Author Topic: thinking its about time to quit  (Read 6894 times)

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Offline Derk40

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Re: thinking its about time to quit
« Reply #92 on: February 13, 2014, 04:44:00 PM »
Quote from: waketech
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: derk40
Quote from: srans
Quote from: T-Cell
Quote from: corince06
Quote from: Minny
Quote from: corince06
Quote from: Minny
Quote from: corince06
Hey guys. I was a member of Febuary and back in January I caved like a bitch. Back with a clear head ready to rock and roll and kick this shit.

What happened. I don't have an excuse I wanted a dip and bought a can. Tasted like shit but I couldn't do it on my own so here I am

Why did it happen. I honestly dont know what happened I just had s huge craving and couldn't say no. I also wasn't 100% committed to this site and my quit buddies.

What are you going to different. I'm going to commit 100% to the program and my fellow quitters. Have faith guys I'm here to stay. Promise.
So this guy joins KTC, belittles it, goes on his own and it doesn't work out. shocker! Let's just go ahead and pull a couple of gems from your intro:

I am no longer going to be posting on here. I have support from friends and family that is helping me stay quit. I dont ever think about posting roll so this will make people no longer worry about me. Thank you to everyone who helped me this far I really appreciate it. Hope everyone stays quit. I know I will.


Waketech go Fuck yourself you fucking pussy!! If you can't quit on your own your fucking pathetic.


so I dont have to listen to these fucking idiots who think this site is the only way to quit tobacco.

Dude your answers to the three questions SUCK. You suddenly pulled a 180 and are completely bought in? You're ready to join all of us "fucking idiots" and this "stupid site"?

Can't wait to prove you wrong. If my answers are weak I'm not an English major I'm a fitness trainer.
I hope you do prove me wrong but dude your answers don't lack prose, proper grammar, sentence structure, etc. They lack conviction, truth, candor, thoughtfulness, effort...

People invest a lot of time trying to help you get to be quit. The least you could do is invest some time in them. All they've asked of you is that you answer three questions with some honesty and self reflection. No one is above the rules here.

"I'm a fitness trainer" is just another excuse. Break the habit of bullshitting and we'll get somewhere.
What the Fuck do you want me to say dude? Im a fucking worthless piece of shit who doesn't deserve anything from anyone? That Im deeply sorry for letting everyone down and wasting their time???? I am not a fucking English guy I never did will in English. I could go copy and paste someone else's shit if you'd like so It sounds more proper if you'd like.
Since you asked, here is my wish list for all returning cavers:
1) Answer the three questions. Simply the price of re-entry, but frankly it is way more for you than me. Understand your own rationale for what you did and why you did it. If you fail to evaluate those, how will you avoid it when the situation occurs again? You see I already know there is no valid reason to cave, that crap will do me harm and provide no good. Cavers apparently don't fully believe that to be true...
2) I like to see a quit plan that includes specifics like a cave contract, how many numbers and how you will use contacts, etc.
3) Acknowledge that you failed, you were weaker than everyone else here that kept their promise on that day. Leave the false pride and anger at the door. The system didn't fail you, other quitters didn't fail you. You failed. That doesn't mean you have to continue to fail, but it does mean you don't have it all figured out and just maybe following the KTC recipe more closely will result in a different outcome.
The other way to say that is why would you expect a different result if you simply do what you did before?
4) I'm mostly looking for how badly you want this. Don't want to invest more time on the site? Don't want to share with complete strangers? Don't want to believe that you are not much different than thousands of other nic addicts? Then I'd guess you really don't want to quit that badly...

Quitting chew is probably one of the toughest things many of us will do willingly in our life. But anyone that wants it badly enough can be quit. Far to many people here seem to think caving is inevidable, that we should be kinder to cavers. That is bullshit. Start thinking like a quitter, not an addict.
Cory, bare with me one second while I try and unblock your mind.

Your a fitness instructor. Got a scenario for you; You have individual you are training. This individual comes in real overweight, out of shape and is eating like slob. You turn this individual around. You get them into shape. This takes time and hard work. The individual seems to be doing ok, but you can tell they are not really into it. You continue to try and try with this individual. You think you might be making progress. The individual is losing weight, beginning to eat right, but there is still something missing.

The person does not show up for training one day. Starts missing regularly. You have to continue monitoring this person closely because you know if you can just get this person to a certain physical and mental state they will begin doing things on their own and constant monitoring will no longer be necessary.

All of the sudden, the person is no where to be found. You make contact and the person tells you to f*** off. It's like the person drops off the map.

A couple months later the individual comes back in worse shape then ever. It's like you never existed.

You ask,, what happened, why did it happen, and what are you going to do different.

The individual states, I got hungry and ate. I said the heck with all you've helped me with and could care less. I'm sorry, i'll just start over.

Think about it friend!! I was one of those trainers,, I need more of an answer then you gave. I don't get paid for what I do, you do. I make and investment I want to know that investment is going to pay off.
I don't think there are all that many English majors on this site. No hard fact to back that up but just a guess.

What we do have is a bunch of quitters that give everything they got to be quit today. We post roll and honor our word. Some of us are battling minute to minute to stay clean. We are all in.

You on the other hand don't seem to get it... This is not a term paper that you can cut/paste, cheat your way thru and just turn in for an A cuz your teacher is an idiot. You can't lie your way thru this and you can't half ass it. It don't work that way.

Read Minny's, t-cell and srans comments again. They are spot on.

Either you drink the KTC koolaid or you are doomed to repeat prior behavior. I can tell you this with certainty... None of us want to see that.
A plethora of stalwarts ^^^^^^^ of quit are exhorting you to adhere to the time honored and tested attributes of this community . How can you question the efficacy of this site when there is proof of its validity all around you? I wasn't an English major either but this place just brings out the best in most people!
Like I said before, and you should have listened, "STFU and go post roll! ^_^
Haven't seen your name of the rolls today... You done?

Any thoughts on your responses to the 3 questions. These questions are for you and your quit. But when you answer like you did we owe it to you and others here to try and help you get on the right pAth. Your answers the other day will not serve you very well as you move forward.

Did you make any adjustments somewhere other than here? Hopefully it will be better than English major smack.

How bout we start with ROLL...
Quit date: 6/23/2013
HOF Date: 9/30/2013

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Offline waketech

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Re: thinking its about time to quit
« Reply #91 on: February 11, 2014, 07:06:00 PM »
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: derk40
Quote from: srans
Quote from: T-Cell
Quote from: corince06
Quote from: Minny
Quote from: corince06
Quote from: Minny
Quote from: corince06
Hey guys. I was a member of Febuary and back in January I caved like a bitch. Back with a clear head ready to rock and roll and kick this shit.

What happened. I don't have an excuse I wanted a dip and bought a can. Tasted like shit but I couldn't do it on my own so here I am

Why did it happen. I honestly dont know what happened I just had s huge craving and couldn't say no. I also wasn't 100% committed to this site and my quit buddies.

What are you going to different. I'm going to commit 100% to the program and my fellow quitters. Have faith guys I'm here to stay. Promise.
So this guy joins KTC, belittles it, goes on his own and it doesn't work out. shocker! Let's just go ahead and pull a couple of gems from your intro:

I am no longer going to be posting on here. I have support from friends and family that is helping me stay quit. I dont ever think about posting roll so this will make people no longer worry about me. Thank you to everyone who helped me this far I really appreciate it. Hope everyone stays quit. I know I will.


Waketech go Fuck yourself you fucking pussy!! If you can't quit on your own your fucking pathetic.


so I dont have to listen to these fucking idiots who think this site is the only way to quit tobacco.

Dude your answers to the three questions SUCK. You suddenly pulled a 180 and are completely bought in? You're ready to join all of us "fucking idiots" and this "stupid site"?

Can't wait to prove you wrong. If my answers are weak I'm not an English major I'm a fitness trainer.
I hope you do prove me wrong but dude your answers don't lack prose, proper grammar, sentence structure, etc. They lack conviction, truth, candor, thoughtfulness, effort...

People invest a lot of time trying to help you get to be quit. The least you could do is invest some time in them. All they've asked of you is that you answer three questions with some honesty and self reflection. No one is above the rules here.

"I'm a fitness trainer" is just another excuse. Break the habit of bullshitting and we'll get somewhere.
What the Fuck do you want me to say dude? Im a fucking worthless piece of shit who doesn't deserve anything from anyone? That Im deeply sorry for letting everyone down and wasting their time???? I am not a fucking English guy I never did will in English. I could go copy and paste someone else's shit if you'd like so It sounds more proper if you'd like.
Since you asked, here is my wish list for all returning cavers:
1) Answer the three questions. Simply the price of re-entry, but frankly it is way more for you than me. Understand your own rationale for what you did and why you did it. If you fail to evaluate those, how will you avoid it when the situation occurs again? You see I already know there is no valid reason to cave, that crap will do me harm and provide no good. Cavers apparently don't fully believe that to be true...
2) I like to see a quit plan that includes specifics like a cave contract, how many numbers and how you will use contacts, etc.
3) Acknowledge that you failed, you were weaker than everyone else here that kept their promise on that day. Leave the false pride and anger at the door. The system didn't fail you, other quitters didn't fail you. You failed. That doesn't mean you have to continue to fail, but it does mean you don't have it all figured out and just maybe following the KTC recipe more closely will result in a different outcome.
The other way to say that is why would you expect a different result if you simply do what you did before?
4) I'm mostly looking for how badly you want this. Don't want to invest more time on the site? Don't want to share with complete strangers? Don't want to believe that you are not much different than thousands of other nic addicts? Then I'd guess you really don't want to quit that badly...

Quitting chew is probably one of the toughest things many of us will do willingly in our life. But anyone that wants it badly enough can be quit. Far to many people here seem to think caving is inevidable, that we should be kinder to cavers. That is bullshit. Start thinking like a quitter, not an addict.
Cory, bare with me one second while I try and unblock your mind.

Your a fitness instructor. Got a scenario for you; You have individual you are training. This individual comes in real overweight, out of shape and is eating like slob. You turn this individual around. You get them into shape. This takes time and hard work. The individual seems to be doing ok, but you can tell they are not really into it. You continue to try and try with this individual. You think you might be making progress. The individual is losing weight, beginning to eat right, but there is still something missing.

The person does not show up for training one day. Starts missing regularly. You have to continue monitoring this person closely because you know if you can just get this person to a certain physical and mental state they will begin doing things on their own and constant monitoring will no longer be necessary.

All of the sudden, the person is no where to be found. You make contact and the person tells you to f*** off. It's like the person drops off the map.

A couple months later the individual comes back in worse shape then ever. It's like you never existed.

You ask,, what happened, why did it happen, and what are you going to do different.

The individual states, I got hungry and ate. I said the heck with all you've helped me with and could care less. I'm sorry, i'll just start over.

Think about it friend!! I was one of those trainers,, I need more of an answer then you gave. I don't get paid for what I do, you do. I make and investment I want to know that investment is going to pay off.
I don't think there are all that many English majors on this site. No hard fact to back that up but just a guess.

What we do have is a bunch of quitters that give everything they got to be quit today. We post roll and honor our word. Some of us are battling minute to minute to stay clean. We are all in.

You on the other hand don't seem to get it... This is not a term paper that you can cut/paste, cheat your way thru and just turn in for an A cuz your teacher is an idiot. You can't lie your way thru this and you can't half ass it. It don't work that way.

Read Minny's, t-cell and srans comments again. They are spot on.

Either you drink the KTC koolaid or you are doomed to repeat prior behavior. I can tell you this with certainty... None of us want to see that.
A plethora of stalwarts ^^^^^^^ of quit are exhorting you to adhere to the time honored and tested attributes of this community . How can you question the efficacy of this site when there is proof of its validity all around you? I wasn't an English major either but this place just brings out the best in most people!
Like I said before, and you should have listened, "STFU and go post roll! ^_^

Offline rdad

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Re: thinking its about time to quit
« Reply #90 on: February 11, 2014, 06:43:00 PM »
Quote from: derk40
Quote from: srans
Quote from: T-Cell
Quote from: corince06
Quote from: Minny
Quote from: corince06
Quote from: Minny
Quote from: corince06
Hey guys. I was a member of Febuary and back in January I caved like a bitch. Back with a clear head ready to rock and roll and kick this shit.

What happened. I don't have an excuse I wanted a dip and bought a can. Tasted like shit but I couldn't do it on my own so here I am

Why did it happen. I honestly dont know what happened I just had s huge craving and couldn't say no. I also wasn't 100% committed to this site and my quit buddies.

What are you going to different. I'm going to commit 100% to the program and my fellow quitters. Have faith guys I'm here to stay. Promise.
So this guy joins KTC, belittles it, goes on his own and it doesn't work out. shocker! Let's just go ahead and pull a couple of gems from your intro:

I am no longer going to be posting on here. I have support from friends and family that is helping me stay quit. I dont ever think about posting roll so this will make people no longer worry about me. Thank you to everyone who helped me this far I really appreciate it. Hope everyone stays quit. I know I will.


Waketech go Fuck yourself you fucking pussy!! If you can't quit on your own your fucking pathetic.


so I dont have to listen to these fucking idiots who think this site is the only way to quit tobacco.

Dude your answers to the three questions SUCK. You suddenly pulled a 180 and are completely bought in? You're ready to join all of us "fucking idiots" and this "stupid site"?

Can't wait to prove you wrong. If my answers are weak I'm not an English major I'm a fitness trainer.
I hope you do prove me wrong but dude your answers don't lack prose, proper grammar, sentence structure, etc. They lack conviction, truth, candor, thoughtfulness, effort...

People invest a lot of time trying to help you get to be quit. The least you could do is invest some time in them. All they've asked of you is that you answer three questions with some honesty and self reflection. No one is above the rules here.

"I'm a fitness trainer" is just another excuse. Break the habit of bullshitting and we'll get somewhere.
What the Fuck do you want me to say dude? Im a fucking worthless piece of shit who doesn't deserve anything from anyone? That Im deeply sorry for letting everyone down and wasting their time???? I am not a fucking English guy I never did will in English. I could go copy and paste someone else's shit if you'd like so It sounds more proper if you'd like.
Since you asked, here is my wish list for all returning cavers:
1) Answer the three questions. Simply the price of re-entry, but frankly it is way more for you than me. Understand your own rationale for what you did and why you did it. If you fail to evaluate those, how will you avoid it when the situation occurs again? You see I already know there is no valid reason to cave, that crap will do me harm and provide no good. Cavers apparently don't fully believe that to be true...
2) I like to see a quit plan that includes specifics like a cave contract, how many numbers and how you will use contacts, etc.
3) Acknowledge that you failed, you were weaker than everyone else here that kept their promise on that day. Leave the false pride and anger at the door. The system didn't fail you, other quitters didn't fail you. You failed. That doesn't mean you have to continue to fail, but it does mean you don't have it all figured out and just maybe following the KTC recipe more closely will result in a different outcome.
The other way to say that is why would you expect a different result if you simply do what you did before?
4) I'm mostly looking for how badly you want this. Don't want to invest more time on the site? Don't want to share with complete strangers? Don't want to believe that you are not much different than thousands of other nic addicts? Then I'd guess you really don't want to quit that badly...

Quitting chew is probably one of the toughest things many of us will do willingly in our life. But anyone that wants it badly enough can be quit. Far to many people here seem to think caving is inevidable, that we should be kinder to cavers. That is bullshit. Start thinking like a quitter, not an addict.
Cory, bare with me one second while I try and unblock your mind.

Your a fitness instructor. Got a scenario for you; You have individual you are training. This individual comes in real overweight, out of shape and is eating like slob. You turn this individual around. You get them into shape. This takes time and hard work. The individual seems to be doing ok, but you can tell they are not really into it. You continue to try and try with this individual. You think you might be making progress. The individual is losing weight, beginning to eat right, but there is still something missing.

The person does not show up for training one day. Starts missing regularly. You have to continue monitoring this person closely because you know if you can just get this person to a certain physical and mental state they will begin doing things on their own and constant monitoring will no longer be necessary.

All of the sudden, the person is no where to be found. You make contact and the person tells you to f*** off. It's like the person drops off the map.

A couple months later the individual comes back in worse shape then ever. It's like you never existed.

You ask,, what happened, why did it happen, and what are you going to do different.

The individual states, I got hungry and ate. I said the heck with all you've helped me with and could care less. I'm sorry, i'll just start over.

Think about it friend!! I was one of those trainers,, I need more of an answer then you gave. I don't get paid for what I do, you do. I make and investment I want to know that investment is going to pay off.
I don't think there are all that many English majors on this site. No hard fact to back that up but just a guess.

What we do have is a bunch of quitters that give everything they got to be quit today. We post roll and honor our word. Some of us are battling minute to minute to stay clean. We are all in.

You on the other hand don't seem to get it... This is not a term paper that you can cut/paste, cheat your way thru and just turn in for an A cuz your teacher is an idiot. You can't lie your way thru this and you can't half ass it. It don't work that way.

Read Minny's, t-cell and srans comments again. They are spot on.

Either you drink the KTC koolaid or you are doomed to repeat prior behavior. I can tell you this with certainty... None of us want to see that.
A plethora of stalwarts ^^^^^^^ of quit are exhorting you to adhere to the time honored and tested attributes of this community . How can you question the efficacy of this site when there is proof of its validity all around you? I wasn't an English major either but this place just brings out the best in most people!

Offline Derk40

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Re: thinking its about time to quit
« Reply #89 on: February 11, 2014, 06:17:00 PM »
Quote from: srans
Quote from: T-Cell
Quote from: corince06
Quote from: Minny
Quote from: corince06
Quote from: Minny
Quote from: corince06
Hey guys. I was a member of Febuary and back in January I caved like a bitch. Back with a clear head ready to rock and roll and kick this shit.

What happened. I don't have an excuse I wanted a dip and bought a can. Tasted like shit but I couldn't do it on my own so here I am

Why did it happen. I honestly dont know what happened I just had s huge craving and couldn't say no. I also wasn't 100% committed to this site and my quit buddies.

What are you going to different. I'm going to commit 100% to the program and my fellow quitters. Have faith guys I'm here to stay. Promise.
So this guy joins KTC, belittles it, goes on his own and it doesn't work out. shocker! Let's just go ahead and pull a couple of gems from your intro:

I am no longer going to be posting on here. I have support from friends and family that is helping me stay quit. I dont ever think about posting roll so this will make people no longer worry about me. Thank you to everyone who helped me this far I really appreciate it. Hope everyone stays quit. I know I will.


Waketech go Fuck yourself you fucking pussy!! If you can't quit on your own your fucking pathetic.


so I dont have to listen to these fucking idiots who think this site is the only way to quit tobacco.

Dude your answers to the three questions SUCK. You suddenly pulled a 180 and are completely bought in? You're ready to join all of us "fucking idiots" and this "stupid site"?

Can't wait to prove you wrong. If my answers are weak I'm not an English major I'm a fitness trainer.
I hope you do prove me wrong but dude your answers don't lack prose, proper grammar, sentence structure, etc. They lack conviction, truth, candor, thoughtfulness, effort...

People invest a lot of time trying to help you get to be quit. The least you could do is invest some time in them. All they've asked of you is that you answer three questions with some honesty and self reflection. No one is above the rules here.

"I'm a fitness trainer" is just another excuse. Break the habit of bullshitting and we'll get somewhere.
What the Fuck do you want me to say dude? Im a fucking worthless piece of shit who doesn't deserve anything from anyone? That Im deeply sorry for letting everyone down and wasting their time???? I am not a fucking English guy I never did will in English. I could go copy and paste someone else's shit if you'd like so It sounds more proper if you'd like.
Since you asked, here is my wish list for all returning cavers:
1) Answer the three questions. Simply the price of re-entry, but frankly it is way more for you than me. Understand your own rationale for what you did and why you did it. If you fail to evaluate those, how will you avoid it when the situation occurs again? You see I already know there is no valid reason to cave, that crap will do me harm and provide no good. Cavers apparently don't fully believe that to be true...
2) I like to see a quit plan that includes specifics like a cave contract, how many numbers and how you will use contacts, etc.
3) Acknowledge that you failed, you were weaker than everyone else here that kept their promise on that day. Leave the false pride and anger at the door. The system didn't fail you, other quitters didn't fail you. You failed. That doesn't mean you have to continue to fail, but it does mean you don't have it all figured out and just maybe following the KTC recipe more closely will result in a different outcome.
The other way to say that is why would you expect a different result if you simply do what you did before?
4) I'm mostly looking for how badly you want this. Don't want to invest more time on the site? Don't want to share with complete strangers? Don't want to believe that you are not much different than thousands of other nic addicts? Then I'd guess you really don't want to quit that badly...

Quitting chew is probably one of the toughest things many of us will do willingly in our life. But anyone that wants it badly enough can be quit. Far to many people here seem to think caving is inevidable, that we should be kinder to cavers. That is bullshit. Start thinking like a quitter, not an addict.
Cory, bare with me one second while I try and unblock your mind.

Your a fitness instructor. Got a scenario for you; You have individual you are training. This individual comes in real overweight, out of shape and is eating like slob. You turn this individual around. You get them into shape. This takes time and hard work. The individual seems to be doing ok, but you can tell they are not really into it. You continue to try and try with this individual. You think you might be making progress. The individual is losing weight, beginning to eat right, but there is still something missing.

The person does not show up for training one day. Starts missing regularly. You have to continue monitoring this person closely because you know if you can just get this person to a certain physical and mental state they will begin doing things on their own and constant monitoring will no longer be necessary.

All of the sudden, the person is no where to be found. You make contact and the person tells you to f*** off. It's like the person drops off the map.

A couple months later the individual comes back in worse shape then ever. It's like you never existed.

You ask,, what happened, why did it happen, and what are you going to do different.

The individual states, I got hungry and ate. I said the heck with all you've helped me with and could care less. I'm sorry, i'll just start over.

Think about it friend!! I was one of those trainers,, I need more of an answer then you gave. I don't get paid for what I do, you do. I make and investment I want to know that investment is going to pay off.
I don't think there are all that many English majors on this site. No hard fact to back that up but just a guess.

What we do have is a bunch of quitters that give everything they got to be quit today. We post roll and honor our word. Some of us are battling minute to minute to stay clean. We are all in.

You on the other hand don't seem to get it... This is not a term paper that you can cut/paste, cheat your way thru and just turn in for an A cuz your teacher is an idiot. You can't lie your way thru this and you can't half ass it. It don't work that way.

Read Minny's, t-cell and srans comments again. They are spot on.

Either you drink the KTC koolaid or you are doomed to repeat prior behavior. I can tell you this with certainty... None of us want to see that.
Quit date: 6/23/2013
HOF Date: 9/30/2013

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Offline srans

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Re: thinking its about time to quit
« Reply #88 on: February 11, 2014, 05:44:00 PM »
Quote from: T-Cell
Quote from: corince06
Quote from: Minny
Quote from: corince06
Quote from: Minny
Quote from: corince06
Hey guys. I was a member of Febuary and back in January I caved like a bitch. Back with a clear head ready to rock and roll and kick this shit.

What happened. I don't have an excuse I wanted a dip and bought a can. Tasted like shit but I couldn't do it on my own so here I am

Why did it happen. I honestly dont know what happened I just had s huge craving and couldn't say no. I also wasn't 100% committed to this site and my quit buddies.

What are you going to different. I'm going to commit 100% to the program and my fellow quitters. Have faith guys I'm here to stay. Promise.
So this guy joins KTC, belittles it, goes on his own and it doesn't work out. shocker! Let's just go ahead and pull a couple of gems from your intro:

I am no longer going to be posting on here. I have support from friends and family that is helping me stay quit. I dont ever think about posting roll so this will make people no longer worry about me. Thank you to everyone who helped me this far I really appreciate it. Hope everyone stays quit. I know I will.


Waketech go Fuck yourself you fucking pussy!! If you can't quit on your own your fucking pathetic.


so I dont have to listen to these fucking idiots who think this site is the only way to quit tobacco.

Dude your answers to the three questions SUCK. You suddenly pulled a 180 and are completely bought in? You're ready to join all of us "fucking idiots" and this "stupid site"?

Can't wait to prove you wrong. If my answers are weak I'm not an English major I'm a fitness trainer.
I hope you do prove me wrong but dude your answers don't lack prose, proper grammar, sentence structure, etc. They lack conviction, truth, candor, thoughtfulness, effort...

People invest a lot of time trying to help you get to be quit. The least you could do is invest some time in them. All they've asked of you is that you answer three questions with some honesty and self reflection. No one is above the rules here.

"I'm a fitness trainer" is just another excuse. Break the habit of bullshitting and we'll get somewhere.
What the Fuck do you want me to say dude? Im a fucking worthless piece of shit who doesn't deserve anything from anyone? That Im deeply sorry for letting everyone down and wasting their time???? I am not a fucking English guy I never did will in English. I could go copy and paste someone else's shit if you'd like so It sounds more proper if you'd like.
Since you asked, here is my wish list for all returning cavers:
1) Answer the three questions. Simply the price of re-entry, but frankly it is way more for you than me. Understand your own rationale for what you did and why you did it. If you fail to evaluate those, how will you avoid it when the situation occurs again? You see I already know there is no valid reason to cave, that crap will do me harm and provide no good. Cavers apparently don't fully believe that to be true...
2) I like to see a quit plan that includes specifics like a cave contract, how many numbers and how you will use contacts, etc.
3) Acknowledge that you failed, you were weaker than everyone else here that kept their promise on that day. Leave the false pride and anger at the door. The system didn't fail you, other quitters didn't fail you. You failed. That doesn't mean you have to continue to fail, but it does mean you don't have it all figured out and just maybe following the KTC recipe more closely will result in a different outcome.
The other way to say that is why would you expect a different result if you simply do what you did before?
4) I'm mostly looking for how badly you want this. Don't want to invest more time on the site? Don't want to share with complete strangers? Don't want to believe that you are not much different than thousands of other nic addicts? Then I'd guess you really don't want to quit that badly...

Quitting chew is probably one of the toughest things many of us will do willingly in our life. But anyone that wants it badly enough can be quit. Far to many people here seem to think caving is inevidable, that we should be kinder to cavers. That is bullshit. Start thinking like a quitter, not an addict.
Cory, bare with me one second while I try and unblock your mind.

Your a fitness instructor. Got a scenario for you; You have individual you are training. This individual comes in real overweight, out of shape and is eating like slob. You turn this individual around. You get them into shape. This takes time and hard work. The individual seems to be doing ok, but you can tell they are not really into it. You continue to try and try with this individual. You think you might be making progress. The individual is losing weight, beginning to eat right, but there is still something missing.

The person does not show up for training one day. Starts missing regularly. You have to continue monitoring this person closely because you know if you can just get this person to a certain physical and mental state they will begin doing things on their own and constant monitoring will no longer be necessary.

All of the sudden, the person is no where to be found. You make contact and the person tells you to f*** off. It's like the person drops off the map.

A couple months later the individual comes back in worse shape then ever. It's like you never existed.

You ask,, what happened, why did it happen, and what are you going to do different.

The individual states, I got hungry and ate. I said the heck with all you've helped me with and could care less. I'm sorry, i'll just start over.

Think about it friend!! I was one of those trainers,, I need more of an answer then you gave. I don't get paid for what I do, you do. I make and investment I want to know that investment is going to pay off.
Hof date may 25, 2013
HoF Speech

The poison sucks. I hate it. I hated it this morning, I hated it at noon, I hated it at supper and I hate it tonight. I enjoy hating it so much I'm going to wake up tomorrow and start over hating it. I quit with anyone that wants to hate it with me.

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Re: thinking its about time to quit
« Reply #87 on: February 11, 2014, 05:00:00 PM »
Quote from: corince06
Quote from: Minny
Quote from: corince06
Quote from: Minny
Quote from: corince06
Hey guys. I was a member of Febuary and back in January I caved like a bitch. Back with a clear head ready to rock and roll and kick this shit.

What happened. I don't have an excuse I wanted a dip and bought a can. Tasted like shit but I couldn't do it on my own so here I am

Why did it happen. I honestly dont know what happened I just had s huge craving and couldn't say no. I also wasn't 100% committed to this site and my quit buddies.

What are you going to different. I'm going to commit 100% to the program and my fellow quitters. Have faith guys I'm here to stay. Promise.
So this guy joins KTC, belittles it, goes on his own and it doesn't work out. shocker! Let's just go ahead and pull a couple of gems from your intro:

I am no longer going to be posting on here. I have support from friends and family that is helping me stay quit. I dont ever think about posting roll so this will make people no longer worry about me. Thank you to everyone who helped me this far I really appreciate it. Hope everyone stays quit. I know I will.


Waketech go Fuck yourself you fucking pussy!! If you can't quit on your own your fucking pathetic.


so I dont have to listen to these fucking idiots who think this site is the only way to quit tobacco.

Dude your answers to the three questions SUCK. You suddenly pulled a 180 and are completely bought in? You're ready to join all of us "fucking idiots" and this "stupid site"?

Can't wait to prove you wrong. If my answers are weak I'm not an English major I'm a fitness trainer.
I hope you do prove me wrong but dude your answers don't lack prose, proper grammar, sentence structure, etc. They lack conviction, truth, candor, thoughtfulness, effort...

People invest a lot of time trying to help you get to be quit. The least you could do is invest some time in them. All they've asked of you is that you answer three questions with some honesty and self reflection. No one is above the rules here.

"I'm a fitness trainer" is just another excuse. Break the habit of bullshitting and we'll get somewhere.
What the Fuck do you want me to say dude? Im a fucking worthless piece of shit who doesn't deserve anything from anyone? That Im deeply sorry for letting everyone down and wasting their time???? I am not a fucking English guy I never did will in English. I could go copy and paste someone else's shit if you'd like so It sounds more proper if you'd like.
Since you asked, here is my wish list for all returning cavers:
1) Answer the three questions. Simply the price of re-entry, but frankly it is way more for you than me. Understand your own rationale for what you did and why you did it. If you fail to evaluate those, how will you avoid it when the situation occurs again? You see I already know there is no valid reason to cave, that crap will do me harm and provide no good. Cavers apparently don't fully believe that to be true...
2) I like to see a quit plan that includes specifics like a cave contract, how many numbers and how you will use contacts, etc.
3) Acknowledge that you failed, you were weaker than everyone else here that kept their promise on that day. Leave the false pride and anger at the door. The system didn't fail you, other quitters didn't fail you. You failed. That doesn't mean you have to continue to fail, but it does mean you don't have it all figured out and just maybe following the KTC recipe more closely will result in a different outcome.
The other way to say that is why would you expect a different result if you simply do what you did before?
4) I'm mostly looking for how badly you want this. Don't want to invest more time on the site? Don't want to share with complete strangers? Don't want to believe that you are not much different than thousands of other nic addicts? Then I'd guess you really don't want to quit that badly...

Quitting chew is probably one of the toughest things many of us will do willingly in our life. But anyone that wants it badly enough can be quit. Far to many people here seem to think caving is inevidable, that we should be kinder to cavers. That is bullshit. Start thinking like a quitter, not an addict.
Fish, eat, sleep. Repeat.
quit date 2/10/12
HOF date 5/19/12
1 Year 2/10/13
2 Years 2/10/14
8th Floor 4/19/14

Offline srans

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Re: thinking its about time to quit
« Reply #86 on: February 11, 2014, 04:56:00 PM »
Cory, bare with me one second while I try and unblock your mind.

Your a fitness instructor. Got a scenario for you; You have individual you are training. This individual comes in real overweight, out of shape and is eating like slob. You turn this individual around. You get them into shape. This takes time and hard work. The individual seems to be doing ok, but you can tell they are not really into it. You continue to try and try with this individual. You think you might be making progress. The individual is losing weight, beginning to eat right, but there is still something missing.

The person does not show up for training one day. Starts missing regularly. You have to continue monitoring this person closely because you know if you can just get this person to a certain physical and mental state they will begin doing things on their own and constant monitoring will no longer be necessary.

All of the sudden, the person is no where to be found. You make contact and the person tells you to f*** off. It's like the person drops off the map.

A couple months later the individual comes back in worse shape then ever. It's like you never existed.

You ask,, what happened, why did it happen, and what are you going to do different.

The individual states, I got hungry and ate. I said the heck with all you've helped me with and could care less. I'm sorry, i'll just start over.

Think about it friend!! I was one of those trainers,, I need more of an answer then you gave. I don't get paid for what I do, you do. I make and investment I want to know that investment is going to pay off. Got, bumped wanted to make sure you got to read Cory.
Hof date may 25, 2013
HoF Speech

The poison sucks. I hate it. I hated it this morning, I hated it at noon, I hated it at supper and I hate it tonight. I enjoy hating it so much I'm going to wake up tomorrow and start over hating it. I quit with anyone that wants to hate it with me.

Offline SirDerek

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Re: thinking its about time to quit
« Reply #85 on: February 11, 2014, 04:43:00 PM »
Quote from: Dave1903
Quote from: corince06
Quote from: Minny
Quote from: corince06
Quote from: Minny
Quote from: corince06
Hey guys. I was a member of Febuary and back in January I caved like a bitch. Back with a clear head ready to rock and roll and kick this shit.

What happened. I don't have an excuse I wanted a dip and bought a can. Tasted like shit but I couldn't do it on my own so here I am

Why did it happen. I honestly dont know what happened I just had s huge craving and couldn't say no. I also wasn't 100% committed to this site and my quit buddies.

What are you going to different. I'm going to commit 100% to the program and my fellow quitters. Have faith guys I'm here to stay. Promise.
So this guy joins KTC, belittles it, goes on his own and it doesn't work out. shocker! Let's just go ahead and pull a couple of gems from your intro:

I am no longer going to be posting on here. I have support from friends and family that is helping me stay quit. I dont ever think about posting roll so this will make people no longer worry about me. Thank you to everyone who helped me this far I really appreciate it. Hope everyone stays quit. I know I will.


Waketech go Fuck yourself you fucking pussy!! If you can't quit on your own your fucking pathetic.


so I dont have to listen to these fucking idiots who think this site is the only way to quit tobacco.

Dude your answers to the three questions SUCK. You suddenly pulled a 180 and are completely bought in? You're ready to join all of us "fucking idiots" and this "stupid site"?

Can't wait to prove you wrong. If my answers are weak I'm not an English major I'm a fitness trainer.
I hope you do prove me wrong but dude your answers don't lack prose, proper grammar, sentence structure, etc. They lack conviction, truth, candor, thoughtfulness, effort...

People invest a lot of time trying to help you get to be quit. The least you could do is invest some time in them. All they've asked of you is that you answer three questions with some honesty and self reflection. No one is above the rules here.

"I'm a fitness trainer" is just another excuse. Break the habit of bullshitting and we'll get somewhere.
What the Fuck do you want me to say dude? Im a fucking worthless piece of shit who doesn't deserve anything from anyone? That Im deeply sorry for letting everyone down and wasting their time???? I am not a fucking English guy I never did will in English. I could go copy and paste someone else's shit if you'd like so It sounds more proper if you'd like.
Hey I just hope this time around you use the sight how it is supposed to be used and dont be calling people worthless because the way I see it you are just as worthless. Get on here drink the koolaid get some accountability going and use the site like it is supposed to be used
Its not the English of your answers my friend, it is rather the look that the responses that you provided have not been entirely thought out.

In particular the 3rd point of what you are going to do if this situation comes up again. Remember if you do not plan properly you will fail again. Don't let that happen. Let's hear that step wise plan of what you are going to do.

For a point here is a shortened version of mine:
1. Look in mirror and tell myself that I cannot do with out it
2. Look at my phone and call (not text) 3 of my fellow brothers from Oct12 and get their permission
3. Continue to look at my phone for 5 others that are outside of my group and call them and ask for permission
4. Look at my wife and kids in the eye and ask them for permission

that is a total of 11 people that I need permission from....I can almost say for certain it will never happen again

so your turn...

Offline Dave1903

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Re: thinking its about time to quit
« Reply #84 on: February 11, 2014, 04:31:00 PM »
Quote from: corince06
Quote from: Minny
Quote from: corince06
Quote from: Minny
Quote from: corince06
Hey guys. I was a member of Febuary and back in January I caved like a bitch. Back with a clear head ready to rock and roll and kick this shit.

What happened. I don't have an excuse I wanted a dip and bought a can. Tasted like shit but I couldn't do it on my own so here I am

Why did it happen. I honestly dont know what happened I just had s huge craving and couldn't say no. I also wasn't 100% committed to this site and my quit buddies.

What are you going to different. I'm going to commit 100% to the program and my fellow quitters. Have faith guys I'm here to stay. Promise.
So this guy joins KTC, belittles it, goes on his own and it doesn't work out. shocker! Let's just go ahead and pull a couple of gems from your intro:

I am no longer going to be posting on here. I have support from friends and family that is helping me stay quit. I dont ever think about posting roll so this will make people no longer worry about me. Thank you to everyone who helped me this far I really appreciate it. Hope everyone stays quit. I know I will.


Waketech go Fuck yourself you fucking pussy!! If you can't quit on your own your fucking pathetic.


so I dont have to listen to these fucking idiots who think this site is the only way to quit tobacco.

Dude your answers to the three questions SUCK. You suddenly pulled a 180 and are completely bought in? You're ready to join all of us "fucking idiots" and this "stupid site"?

Can't wait to prove you wrong. If my answers are weak I'm not an English major I'm a fitness trainer.
I hope you do prove me wrong but dude your answers don't lack prose, proper grammar, sentence structure, etc. They lack conviction, truth, candor, thoughtfulness, effort...

People invest a lot of time trying to help you get to be quit. The least you could do is invest some time in them. All they've asked of you is that you answer three questions with some honesty and self reflection. No one is above the rules here.

"I'm a fitness trainer" is just another excuse. Break the habit of bullshitting and we'll get somewhere.
What the Fuck do you want me to say dude? Im a fucking worthless piece of shit who doesn't deserve anything from anyone? That Im deeply sorry for letting everyone down and wasting their time???? I am not a fucking English guy I never did will in English. I could go copy and paste someone else's shit if you'd like so It sounds more proper if you'd like.
Hey I just hope this time around you use the sight how it is supposed to be used and dont be calling people worthless because the way I see it you are just as worthless. Get on here drink the koolaid get some accountability going and use the site like it is supposed to be used
The nic is a bitch, but it's gone one day at a time.

Offline corince06

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Re: thinking its about time to quit
« Reply #83 on: February 11, 2014, 04:10:00 PM »
Quote from: Minny
Quote from: corince06
Quote from: Minny
Quote from: corince06
Hey guys. I was a member of Febuary and back in January I caved like a bitch. Back with a clear head ready to rock and roll and kick this shit.

What happened. I don't have an excuse I wanted a dip and bought a can. Tasted like shit but I couldn't do it on my own so here I am

Why did it happen. I honestly dont know what happened I just had s huge craving and couldn't say no. I also wasn't 100% committed to this site and my quit buddies.

What are you going to different. I'm going to commit 100% to the program and my fellow quitters. Have faith guys I'm here to stay. Promise.
So this guy joins KTC, belittles it, goes on his own and it doesn't work out. shocker! Let's just go ahead and pull a couple of gems from your intro:

I am no longer going to be posting on here. I have support from friends and family that is helping me stay quit. I dont ever think about posting roll so this will make people no longer worry about me. Thank you to everyone who helped me this far I really appreciate it. Hope everyone stays quit. I know I will.


Waketech go Fuck yourself you fucking pussy!! If you can't quit on your own your fucking pathetic.


so I dont have to listen to these fucking idiots who think this site is the only way to quit tobacco.

Dude your answers to the three questions SUCK. You suddenly pulled a 180 and are completely bought in? You're ready to join all of us "fucking idiots" and this "stupid site"?

Can't wait to prove you wrong. If my answers are weak I'm not an English major I'm a fitness trainer.
I hope you do prove me wrong but dude your answers don't lack prose, proper grammar, sentence structure, etc. They lack conviction, truth, candor, thoughtfulness, effort...

People invest a lot of time trying to help you get to be quit. The least you could do is invest some time in them. All they've asked of you is that you answer three questions with some honesty and self reflection. No one is above the rules here.

"I'm a fitness trainer" is just another excuse. Break the habit of bullshitting and we'll get somewhere.
What the Fuck do you want me to say dude? Im a fucking worthless piece of shit who doesn't deserve anything from anyone? That Im deeply sorry for letting everyone down and wasting their time???? I am not a fucking English guy I never did will in English. I could go copy and paste someone else's shit if you'd like so It sounds more proper if you'd like.
QD 2-11-14

Offline Minny

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Re: thinking its about time to quit
« Reply #82 on: February 11, 2014, 03:20:00 PM »
Quote from: corince06
Quote from: Minny
Quote from: corince06
Hey guys. I was a member of Febuary and back in January I caved like a bitch. Back with a clear head ready to rock and roll and kick this shit.

What happened. I don't have an excuse I wanted a dip and bought a can. Tasted like shit but I couldn't do it on my own so here I am

Why did it happen. I honestly dont know what happened I just had s huge craving and couldn't say no. I also wasn't 100% committed to this site and my quit buddies.

What are you going to different. I'm going to commit 100% to the program and my fellow quitters. Have faith guys I'm here to stay. Promise.
So this guy joins KTC, belittles it, goes on his own and it doesn't work out. shocker! Let's just go ahead and pull a couple of gems from your intro:

I am no longer going to be posting on here. I have support from friends and family that is helping me stay quit. I dont ever think about posting roll so this will make people no longer worry about me. Thank you to everyone who helped me this far I really appreciate it. Hope everyone stays quit. I know I will.


Waketech go Fuck yourself you fucking pussy!! If you can't quit on your own your fucking pathetic.


so I dont have to listen to these fucking idiots who think this site is the only way to quit tobacco.

Dude your answers to the three questions SUCK. You suddenly pulled a 180 and are completely bought in? You're ready to join all of us "fucking idiots" and this "stupid site"?

Can't wait to prove you wrong. If my answers are weak I'm not an English major I'm a fitness trainer.
I hope you do prove me wrong but dude your answers don't lack prose, proper grammar, sentence structure, etc. They lack conviction, truth, candor, thoughtfulness, effort...

People invest a lot of time trying to help you get to be quit. The least you could do is invest some time in them. All they've asked of you is that you answer three questions with some honesty and self reflection. No one is above the rules here.

"I'm a fitness trainer" is just another excuse. Break the habit of bullshitting and we'll get somewhere.
Quit Date 7/12/13
HOF Date 10/19/13

My HOF Speech

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Re: thinking its about time to quit
« Reply #81 on: February 11, 2014, 02:11:00 PM »
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: ihatecope
This quote would scare the crap out of me. 
I honestly dont know what happened
Aren’t you asking yourself, “If I don’t know what happened then how the hell will I avoid that situation in the future?”

I think you are seriously lacking accountability.
I wanted a dip and bought a can.
Just because you want something doesnÂ’t mean you go out and do it. There is a price to be paid for our choices and thatÂ’s called accountability. You have given zero value to KTC and your quit so your decision to cave will always be an easy one. If I were you, I would re-value my quit and up my accountability. The nic bitch will take your life and hurt everyone you care about.
If all of us went out and bought a can when we "wanted a dip" there wouldn't be anyone here! There are a lot of badass-es in here that suffered a cave or two but in reading all their threads they all have one thing in common, some humility and self honesty when they came back.
Do or Do Not...There is No Try, period
Keeping my jaw and tongue...I like them.
It's poison I tell ya, You wouldn't drink Liquid Drano, would ya?

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Re: thinking its about time to quit
« Reply #80 on: February 11, 2014, 01:53:00 PM »
Quote from: ihatecope
This quote would scare the crap out of me. 
I honestly dont know what happened
Aren’t you asking yourself, “If I don’t know what happened then how the hell will I avoid that situation in the future?”

I think you are seriously lacking accountability.
I wanted a dip and bought a can.
Just because you want something doesnÂ’t mean you go out and do it. There is a price to be paid for our choices and thatÂ’s called accountability. You have given zero value to KTC and your quit so your decision to cave will always be an easy one. If I were you, I would re-value my quit and up my accountability. The nic bitch will take your life and hurt everyone you care about.
If all of us went out and bought a can when we "wanted a dip" there wouldn't be anyone here! There are a lot of badass-es in here that suffered a cave or two but in reading all their threads they all have one thing in common, some humility and self honesty when they came back.

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Re: thinking its about time to quit
« Reply #79 on: February 11, 2014, 01:48:00 PM »
This quote would scare the crap out of me.
I honestly dont know what happened
Aren’t you asking yourself, “If I don’t know what happened then how the hell will I avoid that situation in the future?”

I think you are seriously lacking accountability.
I wanted a dip and bought a can.
Just because you want something doesnÂ’t mean you go out and do it. There is a price to be paid for our choices and thatÂ’s called accountability. You have given zero value to KTC and your quit so your decision to cave will always be an easy one. If I were you, I would re-value my quit and up my accountability. The nic bitch will take your life and hurt everyone you care about.
Quit: Saturday Oct 26, 2013 @ 2:00 PM
HOF: February 2, 2014

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Re: thinking its about time to quit
« Reply #78 on: February 11, 2014, 01:42:00 PM »
Quote from: mogul
I said to my group I was going to stay out of this, but I want to offer you a starting point Cory.

Waketech go Fuck yourself you fucking pussy!! If you can't quit on your own your fucking pathetic.

That is your quote.  Read it and understand that you couldn't quit on your own.  Fucking Pathetic comes to mind.  What say you???  This would be a good starting point or you can go take an English class and come back in a semester.  Sorry, that quote pissed me off.

Just to clarify, the part in red was the quote from Corince. You shouldn't need to be an English major to eat a piece of Humble Pie.
Nicotine Quit Date:10/31/2013
Exercise Start Date: 6/29/2018