Author Topic: New guy. Day 1  (Read 3428 times)

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Offline swampdrummer

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Re: New guy. Day 1
« Reply #54 on: February 26, 2012, 05:05:00 PM »
Day 33

Just random thoughts that I wanted to keep.

This is really starting to feel like something to feel proud of! I'm quit and don't want to be any other way.

I'm still dealing with the blahs at least one day every weekend but its getting easier each week. I'm sure part of that is that I used to drink, and drink heavily on the weekends. Thats gone now too. Forever. I'm finding myself awake and sober and I think my mind just isn't sure what to do with this yet.

The nic bitch is still around. Had a sick thought pop into my head the other day. I could quit this quit today and everybody on my list that got the email below would forgive me and life would go on. Everybody except me. And this quit is about and for ME. I'm not going to fail me!

So, The re-invention of Swampdrummer continues. No telling how he is going to turn out. But I bet its gonna be a pretty decent fellow 'no'
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Re: New guy. Day 1
« Reply #53 on: February 13, 2012, 01:46:00 PM »
Putting this here so I can look back on it.
I sent this out to almost everybody on my email contact list. Friends, family, even my boss. Just to keep me accountable.

I had a planned start date of the 27th but after exchanging a couple of PM's with Keddy. I dumped my shit out on the 25th. 3 weeks ago tomorrow.

Subject line "I'm a quitter"

Hello Family and Friends.
This is just a quick note to inform all of you that as of January 27th I will be a quitter. I am giving up both tobacco and alcohol this Friday at Midnight. Never to be touched again.
IÂ’m doing this for a variety of reasons. Health, money and just tired of being tied down to these bad habits. Life is too short as it is and IÂ’m tired of wasting it with these things.
This isn’t a “Hey look at me and what I’m doing” email. It is an email to everybody that I know and love that will serve to hold ME accountable to YOU. I can only quit for myself but if I tell everybody I know I will be held accountable to every single one of you.
So, if you could. Please keep me in your thoughts and or prayers in the next few weeks. I know this isnÂ’t going to be easy but I can and WILL do it. If you get growling and snappy emails from me, youÂ’ll know why, and I apologize in advance.
Much love to all.
In life, Its not how far you have come. It is what you have done with the miles.

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Re: New guy. Day 1
« Reply #52 on: February 11, 2012, 10:49:00 AM »
LOL! Thanks for the laugh Souliman... You ain't to far off the truth!

Got us a South Florida cold front coming through today. Going down to 36 tonight and for us, THATS COLD!
In life, Its not how far you have come. It is what you have done with the miles.

Offline Souliman

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Re: New guy. Day 1
« Reply #51 on: February 11, 2012, 09:23:00 AM »
I dig me some swampie compound quit. I picture swampie peering through the shades with a shotgun in his hand waiting for the nic bitch.


Offline swampdrummer

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Re: New guy. Day 1
« Reply #50 on: February 10, 2012, 03:15:00 PM »
Understood Keddy. It just seemed like a monumental number just a few days ago, and there it was. Don't know why 17 hit me any more than 16 or 18 but it did.

I've got the weekend covered. I live way back in the woods, 20 miles from the nearest store. I'm locking the gate when I get home tonight and not coming out till Tuesday at 5 am. Ezy Pzy
In life, Its not how far you have come. It is what you have done with the miles.

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Re: New guy. Day 1
« Reply #49 on: February 10, 2012, 09:20:00 AM »
Quote from: swampdrummer
Stumbled to the computer this morning to post roll. Half asleep, the quote edit cut and paste takes some thinking!
As I typed in my promise for today and put day 17. I stopped. 17 friggen days! I can remember back at day 2 and 3 seeing people with 10 or 11 days and so wanting to be there instead of where I was. Now I AM there, and beyond. and it feels damn good!

One day at a time. I'm quit. One day at a time.......
Keep with the program, Swamp. The numbers add up fast but all of us have done this one day at a time.

By the way, it's not really the number that matters; what matters is whether you are quit today. Today is the only day we have control over (at least when it comes to quitting).

Keep strong over the weekend. The nicBitch lurks around every corner.

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Re: New guy. Day 1
« Reply #48 on: February 10, 2012, 06:48:00 AM »
Stumbled to the computer this morning to post roll. Half asleep, the quote edit cut and paste takes some thinking!
As I typed in my promise for today and put day 17. I stopped. 17 friggen days! I can remember back at day 2 and 3 seeing people with 10 or 11 days and so wanting to be there instead of where I was. Now I AM there, and beyond. and it feels damn good!

One day at a time. I'm quit. One day at a time.......
In life, Its not how far you have come. It is what you have done with the miles.

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Re: New guy. Day 1
« Reply #47 on: February 07, 2012, 07:47:00 PM »
Quote from: Syndrome
1 stay quit day by day.
I never understand him when he talks like this....

Offline swampdrummer

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Re: New guy. Day 1
« Reply #46 on: February 07, 2012, 07:44:00 PM »
I hear ya syndrome. I ain't quitting, quitting.Hmmmm. I'm quit and gonna stay that way. Thats better!
I've come too far now to even think about quitting. I've got my quit group holding me accountable along with all my friends and family as well. I can't tell my mother that I'm quit and go back on that word!

This weekend wasn't even close to a cave. It was just pure fucking miserable.
In life, Its not how far you have come. It is what you have done with the miles.

Offline Scowick65

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Re: New guy. Day 1
« Reply #45 on: February 07, 2012, 07:30:00 PM »

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Re: New guy. Day 1
« Reply #44 on: February 07, 2012, 03:17:00 PM »
hay man this is exsactly what you shood be doin with this thred. then when those days come ware that bitch is wisperin in your ears.... just one wont hert you come rite back here and reed your own words and disside if you wanna hafta bust thru the fog and all that shit agin. cuz you got 3 opshuns

1 stay quit day by day.
2 cave and go thru all that hell agin. plus get all your quit groop to put your nuts in a vice cuz you caved.
3 cave and just go a head and kill your self with the shit cuz you dont wanna go thru that hell agin.

man for 1,182 days i been choozin opshun #1. that theres a good opshun.

Offline swampdrummer

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Re: New guy. Day 1
« Reply #43 on: February 07, 2012, 02:45:00 PM »
Thanks guys.
Weekend from hell and I wasn't expecting it. Have to remember to keep busy on the weekends! I actually slept all day yesterday. Got up, posted roll and got my sorry ass back in bed.
Feeling better today and lessons learned. Thanks for the support
In life, Its not how far you have come. It is what you have done with the miles.

Offline Keddy

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Re: New guy. Day 1
« Reply #42 on: February 06, 2012, 10:09:00 AM »
Hey, Brad, listen to Soul. Every time you defeat a crave, especially in a new circumstance, you get stronger. The next time around it won't be as bad. It's amazing what we can do without a lip full of dip.

Keep strong and carry on, brother. You can do this!!!

Offline Souliman

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Re: New guy. Day 1
« Reply #41 on: February 05, 2012, 10:47:00 PM »
Hang in there swampie. You got through that shit without a lip turd in? You won. That's right. You just grabbed the nic bitch by the couchie and made her your puppet. I for one applaud you.

Keep fighting.

Offline swampdrummer

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Re: New guy. Day 1
« Reply #40 on: February 05, 2012, 09:53:00 AM »
I'm on day 12 and I have to admit. This just plain sucks! I've been in a serious funk for the last 3 days. I was useless at work on Friday. Saturday we had an environmental meeting that was just a useless joke. Yesterday evening I grilled steaks and that was a major trigger. I used to start the charcoal and sit back with a big dip and a cold beer and wait. No more of either for me!
Was very grumpy all evening and went to bed early hoping this morning would be better. But its not. Still in a funk. Still craving.
Just want to go to bed and sleep until this passes......Did I say THIS SUCKS!

Sorry for the whine.
But I wanted to get this down in my intro for future reference
In life, Its not how far you have come. It is what you have done with the miles.