Author Topic: John=quitter  (Read 3988 times)

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Re: John=quitter
« Reply #58 on: April 05, 2013, 12:05:00 PM »
Quote from: Phil16
Day 101-today I'm humbled and grateful for all of you BAQ's that supported me getting to 100 days nic free! The last 100 days have truly been life changing. Not only have I been able to eliminate nicotine for 100 consecutive days, I have added many new friends, a sense of confidence, and a humble understanding that I am one whisper away from jumping in bed with the nic mistress. However, if I follow the plan and stay humble, victory is available ODAAT!

Copenhagen, you have chosen the wrong home. You will die a slow and painful death.
So proud of you man
In the end I Surrender, I and I alone accept that I have and always will have a Nicotene ADDICTION. It is my choice to quit, but I can't do it alone. I get to go down this path one time, I want to do it right. I recognize that my word, my integrety to you is on the line and is only as good as my actions. Caving is not an option in this plan-Eafman 7/11

I am not cured. I will quit one day at a time. I will continue to do what works. Posting roll everyday. To do otherwise would be foolish on my part. You can do this-Ready 12/11

To overcome your addiction you must comprehend what it means to fail-Razd 3/12

Theres a lot of people that come here, especially vets, that WANT to be reminded that they are addicts.-Tarpon 6/12

Just as a building starts with architectural drawings. Your daily quit begins with a promise.-Scowick 2/13

Here and now, focused on today, minute by minute, whatever it takes, I promise to all my bros and myself not to become a negative stat and stay quit!-krok 1/15

I want everyone to be quit. Even the assholes.-Probe1957 1/18

Ignoring history or erasing history fixes nothing and leads you inevitably down the same path.-69franx 04/30/2021

Offline Phil16

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Re: John=quitter
« Reply #57 on: April 05, 2013, 12:03:00 PM »
Day 101-today I'm humbled and grateful for all of you BAQ's that supported me getting to 100 days nic free! The last 100 days have truly been life changing. Not only have I been able to eliminate nicotine for 100 consecutive days, I have added many new friends, a sense of confidence, and a humble understanding that I am one whisper away from jumping in bed with the nic mistress. However, if I follow the plan and stay humble, victory is available ODAAT!

Copenhagen, you have chosen the wrong home. You will die a slow and painful death.
"That's really tough man, but it doesn't sound like a very compelling reason to stick cancer in your face." j2b

Copenhagen, you have chosen the wrong home. Your death will be slow and painful.

Quit: 12/26/2012
HOF: 4/4/2013

Offline Phil16

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Re: John=quitter
« Reply #56 on: April 03, 2013, 08:19:00 AM »
Keith's Daily Lifter

Our job, as a leader, is to help others remove the elephants in their lives. But, before we can do for others, we must be first willing to do for ourselves - face our own elephants. Is there an elephant you've been unwilling to face? True freedom is not found without, but always within. "The greatest challenge in leadership is not leading others; it's learning to lead one's self."

"That's really tough man, but it doesn't sound like a very compelling reason to stick cancer in your face." j2b

Copenhagen, you have chosen the wrong home. Your death will be slow and painful.

Quit: 12/26/2012
HOF: 4/4/2013

Offline Phil16

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Re: John=quitter
« Reply #55 on: March 18, 2013, 09:58:00 AM »
Lesson from legendary coach Grant Teaff: Three Steps to a Better Self - acknowledge the plan; accept the plan; activate the plan.

KTC is simple...acknowledge that nothing i have done previously has been effective. Accept the fact that I am powerless without external support and discipline. Quit every day by posting my promise.

Sobriety may not be easy, but it is simple.
"That's really tough man, but it doesn't sound like a very compelling reason to stick cancer in your face." j2b

Copenhagen, you have chosen the wrong home. Your death will be slow and painful.

Quit: 12/26/2012
HOF: 4/4/2013

Offline Phil16

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Re: John=quitter
« Reply #54 on: March 17, 2013, 12:06:00 PM »
Daily Lifter from Keith
Day 82

Once you start something, never look back. One of the great problems in life is self doubt. Too often, we second-guess ourselves to the point where we eventually don't do anything at all. You are where you are because someone believed in you.
"That's really tough man, but it doesn't sound like a very compelling reason to stick cancer in your face." j2b

Copenhagen, you have chosen the wrong home. Your death will be slow and painful.

Quit: 12/26/2012
HOF: 4/4/2013

Offline omahaflyer

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Re: John=quitter
« Reply #53 on: March 17, 2013, 07:16:00 AM »
by the blood of Jesus
Wow, bringing out the precious blood of HIS divine son, that is one powerful weapon. Must have left a large mushroom cloud, good for you.
Memorial Stadium

Southeast: "In Commemoration of the men of Nebraska who served and fell in the Nation's Wars."
Southwest: "Not the victory but the action; Not the goal but the game; In the deed the glory."
Northwest: "Courage; Generosity; Fairness; Honor; In these are the true awards of manly sport."
Northeast: "Their Lives they held their country's trust; They kept its faith; They died its heroes."

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Re: John=quitter
« Reply #52 on: March 16, 2013, 04:20:00 PM »
Quote from: Phil16
Quote from: CBird65
Quote from: Its_Got2Happen
Quote from: Phil16
Day 81:  yesterdayafter school, we picked up the boys and took them to a water slide resort park about an hour from home.  The boys were so excited to be going on a vacation.  We hadn't been out of town on a weekend since Christmas.  Incidentally the last time we were out of town, was my quit day, 12/26/2012.  I'm realizing as I'm writing this that the last time I was "out of town" was the last time I had a Copenhagen.  Being at this resort reminded me of the caves I experienced in my 2 years of stopping.  For almost 2 years from sept. 23 2009- August of 2011 I stopped chewing Copenhagen.  In those two years I bought 3 tins.  Each time I bought one, we were on vacation, "out of town".  I would sneak away to a gas station, purchase a can and then have several dips off by myself under the auspices of "going to the car" or "running to the store". The first time was in San Antonio, Texas at a conference with my wife. The second time was with our whole family in Grand Mesa, CO.  The 3rd time was in march of 2011 in Omaha, NE at the waterslide resort there.  My last cave was in august of 2011 in Chicago, IL at a ministry conference.  For those of you that don't know I serve as a pastor at our church.  A group of 2o pastors, staff, and leaders pulled into Chicago at about 4pm.  We checked in at the hotel, and then went down to Wrigley Field for a stadium tour, and then watched the cubs play the nats.  Great time was had by all.  When we got back to our hotel, everyone crashed except me.  For some reason, i couldnt sleep.  My mind began to wander.  My roommate was sleeping, and he wouldnt care if i slipped out, he most likely wouldnt even notice.  Then a thought crossed my mind...i could go the the gas station, have a dip and no one would know.  All the baseball, watching people drinking, and fresh air of the night conspired against me.  I was alone, it was late, and On top of all the other environmental cues or triggers, i was in a very stressful season of ministry.  That is when she slid her hand over my shoulder, down my chest, into my the front of my pants, started stroking me and whispering in a soft voice,

"It's ok, you deserve it.  You've been working hard, being good no one will know, you are so good at hiding it, you can have me tonight.  We can be together again.  I won't tell.  You are such a hard working, team player always thinking of others, you've given me up for two years, I want you back, I know you want me back.  It will feel so good.  You deserve some time away from the stress.  I want to be with you.  I want to kiss your lips, and then crawl inside your face, and then slide down your throat, into your stomach.  Then you will finally have the rest, the peace, the pleasure you have been missing for the last two years...I want you.  You want me.  Let's just do it.  No one will know.  We'll be together again.  I will never tell, and you are so smart and careful, no one will ever suspect we are together.  Come on, let me inside..."

I went to the store with my Copenhagen hard-on and made love to her for the next two hours.  That was it, she was back.  The affair began in earnest.  For the next 16 months we keep it up.  Until 12/26/12. 

Last night, I was parking the car after dropping my beautiful wife and two boys off at the door.  As I was walking to the hotel, she came back and started whispering.  I slapped her in the face and screamed at the top of my lungs, "you are not welcome in our home, copenhagen!  Get behind me Satan, you fucking asshole!  I know who you are, and by the blood of Jesus you have no power over me!  HE has crushed your pathetic skull under HIS heel!  Never again will you tear apart this family, you fucking prick!  You will die a slow and painful death, motherfucker!  Burn in hell Copenhagen, you fuck!"

I believe two things helped me to stay quit last night.  1.  GOD. 2.  The promise I made to My brothers in quit yesterday.  Interestingly, on that hot summer night in Chicago, I had GoD.  However, I did not have KTC.  Some of you arrogant, and may I add ignorant religious people may say in your self righteous, prideful voice, "all you need is God.". If that is true, explain how David could sleep with Bathsheba, cover it up, and then premeditate the murder of her husband, who just happened to be his best friend.  This all mind you from a man who the Bible says, was "after GOD'S heart" 

Let me offer some scripture...

Genesis 2:18 "it is not good for man to be alone.". GOD said that when it was just Adam and HIM in the garden.  If all we need is GOD, why would GOD say a crazy thing like that?

James 5:16 "confess your sins to each other, and pray for each other and you will be healed."
We need people in our lives if we are to be healthy.  HE made sure of it.

For those of you that have read this far and are thinking that you are cured, think again. 

I AM an addict, and for those of you who haven't come this realization...So are you.

I'm one whisper from jumping back in bed with the soul sucking prostitute we have come to know as smokeless tobacco.

But not today.  If she comes back today, I will be a bit surprised after last night, but i will tell her in a calm, cool, voice "no thanks.  My answer is the same as yesterday.  I have a beautiful wife, two handsome and strong youngs sons, and an army of quit brothers who I promised that we were done.  Have a nice day."

I quit with you today.
Thanks for posting phil16, I can relate to every word of that story. Vacation has ruined many quits in my past. Congrats on an awesome victory.
It is not good for man to be alone - so a "help mate " was created for him and out of him - That resonates for me - I am a man by myself but I am a better man because of my wife!
I believe Genesis 2:18 applies to the importance of accountability, relationships, and to the priority of community for us as human beings. It is not good to be alone. When it comes to my quit, I'm convinced that it is really our quit, a shared effort. For me quitting is a community effort. KTC is community. Thanks brothers and neighbors!
Phil, your a bad ass quitter brother and I am proud to be quit with you. I swear by KTC, I had an event last night that could have gone bad in a hurry. If I did not have KTC brothers to be accountable to I am sure it would have been a cave. Instead I just left. Great share and I really enjoyed reading it. Thank you.

Offline Phil16

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Re: John=quitter
« Reply #51 on: March 16, 2013, 03:17:00 PM »
Quote from: CBird65
Quote from: Its_Got2Happen
Quote from: Phil16
Day 81:  yesterdayafter school, we picked up the boys and took them to a water slide resort park about an hour from home.  The boys were so excited to be going on a vacation.  We hadn't been out of town on a weekend since Christmas.  Incidentally the last time we were out of town, was my quit day, 12/26/2012.  I'm realizing as I'm writing this that the last time I was "out of town" was the last time I had a Copenhagen.  Being at this resort reminded me of the caves I experienced in my 2 years of stopping.  For almost 2 years from sept. 23 2009- August of 2011 I stopped chewing Copenhagen.  In those two years I bought 3 tins.  Each time I bought one, we were on vacation, "out of town".  I would sneak away to a gas station, purchase a can and then have several dips off by myself under the auspices of "going to the car" or "running to the store". The first time was in San Antonio, Texas at a conference with my wife. The second time was with our whole family in Grand Mesa, CO.  The 3rd time was in march of 2011 in Omaha, NE at the waterslide resort there.  My last cave was in august of 2011 in Chicago, IL at a ministry conference.  For those of you that don't know I serve as a pastor at our church.  A group of 2o pastors, staff, and leaders pulled into Chicago at about 4pm.  We checked in at the hotel, and then went down to Wrigley Field for a stadium tour, and then watched the cubs play the nats.  Great time was had by all.  When we got back to our hotel, everyone crashed except me.  For some reason, i couldnt sleep.  My mind began to wander.  My roommate was sleeping, and he wouldnt care if i slipped out, he most likely wouldnt even notice.  Then a thought crossed my mind...i could go the the gas station, have a dip and no one would know.  All the baseball, watching people drinking, and fresh air of the night conspired against me.  I was alone, it was late, and On top of all the other environmental cues or triggers, i was in a very stressful season of ministry.  That is when she slid her hand over my shoulder, down my chest, into my the front of my pants, started stroking me and whispering in a soft voice,

"It's ok, you deserve it.  You've been working hard, being good no one will know, you are so good at hiding it, you can have me tonight.  We can be together again.  I won't tell.  You are such a hard working, team player always thinking of others, you've given me up for two years, I want you back, I know you want me back.  It will feel so good.  You deserve some time away from the stress.  I want to be with you.  I want to kiss your lips, and then crawl inside your face, and then slide down your throat, into your stomach.  Then you will finally have the rest, the peace, the pleasure you have been missing for the last two years...I want you.  You want me.  Let's just do it.  No one will know.  We'll be together again.  I will never tell, and you are so smart and careful, no one will ever suspect we are together.  Come on, let me inside..."

I went to the store with my Copenhagen hard-on and made love to her for the next two hours.  That was it, she was back.  The affair began in earnest.  For the next 16 months we keep it up.  Until 12/26/12. 

Last night, I was parking the car after dropping my beautiful wife and two boys off at the door.  As I was walking to the hotel, she came back and started whispering.  I slapped her in the face and screamed at the top of my lungs, "you are not welcome in our home, copenhagen!  Get behind me Satan, you fucking asshole!  I know who you are, and by the blood of Jesus you have no power over me!  HE has crushed your pathetic skull under HIS heel!  Never again will you tear apart this family, you fucking prick!  You will die a slow and painful death, motherfucker!  Burn in hell Copenhagen, you fuck!"

I believe two things helped me to stay quit last night.  1.  GOD. 2.  The promise I made to My brothers in quit yesterday.  Interestingly, on that hot summer night in Chicago, I had GoD.  However, I did not have KTC.  Some of you arrogant, and may I add ignorant religious people may say in your self righteous, prideful voice, "all you need is God.". If that is true, explain how David could sleep with Bathsheba, cover it up, and then premeditate the murder of her husband, who just happened to be his best friend.  This all mind you from a man who the Bible says, was "after GOD'S heart" 

Let me offer some scripture...

Genesis 2:18 "it is not good for man to be alone.". GOD said that when it was just Adam and HIM in the garden.  If all we need is GOD, why would GOD say a crazy thing like that?

James 5:16 "confess your sins to each other, and pray for each other and you will be healed."
We need people in our lives if we are to be healthy.  HE made sure of it.

For those of you that have read this far and are thinking that you are cured, think again. 

I AM an addict, and for those of you who haven't come this realization...So are you.

I'm one whisper from jumping back in bed with the soul sucking prostitute we have come to know as smokeless tobacco.

But not today.  If she comes back today, I will be a bit surprised after last night, but i will tell her in a calm, cool, voice "no thanks.  My answer is the same as yesterday.  I have a beautiful wife, two handsome and strong youngs sons, and an army of quit brothers who I promised that we were done.  Have a nice day."

I quit with you today.
Thanks for posting phil16, I can relate to every word of that story. Vacation has ruined many quits in my past. Congrats on an awesome victory.
It is not good for man to be alone - so a "help mate " was created for him and out of him - That resonates for me - I am a man by myself but I am a better man because of my wife!
I believe Genesis 2:18 applies to the importance of accountability, relationships, and to the priority of community for us as human beings. It is not good to be alone. When it comes to my quit, I'm convinced that it is really our quit, a shared effort. For me quitting is a community effort. KTC is community. Thanks brothers and neighbors!
"That's really tough man, but it doesn't sound like a very compelling reason to stick cancer in your face." j2b

Copenhagen, you have chosen the wrong home. Your death will be slow and painful.

Quit: 12/26/2012
HOF: 4/4/2013

Offline cbird65

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Re: John=quitter
« Reply #50 on: March 16, 2013, 02:59:00 PM »
Quote from: Its_Got2Happen
Quote from: Phil16
Day 81:  yesterdayafter school, we picked up the boys and took them to a water slide resort park about an hour from home.  The boys were so excited to be going on a vacation.  We hadn't been out of town on a weekend since Christmas.  Incidentally the last time we were out of town, was my quit day, 12/26/2012.  I'm realizing as I'm writing this that the last time I was "out of town" was the last time I had a Copenhagen.  Being at this resort reminded me of the caves I experienced in my 2 years of stopping.  For almost 2 years from sept. 23 2009- August of 2011 I stopped chewing Copenhagen.  In those two years I bought 3 tins.  Each time I bought one, we were on vacation, "out of town".  I would sneak away to a gas station, purchase a can and then have several dips off by myself under the auspices of "going to the car" or "running to the store". The first time was in San Antonio, Texas at a conference with my wife. The second time was with our whole family in Grand Mesa, CO.  The 3rd time was in march of 2011 in Omaha, NE at the waterslide resort there.  My last cave was in august of 2011 in Chicago, IL at a ministry conference.  For those of you that don't know I serve as a pastor at our church.  A group of 2o pastors, staff, and leaders pulled into Chicago at about 4pm.  We checked in at the hotel, and then went down to Wrigley Field for a stadium tour, and then watched the cubs play the nats.  Great time was had by all.  When we got back to our hotel, everyone crashed except me.  For some reason, i couldnt sleep.  My mind began to wander.  My roommate was sleeping, and he wouldnt care if i slipped out, he most likely wouldnt even notice.  Then a thought crossed my mind...i could go the the gas station, have a dip and no one would know.  All the baseball, watching people drinking, and fresh air of the night conspired against me.  I was alone, it was late, and On top of all the other environmental cues or triggers, i was in a very stressful season of ministry.  That is when she slid her hand over my shoulder, down my chest, into my the front of my pants, started stroking me and whispering in a soft voice,

"It's ok, you deserve it.  You've been working hard, being good no one will know, you are so good at hiding it, you can have me tonight.  We can be together again.  I won't tell.  You are such a hard working, team player always thinking of others, you've given me up for two years, I want you back, I know you want me back.  It will feel so good.  You deserve some time away from the stress.  I want to be with you.  I want to kiss your lips, and then crawl inside your face, and then slide down your throat, into your stomach.  Then you will finally have the rest, the peace, the pleasure you have been missing for the last two years...I want you.  You want me.  Let's just do it.  No one will know.  We'll be together again.  I will never tell, and you are so smart and careful, no one will ever suspect we are together.  Come on, let me inside..."

I went to the store with my Copenhagen hard-on and made love to her for the next two hours.  That was it, she was back.  The affair began in earnest.  For the next 16 months we keep it up.  Until 12/26/12. 

Last night, I was parking the car after dropping my beautiful wife and two boys off at the door.  As I was walking to the hotel, she came back and started whispering.  I slapped her in the face and screamed at the top of my lungs, "you are not welcome in our home, copenhagen!  Get behind me Satan, you fucking asshole!  I know who you are, and by the blood of Jesus you have no power over me!  HE has crushed your pathetic skull under HIS heel!  Never again will you tear apart this family, you fucking prick!  You will die a slow and painful death, motherfucker!  Burn in hell Copenhagen, you fuck!"

I believe two things helped me to stay quit last night.  1.  GOD. 2.  The promise I made to My brothers in quit yesterday.  Interestingly, on that hot summer night in Chicago, I had GoD.  However, I did not have KTC.  Some of you arrogant, and may I add ignorant religious people may say in your self righteous, prideful voice, "all you need is God.". If that is true, explain how David could sleep with Bathsheba, cover it up, and then premeditate the murder of her husband, who just happened to be his best friend.  This all mind you from a man who the Bible says, was "after GOD'S heart" 

Let me offer some scripture...

Genesis 2:18 "it is not good for man to be alone.". GOD said that when it was just Adam and HIM in the garden.  If all we need is GOD, why would GOD say a crazy thing like that?

James 5:16 "confess your sins to each other, and pray for each other and you will be healed."
We need people in our lives if we are to be healthy.  HE made sure of it.

For those of you that have read this far and are thinking that you are cured, think again. 

I AM an addict, and for those of you who haven't come this realization...So are you.

I'm one whisper from jumping back in bed with the soul sucking prostitute we have come to know as smokeless tobacco.

But not today.  If she comes back today, I will be a bit surprised after last night, but i will tell her in a calm, cool, voice "no thanks.  My answer is the same as yesterday.  I have a beautiful wife, two handsome and strong youngs sons, and an army of quit brothers who I promised that we were done.  Have a nice day."

I quit with you today.
Thanks for posting phil16, I can relate to every word of that story. Vacation has ruined many quits in my past. Congrats on an awesome victory.
It is not good for man to be alone - so a "help mate " was created for him and out of him - That resonates for me - I am a man by myself but I am a better man because of my wife!
Believe Me

FLOOR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ,11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19,, 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29,,, 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
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Re: John=quitter
« Reply #49 on: March 16, 2013, 02:49:00 PM »
Quote from: Phil16
Day 81: yesterdayafter school, we picked up the boys and took them to a water slide resort park about an hour from home. The boys were so excited to be going on a vacation. We hadn't been out of town on a weekend since Christmas. Incidentally the last time we were out of town, was my quit day, 12/26/2012. I'm realizing as I'm writing this that the last time I was "out of town" was the last time I had a Copenhagen. Being at this resort reminded me of the caves I experienced in my 2 years of stopping. For almost 2 years from sept. 23 2009- August of 2011 I stopped chewing Copenhagen. In those two years I bought 3 tins. Each time I bought one, we were on vacation, "out of town". I would sneak away to a gas station, purchase a can and then have several dips off by myself under the auspices of "going to the car" or "running to the store". The first time was in San Antonio, Texas at a conference with my wife. The second time was with our whole family in Grand Mesa, CO. The 3rd time was in march of 2011 in Omaha, NE at the waterslide resort there. My last cave was in august of 2011 in Chicago, IL at a ministry conference. For those of you that don't know I serve as a pastor at our church. A group of 2o pastors, staff, and leaders pulled into Chicago at about 4pm. We checked in at the hotel, and then went down to Wrigley Field for a stadium tour, and then watched the cubs play the nats. Great time was had by all. When we got back to our hotel, everyone crashed except me. For some reason, i couldnt sleep. My mind began to wander. My roommate was sleeping, and he wouldnt care if i slipped out, he most likely wouldnt even notice. Then a thought crossed my mind...i could go the the gas station, have a dip and no one would know. All the baseball, watching people drinking, and fresh air of the night conspired against me. I was alone, it was late, and On top of all the other environmental cues or triggers, i was in a very stressful season of ministry. That is when she slid her hand over my shoulder, down my chest, into my the front of my pants, started stroking me and whispering in a soft voice,

"It's ok, you deserve it. You've been working hard, being good no one will know, you are so good at hiding it, you can have me tonight. We can be together again. I won't tell. You are such a hard working, team player always thinking of others, you've given me up for two years, I want you back, I know you want me back. It will feel so good. You deserve some time away from the stress. I want to be with you. I want to kiss your lips, and then crawl inside your face, and then slide down your throat, into your stomach. Then you will finally have the rest, the peace, the pleasure you have been missing for the last two years...I want you. You want me. Let's just do it. No one will know. We'll be together again. I will never tell, and you are so smart and careful, no one will ever suspect we are together. Come on, let me inside..."

I went to the store with my Copenhagen hard-on and made love to her for the next two hours. That was it, she was back. The affair began in earnest. For the next 16 months we keep it up. Until 12/26/12.

Last night, I was parking the car after dropping my beautiful wife and two boys off at the door. As I was walking to the hotel, she came back and started whispering. I slapped her in the face and screamed at the top of my lungs, "you are not welcome in our home, copenhagen! Get behind me Satan, you fucking asshole! I know who you are, and by the blood of Jesus you have no power over me! HE has crushed your pathetic skull under HIS heel! Never again will you tear apart this family, you fucking prick! You will die a slow and painful death, motherfucker! Burn in hell Copenhagen, you fuck!"

I believe two things helped me to stay quit last night. 1. GOD. 2. The promise I made to My brothers in quit yesterday. Interestingly, on that hot summer night in Chicago, I had GoD. However, I did not have KTC. Some of you arrogant, and may I add ignorant religious people may say in your self righteous, prideful voice, "all you need is God.". If that is true, explain how David could sleep with Bathsheba, cover it up, and then premeditate the murder of her husband, who just happened to be his best friend. This all mind you from a man who the Bible says, was "after GOD'S heart"

Let me offer some scripture...

Genesis 2:18 "it is not good for man to be alone.". GOD said that when it was just Adam and HIM in the garden. If all we need is GOD, why would GOD say a crazy thing like that?

James 5:16 "confess your sins to each other, and pray for each other and you will be healed."
We need people in our lives if we are to be healthy. HE made sure of it.

For those of you that have read this far and are thinking that you are cured, think again.

I AM an addict, and for those of you who haven't come this realization...So are you.

I'm one whisper from jumping back in bed with the soul sucking prostitute we have come to know as smokeless tobacco.

But not today. If she comes back today, I will be a bit surprised after last night, but i will tell her in a calm, cool, voice "no thanks. My answer is the same as yesterday. I have a beautiful wife, two handsome and strong youngs sons, and an army of quit brothers who I promised that we were done. Have a nice day."

I quit with you today.
Thanks for posting phil16, I can relate to every word of that story. Vacation has ruined many quits in my past. Congrats on an awesome victory.

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Re: John=quitter
« Reply #48 on: March 16, 2013, 09:44:00 AM »
Day 81: yesterdayafter school, we picked up the boys and took them to a water slide resort park about an hour from home. The boys were so excited to be going on a vacation. We hadn't been out of town on a weekend since Christmas. Incidentally the last time we were out of town, was my quit day, 12/26/2012. I'm realizing as I'm writing this that the last time I was "out of town" was the last time I had a Copenhagen. Being at this resort reminded me of the caves I experienced in my 2 years of stopping. For almost 2 years from sept. 23 2009- August of 2011 I stopped chewing Copenhagen. In those two years I bought 3 tins. Each time I bought one, we were on vacation, "out of town". I would sneak away to a gas station, purchase a can and then have several dips off by myself under the auspices of "going to the car" or "running to the store". The first time was in San Antonio, Texas at a conference with my wife. The second time was with our whole family in Grand Mesa, CO. The 3rd time was in march of 2011 in Omaha, NE at the waterslide resort there. My last cave was in august of 2011 in Chicago, IL at a ministry conference. For those of you that don't know I serve as a pastor at our church. A group of 2o pastors, staff, and leaders pulled into Chicago at about 4pm. We checked in at the hotel, and then went down to Wrigley Field for a stadium tour, and then watched the cubs play the nats. Great time was had by all. When we got back to our hotel, everyone crashed except me. For some reason, i couldnt sleep. My mind began to wander. My roommate was sleeping, and he wouldnt care if i slipped out, he most likely wouldnt even notice. Then a thought crossed my mind...i could go the the gas station, have a dip and no one would know. All the baseball, watching people drinking, and fresh air of the night conspired against me. I was alone, it was late, and On top of all the other environmental cues or triggers, i was in a very stressful season of ministry. That is when she slid her hand over my shoulder, down my chest, into my the front of my pants, started stroking me and whispering in a soft voice,

"It's ok, you deserve it. You've been working hard, being good no one will know, you are so good at hiding it, you can have me tonight. We can be together again. I won't tell. You are such a hard working, team player always thinking of others, you've given me up for two years, I want you back, I know you want me back. It will feel so good. You deserve some time away from the stress. I want to be with you. I want to kiss your lips, and then crawl inside your face, and then slide down your throat, into your stomach. Then you will finally have the rest, the peace, the pleasure you have been missing for the last two years...I want you. You want me. Let's just do it. No one will know. We'll be together again. I will never tell, and you are so smart and careful, no one will ever suspect we are together. Come on, let me inside..."

I went to the store with my Copenhagen hard-on and made love to her for the next two hours. That was it, she was back. The affair began in earnest. For the next 16 months we keep it up. Until 12/26/12.

Last night, I was parking the car after dropping my beautiful wife and two boys off at the door. As I was walking to the hotel, she came back and started whispering. I slapped her in the face and screamed at the top of my lungs, "you are not welcome in our home, copenhagen! Get behind me Satan, you fucking asshole! I know who you are, and by the blood of Jesus you have no power over me! HE has crushed your pathetic skull under HIS heel! Never again will you tear apart this family, you fucking prick! You will die a slow and painful death, motherfucker! Burn in hell Copenhagen, you fuck!"

I believe two things helped me to stay quit last night. 1. GOD. 2. The promise I made to My brothers in quit yesterday. Interestingly, on that hot summer night in Chicago, I had GoD. However, I did not have KTC. Some of you arrogant, and may I add ignorant religious people may say in your self righteous, prideful voice, "all you need is God.". If that is true, explain how David could sleep with Bathsheba, cover it up, and then premeditate the murder of her husband, who just happened to be his best friend. This all mind you from a man who the Bible says, was "after GOD'S heart"

Let me offer some scripture...

Genesis 2:18 "it is not good for man to be alone.". GOD said that when it was just Adam and HIM in the garden. If all we need is GOD, why would GOD say a crazy thing like that?

James 5:16 "confess your sins to each other, and pray for each other and you will be healed."
We need people in our lives if we are to be healthy. HE made sure of it.

For those of you that have read this far and are thinking that you are cured, think again.

I AM an addict, and for those of you who haven't come this realization...So are you.

I'm one whisper from jumping back in bed with the soul sucking prostitute we have come to know as smokeless tobacco.

But not today. If she comes back today, I will be a bit surprised after last night, but i will tell her in a calm, cool, voice "no thanks. My answer is the same as yesterday. I have a beautiful wife, two handsome and strong youngs sons, and an army of quit brothers who I promised that we were done. Have a nice day."

I quit with you today.
"That's really tough man, but it doesn't sound like a very compelling reason to stick cancer in your face." j2b

Copenhagen, you have chosen the wrong home. Your death will be slow and painful.

Quit: 12/26/2012
HOF: 4/4/2013

Offline Phil16

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Re: John=quitter
« Reply #47 on: March 13, 2013, 10:31:00 PM »
Day 78: I'm setting a goal to coincide with my HOF day, which is April 4th, 2013. Here is my goal...weigh 285 lbs. since Christmas 2012, I have lost 22lbs while being quit for 78 days. Nicotine free for 100 days and lost 40 lbs in the same time. Today I weighed in at 305.

It may be just me, but I have noticed that my eating behaviors are much like craves. I'm in the process of retraining my brain with this simple statement.

"eating to comfort myself, actually makes me more miserable."

Keep repeating this statement over and over to myself will reprogram my brain to recognize the nicotine and food lies that have I been telling myself for years.
Here is the lie..."it will make me feel better."

As I am getting ready to close the book on day 78, I wonder what other lies I have aloud to become a part of my internal dialog?

How about you? What lie are you believing and telling yourself?
"That's really tough man, but it doesn't sound like a very compelling reason to stick cancer in your face." j2b

Copenhagen, you have chosen the wrong home. Your death will be slow and painful.

Quit: 12/26/2012
HOF: 4/4/2013

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Re: John=quitter
« Reply #46 on: March 03, 2013, 02:10:00 PM »
Great to live out the value of family over addiction. I am quit with you folks today. Glad you can say out loud what a difference chew can make and what a toll it takes as it robs us of time, money, health, and our self respect. Your words help me be quit today!

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Re: John=quitter
« Reply #45 on: March 03, 2013, 08:09:00 AM »
Good job !
Memorial Stadium

Southeast: "In Commemoration of the men of Nebraska who served and fell in the Nation's Wars."
Southwest: "Not the victory but the action; Not the goal but the game; In the deed the glory."
Northwest: "Courage; Generosity; Fairness; Honor; In these are the true awards of manly sport."
Northeast: "Their Lives they held their country's trust; They kept its faith; They died its heroes."

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Re: John=quitter
« Reply #44 on: March 02, 2013, 03:33:00 PM »
Quote from: Phil16
Praise GOD, We made it! No nicotine and had an awesome day with my sons! Couldn't have done it with out all of you:)
One thing I've noticed, as have you. Time with the family is a little different, isn't it? I use to bring my wife, two kids and a can of grizzly. Now i just bring the wife and kids. Stay quit brother, you have my #, don't be hesitate to use it.
Hof date may 25, 2013
HoF Speech

The poison sucks. I hate it. I hated it this morning, I hated it at noon, I hated it at supper and I hate it tonight. I enjoy hating it so much I'm going to wake up tomorrow and start over hating it. I quit with anyone that wants to hate it with me.