Author Topic: New Quitter  (Read 13773 times)

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Offline Skoal Monster

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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #48 on: March 28, 2013, 02:47:00 PM »
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: KKLJINC
Quote from: ERDVM
Quote from: Eric71
Quote from: Wade
Today makes 28 days. Last night was pure hell, I want to Thank Evil_won, and Wade, for keeping me off the ledge.

So I started my afternoon with a golf game, friend I played with is a smoker, no big deal never been in cigs, so did not bother me.

After golf, I decide to hit the gym, while at the gym, I rolled my ankle. I knew it was going to swell so I high tailed it home for some ice treatment.

Now let me say this, I am a mans man, in a non homo way. I fight, used to anyway, I like to volunteer at friends bars on occasion to be a bouncer. I have been stabbed, and shot at. I have had my ass kicked and kicked a lot of ass. Every bit of pain I have gone through in my life, I have gone through with a big fat lip.

So, as I sit last night, with my ankle swelling like I am packing a grapefruit, she whispers.......You know, that I could take the edge off this. I push her back, I have this under control. She whispers again, every time in your life you have been in pain, I have been here for you, I am here now, let me help.

At this point in time, I am hit with a crave that I cant even tell you the magnitude. This is the point where I am glad I was not a ninja dipper, and it made me actually think, if I had any hiding places. I know I don't so I was covered and I could not drive with my foot anyway so my quit was never in Jeopardy.

So the relentless bitch, makes one last attempt, at me, and she cracks me mentally.  A tear rolls down my face, I wipe that shit off, and think what the fuck, I don't cry. Then another tear, and pretty soon my ass is crying like a baby. While the nic whore, is watching and laughing at me and my resolve. Or lack there of it that ,my only option was to cry. I reached out to my fellow quitters, I was able to get back on the track.

I still cant believe she got me to cry, but she did not win. I won, as I said yesterday in a tear and rage fueled post, I have beat bigger foes than you, you will not win.
Here is to you you ruthless bitch, I am still quit  'Finger'
You fucking rocked it. She may as well give it up, cause it ain't happening.
Quit wood brother, helluva job. Big victory for you, lesson for the others.
+infinity. Wood indeed. Great job reaching out. :wub:
Thanks, I felt pretty stupid for crying, I have never cried I just gut that shit like I used to do with my dip. Amazing the power of the Bitch, I figured it may help others. I am just excited, I have the self exploring vadge commenting. :wub:
The bithch got me to break down and cry too but not to dip! Great job.
Nicotine jacks with your body's chemical system in so many ways. Emotional swings of epic proportions are pretty common in the beginning. Your still a badass , even if golden girl re-runs and puppies make you sob like a teenage girl. Although, the 28 day mark is suspicious. You sure it's not pms?

You got this, she didn't crack shit, you held like a boss. This shit is going to suck until it doesn't. Your paying the price to get your life back. Goo job.

"CLOSE THE DOOR. In my opinion, it?s the single most important step in your final quit. There is one moment, THE moment, when you finally let go and surrender to the quit. After that moment, no temptation will be great enough, no lie persuasive enough to make you commit suicide by using tobacco."

Offline Wt57

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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #47 on: March 28, 2013, 01:35:00 PM »
Quote from: KKLJINC
Quote from: ERDVM
Quote from: Eric71
Quote from: Wade
Today makes 28 days. Last night was pure hell, I want to Thank Evil_won, and Wade, for keeping me off the ledge.

So I started my afternoon with a golf game, friend I played with is a smoker, no big deal never been in cigs, so did not bother me.

After golf, I decide to hit the gym, while at the gym, I rolled my ankle. I knew it was going to swell so I high tailed it home for some ice treatment.

Now let me say this, I am a mans man, in a non homo way. I fight, used to anyway, I like to volunteer at friends bars on occasion to be a bouncer. I have been stabbed, and shot at. I have had my ass kicked and kicked a lot of ass. Every bit of pain I have gone through in my life, I have gone through with a big fat lip.

So, as I sit last night, with my ankle swelling like I am packing a grapefruit, she whispers.......You know, that I could take the edge off this. I push her back, I have this under control. She whispers again, every time in your life you have been in pain, I have been here for you, I am here now, let me help.

At this point in time, I am hit with a crave that I cant even tell you the magnitude. This is the point where I am glad I was not a ninja dipper, and it made me actually think, if I had any hiding places. I know I don't so I was covered and I could not drive with my foot anyway so my quit was never in Jeopardy.

So the relentless bitch, makes one last attempt, at me, and she cracks me mentally.  A tear rolls down my face, I wipe that shit off, and think what the fuck, I don't cry. Then another tear, and pretty soon my ass is crying like a baby. While the nic whore, is watching and laughing at me and my resolve. Or lack there of it that ,my only option was to cry. I reached out to my fellow quitters, I was able to get back on the track.

I still cant believe she got me to cry, but she did not win. I won, as I said yesterday in a tear and rage fueled post, I have beat bigger foes than you, you will not win.
Here is to you you ruthless bitch, I am still quit  'Finger'
You fucking rocked it. She may as well give it up, cause it ain't happening.
Quit wood brother, helluva job. Big victory for you, lesson for the others.
+infinity. Wood indeed. Great job reaching out. :wub:
Thanks, I felt pretty stupid for crying, I have never cried I just gut that shit like I used to do with my dip. Amazing the power of the Bitch, I figured it may help others. I am just excited, I have the self exploring vadge commenting. :wub:
The bithch got me to break down and cry too but not to dip! Great job.
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
7/9/12: HOF The Missing Warning Label
TODAY is the day that counts
"Do, or do not, there is no try." Yoda

Offline kkljinc

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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #46 on: March 28, 2013, 11:32:00 AM »
Quote from: ERDVM
Quote from: Eric71
Quote from: Wade
Today makes 28 days. Last night was pure hell, I want to Thank Evil_won, and Wade, for keeping me off the ledge.

So I started my afternoon with a golf game, friend I played with is a smoker, no big deal never been in cigs, so did not bother me.

After golf, I decide to hit the gym, while at the gym, I rolled my ankle. I knew it was going to swell so I high tailed it home for some ice treatment.

Now let me say this, I am a mans man, in a non homo way. I fight, used to anyway, I like to volunteer at friends bars on occasion to be a bouncer. I have been stabbed, and shot at. I have had my ass kicked and kicked a lot of ass. Every bit of pain I have gone through in my life, I have gone through with a big fat lip.

So, as I sit last night, with my ankle swelling like I am packing a grapefruit, she whispers.......You know, that I could take the edge off this. I push her back, I have this under control. She whispers again, every time in your life you have been in pain, I have been here for you, I am here now, let me help.

At this point in time, I am hit with a crave that I cant even tell you the magnitude. This is the point where I am glad I was not a ninja dipper, and it made me actually think, if I had any hiding places. I know I don't so I was covered and I could not drive with my foot anyway so my quit was never in Jeopardy.

So the relentless bitch, makes one last attempt, at me, and she cracks me mentally.  A tear rolls down my face, I wipe that shit off, and think what the fuck, I don't cry. Then another tear, and pretty soon my ass is crying like a baby. While the nic whore, is watching and laughing at me and my resolve. Or lack there of it that ,my only option was to cry. I reached out to my fellow quitters, I was able to get back on the track.

I still cant believe she got me to cry, but she did not win. I won, as I said yesterday in a tear and rage fueled post, I have beat bigger foes than you, you will not win.
Here is to you you ruthless bitch, I am still quit  'Finger'
You fucking rocked it. She may as well give it up, cause it ain't happening.
Quit wood brother, helluva job. Big victory for you, lesson for the others.
+infinity. Wood indeed. Great job reaching out. :wub:
Thanks, I felt pretty stupid for crying, I have never cried I just gut that shit like I used to do with my dip. Amazing the power of the Bitch, I figured it may help others. I am just excited, I have the self exploring vadge commenting. :wub:

Offline ERDVM

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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #45 on: March 28, 2013, 11:14:00 AM »
Quote from: Eric71
Quote from: Wade
Today makes 28 days. Last night was pure hell, I want to Thank Evil_won, and Wade, for keeping me off the ledge.

So I started my afternoon with a golf game, friend I played with is a smoker, no big deal never been in cigs, so did not bother me.

After golf, I decide to hit the gym, while at the gym, I rolled my ankle. I knew it was going to swell so I high tailed it home for some ice treatment.

Now let me say this, I am a mans man, in a non homo way. I fight, used to anyway, I like to volunteer at friends bars on occasion to be a bouncer. I have been stabbed, and shot at. I have had my ass kicked and kicked a lot of ass. Every bit of pain I have gone through in my life, I have gone through with a big fat lip.

So, as I sit last night, with my ankle swelling like I am packing a grapefruit, she whispers.......You know, that I could take the edge off this. I push her back, I have this under control. She whispers again, every time in your life you have been in pain, I have been here for you, I am here now, let me help.

At this point in time, I am hit with a crave that I cant even tell you the magnitude. This is the point where I am glad I was not a ninja dipper, and it made me actually think, if I had any hiding places. I know I don't so I was covered and I could not drive with my foot anyway so my quit was never in Jeopardy.

So the relentless bitch, makes one last attempt, at me, and she cracks me mentally.  A tear rolls down my face, I wipe that shit off, and think what the fuck, I don't cry. Then another tear, and pretty soon my ass is crying like a baby. While the nic whore, is watching and laughing at me and my resolve. Or lack there of it that ,my only option was to cry. I reached out to my fellow quitters, I was able to get back on the track.

I still cant believe she got me to cry, but she did not win. I won, as I said yesterday in a tear and rage fueled post, I have beat bigger foes than you, you will not win.
Here is to you you ruthless bitch, I am still quit  'Finger'
You fucking rocked it. She may as well give it up, cause it ain't happening.
Quit wood brother, helluva job. Big victory for you, lesson for the others.
+infinity. Wood indeed. Great job reaching out. :wub:

Offline eric71

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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #44 on: March 28, 2013, 07:04:00 AM »
Quote from: Wade
Today makes 28 days. Last night was pure hell, I want to Thank Evil_won, and Wade, for keeping me off the ledge.

So I started my afternoon with a golf game, friend I played with is a smoker, no big deal never been in cigs, so did not bother me.

After golf, I decide to hit the gym, while at the gym, I rolled my ankle. I knew it was going to swell so I high tailed it home for some ice treatment.

Now let me say this, I am a mans man, in a non homo way. I fight, used to anyway, I like to volunteer at friends bars on occasion to be a bouncer. I have been stabbed, and shot at. I have had my ass kicked and kicked a lot of ass. Every bit of pain I have gone through in my life, I have gone through with a big fat lip.

So, as I sit last night, with my ankle swelling like I am packing a grapefruit, she whispers.......You know, that I could take the edge off this. I push her back, I have this under control. She whispers again, every time in your life you have been in pain, I have been here for you, I am here now, let me help.

At this point in time, I am hit with a crave that I cant even tell you the magnitude. This is the point where I am glad I was not a ninja dipper, and it made me actually think, if I had any hiding places. I know I don't so I was covered and I could not drive with my foot anyway so my quit was never in Jeopardy.

So the relentless bitch, makes one last attempt, at me, and she cracks me mentally.  A tear rolls down my face, I wipe that shit off, and think what the fuck, I don't cry. Then another tear, and pretty soon my ass is crying like a baby. While the nic whore, is watching and laughing at me and my resolve. Or lack there of it that ,my only option was to cry. I reached out to my fellow quitters, I was able to get back on the track.

I still cant believe she got me to cry, but she did not win. I won, as I said yesterday in a tear and rage fueled post, I have beat bigger foes than you, you will not win.
Here is to you you ruthless bitch, I am still quit  'Finger'
You fucking rocked it. She may as well give it up, cause it ain't happening.
Quit wood brother, helluva job. Big victory for you, lesson for the others.

Offline Wade

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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #43 on: March 27, 2013, 03:43:00 PM »
Today makes 28 days. Last night was pure hell, I want to Thank Evil_won, and Wade, for keeping me off the ledge.

So I started my afternoon with a golf game, friend I played with is a smoker, no big deal never been in cigs, so did not bother me.

After golf, I decide to hit the gym, while at the gym, I rolled my ankle. I knew it was going to swell so I high tailed it home for some ice treatment.

Now let me say this, I am a mans man, in a non homo way. I fight, used to anyway, I like to volunteer at friends bars on occasion to be a bouncer. I have been stabbed, and shot at. I have had my ass kicked and kicked a lot of ass. Every bit of pain I have gone through in my life, I have gone through with a big fat lip.

So, as I sit last night, with my ankle swelling like I am packing a grapefruit, she whispers.......You know, that I could take the edge off this. I push her back, I have this under control. She whispers again, every time in your life you have been in pain, I have been here for you, I am here now, let me help.

At this point in time, I am hit with a crave that I cant even tell you the magnitude. This is the point where I am glad I was not a ninja dipper, and it made me actually think, if I had any hiding places. I know I don't so I was covered and I could not drive with my foot anyway so my quit was never in Jeopardy.

So the relentless bitch, makes one last attempt, at me, and she cracks me mentally.  A tear rolls down my face, I wipe that shit off, and think what the fuck, I don't cry. Then another tear, and pretty soon my ass is crying like a baby. While the nic whore, is watching and laughing at me and my resolve. Or lack there of it that ,my only option was to cry. I reached out to my fellow quitters, I was able to get back on the track.

I still cant believe she got me to cry, but she did not win. I won, as I said yesterday in a tear and rage fueled post, I have beat bigger foes than you, you will not win.
Here is to you you ruthless bitch, I am still quit  'Finger'
You fucking rocked it. She may as well give it up, cause it ain't happening.

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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #42 on: March 27, 2013, 12:29:00 PM »
So the relentless bitch, makes one last attempt, at me, and she cracks me mentally.  A tear rolls down my face, I wipe that shit off, and think what the fuck, I don't cry. Then another tear, and pretty soon my ass is crying like a baby. While the nic whore, is watching and laughing at me and my resolve. Or lack there of it that ,my only option was to cry. I reached out to my fellow quitters, I was able to get back on the track.
Been down that road too, it is not pretty but it was cathartic for me. Felt like Jake Lamotta in Raging Bull after getting beat to a pulp by Sugar Ray, "You never knocked me down Ray (nic bitch), didn't go down Ray. RAY, you couldn't put me down" So, after those days, I knew she could be beat. I may take some shots from her but I have a great cut man ( KTC ) in my corner. You and I will go the distance.
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Southwest: "Not the victory but the action; Not the goal but the game; In the deed the glory."
Northwest: "Courage; Generosity; Fairness; Honor; In these are the true awards of manly sport."
Northeast: "Their Lives they held their country's trust; They kept its faith; They died its heroes."

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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #41 on: March 27, 2013, 11:35:00 AM »
Quote from: KKLJINC
Today makes 28 days. Last night was pure hell, I want to Thank Evil_won, and Wade, for keeping me off the ledge.

So I started my afternoon with a golf game, friend I played with is a smoker, no big deal never been in cigs, so did not bother me.

After golf, I decide to hit the gym, while at the gym, I rolled my ankle. I knew it was going to swell so I high tailed it home for some ice treatment.

Now let me say this, I am a mans man, in a non homo way. I fight, used to anyway, I like to volunteer at friends bars on occasion to be a bouncer. I have been stabbed, and shot at. I have had my ass kicked and kicked a lot of ass. Every bit of pain I have gone through in my life, I have gone through with a big fat lip.

So, as I sit last night, with my ankle swelling like I am packing a grapefruit, she whispers.......You know, that I could take the edge off this. I push her back, I have this under control. She whispers again, every time in your life you have been in pain, I have been here for you, I am here now, let me help.

At this point in time, I am hit with a crave that I cant even tell you the magnitude. This is the point where I am glad I was not a ninja dipper, and it made me actually think, if I had any hiding places. I know I don't so I was covered and I could not drive with my foot anyway so my quit was never in Jeopardy.

So the relentless bitch, makes one last attempt, at me, and she cracks me mentally. A tear rolls down my face, I wipe that shit off, and think what the fuck, I don't cry. Then another tear, and pretty soon my ass is crying like a baby. While the nic whore, is watching and laughing at me and my resolve. Or lack there of it that ,my only option was to cry. I reached out to my fellow quitters, I was able to get back on the track.

I still cant believe she got me to cry, but she did not win. I won, as I said yesterday in a tear and rage fueled post, I have beat bigger foes than you, you will not win.
Here is to you you ruthless bitch, I am still quit 'Finger'
Damn near perfect, dude. Very nice post. I've been down that road. I'm a big ole tough country boy, and I've felt those same emotions. Somewhere around 40 days into my quit, I busted my knee. Had terrible pain, went through surgery, and then had to immobilize my right leg for 10 weeks. Without my brothers and sisters from KTC, I would not have made it through that without caving. I guarantee you that.

I've posted my thoughts on emotional highs and lows before, and you're seeing that in action. I've personally seen tough, badass guys cry during this process. Changing your whole life ain't a task for the weak. Tears are just weakness leaving the body.

Offline kkljinc

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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #40 on: March 27, 2013, 11:14:00 AM »
Today makes 28 days. Last night was pure hell, I want to Thank Evil_won, and Wade, for keeping me off the ledge.

So I started my afternoon with a golf game, friend I played with is a smoker, no big deal never been in cigs, so did not bother me.

After golf, I decide to hit the gym, while at the gym, I rolled my ankle. I knew it was going to swell so I high tailed it home for some ice treatment.

Now let me say this, I am a mans man, in a non homo way. I fight, used to anyway, I like to volunteer at friends bars on occasion to be a bouncer. I have been stabbed, and shot at. I have had my ass kicked and kicked a lot of ass. Every bit of pain I have gone through in my life, I have gone through with a big fat lip.

So, as I sit last night, with my ankle swelling like I am packing a grapefruit, she whispers.......You know, that I could take the edge off this. I push her back, I have this under control. She whispers again, every time in your life you have been in pain, I have been here for you, I am here now, let me help.

At this point in time, I am hit with a crave that I cant even tell you the magnitude. This is the point where I am glad I was not a ninja dipper, and it made me actually think, if I had any hiding places. I know I don't so I was covered and I could not drive with my foot anyway so my quit was never in Jeopardy.

So the relentless bitch, makes one last attempt, at me, and she cracks me mentally. A tear rolls down my face, I wipe that shit off, and think what the fuck, I don't cry. Then another tear, and pretty soon my ass is crying like a baby. While the nic whore, is watching and laughing at me and my resolve. Or lack there of it that ,my only option was to cry. I reached out to my fellow quitters, I was able to get back on the track.

I still cant believe she got me to cry, but she did not win. I won, as I said yesterday in a tear and rage fueled post, I have beat bigger foes than you, you will not win.
Here is to you you ruthless bitch, I am still quit 'Finger'

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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #39 on: March 22, 2013, 10:46:00 AM »
Quote from: Eric71
Quote from: KKLJINC
Quote from: srans
Quote from: KKLJINC
Quote from: srans
Quote from: KKLJINC
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: Skoal
Quote from: Scottm1682
Quote from: KKLJINC
Quote from: Scottm1682
Quote from: KKLJINC
OK fellas, I am on day 22 and having a bad time. I am foggy again, and I feel like I am day 3. When do I get to stop thinking about chew every waking fucking moment?

Then we have all these fucking burn out caver fags! If you cave and come back that is cool, your owning up, but it's the guys who just drop that fucking piss me off. They quit quitting? So, not next month or next year whenever they can go through all this shit again? Fuck them, it really does piss me off, that they come here all big talk then stab me in the fucking back?

Sorry craving like a mother fucker, foggy and pissy!
Hang in there brother... I'm day 3 and looking up to guys like you.... No pressure on anything
Scott, thanks, no pressure, but I wont fail you, I wont fail myself, and I wont fail my family, I did roll with them this morning.

I am just feeling like fuck, today and I am VENTING FRUSTRATIONS!!!!!!!
Let it out!! I'm still waiting to break loose on someone at work lol
Hey there knuckle heads. Day 22 fog is most likely " two week weakness" it'll pass. Exercise will help clear things up, even a walk around the block. Try reducing your caffeine intake by half, and KEEP YOUR BLOOD SUGAR STEADY. Sipping on sweet juice like pineapple or cranberry will help.

If it is any consolation, I was trying to remember what a crave feels like this morning........... and couldn't.

Be patient, you'll get there just keep focused on today.

Sm -1516
I have thoughts like maybe once a month. Nothing more than "what would it feel like if i had a dip? Would it burn? Would I get a buzz?" Then I realize that I don't really care what it would feel like because there's no way I'm ever going back, that I posted roll and don't do that sheet anymore and I have a life to LIVE. It's that easy now.

Just like sM, I'm telling you this so that you will know what you're going through is so worth the freedom you will get on the other side. There will be tough times until 100 days and then long after, but it'll keep getting easier and you'll be more and more prepared to deal with the tough days. Just keep quitting until it no longer hurts. Then quit another day, etc.

Yell if you need anything.
Thank you fellers all of you! My quit was never in trouble or anything, I have already promised today. Just getting a little frustrated at the lack of commitment from some of these new people, that ride in all high and mighty, then cave in a few days.

I have choose to fully embrace the site, and try and send emails and pep talks and all that. So when a person quits quitting I have taken interest in it bugs me. I will be at the gym today again with vigor. Thank you for the support, and the rush of veterans coming to aid a new guy is pretty bad ass.
i feel your pain. day 35 and i'm still fighting the fight. maybe we are being lied to and we just feel like this forever. if that's the case, then i'm just going to be miserable for the rest of my life because i'm not taking another dip. the nic bitch can kiss my a!!
Srans.....that was just cold dude, what if you are right? Oh well I am with you, guess ill just walk around punch drunk all day for the rest of my life.
i'll be damn if i'm going to be another burn out caver fag. ha,,, ha.... you hang in there buddy,,, we are taking this all the way to the house.
Ill call you one too! BUt F-that, I quit with you today!
It doesn't feel that way forever. Mine lasted a good month and was an absolute bear. It passes. The main thing is to not obsess about the feelings and stay busy. You both posted roll, honor your word and commitment. Allowing others to steal the energy of your quit by their actions is a sure fire method the nic bitch uses to weaken your spirit. You are strong, you are committed, you are quit, and you are not alone. PM me if you need digits, to blow off steam, whatever.

Proud of you both,
Exercise, Exercise, Exercise...Early on it saved my ass, helped me release the anger. If that doesn't work I think I snapped my weed wacker in half some where in the 20-40's ... That felt good too. Point is (post) then do what ever it takes to get through the day and into bed. repeat. be sure your exercising, and you'll start to feel better. Every time a funk comes you'll be stronger. peace
we choose our battles.. the battles we do fight, be aware that they have to be, but passion rules? James Hetfield

Offline eric71

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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #38 on: March 21, 2013, 04:13:00 PM »
Quote from: KKLJINC
Quote from: srans
Quote from: KKLJINC
Quote from: srans
Quote from: KKLJINC
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: Skoal
Quote from: Scottm1682
Quote from: KKLJINC
Quote from: Scottm1682
Quote from: KKLJINC
OK fellas, I am on day 22 and having a bad time. I am foggy again, and I feel like I am day 3. When do I get to stop thinking about chew every waking fucking moment?

Then we have all these fucking burn out caver fags! If you cave and come back that is cool, your owning up, but it's the guys who just drop that fucking piss me off. They quit quitting? So, not next month or next year whenever they can go through all this shit again? Fuck them, it really does piss me off, that they come here all big talk then stab me in the fucking back?

Sorry craving like a mother fucker, foggy and pissy!
Hang in there brother... I'm day 3 and looking up to guys like you.... No pressure on anything
Scott, thanks, no pressure, but I wont fail you, I wont fail myself, and I wont fail my family, I did roll with them this morning.

I am just feeling like fuck, today and I am VENTING FRUSTRATIONS!!!!!!!
Let it out!! I'm still waiting to break loose on someone at work lol
Hey there knuckle heads. Day 22 fog is most likely " two week weakness" it'll pass. Exercise will help clear things up, even a walk around the block. Try reducing your caffeine intake by half, and KEEP YOUR BLOOD SUGAR STEADY. Sipping on sweet juice like pineapple or cranberry will help.

If it is any consolation, I was trying to remember what a crave feels like this morning........... and couldn't.

Be patient, you'll get there just keep focused on today.

Sm -1516
I have thoughts like maybe once a month. Nothing more than "what would it feel like if i had a dip? Would it burn? Would I get a buzz?" Then I realize that I don't really care what it would feel like because there's no way I'm ever going back, that I posted roll and don't do that sheet anymore and I have a life to LIVE. It's that easy now.

Just like sM, I'm telling you this so that you will know what you're going through is so worth the freedom you will get on the other side. There will be tough times until 100 days and then long after, but it'll keep getting easier and you'll be more and more prepared to deal with the tough days. Just keep quitting until it no longer hurts. Then quit another day, etc.

Yell if you need anything.
Thank you fellers all of you! My quit was never in trouble or anything, I have already promised today. Just getting a little frustrated at the lack of commitment from some of these new people, that ride in all high and mighty, then cave in a few days.

I have choose to fully embrace the site, and try and send emails and pep talks and all that. So when a person quits quitting I have taken interest in it bugs me. I will be at the gym today again with vigor. Thank you for the support, and the rush of veterans coming to aid a new guy is pretty bad ass.
i feel your pain. day 35 and i'm still fighting the fight. maybe we are being lied to and we just feel like this forever. if that's the case, then i'm just going to be miserable for the rest of my life because i'm not taking another dip. the nic bitch can kiss my a!!
Srans.....that was just cold dude, what if you are right? Oh well I am with you, guess ill just walk around punch drunk all day for the rest of my life.
i'll be damn if i'm going to be another burn out caver fag. ha,,, ha.... you hang in there buddy,,, we are taking this all the way to the house.
Ill call you one too! BUt F-that, I quit with you today!
It doesn't feel that way forever. Mine lasted a good month and was an absolute bear. It passes. The main thing is to not obsess about the feelings and stay busy. You both posted roll, honor your word and commitment. Allowing others to steal the energy of your quit by their actions is a sure fire method the nic bitch uses to weaken your spirit. You are strong, you are committed, you are quit, and you are not alone. PM me if you need digits, to blow off steam, whatever.

Proud of you both,

Offline kkljinc

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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #37 on: March 21, 2013, 04:04:00 PM »
Quote from: srans
Quote from: KKLJINC
Quote from: srans
Quote from: KKLJINC
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: Skoal
Quote from: Scottm1682
Quote from: KKLJINC
Quote from: Scottm1682
Quote from: KKLJINC
OK fellas, I am on day 22 and having a bad time. I am foggy again, and I feel like I am day 3. When do I get to stop thinking about chew every waking fucking moment?

Then we have all these fucking burn out caver fags! If you cave and come back that is cool, your owning up, but it's the guys who just drop that fucking piss me off. They quit quitting? So, not next month or next year whenever they can go through all this shit again? Fuck them, it really does piss me off, that they come here all big talk then stab me in the fucking back?

Sorry craving like a mother fucker, foggy and pissy!
Hang in there brother... I'm day 3 and looking up to guys like you.... No pressure on anything
Scott, thanks, no pressure, but I wont fail you, I wont fail myself, and I wont fail my family, I did roll with them this morning.

I am just feeling like fuck, today and I am VENTING FRUSTRATIONS!!!!!!!
Let it out!! I'm still waiting to break loose on someone at work lol
Hey there knuckle heads. Day 22 fog is most likely " two week weakness" it'll pass. Exercise will help clear things up, even a walk around the block. Try reducing your caffeine intake by half, and KEEP YOUR BLOOD SUGAR STEADY. Sipping on sweet juice like pineapple or cranberry will help.

If it is any consolation, I was trying to remember what a crave feels like this morning........... and couldn't.

Be patient, you'll get there just keep focused on today.

Sm -1516
I have thoughts like maybe once a month. Nothing more than "what would it feel like if i had a dip? Would it burn? Would I get a buzz?" Then I realize that I don't really care what it would feel like because there's no way I'm ever going back, that I posted roll and don't do that sheet anymore and I have a life to LIVE. It's that easy now.

Just like sM, I'm telling you this so that you will know what you're going through is so worth the freedom you will get on the other side. There will be tough times until 100 days and then long after, but it'll keep getting easier and you'll be more and more prepared to deal with the tough days. Just keep quitting until it no longer hurts. Then quit another day, etc.

Yell if you need anything.
Thank you fellers all of you! My quit was never in trouble or anything, I have already promised today. Just getting a little frustrated at the lack of commitment from some of these new people, that ride in all high and mighty, then cave in a few days.

I have choose to fully embrace the site, and try and send emails and pep talks and all that. So when a person quits quitting I have taken interest in it bugs me. I will be at the gym today again with vigor. Thank you for the support, and the rush of veterans coming to aid a new guy is pretty bad ass.
i feel your pain. day 35 and i'm still fighting the fight. maybe we are being lied to and we just feel like this forever. if that's the case, then i'm just going to be miserable for the rest of my life because i'm not taking another dip. the nic bitch can kiss my a!!
Srans.....that was just cold dude, what if you are right? Oh well I am with you, guess ill just walk around punch drunk all day for the rest of my life.
i'll be damn if i'm going to be another burn out caver fag. ha,,, ha.... you hang in there buddy,,, we are taking this all the way to the house.
Ill call you one too! BUt F-that, I quit with you today!

Offline srans

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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #36 on: March 21, 2013, 04:02:00 PM »
Quote from: KKLJINC
Quote from: srans
Quote from: KKLJINC
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: Skoal
Quote from: Scottm1682
Quote from: KKLJINC
Quote from: Scottm1682
Quote from: KKLJINC
OK fellas, I am on day 22 and having a bad time. I am foggy again, and I feel like I am day 3. When do I get to stop thinking about chew every waking fucking moment?

Then we have all these fucking burn out caver fags! If you cave and come back that is cool, your owning up, but it's the guys who just drop that fucking piss me off. They quit quitting? So, not next month or next year whenever they can go through all this shit again? Fuck them, it really does piss me off, that they come here all big talk then stab me in the fucking back?

Sorry craving like a mother fucker, foggy and pissy!
Hang in there brother... I'm day 3 and looking up to guys like you.... No pressure on anything
Scott, thanks, no pressure, but I wont fail you, I wont fail myself, and I wont fail my family, I did roll with them this morning.

I am just feeling like fuck, today and I am VENTING FRUSTRATIONS!!!!!!!
Let it out!! I'm still waiting to break loose on someone at work lol
Hey there knuckle heads. Day 22 fog is most likely " two week weakness" it'll pass. Exercise will help clear things up, even a walk around the block. Try reducing your caffeine intake by half, and KEEP YOUR BLOOD SUGAR STEADY. Sipping on sweet juice like pineapple or cranberry will help.

If it is any consolation, I was trying to remember what a crave feels like this morning........... and couldn't.

Be patient, you'll get there just keep focused on today.

Sm -1516
I have thoughts like maybe once a month. Nothing more than "what would it feel like if i had a dip? Would it burn? Would I get a buzz?" Then I realize that I don't really care what it would feel like because there's no way I'm ever going back, that I posted roll and don't do that sheet anymore and I have a life to LIVE. It's that easy now.

Just like sM, I'm telling you this so that you will know what you're going through is so worth the freedom you will get on the other side. There will be tough times until 100 days and then long after, but it'll keep getting easier and you'll be more and more prepared to deal with the tough days. Just keep quitting until it no longer hurts. Then quit another day, etc.

Yell if you need anything.
Thank you fellers all of you! My quit was never in trouble or anything, I have already promised today. Just getting a little frustrated at the lack of commitment from some of these new people, that ride in all high and mighty, then cave in a few days.

I have choose to fully embrace the site, and try and send emails and pep talks and all that. So when a person quits quitting I have taken interest in it bugs me. I will be at the gym today again with vigor. Thank you for the support, and the rush of veterans coming to aid a new guy is pretty bad ass.
i feel your pain. day 35 and i'm still fighting the fight. maybe we are being lied to and we just feel like this forever. if that's the case, then i'm just going to be miserable for the rest of my life because i'm not taking another dip. the nic bitch can kiss my a!!
Srans.....that was just cold dude, what if you are right? Oh well I am with you, guess ill just walk around punch drunk all day for the rest of my life.
i'll be damn if i'm going to be another burn out caver fag. ha,,, ha.... you hang in there buddy,,, we are taking this all the way to the house.
Hof date may 25, 2013
HoF Speech

The poison sucks. I hate it. I hated it this morning, I hated it at noon, I hated it at supper and I hate it tonight. I enjoy hating it so much I'm going to wake up tomorrow and start over hating it. I quit with anyone that wants to hate it with me.

Offline kkljinc

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  • Interests: I love to workout, RUN, and Weights. Hunter and a Fisherman. Golf is my passion.Wife and kids keep me busy.
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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #35 on: March 21, 2013, 03:54:00 PM »
Quote from: srans
Quote from: KKLJINC
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: Skoal
Quote from: Scottm1682
Quote from: KKLJINC
Quote from: Scottm1682
Quote from: KKLJINC
OK fellas, I am on day 22 and having a bad time. I am foggy again, and I feel like I am day 3. When do I get to stop thinking about chew every waking fucking moment?

Then we have all these fucking burn out caver fags! If you cave and come back that is cool, your owning up, but it's the guys who just drop that fucking piss me off. They quit quitting? So, not next month or next year whenever they can go through all this shit again? Fuck them, it really does piss me off, that they come here all big talk then stab me in the fucking back?

Sorry craving like a mother fucker, foggy and pissy!
Hang in there brother... I'm day 3 and looking up to guys like you.... No pressure on anything
Scott, thanks, no pressure, but I wont fail you, I wont fail myself, and I wont fail my family, I did roll with them this morning.

I am just feeling like fuck, today and I am VENTING FRUSTRATIONS!!!!!!!
Let it out!! I'm still waiting to break loose on someone at work lol
Hey there knuckle heads. Day 22 fog is most likely " two week weakness" it'll pass. Exercise will help clear things up, even a walk around the block. Try reducing your caffeine intake by half, and KEEP YOUR BLOOD SUGAR STEADY. Sipping on sweet juice like pineapple or cranberry will help.

If it is any consolation, I was trying to remember what a crave feels like this morning........... and couldn't.

Be patient, you'll get there just keep focused on today.

Sm -1516
I have thoughts like maybe once a month. Nothing more than "what would it feel like if i had a dip? Would it burn? Would I get a buzz?" Then I realize that I don't really care what it would feel like because there's no way I'm ever going back, that I posted roll and don't do that sheet anymore and I have a life to LIVE. It's that easy now.

Just like sM, I'm telling you this so that you will know what you're going through is so worth the freedom you will get on the other side. There will be tough times until 100 days and then long after, but it'll keep getting easier and you'll be more and more prepared to deal with the tough days. Just keep quitting until it no longer hurts. Then quit another day, etc.

Yell if you need anything.
Thank you fellers all of you! My quit was never in trouble or anything, I have already promised today. Just getting a little frustrated at the lack of commitment from some of these new people, that ride in all high and mighty, then cave in a few days.

I have choose to fully embrace the site, and try and send emails and pep talks and all that. So when a person quits quitting I have taken interest in it bugs me. I will be at the gym today again with vigor. Thank you for the support, and the rush of veterans coming to aid a new guy is pretty bad ass.
i feel your pain. day 35 and i'm still fighting the fight. maybe we are being lied to and we just feel like this forever. if that's the case, then i'm just going to be miserable for the rest of my life because i'm not taking another dip. the nic bitch can kiss my a!!
Srans.....that was just cold dude, what if you are right? Oh well I am with you, guess ill just walk around punch drunk all day for the rest of my life.

Offline srans

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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #34 on: March 21, 2013, 03:51:00 PM »
Quote from: KKLJINC
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: Skoal
Quote from: Scottm1682
Quote from: KKLJINC
Quote from: Scottm1682
Quote from: KKLJINC
OK fellas, I am on day 22 and having a bad time. I am foggy again, and I feel like I am day 3. When do I get to stop thinking about chew every waking fucking moment?

Then we have all these fucking burn out caver fags! If you cave and come back that is cool, your owning up, but it's the guys who just drop that fucking piss me off. They quit quitting? So, not next month or next year whenever they can go through all this shit again? Fuck them, it really does piss me off, that they come here all big talk then stab me in the fucking back?

Sorry craving like a mother fucker, foggy and pissy!
Hang in there brother... I'm day 3 and looking up to guys like you.... No pressure on anything
Scott, thanks, no pressure, but I wont fail you, I wont fail myself, and I wont fail my family, I did roll with them this morning.

I am just feeling like fuck, today and I am VENTING FRUSTRATIONS!!!!!!!
Let it out!! I'm still waiting to break loose on someone at work lol
Hey there knuckle heads. Day 22 fog is most likely " two week weakness" it'll pass. Exercise will help clear things up, even a walk around the block. Try reducing your caffeine intake by half, and KEEP YOUR BLOOD SUGAR STEADY. Sipping on sweet juice like pineapple or cranberry will help.

If it is any consolation, I was trying to remember what a crave feels like this morning........... and couldn't.

Be patient, you'll get there just keep focused on today.

Sm -1516
I have thoughts like maybe once a month. Nothing more than "what would it feel like if i had a dip? Would it burn? Would I get a buzz?" Then I realize that I don't really care what it would feel like because there's no way I'm ever going back, that I posted roll and don't do that sheet anymore and I have a life to LIVE. It's that easy now.

Just like sM, I'm telling you this so that you will know what you're going through is so worth the freedom you will get on the other side. There will be tough times until 100 days and then long after, but it'll keep getting easier and you'll be more and more prepared to deal with the tough days. Just keep quitting until it no longer hurts. Then quit another day, etc.

Yell if you need anything.
Thank you fellers all of you! My quit was never in trouble or anything, I have already promised today. Just getting a little frustrated at the lack of commitment from some of these new people, that ride in all high and mighty, then cave in a few days.

I have choose to fully embrace the site, and try and send emails and pep talks and all that. So when a person quits quitting I have taken interest in it bugs me. I will be at the gym today again with vigor. Thank you for the support, and the rush of veterans coming to aid a new guy is pretty bad ass.
i feel your pain. day 35 and i'm still fighting the fight. maybe we are being lied to and we just feel like this forever. if that's the case, then i'm just going to be miserable for the rest of my life because i'm not taking another dip because i'm not going to be another burn out caver fag. i quit with you today,,,, and i'll wake up tomorrow and do the same.
Hof date may 25, 2013
HoF Speech

The poison sucks. I hate it. I hated it this morning, I hated it at noon, I hated it at supper and I hate it tonight. I enjoy hating it so much I'm going to wake up tomorrow and start over hating it. I quit with anyone that wants to hate it with me.