Author Topic: New guy. Day 1  (Read 3425 times)

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Re: New guy. Day 1
« Reply #39 on: January 31, 2012, 07:43:00 PM »
Quote from: Souliman
Quote from: swampdrummer
Doing great DJR!Thanks!  And Souliman, Thanks for the great advice as always. I've been reading a bunch of your posts on here and you sir, have it going on.

Great 3 day weekend( I work 4 tens) Got a bunch of stuff done. Hunted 2 evenings and killed 2 big hogs on Sunday evening.

Do have a question for the vets around here.

Any real tricks to getting rid of the habit(s) other than time? I'm only 7 days in and the first 2 or 3 days were pretty rough but I'm using fake dip (hooch).While I am tobacco and Nicotine free. I'm still going through a can a day of the fake stuff. Sure as hell not saving any money there!

I've tried altoids and gum. Those just make me want to toss in a fake dip even more.
Don't want to endanger my quit trying to get rid of this fake stuff too soon but at the same time. I never figured it would be harder to break the habits than it would be to kick the nic.
swampie if you are stuffing anything in your mouth besides cancer candy we're winning this fight. From my experience and a few others if I recall correctly, you just won't want to toss in a fakey some day. Or forget to. Your body isn't getting anything from it but the oral grat. My suggestion though would be to emphasize the stuff you used to do WITHOUT a dip in. That's the guy we want to pull forward, separate from the addict.

You are winning sir. One day at a time.
Hahaha, just giving a man some support! Lol! But thank-you Souliman, I can't speak for swamp but I am sure starting to see some light at the end of the tunnel..
Swamp, I was exactly like you, everything I did, I did with a dip in. After meals, on the field, in class, studying, travelling.. Everything!! What I've done is I've limited how much fake I use in those certain areas. For example: if we had a 4 hour practice I would limit myself to 1 fake dip in that period.. And so on.. I've found its started to work and I am slowly kicking the oral fixation also.. I hope maybe this will help bro..
'Champions are made when there are no bodies looking'
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Offline swampdrummer

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Re: New guy. Day 1
« Reply #38 on: January 31, 2012, 02:12:00 PM »
Parallel mission

Find that Dude. That's the real swampie.

Souliman. Once again.... Dead nuts on target.... This is bigger than just me kicking bad habits! This is a chance for me to be the me that I've always wanted to be!Shit! So Simple yet so complex! But its exciting as well!
In life, Its not how far you have come. It is what you have done with the miles.

Offline Souliman

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Re: New guy. Day 1
« Reply #37 on: January 31, 2012, 11:58:00 AM »
Quote from: swampdrummer
Thanks for the suggestions guys. Keddy. I'll hunt down some red hot fireballs today.

Souliman, Part of the problem with separating myself from this addiction by focusing on what I did without a dip in, is that fact that I did EVERYTHING with a dip in my mouth. Only exceptions were eating and sleeping.
So, its kind of like re-inventing myself as clean addict rather than a user and a boozer. Whole different animal. I'm very confident it will happen. Its just a new me that I've never met before. Or at least haven't seen in a very very long time.
Keep fighting bro.

There's a line in there that resonates with me.

"re-inventing myself"

I completely agree. Find that dude. He's the real swampie.

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Re: New guy. Day 1
« Reply #36 on: January 31, 2012, 09:54:00 AM »
Quote from: swampdrummer
Thanks for the suggestions guys. Keddy. I'll hunt down some red hot fireballs today.

Souliman, Part of the problem with separating myself from this addiction by focusing on what I did without a dip in, is that fact that I did EVERYTHING with a dip in my mouth. Only exceptions were eating and sleeping.
So, its kind of like re-inventing myself as clean addict rather than a user and a boozer. Whole different animal. I'm very confident it will happen. Its just a new me that I've never met before. Or at least haven't seen in a very very long time.
Congrats bro. Hang in there! I just bought some Hooch (the herbal stuff) that's supposed to be the best shit out there. I'll let you know how it is.
Dip Quit Date - January 8, 2016; Here's to better days ahead! Phillipians 4:13

All men dream but not equally,
Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their mind wake to find it was all vanity,
But the dreamers of the day are dangerous men,
for they may act their dreams with open eyes to make it reality...

TE Lawrence - 7 Pillars of Wisdom

Offline swampdrummer

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Re: New guy. Day 1
« Reply #35 on: January 31, 2012, 09:47:00 AM »
Thanks for the suggestions guys. Keddy. I'll hunt down some red hot fireballs today.

Souliman, Part of the problem with separating myself from this addiction by focusing on what I did without a dip in, is that fact that I did EVERYTHING with a dip in my mouth. Only exceptions were eating and sleeping.
So, its kind of like re-inventing myself as clean addict rather than a user and a boozer. Whole different animal. I'm very confident it will happen. Its just a new me that I've never met before. Or at least haven't seen in a very very long time.
In life, Its not how far you have come. It is what you have done with the miles.

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Re: New guy. Day 1
« Reply #34 on: January 31, 2012, 09:21:00 AM »
Quote from: Souliman
Quote from: swampdrummer
Doing great DJR!Thanks!  And Souliman, Thanks for the great advice as always. I've been reading a bunch of your posts on here and you sir, have it going on.

Great 3 day weekend( I work 4 tens) Got a bunch of stuff done. Hunted 2 evenings and killed 2 big hogs on Sunday evening.

Do have a question for the vets around here.

Any real tricks to getting rid of the habit(s) other than time? I'm only 7 days in and the first 2 or 3 days were pretty rough but I'm using fake dip (hooch).While I am tobacco and Nicotine free. I'm still going through a can a day of the fake stuff. Sure as hell not saving any money there!

I've tried altoids and gum. Those just make me want to toss in a fake dip even more.
Don't want to endanger my quit trying to get rid of this fake stuff too soon but at the same time. I never figured it would be harder to break the habits than it would be to kick the nic.
swampie if you are stuffing anything in your mouth besides cancer candy we're winning this fight. From my experience and a few others if I recall correctly, you just won't want to toss in a fakey some day. Or forget to. Your body isn't getting anything from it but the oral grat. My suggestion though would be to emphasize the stuff you used to do WITHOUT a dip in. That's the guy we want to pull forward, separate from the addict.

You are winning sir. One day at a time.
Give red hot fireballs a try, Swamp. They helped me for a while.
Your body is readjusting to the real you - something you haven't seen for a long time!!
Congratulations on the week of quit. That's a great milestone.

Offline Souliman

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Re: New guy. Day 1
« Reply #33 on: January 31, 2012, 07:42:00 AM »
Quote from: swampdrummer
Doing great DJR!Thanks! And Souliman, Thanks for the great advice as always. I've been reading a bunch of your posts on here and you sir, have it going on.

Great 3 day weekend( I work 4 tens) Got a bunch of stuff done. Hunted 2 evenings and killed 2 big hogs on Sunday evening.

Do have a question for the vets around here.

Any real tricks to getting rid of the habit(s) other than time? I'm only 7 days in and the first 2 or 3 days were pretty rough but I'm using fake dip (hooch).While I am tobacco and Nicotine free. I'm still going through a can a day of the fake stuff. Sure as hell not saving any money there!

I've tried altoids and gum. Those just make me want to toss in a fake dip even more.
Don't want to endanger my quit trying to get rid of this fake stuff too soon but at the same time. I never figured it would be harder to break the habits than it would be to kick the nic.
swampie if you are stuffing anything in your mouth besides cancer candy we're winning this fight. From my experience and a few others if I recall correctly, you just won't want to toss in a fakey some day. Or forget to. Your body isn't getting anything from it but the oral grat. My suggestion though would be to emphasize the stuff you used to do WITHOUT a dip in. That's the guy we want to pull forward, separate from the addict.

You are winning sir. One day at a time.

Offline swampdrummer

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Re: New guy. Day 1
« Reply #32 on: January 31, 2012, 07:33:00 AM »
Doing great DJR!Thanks! And Souliman, Thanks for the great advice as always. I've been reading a bunch of your posts on here and you sir, have it going on.

Great 3 day weekend( I work 4 tens) Got a bunch of stuff done. Hunted 2 evenings and killed 2 big hogs on Sunday evening.

Do have a question for the vets around here.

Any real tricks to getting rid of the habit(s) other than time? I'm only 7 days in and the first 2 or 3 days were pretty rough but I'm using fake dip (hooch).While I am tobacco and Nicotine free. I'm still going through a can a day of the fake stuff. Sure as hell not saving any money there!

I've tried altoids and gum. Those just make me want to toss in a fake dip even more.
Don't want to endanger my quit trying to get rid of this fake stuff too soon but at the same time. I never figured it would be harder to break the habits than it would be to kick the nic.
In life, Its not how far you have come. It is what you have done with the miles.

Offline Souliman

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Re: New guy. Day 1
« Reply #31 on: January 31, 2012, 06:58:00 AM »
Quote from: djr2
How's everything going swamp..?? You seem to be going along well. 6 days in now, so you must be feeling awesome, no alcohol or nic in your system..!! Any way bro, just checkin in and give you a holler..
Keep on keeping on my man!!

You two get a room for gosh sakes...

You both are doing great. One day at a time. WE can do this. I'm certain. No doubts. We make our path. We own this day. Fight.

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Re: New guy. Day 1
« Reply #30 on: January 30, 2012, 09:29:00 PM »
How's everything going swamp..?? You seem to be going along well. 6 days in now, so you must be feeling awesome, no alcohol or nic in your system..!! Any way bro, just checkin in and give you a holler..
Keep on keeping on my man!!

'Champions are made when there are no bodies looking'
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Offline swampdrummer

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Re: New guy. Day 1
« Reply #29 on: January 28, 2012, 07:27:00 AM »
Thanks for the words of support folks. Doing good this morning other than the strange sleeping patterns. Been a long time since I've watched the sun come up on a Saturday morning without either a dip in my mouth or a hangover. But it felt damn good

Kind of off topic and I haven't read the history here but It hit me last night that this place is kind of like basic training with the military. You throw a bunch of strangers together and make them accountable to each other and to the group. In the end you come out with a group of folks that have fought,side by side in the battle against nicotine. A battle that couldn't be fought and won alone but with the strength and cohesiveness of your quit group the battle is won. But the war never ends..

OK, maybe I am still a little foggy here!LOL
In life, Its not how far you have come. It is what you have done with the miles.

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Re: New guy. Day 1
« Reply #28 on: January 28, 2012, 12:44:00 AM »
Good quitting Swampdrummer. One day at a time. Be prepared for the weekend. Get some seeds, gum, fireballs, toothpics, whatever it takes! Stay close to the site when the cravings hit. It's really quite simple, post and honor.

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Re: New guy. Day 1
« Reply #27 on: January 27, 2012, 11:41:00 PM »
Well done. You own the bitch, she doesn't own you anymore. Remember that.

Regarding the sleep, my first 30 days was pretty bad and then it just clicked and everything was back to normal. It gets better. So much better I can't even put it into words.

Shout if you need anything.

Offline djr2

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Re: New guy. Day 1
« Reply #26 on: January 27, 2012, 11:32:00 PM »
Tell that NIC bitch to fuck off and mess with someone else.. Time to get sane and get clean my man..
I'm watching a movie with a few of my team mates and they have a dip in, it is the hardest fucking thing I have ever done.. But I aint buckling to the craving..!! We got this bro!!
'Champions are made when there are no bodies looking'
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Offline Souliman

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Re: New guy. Day 1
« Reply #25 on: January 27, 2012, 08:58:00 PM »
Nice work swampie. Fight that bitch. Make her your puppet. Own her. You are no longer the slave in the relationship.

Bust out the ball gag 'cause swampie coming to dinner.