If your quit is new, or you are feeling fragile at all maybe don't read this....
First let me introduce myself, I am Luby, I have been around awhile, 2,139 days to be exact, I was once a very active quitter, sometime after I hit my comma I just kinda didn't need to be as involved on site or as involved in my quit. I got comfortable, there were occasional cravings but nothing that wasn't easy to deal with.
From the outside I look like I have my shit together, I am pretty damn good at what I do, my finances are pretty ok, I am a good husband. In general I have my shit together, but, oh boy I don't think a lot of people would trade me for what goes on inside my head, I flat have anxiety, gotta take drugs for it and everything, but there is other stuff in my noggin that ain't great either, nothing diagnosed or named but I have some rough times, so I have to go see a therapist from time to time.
Today I went in, nothing dramatic but about 50 minutes into the hour session my nicotine addiction came up, she said she hadn't really dealt with nicotine but she said a lot of what I was talking about seemed like "relapse behavior". Kinda hit me like a ton of bricks, almost 6 years and a mental health professional is observing signs of relapse, we discussed it and she seemed right.
The only reason I am writing this here is because writing on here has always been helpful to me, I always hate expressing my vulnerability, well because I hate expressing vulnerability at all, but also because someone 2 days quit might look at this and say "fuck he's thousands of days in and still has issues? fuck this", and I hate that.
The thing is I still have to protect my quit, day 1, day 2, day 2,139, I am a addict, and I wonder if my relapse behavior would have manifested itself without me even realizing it. I am hyper aware now, but I am a vulnerable to the self justified, barely thinking about it trip to the corner store, so you might see me around a bit more for awhile. This place saved me, I hate to have to rely on it when I should be paying back, but I have to do what it takes to stay quit, I have enough shit going on without adding poison to my mouth and having that to add to my already fucked up head.
thanks for letting me ramble