Author Topic: rtpope intro  (Read 11169 times)

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Re: rtpope intro
« Reply #41 on: February 26, 2014, 10:57:00 PM »
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: srans
Quote from: Ginet
Quote from: rtpope
I guess it is time for another update on my quit journey.

I'm on day 18.  I've been in a funk most of today.  I took the advice of my group texting buddies and took a walk, spent some time outside and then went for a jog.  The funk or the blues or whatever this shit is has been the worse part of the last couple weeks (after the SUCK).

I am a baseball umpire.  I worked a double header on Saturday and a double header on Sunday.  Both sets of games were college games (some of my first) which is a little nerve racking.  For the first time ever during a baseball game, I stuffed my face with seeds instead of the poison.  I was always ninja dipping and could never fully appreciate how well seeds went with baseball.

I had the perfect storm brewing in the locker room Sunday.  My partner was dipping Skoal Mint (thankfully a flavor I never cared for).  He went to grab some lunch and left his half full can of poison on the bench staring at me.  My first thought was fuck you asshole...I told you I was 17 days into my quit.  I went through a lot of fucked up thoughts until I finally put the can in his bag and packed my lip with some Hooch.  During my moments of temptation, the fact that I had promised you guys I wouldn't use nic today came to my mind.  There's something to this posting roll thing!!
Isn't it so odd that all of these people you have never met have so much influence on your decisions? Pretty freaking powerful! You will still be tested as days go on. Keep that attitude and remember your promise. You'll be just fine. It only has power if you allow it!
You say there is something to this posting roll. I say there is something to this rtpope. He's shaping up to be one bad mutha. Your keeping your word and fighting for your life brother. For this your reward will be your dignity and freedom for now. It may not seem like much right now, but it's worth more than silver or gold.

I never experienced the mullygrubs/sadnes/depression until quitting. It went as fast as it came. Just keep your head pointed toward the door and make you're way. You're going to like what's on the other side. Your winning bro,, keep it up! Quit with you.
Good win, good post. Tell your partner next time he leaves that shit out like that you're gonna piss on it.

^^^^^^He did say it was kinda dry....

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Re: rtpope intro
« Reply #40 on: February 24, 2014, 08:49:00 PM »
Quote from: srans
Quote from: Ginet
Quote from: rtpope
I guess it is time for another update on my quit journey.

I'm on day 18.  I've been in a funk most of today.  I took the advice of my group texting buddies and took a walk, spent some time outside and then went for a jog.  The funk or the blues or whatever this shit is has been the worse part of the last couple weeks (after the SUCK).

I am a baseball umpire.  I worked a double header on Saturday and a double header on Sunday.  Both sets of games were college games (some of my first) which is a little nerve racking.  For the first time ever during a baseball game, I stuffed my face with seeds instead of the poison.  I was always ninja dipping and could never fully appreciate how well seeds went with baseball.

I had the perfect storm brewing in the locker room Sunday.  My partner was dipping Skoal Mint (thankfully a flavor I never cared for).  He went to grab some lunch and left his half full can of poison on the bench staring at me.  My first thought was fuck you asshole...I told you I was 17 days into my quit.  I went through a lot of fucked up thoughts until I finally put the can in his bag and packed my lip with some Hooch.  During my moments of temptation, the fact that I had promised you guys I wouldn't use nic today came to my mind.  There's something to this posting roll thing!!
Isn't it so odd that all of these people you have never met have so much influence on your decisions? Pretty freaking powerful! You will still be tested as days go on. Keep that attitude and remember your promise. You'll be just fine. It only has power if you allow it!
You say there is something to this posting roll. I say there is something to this rtpope. He's shaping up to be one bad mutha. Your keeping your word and fighting for your life brother. For this your reward will be your dignity and freedom for now. It may not seem like much right now, but it's worth more than silver or gold.

I never experienced the mullygrubs/sadnes/depression until quitting. It went as fast as it came. Just keep your head pointed toward the door and make you're way. You're going to like what's on the other side. Your winning bro,, keep it up! Quit with you.
Good win, good post. Tell your partner next time he leaves that shit out like that you're gonna piss on it.
Nicotine Quit Date:10/31/2013
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Re: rtpope intro
« Reply #39 on: February 24, 2014, 08:27:00 PM »
Quote from: Ginet
Quote from: rtpope
I guess it is time for another update on my quit journey.

I'm on day 18.  I've been in a funk most of today.  I took the advice of my group texting buddies and took a walk, spent some time outside and then went for a jog.  The funk or the blues or whatever this shit is has been the worse part of the last couple weeks (after the SUCK).

I am a baseball umpire.  I worked a double header on Saturday and a double header on Sunday.  Both sets of games were college games (some of my first) which is a little nerve racking.  For the first time ever during a baseball game, I stuffed my face with seeds instead of the poison.  I was always ninja dipping and could never fully appreciate how well seeds went with baseball.

I had the perfect storm brewing in the locker room Sunday.  My partner was dipping Skoal Mint (thankfully a flavor I never cared for).  He went to grab some lunch and left his half full can of poison on the bench staring at me.  My first thought was fuck you asshole...I told you I was 17 days into my quit.  I went through a lot of fucked up thoughts until I finally put the can in his bag and packed my lip with some Hooch.  During my moments of temptation, the fact that I had promised you guys I wouldn't use nic today came to my mind.  There's something to this posting roll thing!!
Isn't it so odd that all of these people you have never met have so much influence on your decisions? Pretty freaking powerful! You will still be tested as days go on. Keep that attitude and remember your promise. You'll be just fine. It only has power if you allow it!
You say there is something to this posting roll. I say there is something to this rtpope. He's shaping up to be one bad mutha. Your keeping your word and fighting for your life brother. For this your reward will be your dignity and freedom for now. It may not seem like much right now, but it's worth more than silver or gold.

I never experienced the mullygrubs/sadnes/depression until quitting. It went as fast as it came. Just keep your head pointed toward the door and make you're way. You're going to like what's on the other side. Your winning bro,, keep it up! Quit with you.
Hof date may 25, 2013
HoF Speech

The poison sucks. I hate it. I hated it this morning, I hated it at noon, I hated it at supper and I hate it tonight. I enjoy hating it so much I'm going to wake up tomorrow and start over hating it. I quit with anyone that wants to hate it with me.

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Re: rtpope intro
« Reply #38 on: February 24, 2014, 08:06:00 PM »
Quote from: rtpope
I guess it is time for another update on my quit journey.

I'm on day 18. I've been in a funk most of today. I took the advice of my group texting buddies and took a walk, spent some time outside and then went for a jog. The funk or the blues or whatever this shit is has been the worse part of the last couple weeks (after the SUCK).

I am a baseball umpire. I worked a double header on Saturday and a double header on Sunday. Both sets of games were college games (some of my first) which is a little nerve racking. For the first time ever during a baseball game, I stuffed my face with seeds instead of the poison. I was always ninja dipping and could never fully appreciate how well seeds went with baseball.

I had the perfect storm brewing in the locker room Sunday. My partner was dipping Skoal Mint (thankfully a flavor I never cared for). He went to grab some lunch and left his half full can of poison on the bench staring at me. My first thought was fuck you asshole...I told you I was 17 days into my quit. I went through a lot of fucked up thoughts until I finally put the can in his bag and packed my lip with some Hooch. During my moments of temptation, the fact that I had promised you guys I wouldn't use nic today came to my mind. There's something to this posting roll thing!!
Isn't it so odd that all of these people you have never met have so much influence on your decisions? Pretty freaking powerful! You will still be tested as days go on. Keep that attitude and remember your promise. You'll be just fine. It only has power if you allow it!
The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person who is doing it. ~ Chinese Proverb
Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply. ~ Stephen R. Covey

QD 12/29/13
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Offline rtpope

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Re: rtpope intro
« Reply #37 on: February 24, 2014, 08:01:00 PM »
I guess it is time for another update on my quit journey.

I'm on day 18. I've been in a funk most of today. I took the advice of my group texting buddies and took a walk, spent some time outside and then went for a jog. The funk or the blues or whatever this shit is has been the worse part of the last couple weeks (after the SUCK).

I am a baseball umpire. I worked a double header on Saturday and a double header on Sunday. Both sets of games were college games (some of my first) which is a little nerve racking. For the first time ever during a baseball game, I stuffed my face with seeds instead of the poison. I was always ninja dipping and could never fully appreciate how well seeds went with baseball.

I had the perfect storm brewing in the locker room Sunday. My partner was dipping Skoal Mint (thankfully a flavor I never cared for). He went to grab some lunch and left his half full can of poison on the bench staring at me. My first thought was fuck you asshole...I told you I was 17 days into my quit. I went through a lot of fucked up thoughts until I finally put the can in his bag and packed my lip with some Hooch. During my moments of temptation, the fact that I had promised you guys I wouldn't use nic today came to my mind. There's something to this posting roll thing!!

Offline slug.go

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Re: rtpope intro
« Reply #36 on: February 18, 2014, 09:29:00 PM »
Quote from: rtpope
I'm on day 12. I have been doing extremely well...very few caves, very little assholeishness, very little pissed off for no reason since day 4 until today. I had one of those ass kicking shitty days at work that have me stressed and pissed to the core. You would think that I would want nicotine as that is how I have coped with these days in the past, and I have had a few craves today (thank God for Smokey Mtn) but I do remember that dipping never made the stress go away, was just always the first step as I started getting shit done.

Fuck you nic bitch - I don't need you. This is me giving you the finger on the worst day of work I've had in 6 months. Quitting like fuck, every damn day.

FYI - I'm such a fucking perfectionist that I've had to erase the better parts of my rants because the profanity didn't make sense.
I'm with this guy, he gets it and fights...Fucking A, bubba, throat punch the nic bitch.
You're winning!
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Re: rtpope intro
« Reply #35 on: February 18, 2014, 08:45:00 PM »
I'm on day 12. I have been doing extremely well...very few craves, very little assholeishness, very little pissed off for no reason since day 4 until today. I had one of those ass kicking shitty days at work that have me stressed and pissed to the core. You would think that I would want nicotine as that is how I have coped with these days in the past, and I have had a few craves today (thank God for Smokey Mtn) but I do remember that dipping never made the stress go away, was just always the first step as I started getting shit done.

Fuck you nic bitch - I don't need you. This is me giving you the finger on the worst day of work I've had in 6 months. Quitting like fuck, every damn day.

FYI - I'm such a fucking perfectionist that I've had to erase the better parts of my rants because the profanity didn't make sense.

Offline Derk40

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Re: rtpope intro
« Reply #34 on: February 15, 2014, 09:03:00 AM »
Quote from: srans
" I starred down Skoal Cherry, Wintergreen, Straight and all of my favorite Copenhagens" 

I hate the poison this morning.  I'll hate it for lunch.  I'll hate it when dinner arrives.  I'll enjoy hating it so much today that tomorrow I'll post roll and start over hating it.  I don't care if it's in a red can, green can, blue can, or any other color you can think of.  I hate It if it's in a weed, pipe, tampon or piece of candy.  Screw the poison and whoever promotes it.  They can take those racks of poison and burn them down,, it would not bother me in the least. 

This^^^^^mindset is what will make quitting easier.  Find it in yourself to begin hating it.  The poison only ever filled the void it created.  It seriously tastes like monkey turds, looks like dirt and smells like death.  Your favorite copenhagens had you bound tied and gagged.  They don't deserve your want and admiration.  I know it's early in your quit, find that hate bro,,,  it will help you.  Good job on your quit so far.  Your mindset will change in time.  Believe me.  Quit with you today.
Way to stay quit. Next time you are in there give them one of these for me,,,, 'Finger' . Then back your way out of the store with one of these,,,, 'Finger'

Quit on!
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Re: rtpope intro
« Reply #33 on: February 15, 2014, 08:50:00 AM »
" I starred down Skoal Cherry, Wintergreen, Straight and all of my favorite Copenhagens"

I hate the poison this morning. I'll hate it for lunch. I'll hate it when dinner arrives. I'll enjoy hating it so much today that tomorrow I'll post roll and start over hating it. I don't care if it's in a red can, green can, blue can, or any other color you can think of. I hate It if it's in a weed, pipe, tampon or piece of candy. Screw the poison and whoever promotes it. They can take those racks of poison and burn them down,, it would not bother me in the least.

This^^^^^mindset is what will make quitting easier. Find it in yourself to begin hating it. The poison only ever filled the void it created. It seriously tastes like monkey turds, looks like dirt and smells like death. Your favorite copenhagens had you bound tied and gagged. They don't deserve your want and admiration. I know it's early in your quit, find that hate bro,,, it will help you. Good job on your quit so far. Your mindset will change in time. Believe me. Quit with you today.
Hof date may 25, 2013
HoF Speech

The poison sucks. I hate it. I hated it this morning, I hated it at noon, I hated it at supper and I hate it tonight. I enjoy hating it so much I'm going to wake up tomorrow and start over hating it. I quit with anyone that wants to hate it with me.

Offline rtpope

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Re: rtpope intro
« Reply #32 on: February 15, 2014, 08:18:00 AM »
Its been several days since I've posted here's whats been goin on in my quit.

Had my first dip dream last night. Very vivid. I could feel the can of death in my hand, I could taste the poison, even feel the spit on my lips. Very weird. I woke up in a panic not bc I caved, but bc I would have to post day 1 again and I a determined to only have 1 day 1.

My wife and I had a pretty fight 2/13 that spilled over to yesterday (Happy Vday for me). I only craved one really bad time, but threw in some SM and dealt with it pretty easily. Wife and I made up (multiple times) last night so V-day wasn't all bad.

After years of lying to my parents about my addiction, I finally came clean that I have one and that I'm fighting every day to beat it. They were very supportive and told me they knew all about my addiction. Apparently my ninja dipping skills weren't as good as I thought??

I woke up this morning to no TP in the house and had to take a huge shit. I had just made up with my wife bc I was kind of an ass so I just went to the store and bought more. The only check out lane open was the tobacco aisle. I starred down Skoal Cherry, Wintergreen, Straight and all of my favorite Copenhagens and waited for the girl to ask what else she could get me. I smiled (very dramatically) as I said no thanks. No body but us addicts will get how good that makes you feel.

Quit on quitters

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Re: rtpope intro
« Reply #31 on: February 10, 2014, 10:22:00 AM »
Quote from: rtpope
Quote from: slug.go
Quote from: rtpope
Quote from: slug.go
Happy Birthday, RT!
Thank you!

Today has been pretty good so far. I am a little anxious, but hanging in there pretty good. I have had a ringing in my ears all day though. Anyone remember that?

My wife is taking me out for dinner and I can't wait it get in the truck without sneaking a dip when we leave.

Also, smokey mtn fake dip is working extremely well for me. When I'm chewing it I feel rather calm and in control. Is that weird or is it something about your brain being tricked?

Thanks for quitting with me today. It is my pleasure to qlf with you today.
Don't know about brain trickery, but SM has been vital for me.
And the fog is officially here!!! I took the wrong exit coming to work this morning..same road I've driven for 3 years.

I'm barely able to hold my attention on a conversation. I have to think really hard about what I'm typing. Today is hard.

Does the fog lift all at once or did it get better each day until it wasn't there?
Unfortunately, we're all wired differently. Your fog is uniquely yours. Mine evaporated over a couple days, just got better and better. Taking wrong exit after 3 years? Classic!
RT, you've got this. No looking back now. Cool thing is that a couple new guys signed in today, you're no longer the young 'un! With you every damn day!
Quit since 1/23/14

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Re: rtpope intro
« Reply #30 on: February 10, 2014, 10:15:00 AM »
Quote from: slug.go
Quote from: rtpope
Quote from: slug.go
Happy Birthday, RT!
Thank you!

Today has been pretty good so far. I am a little anxious, but hanging in there pretty good. I have had a ringing in my ears all day though. Anyone remember that?

My wife is taking me out for dinner and I can't wait it get in the truck without sneaking a dip when we leave.

Also, smokey mtn fake dip is working extremely well for me. When I'm chewing it I feel rather calm and in control. Is that weird or is it something about your brain being tricked?

Thanks for quitting with me today. It is my pleasure to qlf with you today.
Don't know about brain trickery, but SM has been vital for me.
And the fog is officially here!!! I took the wrong exit coming to work this morning..same road I've driven for 3 years.

I'm barely able to hold my attention on a conversation. I have to think really hard about what I'm typing. Today is hard.

Does the fog lift all at once or did it get better each day until it wasn't there?

Offline slug.go

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Re: rtpope intro
« Reply #29 on: February 09, 2014, 04:33:00 PM »
Quote from: rtpope
Quote from: slug.go
Happy Birthday, RT!
Thank you!

Today has been pretty good so far. I am a little anxious, but hanging in there pretty good. I have had a ringing in my ears all day though. Anyone remember that?

My wife is taking me out for dinner and I can't wait it get in the truck without sneaking a dip when we leave.

Also, smokey mtn fake dip is working extremely well for me. When I'm chewing it I feel rather calm and in control. Is that weird or is it something about your brain being tricked?

Thanks for quitting with me today. It is my pleasure to qlf with you today.
Don't know about brain trickery, but SM has been vital for me.
Quit since 1/23/14

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Re: rtpope intro
« Reply #28 on: February 09, 2014, 04:07:00 PM »
Quote from: slug.go
Happy Birthday, RT!
Thank you!

Today has been pretty good so far. I am a little anxious, but hanging in there pretty good. I have had a ringing in my ears all day though. Anyone remember that?

My wife is taking me out for dinner and I can't wait it get in the truck without sneaking a dip when we leave.

Also, smokey mtn fake dip is working extremely well for me. When I'm chewing it I feel rather calm and in control. Is that weird or is it something about your brain being tricked?

Thanks for quitting with me today. It is my pleasure to qlf with you today.

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Re: rtpope intro
« Reply #27 on: February 09, 2014, 10:47:00 AM »
Happy Birthday, RT!
Quit since 1/23/14