Author Topic: So how's everybody's 72hrs going?  (Read 15311 times)

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Re: So how's everybody's 72hrs going?
« Reply #147 on: October 23, 2013, 10:12:00 AM »
Quote from: ParadigmDawg
You got this buddy. Look at my timeline from where you are right now.

Day 39-60: The roller coaster days. Mod craves followed by no craves, bad temper and mild depression. A difficult time but I was not giving up at this point.

Day 61-73: The best days by far. Seldom think about dip, temper is way better, sleeping like a normal person and just feeling pretty darn good. I am stacking up these good days to recharge my batteries and prepare for the next round of fights".

Day 74- 85: Really good days. Strong cravings when I have too many drinks so I have been careful with drinking. Normal days are now 0-1 crave. My temper has been completely under control for 2 weeks now.

Day 86-93: Zero craves, zero dip dreams and temper under control. The strong craves when I drink are also gone. I am disgusted when I see someone dip. Proudly watching my group hit HOF one at a time; which is just how we quit, one day at a time. My guard is still held high as I know the fight is far from over.
Thanks for posting up your timeline here PD. I'd seen it other places for sure  though I know all guys are different  experience different symptoms in different intensitys at different times, it's still a good accurate summary I think of roughly what anyone can expect.

Offline Mike from AB

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Re: So how's everybody's 72hrs going?
« Reply #146 on: October 23, 2013, 10:05:00 AM »
Quote from: B-loMatt
Mike the sinus infection is a way better scare that made you want to quit than say cancer! Hope your flight went well. You are getting close to some great days of quit. The roller coaster ride still has some track left, but you are winning.
Yeah WAY better!! I'll take what I can get, pay attention to it  listen to how I felt through the whole thing and stay quit! Yep haha the roller coaster ride does continue Matt but i think I'm through the beginning drop  closer to the corkscrews at the end where you're turning around but it's more of a straight line force through the whole thing.

Offline Mike from AB

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Re: So how's everybody's 72hrs going?
« Reply #145 on: October 23, 2013, 10:00:00 AM »
Quote from: AppleJack

Rock on m'brutha! Keep movin' forward exactly like you have been. HOF is waiting for you!
Thanks AJ. I know you're supposed to take this ODAAT but I
Getting on tha train!

Day 65 - happy birthday to me... With a dip dream. Ugh. Dreamt I wen out back  had a cigar. Went to bed. Next morning when I went to post roll realized I might've caved if I didn't dream it so went to investigate (all still in my dream). Found some suspicious circumstances but no smoking gun so went back to the house to post another plus one. Where I promptly threw in a fatty  wrecked that.

This one felt way more real to me, it took waking up  realizing I'm out in the country miles from the nearest C-store so a cave would be a veery conscious decision.

F off I choose to post another +1 promise for today for the first nic free birthday in I don't know how long And I know this is supposed to be ODAAT but like my friend AJ has said, dang it not now can I cave, in a little over a month I'll be getting on that train!

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Re: So how's everybody's 72hrs going?
« Reply #144 on: October 23, 2013, 08:52:00 AM »
Mike the sinus infection is a way better scare that made you want to quit than say cancer! Hope your flight went well. You are getting close to some great days of quit. The roller coaster ride still has some track left, but you are winning.

Offline AppleJack

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Re: So how's everybody's 72hrs going?
« Reply #143 on: October 22, 2013, 06:42:00 PM »

Rock on m'brutha! Keep movin' forward exactly like you have been. HOF is waiting for you!
Well, it’s one louder, isn’t it? It’s not ten.

Offline ParadigmDawg

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Re: So how's everybody's 72hrs going?
« Reply #142 on: October 22, 2013, 02:13:00 PM »
You got this buddy. Look at my timeline from where you are right now.

Day 39-60: The roller coaster days. Mod craves followed by no craves, bad temper and mild depression. A difficult time but I was not giving up at this point.

Day 61-73: The best days by far. Seldom think about dip, temper is way better, sleeping like a normal person and just feeling pretty darn good. I am stacking up these good days to recharge my batteries and prepare for the next round of fights".

Day 74- 85: Really good days. Strong cravings when I have too many drinks so I have been careful with drinking. Normal days are now 0-1 crave. My temper has been completely under control for 2 weeks now.

Day 86-93: Zero craves, zero dip dreams and temper under control. The strong craves when I drink are also gone. I am disgusted when I see someone dip. Proudly watching my group hit HOF one at a time; which is just how we quit, one day at a time. My guard is still held high as I know the fight is far from over.
Oh little are so scary...F' OFF...!!!

Offline Mike from AB

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Re: So how's everybody's 72hrs going?
« Reply #141 on: October 22, 2013, 01:53:00 PM »
Day 64 - getting ready to board my first dip less flight in I don't know how long. Just over two months ago I wouldn't have thought that possible. Though I knew I had to get this done for my 40th, tomorrow I'll be 39  I'm doing this. Just do it indeed.

Still I've been plagued by health issues throughout which has made it difficult  at times uncomfortable to even be in my own skin almost. I finally found out yesterday they think it's a chronic sinus infection. This illness that motivated my quit is a sinus infection?


But I wouldn't go back  trade it for the world. The freedom on the other side is so much sweeter.

Anybody just starting out you have no idea how much better your life can get. This quit has brought me health, both mental and emotional, and freedom and lifelong friends. So just do it today!

Offline Mike from AB

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Re: So how's everybody's 72hrs going?
« Reply #140 on: October 18, 2013, 01:45:00 AM »
Quote from: Dougie
QLF indeed! Thanks for dropping by today Dougie!

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Re: So how's everybody's 72hrs going?
« Reply #139 on: October 17, 2013, 07:26:00 PM »

Offline Mike from AB

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Re: So how's everybody's 72hrs going?
« Reply #138 on: October 16, 2013, 10:30:00 PM »
Quote from: srans
Quote from: derk40
That's why we've got brotherhood  accountability on this site. Looking out for each other. I hear ya on a tough week, finally 8 weeks down for me too  everytime I think I'm gonna start feeling better, I'm back down again. It's making me stronger in the end but dang am I getting impatient here!  I just want to feel normal again... which of course is right about when I have a passing thought that if I just went back to the can I'd feel normal... ugh uh no I don't think so. QLF with ya today!
Here is what you wrote in BMFer's Intro page.... Mike, you got to relax brother. Remember this is a marathon  not a sprint. You can't undo years of addiction  injecting poison into your body in 56 days.
You are doing great! Focus on today and just that. You are trying to get ahead of yourself and that will lead you nowhere but down the wrong path. We quit ODAAT for a reason. It is all you control. You are where you are and you got to deal with that. The same holds true in life. People are often unhappy because they want the "bigger better deal". They say things like... if I only had this or that, then I would be happy. Well, that is a lie! True happiness can only be attained in accepting what/who you are  living your life in the present. It is the only way. That is why quitting ODAAT works!

I can tell you this... I see you doing it. I see you quitting ODAAT. I see you reaching out to others. You are a man of your word  you are quit today. That is a pretty damn good thing. Go outside and breath in some clean air. Go for a walk or run, or go for a long drive.... look at the world around you. It is pretty damn great  you are living in it free of your addiction.

You have arrived already brother... the moment you posted roll and quit today. You ARE living a normal life! You just got to accept that and start enjoying it. Once you begin to believe you are there... then you will be there. I am quit with you all day brother!
Mike, get that head up. I know what your feeling. I remember thinking, is this emotional roller coaster going to ever end.

Derk said some great stuff there. After you get through exercising go get you a medium cooked steak and follow it up with a milk shake. You got this bro. I'll quit with you any day.)
Thanks Srans for checking in, that's exactly where I'm at right about now, wondering if the emotional rollercoaster will ever end! I'm normally a pretty calm laid back person but haven't been recently so this is starting to get more than tough! The actual quit part is almost easy by comparison. Yes Derk laid out some great stuff there but you did too. That steak idea sounds great, I might hafta do that tomorrow, a few of us are out to a gastropub to watch Seattle at Arizona. They do serve up a good steak there.  a milkshake after is an even better idea since I'm on call this week for work. Happy to quit with you for sure, but only on those days that end in Y :D

Offline Mike from AB

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Re: So how's everybody's 72hrs going?
« Reply #137 on: October 16, 2013, 10:17:00 PM »
Quote from: derk40
That's why we've got brotherhood  accountability on this site. Looking out for each other. I hear ya on a tough week, finally 8 weeks down for me too  everytime I think I'm gonna start feeling better, I'm back down again. It's making me stronger in the end but dang am I getting impatient here!  I just want to feel normal again... which of course is right about when I have a passing thought that if I just went back to the can I'd feel normal... ugh uh no I don't think so. QLF with ya today!
Here is what you wrote in BMFer's Intro page.... Mike, you got to relax brother. Remember this is a marathon  not a sprint. You can't undo years of addiction  injecting poison into your body in 56 days.

You are doing great! Focus on today and just that. You are trying to get ahead of yourself and that will lead you nowhere but down the wrong path. We quit ODAAT for a reason. It is all you control. You are where you are and you got to deal with that. The same holds true in life. People are often unhappy because they want the "bigger better deal". They say things like... if I only had this or that, then I would be happy. Well, that is a lie! True happiness can only be attained in accepting what/who you are  living your life in the present. It is the only way. That is why quitting ODAAT works!

I can tell you this... I see you doing it. I see you quitting ODAAT. I see you reaching out to others. You are a man of your word  you are quit today. That is a pretty damn good thing. Go outside and breath in some clean air. Go for a walk or run, or go for a long drive.... look at the world around you. It is pretty damn great  you are living in it free of your addiction.

You have arrived already brother... the moment you posted roll and quit today. You ARE living a normal life! You just got to accept that and start enjoying it. Once you begin to believe you are there... then you will be there. I am quit with you all day brother!
Thanks Derk, appreciate your wisdom for sure. Because you're right. If I have something like 7,000 days of use (wow that sounds like alot!) I'm not even yet at 70 days of freedom, not even 1% of the time. So ok yeah I can see this being a marathon even if I just want to sprint to the finish now. Which is a great point on ODAAT, it's not only because it can be a struggle to get through today but also it can be hard to look too far ahead.

I agree 100% on the path to true happiness in life, accepting what  who you are,  really enjoying the present. Normally that's who I am. That's not who I've been these last couple months. It's been bizarre  hard to accept, but yes as another pointed out to me too, you can't undo it all  magically be healed overnight. But you're right too, once you begin to believe you are there then you are.

Thanks again bro for taking all the time to type all that wisdom out Derk. I really do appreciate reading your words today. QLF with you today!

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Re: So how's everybody's 72hrs going?
« Reply #136 on: October 16, 2013, 02:07:00 PM »
Quote from: derk40
That's why we've got brotherhood  accountability on this site. Looking out for each other. I hear ya on a tough week, finally 8 weeks down for me too  everytime I think I'm gonna start feeling better, I'm back down again. It's making me stronger in the end but dang am I getting impatient here!  I just want to feel normal again... which of course is right about when I have a passing thought that if I just went back to the can I'd feel normal... ugh uh no I don't think so. QLF with ya today!
Here is what you wrote in BMFer's Intro page.... Mike, you got to relax brother. Remember this is a marathon  not a sprint. You can't undo years of addiction  injecting poison into your body in 56 days.
You are doing great! Focus on today and just that. You are trying to get ahead of yourself and that will lead you nowhere but down the wrong path. We quit ODAAT for a reason. It is all you control. You are where you are and you got to deal with that. The same holds true in life. People are often unhappy because they want the "bigger better deal". They say things like... if I only had this or that, then I would be happy. Well, that is a lie! True happiness can only be attained in accepting what/who you are  living your life in the present. It is the only way. That is why quitting ODAAT works!

I can tell you this... I see you doing it. I see you quitting ODAAT. I see you reaching out to others. You are a man of your word  you are quit today. That is a pretty damn good thing. Go outside and breath in some clean air. Go for a walk or run, or go for a long drive.... look at the world around you. It is pretty damn great  you are living in it free of your addiction.

You have arrived already brother... the moment you posted roll and quit today. You ARE living a normal life! You just got to accept that and start enjoying it. Once you begin to believe you are there... then you will be there. I am quit with you all day brother!
Mike, get that head up. I know what your feeling. I remember thinking, is this emotional roller coaster going to ever end.

Derk said some great stuff there. After you get through exercising go get you a medium cooked steak and follow it up with a milk shake. You got this bro. I'll quit with you any day.)
Hof date may 25, 2013
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The poison sucks. I hate it. I hated it this morning, I hated it at noon, I hated it at supper and I hate it tonight. I enjoy hating it so much I'm going to wake up tomorrow and start over hating it. I quit with anyone that wants to hate it with me.

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Re: So how's everybody's 72hrs going?
« Reply #135 on: October 16, 2013, 10:33:00 AM »
That's why we've got brotherhood  accountability on this site. Looking out for each other. I hear ya on a tough week, finally 8 weeks down for me too  everytime I think I'm gonna start feeling better, I'm back down again. It's making me stronger in the end but dang am I getting impatient here!  I just want to feel normal again... which of course is right about when I have a passing thought that if I just went back to the can I'd feel normal... ugh uh no I don't think so. QLF with ya today!
Here is what you wrote in BMFer's Intro page.... Mike, you got to relax brother. Remember this is a marathon  not a sprint. You can't undo years of addiction  injecting poison into your body in 56 days.

You are doing great! Focus on today and just that. You are trying to get ahead of yourself and that will lead you nowhere but down the wrong path. We quit ODAAT for a reason. It is all you control. You are where you are and you got to deal with that. The same holds true in life. People are often unhappy because they want the "bigger better deal". They say things like... if I only had this or that, then I would be happy. Well, that is a lie! True happiness can only be attained in accepting what/who you are  living your life in the present. It is the only way. That is why quitting ODAAT works!

I can tell you this... I see you doing it. I see you quitting ODAAT. I see you reaching out to others. You are a man of your word  you are quit today. That is a pretty damn good thing. Go outside and breath in some clean air. Go for a walk or run, or go for a long drive.... look at the world around you. It is pretty damn great  you are living in it free of your addiction.

You have arrived already brother... the moment you posted roll and quit today. You ARE living a normal life! You just got to accept that and start enjoying it. Once you begin to believe you are there... then you will be there. I am quit with you all day brother!
Quit date: 6/23/2013
HOF Date: 9/30/2013

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Re: So how's everybody's 72hrs going?
« Reply #134 on: October 11, 2013, 09:33:00 PM »
Quote from: Quit
Keep the quit going solid. Take these things and use them to make you stronger.
That I will Quit, thanks for your help  taking a few to read my story!

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Re: So how's everybody's 72hrs going?
« Reply #133 on: October 11, 2013, 09:30:00 PM »
Quote from: doc2quit4good
Hey Mike. It is now time to congratulate you on being here. You said some encouraging words to me early on. This is a freaking awesome accomplishment dude! 53 days!!!!!! Quit on and let me know if you need any help.
Hey Doc, good to see you around again! how's your quit going? Thanks for your congrats  kind words on here for me. Appreciate all the help I can get!