Author Topic: Quitter  (Read 9290 times)

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Offline jake frawley

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Re: Quitter
« Reply #60 on: July 05, 2013, 06:26:00 PM »
Quote from: Greg5280
Quote from: jhaenel23
Quote from: Minny
Day 13
Yesterday was a breeze. I was around the nic bitch all damn day and I had cravings, but it was easy to keep my quit.

I am really enjoying not lying to my wife. I was reading a post this morning from Diesel2112 that realized that he spent his days paving the way to his next dip. Shit, I think that was me, too. I wonder how much more time I will spend with my family now that I quit.

You all rock. Enjoy the weekend.
'40' '40' '40'
It is amazing how much time you have to spend with family, friends. I never realized how much time I wasted with them. The fun part of quitting for me has been discovering the new "Greg" and to be honest I like him much better!!

Keep adding +1's

Anyone can quit for just one day....
It's amazing to me that we "loved" our wives but at the same time resented them for being around because we wanted to chew in peace. Now that we are quit we are free to really love our wives! We don't need to hide an addiction that takes from us and our family. I'm glad that you are getting to experience this! It's what quitting is all about! LIVING!

Offline Greg5280

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Re: Quitter
« Reply #59 on: July 05, 2013, 02:38:00 PM »
Quote from: jhaenel23
Quote from: Minny
Day 13
Yesterday was a breeze. I was around the nic bitch all damn day and I had cravings, but it was easy to keep my quit.

I am really enjoying not lying to my wife. I was reading a post this morning from Diesel2112 that realized that he spent his days paving the way to his next dip. Shit, I think that was me, too. I wonder how much more time I will spend with my family now that I quit.

You all rock. Enjoy the weekend.
'40' '40' '40'
It is amazing how much time you have to spend with family, friends. I never realized how much time I wasted with them. The fun part of quitting for me has been discovering the new "Greg" and to be honest I like him much better!!

Keep adding +1's

Anyone can quit for just one day....

Offline jhaenel23

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Re: Quitter
« Reply #58 on: July 05, 2013, 12:15:00 PM »
Quote from: Minny
Day 13
Yesterday was a breeze. I was around the nic bitch all damn day and I had cravings, but it was easy to keep my quit.

I am really enjoying not lying to my wife. I was reading a post this morning from Diesel2112 that realized that he spent his days paving the way to his next dip. Shit, I think that was me, too. I wonder how much more time I will spend with my family now that I quit.

You all rock. Enjoy the weekend.
'40' '40' '40'
Stay in the Q.U.I.T*********Fuck the NIC!!" Jhaenel23
"Freedom is like your Soul going Commando!" Scowick
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Offline Minny

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Re: Quitter
« Reply #57 on: July 05, 2013, 11:21:00 AM »
Day 13
Yesterday was a breeze. I was around the nic bitch all damn day and I had cravings, but it was easy to keep my quit.

I am really enjoying not lying to my wife. I was reading a post this morning from Diesel2112 that realized that he spent his days paving the way to his next dip. Shit, I think that was me, too. I wonder how much more time I will spend with my family now that I quit.

You all rock. Enjoy the weekend.
Quit Date 7/12/13
HOF Date 10/19/13

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Offline Minny

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Re: Quitter
« Reply #56 on: July 04, 2013, 11:31:00 AM »
Day 12
Yesterday I had a steady crave alllllllll day long. I liked my reaction to it, though: I was PISSED OFF at the nic bitch.

I'll be surrounded by tobacco all day today but you know what? Bring it on. I am ready for today.

Happy 4th. 'Cheers'
Quit Date 7/12/13
HOF Date 10/19/13

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Offline steve1357

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Re: Quitter
« Reply #55 on: July 03, 2013, 10:56:00 AM »
Quote from: Minny
Day 11

Last night I dreamt that I was smoking a cigar and thought to myself, "What the fuck, I CAVED?!? THE KTC SLUTS ARE GOING TO KILL ME!"
Cave dreams are scary. With over 700 days quit, I still get them from time to time.

But I like them. It allows me to preview the shame and remorse that I would feel if I ever did cave. It is a great relief to wake up and realize that it was just a dream.

Offline Minny

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Re: Quitter
« Reply #54 on: July 03, 2013, 10:34:00 AM »
Day 11

Last night I dreamt that I was smoking a cigar and thought to myself, "What the fuck, I CAVED?!? THE KTC SLUTS ARE GOING TO KILL ME!"
Quit Date 7/12/13
HOF Date 10/19/13

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Offline Souliman

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Re: Quitter
« Reply #53 on: July 02, 2013, 10:09:00 PM »
Quote from: Dougie
Quote from: Minny
Holy shit today has been a rough one. I don't know if it's because I didn't get enough sleep last night or what, but it feels like day 2 all over again: anxious and craving.

Just when I was feeling (and posting) that I was on easy street!

This has not been a very productive day!
For me the 1st month was like a roller coaster- ups and downs- just gotta learn to roll with the punches but roll with laughter and roll with pride in keeping quit-
There may be ups and downs but I know that the attitude within this site is constant. Fucking badass determination. No hesitation. Fuckers willing to fight for freedom. You got this. One step on the path.

Offline Dougie

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Re: Quitter
« Reply #52 on: July 02, 2013, 02:59:00 PM »
Quote from: Minny
Holy shit today has been a rough one. I don't know if it's because I didn't get enough sleep last night or what, but it feels like day 2 all over again: anxious and craving.

Just when I was feeling (and posting) that I was on easy street!

This has not been a very productive day!
For me the 1st month was like a roller coaster- ups and downs- just gotta learn to roll with the punches but roll with laughter and roll with pride in keeping quit-

Offline Minny

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Re: Quitter
« Reply #51 on: July 02, 2013, 02:47:00 PM »
Holy shit today has been a rough one. I don't know if it's because I didn't get enough sleep last night or what, but it feels like day 2 all over again: anxious and craving.

Just when I was feeling (and posting) that I was on easy street!

This has not been a very productive day!
Quit Date 7/12/13
HOF Date 10/19/13

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Offline jake frawley

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Re: Quitter
« Reply #50 on: July 02, 2013, 11:49:00 AM »
Quote from: Minny
LOL It was worded poorly, for sure. The "and such" after weak words had to do with my addict speak.

I am not planning on smoking for the duck hunt. In fact, I am looking forward to a nic free duck hunt.

I was only giving you an example of some of the most fucked up addict speak ever spoken. Look, I'm an addict and I'll always be an addict.

Thank God! I was ready to bang my head on a wall!

Offline Minny

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Re: Quitter
« Reply #49 on: July 02, 2013, 11:42:00 AM »
LOL It was worded poorly, for sure. The "and such" after weak words had to do with my addict speak.

I am not planning on smoking for the duck hunt. In fact, I am looking forward to a nic free duck hunt.

I was only giving you an example of some of the most fucked up addict speak ever spoken. Look, I'm an addict and I'll always be an addict.

Quit Date 7/12/13
HOF Date 10/19/13

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Offline jake frawley

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Re: Quitter
« Reply #48 on: July 02, 2013, 11:37:00 AM »
Quote from: srans
Quote from: Evil_Won
Quote from: Minny

I really underestimated KTC. What's been most helpful is everyone's perspective and cold analysis. 

I'm glad that I keep reading (and a bit more posting) other's comments. Dougie's talk of hitting the fog again at day 31 is helpful - it's easier to brace for it when you know it's coming.

A really strange thing happened on day 6: I found out that two of my duck blind pals that also quit chewing, but at separate times.  They just quit cold turkey, no KTC, fake chew, etc. They've been quit for 6 and 3 weeks, respectively. One of them plans to start back up after 3 months (he just wanted to see if he could quit WTF?!?) and my conversation with the other buddy went something like this:

Him: "Yeah, I'm still gonna chew for the annual duck trip, though"

Me: "I was thinking that, too, but I tried that once and I ended up chewing straight through the year and on to the next trip. I started right back up again."

Him: "So you're saying we shouldn't chew while duck hunting?"

Me: "Yeah, I think I'm done with it."

Him: "Well maybe we should smoke then."

Me: "Yeah, I have no problem quitting smoking."


WTF??  And yes, I am aware of the weak words and such. I'm just being honest with you assholes!

Anyway, right now I'm feeling good and happy to be past what I think was the worst of it. I never want to do it again. If you're reading this and on the first couple of days, keep going and post roll every day, or QLFEDD as they say.
So you are planning on caving by smoking cigs on your duck hunt? Am I reading this correctly?
Please tell me you worded that incorrectly!
I'm just checking in while on vacation because I have had some strong craves.... This is not what I wanted to read! Are you fucking kidding me! I hope this is a bad joke! You failed once already and now you post this! Do you NOT get it? I gotta believe that even the dumbest person on this site ( which is probably me) can see that this idea is the worst one ever posted! Quit chewing only to actively decide to smoke? Jesus Fucking Christ! That's a slap in the face for everything this site believes in! The bible says this... Better to be thought a fool then to open your mouth and prove everyone right! I hope you are joking because you CANNOT be this misguided! Smoking is just as bad! Ask LHG! I gotta leave this conversation for awhile because I need more positive conversation today! I hope you wake up!

Offline srans

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Re: Quitter
« Reply #47 on: July 02, 2013, 11:22:00 AM »
Quote from: Evil_Won
Quote from: Minny

I really underestimated KTC. What's been most helpful is everyone's perspective and cold analysis. 

I'm glad that I keep reading (and a bit more posting) other's comments. Dougie's talk of hitting the fog again at day 31 is helpful - it's easier to brace for it when you know it's coming.

A really strange thing happened on day 6: I found out that two of my duck blind pals that also quit chewing, but at separate times.  They just quit cold turkey, no KTC, fake chew, etc. They've been quit for 6 and 3 weeks, respectively. One of them plans to start back up after 3 months (he just wanted to see if he could quit WTF?!?) and my conversation with the other buddy went something like this:

Him: "Yeah, I'm still gonna chew for the annual duck trip, though"

Me: "I was thinking that, too, but I tried that once and I ended up chewing straight through the year and on to the next trip. I started right back up again."

Him: "So you're saying we shouldn't chew while duck hunting?"

Me: "Yeah, I think I'm done with it."

Him: "Well maybe we should smoke then."

Me: "Yeah, I have no problem quitting smoking."


WTF??  And yes, I am aware of the weak words and such. I'm just being honest with you assholes!

Anyway, right now I'm feeling good and happy to be past what I think was the worst of it. I never want to do it again. If you're reading this and on the first couple of days, keep going and post roll every day, or QLFEDD as they say.
So you are planning on caving by smoking cigs on your duck hunt? Am I reading this correctly?
Please tell me you worded that incorrectly!
Hof date may 25, 2013
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The poison sucks. I hate it. I hated it this morning, I hated it at noon, I hated it at supper and I hate it tonight. I enjoy hating it so much I'm going to wake up tomorrow and start over hating it. I quit with anyone that wants to hate it with me.

Offline Evil_Won

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Re: Quitter
« Reply #46 on: July 02, 2013, 11:20:00 AM »
Quote from: Minny

I really underestimated KTC. What's been most helpful is everyone's perspective and cold analysis.

I'm glad that I keep reading (and a bit more posting) other's comments. Dougie's talk of hitting the fog again at day 31 is helpful - it's easier to brace for it when you know it's coming.

A really strange thing happened on day 6: I found out that two of my duck blind pals that also quit chewing, but at separate times. They just quit cold turkey, no KTC, fake chew, etc. They've been quit for 6 and 3 weeks, respectively. One of them plans to start back up after 3 months (he just wanted to see if he could quit WTF?!?) and my conversation with the other buddy went something like this:

Him: "Yeah, I'm still gonna chew for the annual duck trip, though"

Me: "I was thinking that, too, but I tried that once and I ended up chewing straight through the year and on to the next trip. I started right back up again."

Him: "So you're saying we shouldn't chew while duck hunting?"

Me: "Yeah, I think I'm done with it."

Him: "Well maybe we should smoke then."

Me: "Yeah, I have no problem quitting smoking."


WTF?? And yes, I am aware of the weak words and such. I'm just being honest with you assholes!

Anyway, right now I'm feeling good and happy to be past what I think was the worst of it. I never want to do it again. If you're reading this and on the first couple of days, keep going and post roll every day, or QLFEDD as they say.
So you are planning on caving by smoking cigs on your duck hunt? Am I reading this correctly?
"Dunno about you HP, but LOOT doesn't like getting assfucked, by anyone....and certainly won't chalk it up to 'shit happens'."