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Re: Introduction Time
« Reply #49 on: March 25, 2012, 02:26:00 PM »
What are you doing differently this time?
In the end I Surrender, I and I alone accept that I have and always will have a Nicotene ADDICTION. It is my choice to quit, but I can't do it alone. I get to go down this path one time, I want to do it right. I recognize that my word, my integrety to you is on the line and is only as good as my actions. Caving is not an option in this plan-Eafman 7/11

I am not cured. I will quit one day at a time. I will continue to do what works. Posting roll everyday. To do otherwise would be foolish on my part. You can do this-Ready 12/11

To overcome your addiction you must comprehend what it means to fail-Razd 3/12

Theres a lot of people that come here, especially vets, that WANT to be reminded that they are addicts.-Tarpon 6/12

Just as a building starts with architectural drawings. Your daily quit begins with a promise.-Scowick 2/13

Here and now, focused on today, minute by minute, whatever it takes, I promise to all my bros and myself not to become a negative stat and stay quit!-krok 1/15

I want everyone to be quit. Even the assholes.-Probe1957 1/18

Ignoring history or erasing history fixes nothing and leads you inevitably down the same path.-69franx 04/30/2021

Offline Colonel_No_Cope

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Re: Introduction Time
« Reply #48 on: March 25, 2012, 11:42:00 AM »
Quote from: gmann
We can't help you here unless you let us.

Consider Lite if you just want to stop for another few weeks.
Well Tony... I know you had my number.

I also know that many Vets have warned against alcohol during your quit.

You should have known better.

I am very disappointed in you, to the point that I can't even conjure up any rage for you.

You will get enough of it... by the way, a cave like this just belittles us all.

When people quit nuking someone after a series of mistakes, its because they have given up on you.

Don't get to that point... if you haven't already crossed that line.

Offline Scowick65

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Re: Introduction Time
« Reply #47 on: March 25, 2012, 11:20:00 AM »
I stopped reading at the end of the first sentence. I am sure it was an awesome narrative. F = Fail. Don't occupy a seat in the life raft if you are not serious about saving your life.

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Re: Introduction Time
« Reply #46 on: March 25, 2012, 11:02:00 AM »
We can't help you here unless you let us.

Consider Lite if you just want to stop for another few weeks.

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Re: Introduction Time
« Reply #45 on: March 25, 2012, 10:55:00 AM »
I already did tell the group, check May.
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Re: Introduction Time
« Reply #44 on: March 25, 2012, 10:47:00 AM »
Quote from: tony
Well, I fucked up last night. I went to a party, got blackout drunk, went outside, and I vaguely recall bumming a smoke of some girl. I know I smoked because I cant taste it in my mouth and I reek of the shit. I really fucked up this time. I was too far gone to even process what I was doing, my quit plan was failed past that point. My being drunk was no excuse-I shouldn't have allowed myself to drink that much in the first place.

I apologize to all of you, for taking a shit on this group, and having to repeat this shit all over again. I'll be posting my day 1 over in July. I failed all of you, and I feel like shit for it.

My reason for failure this time was too much alcohol. To fix this issue, I am going to also cut out alcohol as well. I'm a dumbass for drinking too much and I sincerely apologize for my actions-it wasn't worth it.

I can drink small amounts and not be tempted to smoke. Its when I reach the level that I did last night, that I don't even comprehend what I'm doing, and end up bumming a smoke off someone, that my quit is failed. Because of this, the only course of action I see possible to making my quit a successful quit, is cutting alcohol out of the picture at the same time.

I'll be over in July. I'm sorry that I failed all of you.
In each one of you posts after your first cave you said you will NOT cave again.. This is fucking bullshit.. An absolute pussy ass cave story just like the last 2 caves over the last 3 days..

If you haven't get in the group and tell them you have caved.. Expect a barrage of hell, because I'm not the only one who is over the bitch ass caves going on..
'Champions are made when there are no bodies looking'
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Offline tony

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Re: Introduction Time
« Reply #43 on: March 25, 2012, 10:40:00 AM »
I'll be over in July. I'm sorry that I failed all of you.
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Offline tony

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Re: Introduction Time
« Reply #42 on: March 13, 2012, 12:24:00 PM »
Figure I'd update my little thread here. I haven't been as active as I would have liked to have been, but I have posted roll every day except 2 days-last saturday, sunday. I had little to no cell service and no internet access, but I guarded my quit.

I had one of my worst days, excluding those first 3 around day 23 or so (on 31 now). I was stuck at work driving around and it felt like the craves were lasting the entire day, I could not get it off my mind, and for the first time in my quit I had to resort to the next step in my plan and use a number which definately helped me out.

The craves have been more infrequent now, but I'm still working on my stress management. My sleep has definately improved though. I haven't been using the SMC near as much. I used the fake stuff once on my bus ride to training last saturday-four of the guys were all packing tins at the same time and about drove me to insanity lol. Before that I hadn't used it for almost a week.

Finals week next week so that'll be another monumental trigger to defeat, but I'll just continue to take it one day at a time.
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Offline tony

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Re: Introduction Time
« Reply #41 on: February 23, 2012, 07:31:00 PM »
The Days of Our Quits 2/23/12 Episode 3.
It appears that MayÂ’s attention span, or ability to follow general directions is rather short today. A few newcomers arrived, and attempted to scrawl their names on the large whiteboard hanging in the entryway to the house. This whiteboard contained the sacred roll call list-names of all the members pledging to remain quit that day. In their foggy minds, several people shuffled over to the board, and wrote their names in. While pushing each other to write their names in, someone bumped into the board and rubbed against it, the names of several people and some other text was in instant wiped off the roll call list.

Zam came downstairs after his afternoon nap, and when he got there, he saw a roll call board hanging crooked on the wall, with messy handwriting crawled everywhere, along with some blank spots where some of the names were supposed to be. Zam cursed about the state of the board, loud enough for Xander to hear, who ran down the stairs, glanced at the roll list, and in a dramatic way, fell to his knees, head arched up towards the ceiling, a clenched fist in the air “This roll list has become a DISASTER! Someone help! Noooo!!”. In the midst of this, The Beck was seen slinking through the front door, his black venisian mask still seated on his face. He scribbled his name on the board, and also accidentally wiped a few names off the list “Oops, my..mistake” he muttered. He crept back outside before someone made any comments about his rather late signing of the roll call.

Mcqillisj walked in the door, looked at everyone, and simply muttered “Fuck.” He walked past everyone else and returned to his room. Ltcoffey also came in, from wherever he had been in the desert. Behind him strolled in a Labrador. Coffey turned down and looked at the dog, talking to it as though it was a person. He paused for a minute, as though the dog was responding, and then laughed, talking back in an excited way. He clapped his hands, and ran up the stairs with the dog.
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Re: Introduction Time
« Reply #40 on: February 23, 2012, 03:55:00 PM »
last cigarette 2/1/2012
last dip 2/18/2012
quit date 2/19/2012

My secrets of success so far: KTC, Sex, bacon, fake dip, wintergreen lifesavers, BLT sandwiches, bacon cheeseburgers, and bacon. What are yours?

Offline tony

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Re: Introduction Time
« Reply #39 on: February 23, 2012, 03:49:00 PM »
I've decided I'm going to keep copies of my "Days of Our Quits" over here in my intro thread, that way people can read them if they want to, without having to go through all the pages to find it.

For people that are seeing this and wondering what it is, I like to make up little summaries out of "notable" events that occurs during the course of the day and make it into almost a reality type show. It keeps my mind off the suck, and provides come free entertainment..

Welcome to the Days of Our Quits.

The May Quit house is the newest on the block, and theres been some issues lately deciding on a correct name for the group. The title on the quit roll call whiteboard has been wiped out and changed repeatedly, this started when FallingUp complained about the original “Fucking MayFlowers of May” title. This was soon replaced by ppolcyn with the “Goat Fuckers” title. Various individuals kept changing the name, and eventually it appeared to settle on a bland “May Quitters”. But this pales in comparison to the events of today-such as Ziesmer buying his kid whiskey.

The May Quitters had a close call with a cave, but Oma used his network and reached out for help. Unfortunately, someone else did not. This brings us to “The Stepping Stone” incident.
Those of the May quitters that weren’t off at work were gathered in the common room area of the May House. It was fairly peaceful, until Gldean walked into the house, looked at the rest of his group, and announced how he was gone for a few days, had a little bit of stress, caved, and blamed the incident on “a little stress”. He turned to walk back out the door but that exit would soon be blocked by the vets. A massive roar was let loose from the house, instantly catching the attention of a handful of vets who had been lurking in May’s front yard. “A cave” Colonel No Cope whispered to his brothers, and soon enough, vets from around the country side hauled ass to May’s living room to join in on beating some sense into Gldean. Gldean was silent, bruised and broken. The vets deemed their work complete, wiped their hands clean, and proceeded to exit from the May House.

Gldean looked back at his brothers and apologized. It wasn’t stress..he decided. No. It was a different reason, something about a long and tiring day. He then spoke the words heard round the world “I don’t look at having a chew on day as a total breakdown, just a stepping stone.” An angry howl was heard in May’s front yard-the summoning call. More vets returned this time, and variations of “stepping stone parables” were heard repeated for the next hour in loud angry rants. We have yet to hear an explanation from Gldean as to why he slipped.

It seemed as through the day had finally calmed down after this event. That was, until Zan walked back door, grumbling about an upcoming nicotine rage event. He grabbed the roll call board off the wall and started waving it wildly in the air “IF YOU ARE ON THE MIA LIST, OR IT IS PAST NOON LOCAL PST, YOU SHOULD FEEL LIKE SHIT!!!” A valid point indeed-we will see what the general consensus is of the May quitters later, when they gather this evening.


The Days Of Our Quits, episode 2. 2/22/12-2/23/12

It would be a peaceful sight, the May quit house, placed in the KTC desert of quitting, the sun rising on the horizon, lighting up the house with its flag “May 2012” billowing in the wind. Would be peaceful, except for the yelling that was occurring inside. A handful of new members arrived today. One of them, THE Beck had moved past the introductory guest house of the KTC nicotine free community, and into May’s house. Beck walked into the living room area, where the other members had been sitting, and gorging their faces full of any food that lay in sight. Beck was a peculiar individual, and he appeared to be wearing some type of mask, obscuring his face and identity. From behind the mask, he introduced himself, saying that he had been in a Quit House before, but failed and caved. The mask remained seated on his face, and no one could tell who he had been before. This little piece of his introduction caused an abrupt stop in the living room, creating an uncomfortable silence. Only KayakKurt and C Mac continued to stuff their faces full of food. One of the members pulled out a cell phone and rapidly started typing away a message. He put the phone back in his pocket and crossed his arms, turning to look back at Beck. “Bullshit. That is a bullshit introduction”. Suddenly, the door was kicked open. And once again, in came the vets. Loot walked in first, his walking cane ticking on the wood floor as he made is way to the masked man. He brandished the walking stick, poking Beck’s mask with it. In his third person manner of speaking, he informed Beck the mask must come off. The other vets started to yell and stomp their feet, pointing angrily at Beck. Beck couldn’t handle it, he threw his hands over his head and screamed FUCK YOU I’m going to workout and ran from the house.

Later that day, as the members of the May house sat down in the common room area, sharing their various tales and the odd bitching here and there, a JasonB added in to the casual banter. His face bore one of some concern, as he spoke about how his symptoms seemed to be getting worse, instead of better. He also mentioned how he still had an unopened can of cope in his personal cubby in the May quit house. He thought it would be a good way to stick it to US smokeless, and he said he originally bought it just in case he went nuts. Once again, everyone else stopped talking. A few of the members grew red in the face and proceeded to yell at JasonB about what a horrible idea that was. A few people went to the kitchen, threw some bags of popcorn in the microwave, and punched in the timers. A rapping was heard over the yelling at JasonB-Loot was at the door, beating it with his walking stick. He and Bradleyguy, tarpon17, Phalanx, and CoachDoc entered the house-which appeared to have become one of their new favorite places to spend their days in retirement, from wherever they lived in the KTC desert. The vets surrounded JasonB, telling him to listen to his brothers. Loot offered a jab with his wakling cane but was silent this time. JasonB told them he could handle it-he was a runner after all. This caused further uproar, and somehow he managed to squeeze his way out of the crowd, he ran up into his room and slammed the door shut. If you listened closely enough, you could hear a gentle sobbing.

The vets turned to leave, but CoachDoc stayed for a moment. He produced a scroll from his soccer bag. “MAYS MOST WANTED”. He proceeded to read the names off the list, and was interrupted after he called out tylermccoy. “Why the fuck am I on the list” Tyler demanded. Some more may members arrived, stuffing their faces with popcorn as they listened with interest. CoachDoc asked if Tyler wanted a bandaid-he was on the list for bumping others off the roll. Tyler mocked CoachDoc, accepting the offer for the bandaid. Coach dropped a nasty sanitary pad into Tyler’s outstretched hand.

And thatÂ’s all for now, stay tuned for the next episode!
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Re: Introduction Time
« Reply #38 on: February 22, 2012, 01:58:00 AM »
Quote from: 30yrAddict

Right now it's the bottom of the ninth and the score is:

Addiction/nicotine/big tobacco: 1,000,000 Tony: 0

The good news is you only have to put one run on the board to win today.

You are right, all the reasons why you caved are excuses. The simple fact of the matter is that you are an addict. Personally I think you stopped posting roll because you knew deep down that the door was not shut on nicotine. Now I know that this is going to seem like I am busting your nuts, but, in all honesty, I do not see your posts here as showing the resolve that you are going to need to stay quit. At some point you will probably stop posting roll...and then it is only a matter of time before your addict brain takes over and starts romanticizing, starts rationalizing....then at a weak moment, you will relapse.

Why do I think that you knew deep down that the door was not shut? Well, you were here 60-70 days last time? How many times did you read of someone coming back and saying their biggest mistake was drifting/not posting roll? So that means one of two things is true 1) as mentioned before- you knew that you would return to active use...or....2) you thought that you were in some way immune to the weakness of others who had drifted from the site.

If the answer is #1 and you are coming back here for another "try", it will not be successful UNTIL you find a way to close the door. Read about Tom and Jenny Kern, the link is in May 2012's header....look at cancer pics, go to and read some stories there...whatever it takes to shut the door. No amount of advice or support is going to work until you get to the point where you are steadfast in your resolve to remain quit.

It the answer is #2, learn your lesson: YOU ARE AN ADDICT- and that is for life. The day to day battle to stay quit might get less intense, but your addict brain can remain dormant for many YEARS and then, in a moment of weakness and complacency, will take the opportunity to rationalize "just one". Posting roll here every day has the benefit of reminding you each day that you are an addict, and that there is no "just one".

At this point, the ball is in your court: I know you CAN quit....the question is: WILL you? What will you do to stay quit? Perhaps a better question is: what WON'T you do to stay quit.

Post Roll
Honor Your Promise

It's a life sentence, cupcake.
Sorry for not replying to the responses in here, I have been entirely in May thus far. On day 10 now. I will not cave again..I've reflected on why I failed, and both of your reasons are correct 30. I didn't accept the fact that I am an addict, and because of that, I hadn't fully shut the door on nicotine.

Whether I post roll here or not is not the deciding factor in my quit, like I initially thought. What would I do if the site were to close down? I'd be screwed wouldn't I? I think I've realized now that my thinking was skewed in I thought it was just some 30-60 day process where I'd go through the w/d effects and it'd be solved and done for. That's where I made my mistake. I didn't buy into the addict for life mantra, and thats why I failed.

I'd also like to apologize for my ideas on quitting previously that I posted, I was incorrect on that as well. While having a positive attitude does help effect my quit, it won't prevent me from experiencing those 30, 60, 90 day funks. I don't remember having them the first time I went through this, but then again, I also didn't remember what it felt like being free from nicotine once I screwed up and fell back into its trap again. I'm starting to get that taste of freedom again, and I'm not going to let myself have to repeat this all over again.
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Re: Introduction Time
« Reply #37 on: February 16, 2012, 11:45:00 PM »
Quote from: dippshit
Aren't we all?
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Re: Introduction Time
« Reply #36 on: February 16, 2012, 11:16:00 PM »

"It's amazing what a man can see by the light of a burning bridge" - Unknown

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Re: Introduction Time
« Reply #35 on: February 16, 2012, 10:24:00 PM »
Bump. I would like to offer my documentary services once again. I think it created a great distraction from the suck. PM me if you have a story you would like created into something like whats listed below.
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