 01, 2013, 08:23:00 AM »
Quote from: Jungleland
Quote from: Minny
Are you looking for excuses? I have no excuses. I am an addict and have been weak for a long time, always rationalizing one more tin/chew.

What happened?
I bought a tin. I had two quick  guilt-ridden dips before tossing the can into the wastebasket.

Why did it happen?
Apparently, I wasn't serious about quitting.

What are you going to do different this time?
Get serious about quitting. For whatever the reason, it has taken interaction with ktc brothers for me to truly commit.

I hadn't read any of the replies to my earlier posts about being a serial quitter. Wastepanel, LionHeartedGirl, Dougie, CBird65, Jungleland, Billybill3934, and Mthomas3824, and others, have been particularly helpful in helping me recognize the absurdity in my serial quit. I also appreciate the concept of quitting each day, for one day. Wastepanel's comments in particular...

This time, I'm going to quit today, each day.

I realize that the Jake Frawleys of the world, having been on ktc for 3 weeks, are eager to toss me out for being poisonous to the group. Fair enough, I get it.
Minny -

Might be helpful if you shared a little about yourself, where you from, how'd you start, what your triggers are, what issues you may have in your life that have made in hard in the past for you to quit. It'll surprise you how many common threads there are among quitters.

BTW - you do realize no one really wants to toss you out - we want all you got dedicated to this quit - nothing less.

I'm around day 50, and it's taken that long for me to reeeaaally believe what a complete f'n idiot I've been to let this shit control me for so long. I can't change the past, but I damn sure can change today.
I'm in my early thirties, live in Minneapolis, and have a wife and daughter. I don't really have any life issues that make it harder than anyone else to quit. I do live a very stressful life, though I feel like most people do, too.

I got started with nic when a buddy's older brother started smoking and chewing. I was thirteen. I was a smoker and dipper for years until I met my wife, at which point I became a ninja dipper. Grizzly Wintergreen, Cope long cut, skoal and kodiak some times. I kicked my addiction into 5th gear when I realized I could put in an upper at work whenever I wanted to and no one knew.

My triggers are driving, working, hunting, fishing, golfing, playing vids, sporting clays, etc. Breathing... Beers certainly don't help the fight to quit.

Over the past nine days I've been in very tempting situations. Several long days in the car for work, 2 hours in a car with a dipping buddy and his tin within an arm's reach. Golfing with three other dippers, shooting clays with five pals chewing kodiak, etc. Yesterday a friend actually held out an open tin of bandits and offered me one, and for my birthday we spent the day on a boat and I was given cigars and a nice cutter. It was a perfect day for a cigar.

It has certainly gotten easier. Days 2, 3, and 4 were awful. I hope the fog doesn't come back.

I appreciate the support. I didn't "get it" at first: that these sections of KTC are for people that are tobacco free, period.
Quit Date 7/12/13
HOF Date 10/19/13

My HOF Speech

Offline Jungleland

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Re: Quitter
« Reply #37 on: June 27, 2013, 09:42:00 AM »
Quote from: Minny
Are you looking for excuses? I have no excuses. I am an addict and have been weak for a long time, always rationalizing one more tin/chew.

What happened?
I bought a tin. I had two quick  guilt-ridden dips before tossing the can into the wastebasket.

Why did it happen?
Apparently, I wasn't serious about quitting.

What are you going to do different this time?
Get serious about quitting. For whatever the reason, it has taken interaction with ktc brothers for me to truly commit.

I hadn't read any of the replies to my earlier posts about being a serial quitter. Wastepanel, LionHeartedGirl, Dougie, CBird65, Jungleland, Billybill3934, and Mthomas3824, and others, have been particularly helpful in helping me recognize the absurdity in my serial quit. I also appreciate the concept of quitting each day, for one day. Wastepanel's comments in particular...

This time, I'm going to quit today, each day.

I realize that the Jake Frawleys of the world, having been on ktc for 3 weeks, are eager to toss me out for being poisonous to the group. Fair enough, I get it.
Minny -

Might be helpful if you shared a little about yourself, where you from, how'd you start, what your triggers are, what issues you may have in your life that have made in hard in the past for you to quit. It'll surprise you how many common threads there are among quitters.

BTW - you do realize no one really wants to toss you out - we want all you got dedicated to this quit - nothing less.

I'm around day 50, and it's taken that long for me to reeeaaally believe what a complete f'n idiot I've been to let this shit control me for so long. I can't change the past, but I damn sure can change today.

Offline srans

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Re: Quitter
« Reply #36 on: June 26, 2013, 05:37:00 PM »
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: KKLJINC
Quote from: Minny
Are you looking for excuses? I have no excuses. I am an addict and have been weak for a long time, always rationalizing one more tin/chew.

What happened?
I bought a tin. I had two quick  guilt-ridden dips before tossing the can into the wastebasket.

Why did it happen?
Apparently, I wasn't serious about quitting.

What are you going to do different this time?
Get serious about quitting. For whatever the reason, it has taken interaction with ktc brothers for me to truly commit.

I hadn't read any of the replies to my earlier posts about being a serial quitter. Wastepanel, LionHeartedGirl, Dougie, CBird65, Jungleland, Billybill3934, and Mthomas3824, and others, have been particularly helpful in helping me recognize the absurdity in my serial quit. I also appreciate the concept of quitting each day, for one day. Wastepanel's comments in particular...

This time, I'm going to quit today, each day.

I realize that the Jake Frawleys of the world, having been on ktc for 3 weeks, are eager to toss me out for being poisonous to the group. Fair enough, I get it.
Minny, lets not forget we will defend this house, we will defend our ways of quit. Two times in a matter of days, everyone has the right to question you. We all say remember the day one so you don't have to do it again. You have remembered the day one twice in a few weeks.

Now, is the time. Now is when you discover how big of a pair you really have. Do you want to quit or do you want to dabble your toe in the quit pool instead of jumping in? I don't know what the magic number is of caves before everyone walks away totally from you, but I would venture to say you are not far away.

I suggest you drink the kool-aide, I suggest you jump into the pool, not test the water. I suggest you start to own your quit. I suggest you look and see what your other quit brothers and sisters are going through, before you go a few days and start finger banging a can again. It has to be for you, you have to want it and you have to own it. Don't be another burn out.
I like kkl's post.

Why are we so inflexible? Because addiction is inflexible. Drink the Kool-Aid. You can do this...or not. The choice is yours. If not, I respectfully request you leave.

Cavers find a way to cave. Quitters find a way to quit. ~ 30yraddict.
Two caves bro? Not sure you really want this myself. We got people losing jobs, losing wifes, losing there mind and they don't cave. What makes you so different?

I'll tell you. You got to reeeellllyy waaaant this. So far it's apparent that you don't. The poison right now has your number. It thinks it can have you back anytime it wants. I give you a week if that. We'll see!
Hof date may 25, 2013
HoF Speech

The poison sucks. I hate it. I hated it this morning, I hated it at noon, I hated it at supper and I hate it tonight. I enjoy hating it so much I'm going to wake up tomorrow and start over hating it. I quit with anyone that wants to hate it with me.

Offline jake frawley

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Re: Quitter
« Reply #35 on: June 26, 2013, 05:33:00 PM »
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: KKLJINC
Quote from: Minny
Are you looking for excuses? I have no excuses. I am an addict and have been weak for a long time, always rationalizing one more tin/chew.

What happened?
I bought a tin. I had two quick  guilt-ridden dips before tossing the can into the wastebasket.

Why did it happen?
Apparently, I wasn't serious about quitting.

What are you going to do different this time?
Get serious about quitting. For whatever the reason, it has taken interaction with ktc brothers for me to truly commit.

I hadn't read any of the replies to my earlier posts about being a serial quitter. Wastepanel, LionHeartedGirl, Dougie, CBird65, Jungleland, Billybill3934, and Mthomas3824, and others, have been particularly helpful in helping me recognize the absurdity in my serial quit. I also appreciate the concept of quitting each day, for one day. Wastepanel's comments in particular...

This time, I'm going to quit today, each day.

I realize that the Jake Frawleys of the world, having been on ktc for 3 weeks, are eager to toss me out for being poisonous to the group. Fair enough, I get it.
Minny, lets not forget we will defend this house, we will defend our ways of quit. Two times in a matter of days, everyone has the right to question you. We all say remember the day one so you don't have to do it again. You have remembered the day one twice in a few weeks.

Now, is the time. Now is when you discover how big of a pair you really have. Do you want to quit or do you want to dabble your toe in the quit pool instead of jumping in? I don't know what the magic number is of caves before everyone walks away totally from you, but I would venture to say you are not far away.

I suggest you drink the kool-aide, I suggest you jump into the pool, not test the water. I suggest you start to own your quit. I suggest you look and see what your other quit brothers and sisters are going through, before you go a few days and start finger banging a can again. It has to be for you, you have to want it and you have to own it. Don't be another burn out.
I like kkl's post.

Why are we so inflexible? Because addiction is inflexible. Drink the Kool-Aid. You can do this...or not. The choice is yours. If not, I respectfully request you leave.

Cavers find a way to cave. Quitters find a way to quit. ~ 30yraddict.
And let me tell you, I caved once! So I KNOW what it's like! I have no patience for weakness or excuses now because of it. And I also know that unless you come back with a new attitude and a solid quit plan, you WILL repeat your cave. Clearly it has happened twice already. I don't want to see any one go, but I do want to be surrounded with strong brothers and sisters! If you reach out and commit you can be that man!

Offline Scowick65

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Re: Quitter
« Reply #34 on: June 26, 2013, 05:28:00 PM »
Quote from: KKLJINC
Quote from: Minny
Are you looking for excuses? I have no excuses. I am an addict and have been weak for a long time, always rationalizing one more tin/chew.

What happened?
I bought a tin. I had two quick  guilt-ridden dips before tossing the can into the wastebasket.

Why did it happen?
Apparently, I wasn't serious about quitting.

What are you going to do different this time?
Get serious about quitting. For whatever the reason, it has taken interaction with ktc brothers for me to truly commit.

I hadn't read any of the replies to my earlier posts about being a serial quitter. Wastepanel, LionHeartedGirl, Dougie, CBird65, Jungleland, Billybill3934, and Mthomas3824, and others, have been particularly helpful in helping me recognize the absurdity in my serial quit. I also appreciate the concept of quitting each day, for one day. Wastepanel's comments in particular...

This time, I'm going to quit today, each day.

I realize that the Jake Frawleys of the world, having been on ktc for 3 weeks, are eager to toss me out for being poisonous to the group. Fair enough, I get it.
Minny, lets not forget we will defend this house, we will defend our ways of quit. Two times in a matter of days, everyone has the right to question you. We all say remember the day one so you don't have to do it again. You have remembered the day one twice in a few weeks.

Now, is the time. Now is when you discover how big of a pair you really have. Do you want to quit or do you want to dabble your toe in the quit pool instead of jumping in? I don't know what the magic number is of caves before everyone walks away totally from you, but I would venture to say you are not far away.

I suggest you drink the kool-aide, I suggest you jump into the pool, not test the water. I suggest you start to own your quit. I suggest you look and see what your other quit brothers and sisters are going through, before you go a few days and start finger banging a can again. It has to be for you, you have to want it and you have to own it. Don't be another burn out.
I like kkl's post.

Why are we so inflexible? Because addiction is inflexible. Drink the Kool-Aid. You can do this...or not. The choice is yours. If not, I respectfully request you leave.

Cavers find a way to cave. Quitters find a way to quit. ~ 30yraddict.

Offline kkljinc

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Re: Quitter
« Reply #33 on: June 26, 2013, 04:43:00 PM »
Quote from: Minny
Are you looking for excuses? I have no excuses. I am an addict and have been weak for a long time, always rationalizing one more tin/chew.

What happened?
I bought a tin. I had two quick  guilt-ridden dips before tossing the can into the wastebasket.

Why did it happen?
Apparently, I wasn't serious about quitting.

What are you going to do different this time?
Get serious about quitting. For whatever the reason, it has taken interaction with ktc brothers for me to truly commit.

I hadn't read any of the replies to my earlier posts about being a serial quitter. Wastepanel, LionHeartedGirl, Dougie, CBird65, Jungleland, Billybill3934, and Mthomas3824, and others, have been particularly helpful in helping me recognize the absurdity in my serial quit. I also appreciate the concept of quitting each day, for one day. Wastepanel's comments in particular...

This time, I'm going to quit today, each day.

I realize that the Jake Frawleys of the world, having been on ktc for 3 weeks, are eager to toss me out for being poisonous to the group. Fair enough, I get it.
Minny, lets not forget we will defend this house, we will defend our ways of quit. Two times in a matter of days, everyone has the right to question you. We all say remember the day one so you don't have to do it again. You have remembered the day one twice in a few weeks.

Now, is the time. Now is when you discover how big of a pair you really have. Do you want to quit or do you want to dabble your toe in the quit pool instead of jumping in? I don't know what the magic number is of caves before everyone walks away totally from you, but I would venture to say you are not far away.

I suggest you drink the kool-aide, I suggest you jump into the pool, not test the water. I suggest you start to own your quit. I suggest you look and see what your other quit brothers and sisters are going through, before you go a few days and start finger banging a can again. It has to be for you, you have to want it and you have to own it. Don't be another burn out.

Offline jake frawley

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Re: Quitter
« Reply #32 on: June 26, 2013, 04:40:00 PM »
Quote from: Minny
Are you looking for excuses? I have no excuses. I am an addict and have been weak for a long time, always rationalizing one more tin/chew.

What happened?
I bought a tin. I had two quick  guilt-ridden dips before tossing the can into the wastebasket.

Why did it happen?
Apparently, I wasn't serious about quitting.

What are you going to do different this time?
Get serious about quitting. For whatever the reason, it has taken interaction with ktc brothers for me to truly commit.

I hadn't read any of the replies to my earlier posts about being a serial quitter. Wastepanel, LionHeartedGirl, Dougie, CBird65, Jungleland, Billybill3934, and Mthomas3824, and others, have been particularly helpful in helping me recognize the absurdity in my serial quit. I also appreciate the concept of quitting each day, for one day. Wastepanel's comments in particular...

This time, I'm going to quit today, each day.

I realize that the Jake Frawleys of the world, having been on ktc for 3 weeks, are eager to toss me out for being poisonous to the group. Fair enough, I get it.
Don't want to toss you out just want to see realness. This is a brother/sisterhood and I want it protected. Getting a lot of cavers who get hurt feelings over being held accountable here. I caved myself once and came back and took my licks but didn't offer any weak excuses! So I have no patience for people who shit here and then get defensive. If your gonna be quit then honor your word or get out! Simple!

Offline Minny

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Re: Quitter
« Reply #31 on: June 26, 2013, 04:35:00 PM »
Are you looking for excuses? I have no excuses. I am an addict and have been weak for a long time, always rationalizing one more tin/chew.

What happened?
I bought a tin. I had two quick  guilt-ridden dips before tossing the can into the wastebasket.

Why did it happen?
Apparently, I wasn't serious about quitting.

What are you going to do different this time?
Get serious about quitting. For whatever the reason, it has taken interaction with ktc brothers for me to truly commit.

I hadn't read any of the replies to my earlier posts about being a serial quitter. Wastepanel, LionHeartedGirl, Dougie, CBird65, Jungleland, Billybill3934, and Mthomas3824, and others, have been particularly helpful in helping me recognize the absurdity in my serial quit. I also appreciate the concept of quitting each day, for one day. Wastepanel's comments in particular...

This time, I'm going to quit today, each day.

I realize that the Jake Frawleys of the world, having been on ktc for 3 weeks, are eager to toss me out for being poisonous to the group. Fair enough, I get it.
Quit Date 7/12/13
HOF Date 10/19/13

My HOF Speech