Author Topic: writers block  (Read 5882 times)

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Re: writers block
« Reply #74 on: August 14, 2013, 02:27:00 PM »
Quote from: gorilla1
The connection of a common problem is strong, but the connection of a common solution is even stronger.
I love this line gorilla! So true. Lots of commonality amongst using nic addicts, but even more so amongst quit nic addicts. Keep quit!

Offline traumagnet

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Re: writers block
« Reply #73 on: August 14, 2013, 08:05:00 AM »
Its how we roll here we got each others back it has to be we r only as strong as our weakest link not sound cliche but it is we r real here. We are just connected artificially by electronic medium. U send a text or pm n poof a real human responds in the form of the squad. Happy to see u are drinking the koolaid bro keep us close
Complacency sucks, one moment of it is the difference between being a user and a quitter....OIB

"Lean into the fall my friends, life can be amazing without nicotine. It's just a matter of choice." sM

"Endeavor to persevere."Chief Dan George "The Outlaw Josey Wales".

MY HOF speech

Offline gorilla1

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Re: writers block
« Reply #72 on: August 14, 2013, 12:18:00 AM »
To all of you who are quit today I salute you. And thank you for helping me stay honest and accountable.

This is Day 10. I'm feeling better. I'm still having insane thoughts roll around my head about the BDS (black dog shit), but am not believing in them. As for the divorce stuff, it wasn't so bad. A bunch of bureaucratic bullshit to wade through in order to end something that took about 1/50th of the time to make happen. This is the right thing. I trust that.

Something strange happened today though: I felt more authentically connected with this site and the people on it. Especially the dudes that I've been in constant communication with; a squad of sorts. All of a sudden you fuckers have become "real". I know that sounds absurd, but all this disembodied connection with people is tough to ground and integrate. I know you all are real people, but the connection was just like. hey, another random person. Now some of you are becoming my friends. And I feel as if I know you. Is this coming out sounding like a lunatic? Whatever. The connection of a common problem is strong, but the connection of a common solution is even stronger. I am feeling that. Thank you for sticking with me and bringing me into the middle this time. I'm gonna stay there. You know who you are.

Does that answer your question Dean?


Offline dabean22

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Re: writers block
« Reply #71 on: August 13, 2013, 02:34:00 PM »
Quote from: derk40
Quote from: gorilla1
Day 9. . .

It's been a strange day for me. No craves, no dip, no nadda. I'm feeling strong about it, but cautious as well.

Since I was a kid I've used just about everything under the sun to not have to deal with reality, to not feel. Here I am feeling a little stuck. Feeling a little sad and sorry for myself or something. It's not an unknown feeling to me, but now I've got nothing to forget about it or distract myself with. I've been texting with some brothers here and reaching out, seeing how they are doing, rather than thinking about myself. That seems to help, but there is some sorta loneliness creeping around inside. I know this is all very touchy feely shit, but I don't care.

Tonight I'm going to work on some divorce paperwork with my soon to be ex-wife and I'm feeling kinda fucked up about that as well. I know there's gotta be some dudes in here with experience with that as well. Any wise words for me?

I have no intention to cave. It's not an option. I'm dealing with the pain of living on the big dirty ball without that shit and just hoped that airing it out might bring about a little solace.

Still in it.

hey gorilla,

I am not sure I have the input your looking for but I do recognize some of myself in your words. No, I am not divorced but actually happily married. I am not familiar with your situation but I assume it is painful even if you totally don't want to admit it. But again, I am not familiar with your situation.

As to not wanting to feel and dealing with the sense of loneliness. That is where I find myself at times. Actually, I feel this way quite often. I find myself searching for something to help me deal with the anxiety of not adding up. It could be not adding up as a husband, a father, a coworker, a brother, a KTC quitter, a student (Masters classes), or whatever. We are going through a time of huge adjustment. Our brains are trying to wake up and re-wire. We are trying to grieve (many won't admit this) loosing a best friend. Grant it, the NIC is a piece of Crap best friend that promises everything and then takes all it promised plus everything else by the time we realize, "Oh crap!"

None the less, it is a companion that we have had to decide we were no longer letting it use us. This can cause a sense of loneliness, anger, denial, and even depression in some.

Furthermore, addiction is selfishness! When we start to separate from the addiction and our mind begins to get clear it is common for the addict to look at their life and think, "What the heck!" It can be a roller coaster of emotions.

I find myself struggling in many areas since I have quit 48days ago. The longer I am quit the more I have understood how the addiction impacted my thinking in all aspects of life but mostly my relationships. I lied to myself and others for so long that I find myself questioning my own word and not trusting myself. I thought I valued integrity and thought I was a man of integrity until I Quit. It makes sense to me but it is not something I am proud to admit.

Now I look and see integrity in the mirror because I am actually behaving with it. But that produces some shame and guilt within as well. I am trying to work through this now with a clear head that is not drug influenced. I am learning to deal with my feelings with out the drug but I often need to force myself to do it without my coping mechanism of 20yrs. This is a struggle but I have Christ in my corner and he knows these struggles. His grace amazes me! It is always enough!

I didn't realize how selfish my addiction made me. I was so blind that obvious things I see now could have smacked me in the face and I would have blamed someone around me.

Anyway, I guess what I want to really say or the advice I have for you is to EMBRACE this suck. Helping others is good but don't allow it to be your new distraction. By letting yourself suffer then you are uncovering parts of you and empowering yourself to deal with them. That strengthens your quit and guides you towards a life of peace/solace. I think many of us try to lie about being broken. We try to find some fake finite stuff to fill a void within because we don't want to admit we are broken. However, I continue to find out the more I accept I am broken the more I actually become whole as I allow God's grace to heal me.

Well, even if you don't believe in the things I do I hope you can still see how the thinking applies. Understanding our limitations empowers us. It guides to opportunities of success and growth. If we don't understand our limits then we enter some opportunities expecting to much. These situations no longer become and opportunity of growth but actually failure, dissatisfaction, and a hindrance because our perspective was messed up from the start.

Okay, I have written enough for now. Thanks for your words as they prompted these thoughts. I am going to copy this and paste it in my thread just to have for future. I hope there is something in this you find beneficial.

I quit with you today Gorilla!
First, sorry to hear about the break up. That sucks.

I can relate to what ur saying gorilla... I used to use the evil poison because I used to think that it filled a void for me. I used to use it when I was stressed, when I needed a little pick up, use it when _____ (fill in the blank)

What you need to come to grips with is that the poison did nothing for you... in fact, it made everything worse. You thought that it was filling a void, but it was actually killing u and you were not dealing with natural, everyday problems like a normal person does. You do not need the poison to live. It does not help your mood, it will not solve your problems, it does not make you feel better. That is all a lie.

I am still working thru this myself, but I have worked to fill that void for now with workouts, food, candy, gum, slowing my breathing, getting on this site to rant, getting in KTC chat, texting KTC buds, etc. After 52 days, I can say that I am starting to deal with my emotions better, but I still need to work hard at it. Bottom line is I am QLF  I don;t want to go back to the BS lies from before. I do not want to be a slave to the Nic B. I love being quit.

Anyhow, quit with you gorilla!!! Stay on this thing bro!
Gorilla, I quit with you every day. You have given me encouragement and made my quit better. I see you struggle like every addict here. Here's one thing that no one has said. Great job coming back after 2 failed attempts. That does take balls in my book. That being said, I want to ask you publicly.... Do you fee the same as you did during your 2 failed attempts? See when I quit 10 days ago, I felt an absolute difference. My new favorite analogy is jumping out of a plane or bungee jumping. So far, you've been bungee jumping. Yeah, you feel free for a minute but you are never really free. It's an illusion. 10 days ago, I decided to jump out of the freaking plane. For me, there is no going back. There is no tether to where I was. There is only the future for me. I have 50+ guys making my decent a safer more controlled experience. It's a hell of a ride but I tell you what, so far, nothing beats it.
Quit 8/04/13
HOF 11/11/13
Thanks mostly to LHG. That girl rocks the world. I love you Sis.
Someone, somewhere out there is suffering through a more intense crave than me and that person is staying quit. As will I. -JoeMellow
SkyDiver - The first step is a bitch but that's when the fun starts.

Offline Derk40

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Re: writers block
« Reply #70 on: August 13, 2013, 08:19:00 AM »
Quote from: gorilla1
Day 9. . .

It's been a strange day for me. No craves, no dip, no nadda. I'm feeling strong about it, but cautious as well.

Since I was a kid I've used just about everything under the sun to not have to deal with reality, to not feel. Here I am feeling a little stuck. Feeling a little sad and sorry for myself or something. It's not an unknown feeling to me, but now I've got nothing to forget about it or distract myself with. I've been texting with some brothers here and reaching out, seeing how they are doing, rather than thinking about myself. That seems to help, but there is some sorta loneliness creeping around inside. I know this is all very touchy feely shit, but I don't care.

Tonight I'm going to work on some divorce paperwork with my soon to be ex-wife and I'm feeling kinda fucked up about that as well. I know there's gotta be some dudes in here with experience with that as well. Any wise words for me?

I have no intention to cave. It's not an option. I'm dealing with the pain of living on the big dirty ball without that shit and just hoped that airing it out might bring about a little solace.

Still in it.

hey gorilla,

I am not sure I have the input your looking for but I do recognize some of myself in your words. No, I am not divorced but actually happily married. I am not familiar with your situation but I assume it is painful even if you totally don't want to admit it. But again, I am not familiar with your situation.

As to not wanting to feel and dealing with the sense of loneliness. That is where I find myself at times. Actually, I feel this way quite often. I find myself searching for something to help me deal with the anxiety of not adding up. It could be not adding up as a husband, a father, a coworker, a brother, a KTC quitter, a student (Masters classes), or whatever. We are going through a time of huge adjustment. Our brains are trying to wake up and re-wire. We are trying to grieve (many won't admit this) loosing a best friend. Grant it, the NIC is a piece of Crap best friend that promises everything and then takes all it promised plus everything else by the time we realize, "Oh crap!"

None the less, it is a companion that we have had to decide we were no longer letting it use us. This can cause a sense of loneliness, anger, denial, and even depression in some.

Furthermore, addiction is selfishness! When we start to separate from the addiction and our mind begins to get clear it is common for the addict to look at their life and think, "What the heck!" It can be a roller coaster of emotions.

I find myself struggling in many areas since I have quit 48days ago. The longer I am quit the more I have understood how the addiction impacted my thinking in all aspects of life but mostly my relationships. I lied to myself and others for so long that I find myself questioning my own word and not trusting myself. I thought I valued integrity and thought I was a man of integrity until I Quit. It makes sense to me but it is not something I am proud to admit.

Now I look and see integrity in the mirror because I am actually behaving with it. But that produces some shame and guilt within as well. I am trying to work through this now with a clear head that is not drug influenced. I am learning to deal with my feelings with out the drug but I often need to force myself to do it without my coping mechanism of 20yrs. This is a struggle but I have Christ in my corner and he knows these struggles. His grace amazes me! It is always enough!

I didn't realize how selfish my addiction made me. I was so blind that obvious things I see now could have smacked me in the face and I would have blamed someone around me.

Anyway, I guess what I want to really say or the advice I have for you is to EMBRACE this suck. Helping others is good but don't allow it to be your new distraction. By letting yourself suffer then you are uncovering parts of you and empowering yourself to deal with them. That strengthens your quit and guides you towards a life of peace/solace. I think many of us try to lie about being broken. We try to find some fake finite stuff to fill a void within because we don't want to admit we are broken. However, I continue to find out the more I accept I am broken the more I actually become whole as I allow God's grace to heal me.

Well, even if you don't believe in the things I do I hope you can still see how the thinking applies. Understanding our limitations empowers us. It guides to opportunities of success and growth. If we don't understand our limits then we enter some opportunities expecting to much. These situations no longer become and opportunity of growth but actually failure, dissatisfaction, and a hindrance because our perspective was messed up from the start.

Okay, I have written enough for now. Thanks for your words as they prompted these thoughts. I am going to copy this and paste it in my thread just to have for future. I hope there is something in this you find beneficial.

I quit with you today Gorilla!
First, sorry to hear about the break up. That sucks.

I can relate to what ur saying gorilla... I used to use the evil poison because I used to think that it filled a void for me. I used to use it when I was stressed, when I needed a little pick up, use it when _____ (fill in the blank)

What you need to come to grips with is that the poison did nothing for you... in fact, it made everything worse. You thought that it was filling a void, but it was actually killing u and you were not dealing with natural, everyday problems like a normal person does. You do not need the poison to live. It does not help your mood, it will not solve your problems, it does not make you feel better. That is all a lie.

I am still working thru this myself, but I have worked to fill that void for now with workouts, food, candy, gum, slowing my breathing, getting on this site to rant, getting in KTC chat, texting KTC buds, etc. After 52 days, I can say that I am starting to deal with my emotions better, but I still need to work hard at it. Bottom line is I am QLF  I don;t want to go back to the BS lies from before. I do not want to be a slave to the Nic B. I love being quit.

Anyhow, quit with you gorilla!!! Stay on this thing bro!
Quit date: 6/23/2013
HOF Date: 9/30/2013

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Offline Scowick65

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Re: writers block
« Reply #69 on: August 13, 2013, 08:17:00 AM »
Quote from: gorilla1
Day 9. . .

It's been a strange day for me. No craves, no dip, no nadda. I'm feeling strong about it, but cautious as well.

Since I was a kid I've used just about everything under the sun to not have to deal with reality, to not feel. Here I am feeling a little stuck. Feeling a little sad and sorry for myself or something. It's not an unknown feeling to me, but now I've got nothing to forget about it or distract myself with. I've been texting with some brothers here and reaching out, seeing how they are doing, rather than thinking about myself. That seems to help, but there is some sorta loneliness creeping around inside. I know this is all very touchy feely shit, but I don't care.

Tonight I'm going to work on some divorce paperwork with my soon to be ex-wife and I'm feeling kinda fucked up about that as well. I know there's gotta be some dudes in here with experience with that as well. Any wise words for me?

I have no intention to cave. It's not an option. I'm dealing with the pain of living on the big dirty ball without that shit and just hoped that airing it out might bring about a little solace.

Still in it.

You are reinventing what it is to be you. The REAL you. This is an adventure that is well worth the pursuit. I am sorry to hear about the break up though. Stay strong. My observations of your quit have changed tremondously over the past days. Well done. Very well done.

One day at a time.


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Re: writers block
« Reply #68 on: August 12, 2013, 10:34:00 PM »
Quote from: gorilla1
Day 9. . .

It's been a strange day for me. No craves, no dip, no nadda. I'm feeling strong about it, but cautious as well.

Since I was a kid I've used just about everything under the sun to not have to deal with reality, to not feel. Here I am feeling a little stuck. Feeling a little sad and sorry for myself or something. It's not an unknown feeling to me, but now I've got nothing to forget about it or distract myself with. I've been texting with some brothers here and reaching out, seeing how they are doing, rather than thinking about myself. That seems to help, but there is some sorta loneliness creeping around inside. I know this is all very touchy feely shit, but I don't care.

Tonight I'm going to work on some divorce paperwork with my soon to be ex-wife and I'm feeling kinda fucked up about that as well. I know there's gotta be some dudes in here with experience with that as well. Any wise words for me?

I have no intention to cave. It's not an option. I'm dealing with the pain of living on the big dirty ball without that shit and just hoped that airing it out might bring about a little solace.

Still in it.

hey gorilla,

I am not sure I have the input your looking for but I do recognize some of myself in your words. No, I am not divorced but actually happily married. I am not familiar with your situation but I assume it is painful even if you totally don't want to admit it. But again, I am not familiar with your situation.

As to not wanting to feel and dealing with the sense of loneliness. That is where I find myself at times. Actually, I feel this way quite often. I find myself searching for something to help me deal with the anxiety of not adding up. It could be not adding up as a husband, a father, a coworker, a brother, a KTC quitter, a student (Masters classes), or whatever. We are going through a time of huge adjustment. Our brains are trying to wake up and re-wire. We are trying to grieve (many won't admit this) loosing a best friend. Grant it, the NIC is a piece of Crap best friend that promises everything and then takes all it promised plus everything else by the time we realize, "Oh crap!"

None the less, it is a companion that we have had to decide we were no longer letting it use us. This can cause a sense of loneliness, anger, denial, and even depression in some.

Furthermore, addiction is selfishness! When we start to separate from the addiction and our mind begins to get clear it is common for the addict to look at their life and think, "What the heck!" It can be a roller coaster of emotions.

I find myself struggling in many areas since I have quit 48days ago. The longer I am quit the more I have understood how the addiction impacted my thinking in all aspects of life but mostly my relationships. I lied to myself and others for so long that I find myself questioning my own word and not trusting myself. I thought I valued integrity and thought I was a man of integrity until I Quit. It makes sense to me but it is not something I am proud to admit.

Now I look and see integrity in the mirror because I am actually behaving with it. But that produces some shame and guilt within as well. I am trying to work through this now with a clear head that is not drug influenced. I am learning to deal with my feelings with out the drug but I often need to force myself to do it without my coping mechanism of 20yrs. This is a struggle but I have Christ in my corner and he knows these struggles. His grace amazes me! It is always enough!

I didn't realize how selfish my addiction made me. I was so blind that obvious things I see now could have smacked me in the face and I would have blamed someone around me.

Anyway, I guess what I want to really say or the advice I have for you is to EMBRACE this suck. Helping others is good but don't allow it to be your new distraction. By letting yourself suffer then you are uncovering parts of you and empowering yourself to deal with them. That strengthens your quit and guides you towards a life of peace/solace. I think many of us try to lie about being broken. We try to find some fake finite stuff to fill a void within because we don't want to admit we are broken. However, I continue to find out the more I accept I am broken the more I actually become whole as I allow God's grace to heal me.

Well, even if you don't believe in the things I do I hope you can still see how the thinking applies. Understanding our limitations empowers us. It guides to opportunities of success and growth. If we don't understand our limits then we enter some opportunities expecting to much. These situations no longer become and opportunity of growth but actually failure, dissatisfaction, and a hindrance because our perspective was messed up from the start.

Okay, I have written enough for now. Thanks for your words as they prompted these thoughts. I am going to copy this and paste it in my thread just to have for future. I hope there is something in this you find beneficial.

I quit with you today Gorilla!
Quit Date 6/26/2013
'KICKIN THE CAN' All Day Long!
Complancency sucks,one moment of it is the difference between being a user and a quitter....OIB

Someone, somewhere out there is suffering through a more intense crave than me and that person is staying quit. As will I. -JoeMellow

The connection of a common problem is strong, but the connection of a common solution is even stronger.-gorilla1

When we think we can't quit... We can... Cause ducks fly together... When the craves are to much to handle... Us ducks fly together.... When you want to cave... You won't... Because ducks fly together. Per our Jpete328
Freedom Started 06/26/2013....Freedom continues because of my choice and accountability from MY FELLOW DUCKS! QUACK ! QUACK! Thank You!

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Re: writers block
« Reply #67 on: August 12, 2013, 09:49:00 PM »
Day 9. . .

It's been a strange day for me. No craves, no dip, no nadda. I'm feeling strong about it, but cautious as well.

Since I was a kid I've used just about everything under the sun to not have to deal with reality, to not feel. Here I am feeling a little stuck. Feeling a little sad and sorry for myself or something. It's not an unknown feeling to me, but now I've got nothing to forget about it or distract myself with. I've been texting with some brothers here and reaching out, seeing how they are doing, rather than thinking about myself. That seems to help, but there is some sorta loneliness creeping around inside. I know this is all very touchy feely shit, but I don't care.

Tonight I'm going to work on some divorce paperwork with my soon to be ex-wife and I'm feeling kinda fucked up about that as well. I know there's gotta be some dudes in here with experience with that as well. Any wise words for me?

I have no intention to cave. It's not an option. I'm dealing with the pain of living on the big dirty ball without that shit and just hoped that airing it out might bring about a little solace.

Still in it.


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Re: writers block
« Reply #66 on: August 11, 2013, 01:03:00 PM »
That's bad ass! And all without that Nic bitch... I'm up here in ft Collins quitting with you ODAAT brotha.
Motivation is what gets you started,
habit is what keeps you going.
Willpower is remembering what you really want

Offline gorilla1

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Re: writers block
« Reply #65 on: August 11, 2013, 12:19:00 PM »
Hit the mountains last night for some camping with friends. Looking up at the continental divide dip free. It was mostly a good experience although I was experiencing some cravings. Too far back in the woods to go for dip or call any of you. Turned in, got prayerful, soldiered on. Today I woke up in an alpine meadow in a hammock between two trees feeling peaceful. No compulsion.



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Re: writers block
« Reply #64 on: August 09, 2013, 10:23:00 AM »
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: gorilla1
Day 5 still alive. Kept in touch with several people all day via text. Good quit and support and I even got to give that back to some people. Who would have thought? Still have a long way to go, but the last several days have witnessed being connected to something much bigger than myself which, in my belief, is what I need to beat this thing. . . Back beast!
Best post I have read. Perfect.
I'm glade to hear this gorilla. Keep it up brother. Quit with you.
Hof date may 25, 2013
HoF Speech

The poison sucks. I hate it. I hated it this morning, I hated it at noon, I hated it at supper and I hate it tonight. I enjoy hating it so much I'm going to wake up tomorrow and start over hating it. I quit with anyone that wants to hate it with me.

Offline Scowick65

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Re: writers block
« Reply #63 on: August 09, 2013, 09:54:00 AM »
Quote from: gorilla1
Day 5 still alive. Kept in touch with several people all day via text. Good quit and support and I even got to give that back to some people. Who would have thought? Still have a long way to go, but the last several days have witnessed being connected to something much bigger than myself which, in my belief, is what I need to beat this thing. . . Back beast!
Best post I have read. Perfect.

Offline Wedge

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Re: writers block
« Reply #62 on: August 09, 2013, 08:48:00 AM »
Quote from: derk40
Quote from: traumagnet
Quote from: gorilla1
Day 5 still alive. Kept in touch with several people all day via text. Good quit and support and I even got to give that back to some people. Who would have thought? Still have a long way to go, but the last several days have witnessed being connected to something much bigger than myself which, in my belief, is what I need to beat this thing. . . Back beast!

Keep rolling with it NAFAR in your head all day long you got it. Nice you are learning keep close to site and peeps today.
Don't think about the "long way to go"... your only focus needs to be on staying quit today. Don't even think about anything but today and being quit today. Nothing else but today matters. I am quit with you today gorilla... keep on this quit!
Derk hit on one of the tenants of this site.....One day at a time. Don't worry about a camping trip this weekend, or a 4 hour drive to visit in-laws, or a baseball game, or fishing, or whatever it was that you used to do with a dip in. Focus on what you have to do today and know that you can do it w/o a dip in your mouth.

Offline Derk40

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Re: writers block
« Reply #61 on: August 09, 2013, 08:38:00 AM »
Quote from: traumagnet
Quote from: gorilla1
Day 5 still alive. Kept in touch with several people all day via text. Good quit and support and I even got to give that back to some people. Who would have thought? Still have a long way to go, but the last several days have witnessed being connected to something much bigger than myself which, in my belief, is what I need to beat this thing. . . Back beast!

Keep rolling with it NAFAR in your head all day long you got it. Nice you are learning keep close to site and peeps today.
Don't think about the "long way to go"... your only focus needs to be on staying quit today. Don't even think about anything but today and being quit today. Nothing else but today matters. I am quit with you today gorilla... keep on this quit!
Quit date: 6/23/2013
HOF Date: 9/30/2013

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Offline traumagnet

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Re: writers block
« Reply #60 on: August 09, 2013, 08:11:00 AM »
Quote from: gorilla1
Day 5 still alive. Kept in touch with several people all day via text. Good quit and support and I even got to give that back to some people. Who would have thought? Still have a long way to go, but the last several days have witnessed being connected to something much bigger than myself which, in my belief, is what I need to beat this thing. . . Back beast!

Keep rolling with it NAFAR in your head all day long you got it. Nice you are learning keep close to site and peeps today.
Complacency sucks, one moment of it is the difference between being a user and a quitter....OIB

"Lean into the fall my friends, life can be amazing without nicotine. It's just a matter of choice." sM

"Endeavor to persevere."Chief Dan George "The Outlaw Josey Wales".

MY HOF speech