Author Topic: This one time at band camp  (Read 6740 times)

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Offline SirDerek

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Re: This one time at band camp
« Reply #50 on: December 12, 2012, 09:03:00 AM »
Quote from: Kubiak
Tomorrow is my first dentist appointment since my quit 136 days ago. My last visit was the last time I quit 4 years ago, and I recall hearing "we'll have to watch these receding gums, you may need a graft" and "we'll have to watch this on your cheek, if that doesn't heal we may need to check it out" which essentially means check for cancer. I was convinced it would heal. I think it's healed. I worry about it. I also worry about the next crap i'm gonna take, hoping it's not a bowling pin, but regardless i'm worried about the dentist. At least I am quit. Whatever they have for me tomorrow, I won't be making it worse with poison turds.
good luck man, I am awaiting my time to return to the dentist as well....

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Re: This one time at band camp
« Reply #49 on: December 12, 2012, 08:44:00 AM »
Tomorrow is my first dentist appointment since my quit 136 days ago. My last visit was the last time I quit 4 years ago, and I recall hearing "we'll have to watch these receding gums, you may need a graft" and "we'll have to watch this on your cheek, if that doesn't heal we may need to check it out" which essentially means check for cancer. I was convinced it would heal. I think it's healed. I worry about it. I also worry about the next crap i'm gonna take, hoping it's not a bowling pin, but regardless i'm worried about the dentist. At least I am quit. Whatever they have for me tomorrow, I won't be making it worse with poison turds.

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Re: This one time at band camp
« Reply #48 on: December 10, 2012, 01:43:00 PM »
Asshats, attention whores and stubborn bastards. That's what I see. I won't name names, but I think if any of us aren't careful, we could end up as one of these three:

1. Asshats - just generally an asshole, but not covered by pants. You wear your ass on your head for all to see.

2. Attention whores - you go away just long enough for people to notice you're gone, and then come back bit by bit in ways that people notice you're back. If no one notices, do something outrageous to get noticed.

3. Stubborn bastards - post roll only once in awhile so people know you haven't caved, but be stubborn enough to not follow the program. Make sure you get the help you need here, but also quit your own way.

All of these people drive me fucking crazy. I will admit that I have fallen into the asshat category, but that is another topic - HYPOCRITE. He was one of the founders of modern medicine and we can all look up to him.

Offline Kubiak

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Re: This one time at band camp
« Reply #47 on: December 07, 2012, 01:02:00 PM »
No Cave Here!!! The best part of going through a funk, or a crave, or a "wow i am a piece of shit addict" phase is that when you get through it, and believe me you do get through it, is the the other side is GLOOOOORIOUS!!!

Religion preaches that difficult times strengthen your faith. Putting fire to steel and beating on it with a hammer makes the steel stronger. Same goes for quit.

Offline Scowick65

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Re: This one time at band camp
« Reply #46 on: December 06, 2012, 01:35:00 PM »
Quote from: Kubiak
Quote from: Bruce
Quote from: Kubiak
It felt wrong to put this directly into SWJ's intro thread, but this is still my opinion so I have to say it...

I just found this thread on my day 129.  Sure those stories are funny, but also long and self-absorbed.  I'm really happy that I never read this early in my quit, because the moral of the story is that no matter how much support you get, no matter how much you want to quit, it's still easy to cave.  And I didn't need the negativity early on.  I would not have done well seeing how much people looked up to this guy for being funny ha ha quit story guy. 

I feel like now, the timing is perfect, because I just went through a monumental funk, not a depression funk but a 3-day crave that was set off with a vivid dip dream so real that i swear i actually caved in my sleep and woke up with a day 1.  So just like a dip dream, i get to read how bad it would suck to cave, how shitty it would be to shit all over your quit brothers and come crawling back in here to try and justify another quit.  How much of a shitstorm is caused when half your fellow quitters have a hard time forgiving you.

Thank you funny afro guy for letting me know how shitty it is to cave.

this thread
Good post, but I disagree that it's 'easy to cave'. For me, it would be hard as fuck to cave. Sure it's easy to go buy a can and throw one in, but that's not what I'm talking about. Facing my 'inner circle' would be impossible...i couldn't do it. Not the shit storm I would get from the site because, to be honest, most of the ones who would be throwing stones have done shit for my quit. But the Mcarmo's, bwb's, Roam's, 2mch's, Swede's, Sud's, Evil's, Crockett's, Morgan's and more importantly myself that I would have to face and I don't want to put myself in that situation. The shame/hurt and betrayal that I felt when one close to me drifted and cave, I just couldn't do that to them, I couldn't do it to myself.

Caving is a decision, staying quit is a decision. Both are easy to make, the difference is what's inside...
Bruce, thanks for the feedback. I think what I mean is that it is very easy to cave because deep down we are all still addicts, and unless we actively quit every day, it is very easy to cave. That guy made a choice to walk away from KTC with the intent of caving. He even told everyone that he could if he wanted to. So now that I think of it, this is where we put on our big boy pants and decide, do we really want to be quit, or are we gonna look for an excuse? That's where you decided it's easy to quit Bruce, your big boy pants are on and quitting. My big boy pants are still one size big and I'm growing into them. Which is fine, that means there's room to reach in and play a little.
Just remember Kubiak. You can only cave after talking to me. Until then keep up the great work.


FU nic.



Offline Kubiak

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Re: This one time at band camp
« Reply #45 on: December 06, 2012, 08:50:00 AM »
Quote from: Bruce
Quote from: Kubiak
It felt wrong to put this directly into SWJ's intro thread, but this is still my opinion so I have to say it...

I just found this thread on my day 129.  Sure those stories are funny, but also long and self-absorbed.  I'm really happy that I never read this early in my quit, because the moral of the story is that no matter how much support you get, no matter how much you want to quit, it's still easy to cave.  And I didn't need the negativity early on.  I would not have done well seeing how much people looked up to this guy for being funny ha ha quit story guy. 

I feel like now, the timing is perfect, because I just went through a monumental funk, not a depression funk but a 3-day crave that was set off with a vivid dip dream so real that i swear i actually caved in my sleep and woke up with a day 1.  So just like a dip dream, i get to read how bad it would suck to cave, how shitty it would be to shit all over your quit brothers and come crawling back in here to try and justify another quit.  How much of a shitstorm is caused when half your fellow quitters have a hard time forgiving you.

Thank you funny afro guy for letting me know how shitty it is to cave.

this thread
Good post, but I disagree that it's 'easy to cave'. For me, it would be hard as fuck to cave. Sure it's easy to go buy a can and throw one in, but that's not what I'm talking about. Facing my 'inner circle' would be impossible...i couldn't do it. Not the shit storm I would get from the site because, to be honest, most of the ones who would be throwing stones have done shit for my quit. But the Mcarmo's, bwb's, Roam's, 2mch's, Swede's, Sud's, Evil's, Crockett's, Morgan's and more importantly myself that I would have to face and I don't want to put myself in that situation. The shame/hurt and betrayal that I felt when one close to me drifted and cave, I just couldn't do that to them, I couldn't do it to myself.

Caving is a decision, staying quit is a decision. Both are easy to make, the difference is what's inside...
Bruce, thanks for the feedback. I think what I mean is that it is very easy to cave because deep down we are all still addicts, and unless we actively quit every day, it is very easy to cave. That guy made a choice to walk away from KTC with the intent of caving. He even told everyone that he could if he wanted to. So now that I think of it, this is where we put on our big boy pants and decide, do we really want to be quit, or are we gonna look for an excuse? That's where you decided it's easy to quit Bruce, your big boy pants are on and quitting. My big boy pants are still one size big and I'm growing into them. Which is fine, that means there's room to reach in and play a little.

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Re: This one time at band camp
« Reply #44 on: December 05, 2012, 04:19:00 PM »
Quote from: Kubiak
It felt wrong to put this directly into SWJ's intro thread, but this is still my opinion so I have to say it...

I just found this thread on my day 129. Sure those stories are funny, but also long and self-absorbed. I'm really happy that I never read this early in my quit, because the moral of the story is that no matter how much support you get, no matter how much you want to quit, it's still easy to cave. And I didn't need the negativity early on. I would not have done well seeing how much people looked up to this guy for being funny ha ha quit story guy.

I feel like now, the timing is perfect, because I just went through a monumental funk, not a depression funk but a 3-day crave that was set off with a vivid dip dream so real that i swear i actually caved in my sleep and woke up with a day 1. So just like a dip dream, i get to read how bad it would suck to cave, how shitty it would be to shit all over your quit brothers and come crawling back in here to try and justify another quit. How much of a shitstorm is caused when half your fellow quitters have a hard time forgiving you.

Thank you funny afro guy for letting me know how shitty it is to cave.

this thread
Good post, but I disagree that it's 'easy to cave'. For me, it would be hard as fuck to cave. Sure it's easy to go buy a can and throw one in, but that's not what I'm talking about. Facing my 'inner circle' would be impossible...i couldn't do it. Not the shit storm I would get from the site because, to be honest, most of the ones who would be throwing stones have done shit for my quit. But the Mcarmo's, bwb's, Roam's, 2mch's, Swede's, Sud's, Evil's, Crockett's, Morgan's and more importantly myself that I would have to face and I don't want to put myself in that situation. The shame/hurt and betrayal that I felt when one close to me drifted and cave, I just couldn't do that to them, I couldn't do it to myself.

Caving is a decision, staying quit is a decision. Both are easy to make, the difference is what's inside...
Quit date: 11/21/11
HOF date: 2/28/12
Comma date: 8/16/14
It's a freedom thing

Caving is NOT an option

-"Now I can walk through walls and my quit can talk to god. That's right. Crazy voodoo magic quit" Souliman

-'Stop being a pussy and quit' Tarpon17

-"this is the gheyest place on earth, if you say it in here it might become someones signature" Bigwhitebeast

- "We Quit Like Fuck" - Coach Steve

Offline Kubiak

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Re: This one time at band camp
« Reply #43 on: December 05, 2012, 04:05:00 PM »
It felt wrong to put this directly into SWJ's intro thread, but this is still my opinion so I have to say it...

I just found this thread on my day 129. Sure those stories are funny, but also long and self-absorbed. I'm really happy that I never read this early in my quit, because the moral of the story is that no matter how much support you get, no matter how much you want to quit, it's still easy to cave. And I didn't need the negativity early on. I would not have done well seeing how much people looked up to this guy for being funny ha ha quit story guy.

I feel like now, the timing is perfect, because I just went through a monumental funk, not a depression funk but a 3-day crave that was set off with a vivid dip dream so real that i swear i actually caved in my sleep and woke up with a day 1. So just like a dip dream, i get to read how bad it would suck to cave, how shitty it would be to shit all over your quit brothers and come crawling back in here to try and justify another quit. How much of a shitstorm is caused when half your fellow quitters have a hard time forgiving you.

Thank you funny afro guy for letting me know how shitty it is to cave.

this thread

Offline Kubiak

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Re: This one time at band camp
« Reply #42 on: December 02, 2012, 01:49:00 PM »
If someone likes the busy-ness of chewing sunflower seeds but hates all the salt in it, and also likes the taste of coffee, try this... I've been nibbling on coffee beans while i'm driving. You can crack 'em in half like a sunflower seed but they taste like coffee instead of salt.

Offline Kubiak

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Re: This one time at band camp
« Reply #41 on: December 02, 2012, 08:26:00 AM »
Quote from: Smokeyg
Quote from: loot
Quote from: wastepanel
Quote from: mich
Quote from: Kubiak
I come on this site at times when i'm craving or thinking about dip.  As a quitter, that probably shouldn't happen anymore, i should be so super stinkin quit that i never crave... well that's probably bullshit and if it isn't, that's just not me.  So anyway, i come to the site for wisdom from others who are wearing these same shitty shoes.

Tonight I'm using the family computer, on which no porn is conjured by my fingertips, and I noticed on the desktop a really sweet picture of my wife and i from two winters ago.  I'm dipping and she doesn't know it.  It may be a pouch, which i used for super-ninja days, or just a tiny one.  How sad that i used to plan what kind of dip to buy based on who where what how.

Anyway sometimes when i'm on here and i'm craving, i may or may not find something to make me smile.  when my tongue hurts and i'm worried about cancer, i'm not sure if reading anything will help, so i think of crazy ass shit to write.  I have never actually shoved anything up my own ass, that's really just a joke and/or fantasy, i haven't decided if that's something i would enjoy.  But i will write about it, post roll with it, tell jokes about it, whatever, because that's 30 more seconds that i'm not thinking about dip and it usually works in changing thought pattern.

Now that's a catch 22 isn't it... ya come on the site to stop thinking about dip but read lots of stories about dipping.  well why come on here at all then you say?  cuz my addict ass is thinking about dip anyway, so why not be reminded about why it's shitty and how awesome it is to be in control again!!!

Anyway, those are my thoughts, i'm gonna go see if my wife will shove a shampoo bottle up my ass and push it in and out at a medium pace.
that song used to make me laugh so fuckin hard. It gets my vote for one of the best love songs ever!
I'll quit with you today man.

I'm very proud of you.
What happened to the story about your ass? You tricked ol loot into reading the whole thing...waiting to see what inanimate object we'd be hidiing and it all hyped up and ended prematurely. That is wrong sir. Continue pleSe..
I've never stuck anything up my ass either. Yeah right.
End of story: Wife said no quit asking, nighty night... try again tomorrow.

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Re: This one time at band camp
« Reply #40 on: December 01, 2012, 11:37:00 PM »
Quote from: loot
Quote from: wastepanel
Quote from: mich
Quote from: Kubiak
I come on this site at times when i'm craving or thinking about dip.  As a quitter, that probably shouldn't happen anymore, i should be so super stinkin quit that i never crave... well that's probably bullshit and if it isn't, that's just not me.  So anyway, i come to the site for wisdom from others who are wearing these same shitty shoes.

Tonight I'm using the family computer, on which no porn is conjured by my fingertips, and I noticed on the desktop a really sweet picture of my wife and i from two winters ago.  I'm dipping and she doesn't know it.  It may be a pouch, which i used for super-ninja days, or just a tiny one.  How sad that i used to plan what kind of dip to buy based on who where what how.

Anyway sometimes when i'm on here and i'm craving, i may or may not find something to make me smile.  when my tongue hurts and i'm worried about cancer, i'm not sure if reading anything will help, so i think of crazy ass shit to write.  I have never actually shoved anything up my own ass, that's really just a joke and/or fantasy, i haven't decided if that's something i would enjoy.  But i will write about it, post roll with it, tell jokes about it, whatever, because that's 30 more seconds that i'm not thinking about dip and it usually works in changing thought pattern.

Now that's a catch 22 isn't it... ya come on the site to stop thinking about dip but read lots of stories about dipping.  well why come on here at all then you say?  cuz my addict ass is thinking about dip anyway, so why not be reminded about why it's shitty and how awesome it is to be in control again!!!

Anyway, those are my thoughts, i'm gonna go see if my wife will shove a shampoo bottle up my ass and push it in and out at a medium pace.
that song used to make me laugh so fuckin hard. It gets my vote for one of the best love songs ever!
I'll quit with you today man.

I'm very proud of you.
What happened to the story about your ass? You tricked ol loot into reading the whole thing...waiting to see what inanimate object we'd be hidiing and it all hyped up and ended prematurely. That is wrong sir. Continue pleSe..
I've never stuck anything up my ass either. Yeah right.

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Re: This one time at band camp
« Reply #39 on: December 01, 2012, 10:59:00 PM »
Quote from: wastepanel
Quote from: mich
Quote from: Kubiak
I come on this site at times when i'm craving or thinking about dip.  As a quitter, that probably shouldn't happen anymore, i should be so super stinkin quit that i never crave... well that's probably bullshit and if it isn't, that's just not me.  So anyway, i come to the site for wisdom from others who are wearing these same shitty shoes.

Tonight I'm using the family computer, on which no porn is conjured by my fingertips, and I noticed on the desktop a really sweet picture of my wife and i from two winters ago.  I'm dipping and she doesn't know it.  It may be a pouch, which i used for super-ninja days, or just a tiny one.  How sad that i used to plan what kind of dip to buy based on who where what how.

Anyway sometimes when i'm on here and i'm craving, i may or may not find something to make me smile.  when my tongue hurts and i'm worried about cancer, i'm not sure if reading anything will help, so i think of crazy ass shit to write.  I have never actually shoved anything up my own ass, that's really just a joke and/or fantasy, i haven't decided if that's something i would enjoy.  But i will write about it, post roll with it, tell jokes about it, whatever, because that's 30 more seconds that i'm not thinking about dip and it usually works in changing thought pattern.

Now that's a catch 22 isn't it... ya come on the site to stop thinking about dip but read lots of stories about dipping.  well why come on here at all then you say?  cuz my addict ass is thinking about dip anyway, so why not be reminded about why it's shitty and how awesome it is to be in control again!!!

Anyway, those are my thoughts, i'm gonna go see if my wife will shove a shampoo bottle up my ass and push it in and out at a medium pace.
that song used to make me laugh so fuckin hard. It gets my vote for one of the best love songs ever!
I'll quit with you today man.

I'm very proud of you.
What happened to the story about your ass? You tricked ol loot into reading the whole thing...waiting to see what inanimate object we'd be hidiing and it all hyped up and ended prematurely. That is wrong sir. Continue pleSe..

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Re: This one time at band camp
« Reply #38 on: December 01, 2012, 10:43:00 PM »
Quote from: mich
Quote from: Kubiak
I come on this site at times when i'm craving or thinking about dip.  As a quitter, that probably shouldn't happen anymore, i should be so super stinkin quit that i never crave... well that's probably bullshit and if it isn't, that's just not me.  So anyway, i come to the site for wisdom from others who are wearing these same shitty shoes.

Tonight I'm using the family computer, on which no porn is conjured by my fingertips, and I noticed on the desktop a really sweet picture of my wife and i from two winters ago.  I'm dipping and she doesn't know it.  It may be a pouch, which i used for super-ninja days, or just a tiny one.  How sad that i used to plan what kind of dip to buy based on who where what how.

Anyway sometimes when i'm on here and i'm craving, i may or may not find something to make me smile.  when my tongue hurts and i'm worried about cancer, i'm not sure if reading anything will help, so i think of crazy ass shit to write.  I have never actually shoved anything up my own ass, that's really just a joke and/or fantasy, i haven't decided if that's something i would enjoy.  But i will write about it, post roll with it, tell jokes about it, whatever, because that's 30 more seconds that i'm not thinking about dip and it usually works in changing thought pattern.

Now that's a catch 22 isn't it... ya come on the site to stop thinking about dip but read lots of stories about dipping.  well why come on here at all then you say?  cuz my addict ass is thinking about dip anyway, so why not be reminded about why it's shitty and how awesome it is to be in control again!!!

Anyway, those are my thoughts, i'm gonna go see if my wife will shove a shampoo bottle up my ass and push it in and out at a medium pace.
that song used to make me laugh so fuckin hard. It gets my vote for one of the best love songs ever!
I'll quit with you today man.

I'm very proud of you.
In the end I Surrender, I and I alone accept that I have and always will have a Nicotene ADDICTION. It is my choice to quit, but I can't do it alone. I get to go down this path one time, I want to do it right. I recognize that my word, my integrety to you is on the line and is only as good as my actions. Caving is not an option in this plan-Eafman 7/11

I am not cured. I will quit one day at a time. I will continue to do what works. Posting roll everyday. To do otherwise would be foolish on my part. You can do this-Ready 12/11

To overcome your addiction you must comprehend what it means to fail-Razd 3/12

Theres a lot of people that come here, especially vets, that WANT to be reminded that they are addicts.-Tarpon 6/12

Just as a building starts with architectural drawings. Your daily quit begins with a promise.-Scowick 2/13

Here and now, focused on today, minute by minute, whatever it takes, I promise to all my bros and myself not to become a negative stat and stay quit!-krok 1/15

I want everyone to be quit. Even the assholes.-Probe1957 1/18

Ignoring history or erasing history fixes nothing and leads you inevitably down the same path.-69franx 04/30/2021

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Re: This one time at band camp
« Reply #37 on: December 01, 2012, 09:49:00 PM »
Quote from: Kubiak
I come on this site at times when i'm craving or thinking about dip. As a quitter, that probably shouldn't happen anymore, i should be so super stinkin quit that i never crave... well that's probably bullshit and if it isn't, that's just not me. So anyway, i come to the site for wisdom from others who are wearing these same shitty shoes.

Tonight I'm using the family computer, on which no porn is conjured by my fingertips, and I noticed on the desktop a really sweet picture of my wife and i from two winters ago. I'm dipping and she doesn't know it. It may be a pouch, which i used for super-ninja days, or just a tiny one. How sad that i used to plan what kind of dip to buy based on who where what how.

Anyway sometimes when i'm on here and i'm craving, i may or may not find something to make me smile. when my tongue hurts and i'm worried about cancer, i'm not sure if reading anything will help, so i think of crazy ass shit to write. I have never actually shoved anything up my own ass, that's really just a joke and/or fantasy, i haven't decided if that's something i would enjoy. But i will write about it, post roll with it, tell jokes about it, whatever, because that's 30 more seconds that i'm not thinking about dip and it usually works in changing thought pattern.

Now that's a catch 22 isn't it... ya come on the site to stop thinking about dip but read lots of stories about dipping. well why come on here at all then you say? cuz my addict ass is thinking about dip anyway, so why not be reminded about why it's shitty and how awesome it is to be in control again!!!

Anyway, those are my thoughts, i'm gonna go see if my wife will shove a shampoo bottle up my ass and push it in and out at a medium pace.
that song used to make me laugh so fuckin hard. It gets my vote for one of the best love songs ever!
my intro
QD 07-19-2012
Group - Roctober Madmen Post with some Madmen (and women)
HOF 10-27-12 HOF Speech
2nd Floor 2-4-13, 3rd Floor 5-15-13
1 year of freedom - 7-19-2013. Thank you KTC
4th Floor 8-23-13, 5th Floor 12-1-13, 6th Floor 3-11-14, 7th Floor 6-19-14, 8th Floor 9-27-14, 9th Floor 1-5-15

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Re: This one time at band camp
« Reply #36 on: December 01, 2012, 09:26:00 PM »
I come on this site at times when i'm craving or thinking about dip. As a quitter, that probably shouldn't happen anymore, i should be so super stinkin quit that i never crave... well that's probably bullshit and if it isn't, that's just not me. So anyway, i come to the site for wisdom from others who are wearing these same shitty shoes.

Tonight I'm using the family computer, on which no porn is conjured by my fingertips, and I noticed on the desktop a really sweet picture of my wife and i from two winters ago. I'm dipping and she doesn't know it. It may be a pouch, which i used for super-ninja days, or just a tiny one. How sad that i used to plan what kind of dip to buy based on who where what how.

Anyway sometimes when i'm on here and i'm craving, i may or may not find something to make me smile. when my tongue hurts and i'm worried about cancer, i'm not sure if reading anything will help, so i think of crazy ass shit to write. I have never actually shoved anything up my own ass, that's really just a joke and/or fantasy, i haven't decided if that's something i would enjoy. But i will write about it, post roll with it, tell jokes about it, whatever, because that's 30 more seconds that i'm not thinking about dip and it usually works in changing thought pattern.

Now that's a catch 22 isn't it... ya come on the site to stop thinking about dip but read lots of stories about dipping. well why come on here at all then you say? cuz my addict ass is thinking about dip anyway, so why not be reminded about why it's shitty and how awesome it is to be in control again!!!

Anyway, those are my thoughts, i'm gonna go see if my wife will shove a shampoo bottle up my ass and push it in and out at a medium pace.