Author Topic: Stuff I'm right about  (Read 7509 times)

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Offline zam

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Re: Stuff I'm right about
« Reply #31 on: June 23, 2012, 12:22:00 AM »
Quote from: FosterChild
Screenname: FosterChild
Name: T.J.
Why did you Quit?: My son was asking a lot of questions about the manure i was putting in my mouth. He told me to just stop. It was my time and he pushed me over the edge.
"He told me to just stop."

I can't put my finger on it now, so I just posted this on my intro as something for me to think about on a sleepless night. Just stop. Said in a matter-of-fact 5 year old voice. Just stop.
*Quit today. Full stop. No qualifiers. Tomorrow?... IDK, IDC.

Offline rgross298

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Re: Stuff I'm right about
« Reply #30 on: June 12, 2012, 08:40:00 AM »
Quote from: Zam
A thought occurred to me today:

I travel a lot. Now, in the past, I would never start a trip without an ample supply of Cope. There were times, however, that I found myself licking the bottom of my last can. When this happened, I'd solve the "problem" any way possible. I've spent entire afternoons walking around looking for cope. I've walked in downpours without thinking twice bout it to get a new can. I've taken a cab to get cope. Ive talked shuttle drivers into taking me to grocery stores (not c-stores, because that would mean I was going through all this trouble for snuff, which would be lame, right?).

This is probably not surprising to many of you. In fact, I imagine that most everyone here has gone through the same BS many times.

What struck me as interesting is that I dont have any Smokey Mountain with me on this trip. I wish I did, but I don't. So what did I do this morning when I realized the I had no SM? Nothing. I figured I'd check a store as I was out walking around town. I forgot.

The point of all this? There are those that worry about fake chew becoming just another addiction of sorts. Maybe so, but the SM "addiction" didn't put my life on hold until I got my fix.
I was worried about the SM 'addiction factor' as well in the beginning.

I agree, it's more of a luxury item than anything else. I've run out and thought the same thing -- "I'll just pick some up later", then either forgot to or decided it wasn't worth the hassle.

It's gratifying as fuck to have control back over your life, and not have your day come to a grinding halt in order to increase your supply of a substance.

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Re: Stuff I'm right about
« Reply #29 on: June 12, 2012, 08:38:00 AM »
Quote from: Zam
A thought occurred to me today:

I travel a lot. Now, in the past, I would never start a trip without an ample supply of Cope. There were times, however, that I found myself licking the bottom of my last can. When this happened, I'd solve the "problem" any way possible. I've spent entire afternoons walking around looking for cope. I've walked in downpours without thinking twice bout it to get a new can. I've taken a cab to get cope. Ive talked shuttle drivers into taking me to grocery stores (not c-stores, because that would mean I was going through all this trouble for snuff, which would be lame, right?).

This is probably not surprising to many of you. In fact, I imagine that most everyone here has gone through the same BS many times.

What struck me as interesting is that I dont have any Smokey Mountain with me on this trip. I wish I did, but I don't. So what did I do this morning when I realized the I had no SM? Nothing. I figured I'd check a store as I was out walking around town. I forgot.

The point of all this? There are those that worry about fake chew becoming just another addiction of sorts. Maybe so, but the SM "addiction" didn't put my life on hold until I got my fix.
Great story and victory Zam!

I am a big fan of Smokey Mountain but I like you have found I don't crave the fake stuf the way I had craved my Grizzly....

I am happy to be quit and will continue to use Smokey Mountain whenever the thought strikes me without the worry of addiction!!
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Offline zam

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Re: Stuff I'm right about
« Reply #28 on: June 12, 2012, 03:52:00 AM »
A thought occurred to me today:

I travel a lot. Now, in the past, I would never start a trip without an ample supply of Cope. There were times, however, that I found myself licking the bottom of my last can. When this happened, I'd solve the "problem" any way possible. I've spent entire afternoons walking around looking for cope. I've walked in downpours without thinking twice bout it to get a new can. I've taken a cab to get cope. Ive talked shuttle drivers into taking me to grocery stores (not c-stores, because that would mean I was going through all this trouble for snuff, which would be lame, right?).

This is probably not surprising to many of you. In fact, I imagine that most everyone here has gone through the same BS many times.

What struck me as interesting is that I dont have any Smokey Mountain with me on this trip. I wish I did, but I don't. So what did I do this morning when I realized the I had no SM? Nothing. I figured I'd check a store as I was out walking around town. I forgot.

The point of all this? There are those that worry about fake chew becoming just another addiction of sorts. Maybe so, but the SM "addiction" didn't put my life on hold until I got my fix.
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Offline zam

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Re: Stuff I'm right about
« Reply #27 on: April 18, 2012, 10:38:00 PM »
Quote from: Izanami
I will love and forgive myself into submission.
Whether you care enough to or not.

I can't say why, but I just had to copy and save this post. It is classic, in a weird way. I think Izanami was plagiarizing this guy.
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Offline zam

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Re: Stuff I'm right about
« Reply #26 on: April 11, 2012, 04:52:00 PM »
Flattery, platitudes and lax expectations are forms of hatred.
From 30YrAddict's post. That's good stuff.
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Re: Stuff I'm right about
« Reply #25 on: April 03, 2012, 11:11:00 PM »
Quote from: TonySelle
Quote from: Zam
Quote from: TonySelle
Quote from: Zam
Theory:  It is no one's business when and how an individual quitter choses to post roll, other than that of said quitter.  The particular style in which one choses to post has no logical bearing or influence on the workings of the quit group as a whole. Furthermore, disagreeing with a posting style, or attempting to impose a "standard" is counterproductive, and does not  fall within the definition of  "support".

I think the above about wraps up a couple of conversations I have had concerning when and how someone posts roll.  I'm here to tell you, that I had a clear choice when I googled "quit dipping" 70-something days ago.  I found many options. More than one option was good, but one option I thought to be clearly better for me than what I had tried.  I chose KTC.  Why?  Because of accountability.  Anyone want to seriously tell me how this place is better than a simple diary, if you throw out accountability?  And anyone want to tell me how you can have accountability if all of us decided that it just isn't anyone's business when, how and if they interacted with the quit group?  The irony is that the people who have the balls to say that it is no one's business how they post, are having their water carried by those that think otherwise.  They are like the people who refuse to get vaccines for measles, small pox, etc:  they are fine and happy with their decision, and you hear them crow  "see!  I told you I was right and didn't need to do it your way! You all were just over-reacting!".  But in reality, that person is kept healthy only because the larger crowd has reduced EVERYONE"S risks by being vaccinated, including the person who refused.  Sort of the same thing at KTC.  You can be quit at KTC without following the "standard practices", but only because there are many more people willing to "subvert" their personal desires and conform to the "system."  Some call this drinking the koolade.  I strongly believe that the ones that want to "do their own thing" are trying to have all the benefits of a strong support system, without any need to contribute to that system.

To those of you that I have offended by be so direct in my beliefs, I have no apology.  I honestly hope you continue being free of the nicotine burden.  But if you believe that your actions here affect no one but yourself, I want you to change your opinion, I want you to try to change mine, or I want you to find a system that works better for you.  That's not being an ass.  That's me wanting to help.

Rant complete.
I agree with you Zam, but frankly have less expectation of those that either don't participate or rebel against the site norms. I view most of them as stoppers, not quitters. I fully expect 50% or more to fail, if for no other reason than they hadn't really decided to be done with nicotine and do what obviously attracted them to this site. Like most things in life, you get out of KTC what you put into it. Being active on the site and supportive of others helps multiple people, and hell it helps my quit. So I do it some. I've drank the koolaid as far as trying hard to post before 8:30am local time, because it does help those that are hawking the roll posts. Total agree that KTC different only because of accountability. However I don't want future failed quitters (or former failed quitters for that matter) chasing people off the site by being asses. I'd like to believe there is more effort behind the scenes than just the public whacking that sometimes goes on. So long as people are doing more personally (PMs, texts, emails, calls) than publically (posts, namecalling, etc) the site will survive just fine.
Thanks for the thoughts, tony. As to the last part, I am guilty of, believe it or not, both extremes. I have coddle those that take advantage of my time, and I have gone apeshit on some that didn't deserve it. I decided to make a very concerted effort to never PM "negative" support. I have broken that vow a couple of time, and regretted it every time. I'll keep the "bad zam" on the public forum, where my brothers can pull back on the reigns when needed. That's not to say I regret some of my assholeishness, because sometimes (often) people misinterpret tact for acceptance. And brutal honesty is the only way. If I want tact, I'll converse with my grandmother.

Thanks man, made me think.
Tact is over rated. Direct is always best in my experience. Also been on both sides, prefer to spend more on helping (even when the turd on the other end doesn't appear to deserve it) than raging at someone. But it is hard to not take it personally when someone who has touched you caves. Especially if you are in the middle of a nic rage, which seem to come in diminishing spirals...
Pride. After reading the above posts, that's what I feel. An overwhelming pride.

Ready tips his hat and mumbles a thank you gentlemen for keeping this place alive

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Re: Stuff I'm right about
« Reply #24 on: April 03, 2012, 11:02:00 PM »
Quote from: Zam
Quote from: TonySelle
Quote from: Zam
Theory:  It is no one's business when and how an individual quitter choses to post roll, other than that of said quitter.  The particular style in which one choses to post has no logical bearing or influence on the workings of the quit group as a whole. Furthermore, disagreeing with a posting style, or attempting to impose a "standard" is counterproductive, and does not  fall within the definition of  "support".

I think the above about wraps up a couple of conversations I have had concerning when and how someone posts roll.  I'm here to tell you, that I had a clear choice when I googled "quit dipping" 70-something days ago.  I found many options. More than one option was good, but one option I thought to be clearly better for me than what I had tried.  I chose KTC.  Why?  Because of accountability.  Anyone want to seriously tell me how this place is better than a simple diary, if you throw out accountability?  And anyone want to tell me how you can have accountability if all of us decided that it just isn't anyone's business when, how and if they interacted with the quit group?  The irony is that the people who have the balls to say that it is no one's business how they post, are having their water carried by those that think otherwise.  They are like the people who refuse to get vaccines for measles, small pox, etc:  they are fine and happy with their decision, and you hear them crow  "see!  I told you I was right and didn't need to do it your way! You all were just over-reacting!".  But in reality, that person is kept healthy only because the larger crowd has reduced EVERYONE"S risks by being vaccinated, including the person who refused.  Sort of the same thing at KTC.  You can be quit at KTC without following the "standard practices", but only because there are many more people willing to "subvert" their personal desires and conform to the "system."  Some call this drinking the koolade.  I strongly believe that the ones that want to "do their own thing" are trying to have all the benefits of a strong support system, without any need to contribute to that system.

To those of you that I have offended by be so direct in my beliefs, I have no apology.  I honestly hope you continue being free of the nicotine burden.  But if you believe that your actions here affect no one but yourself, I want you to change your opinion, I want you to try to change mine, or I want you to find a system that works better for you.  That's not being an ass.  That's me wanting to help.

Rant complete.
I agree with you Zam, but frankly have less expectation of those that either don't participate or rebel against the site norms. I view most of them as stoppers, not quitters. I fully expect 50% or more to fail, if for no other reason than they hadn't really decided to be done with nicotine and do what obviously attracted them to this site. Like most things in life, you get out of KTC what you put into it. Being active on the site and supportive of others helps multiple people, and hell it helps my quit. So I do it some. I've drank the koolaid as far as trying hard to post before 8:30am local time, because it does help those that are hawking the roll posts. Total agree that KTC different only because of accountability. However I don't want future failed quitters (or former failed quitters for that matter) chasing people off the site by being asses. I'd like to believe there is more effort behind the scenes than just the public whacking that sometimes goes on. So long as people are doing more personally (PMs, texts, emails, calls) than publically (posts, namecalling, etc) the site will survive just fine.
Thanks for the thoughts, tony. As to the last part, I am guilty of, believe it or not, both extremes. I have coddle those that take advantage of my time, and I have gone apeshit on some that didn't deserve it. I decided to make a very concerted effort to never PM "negative" support. I have broken that vow a couple of time, and regretted it every time. I'll keep the "bad zam" on the public forum, where my brothers can pull back on the reigns when needed. That's not to say I regret some of my assholeishness, because sometimes (often) people misinterpret tact for acceptance. And brutal honesty is the only way. If I want tact, I'll converse with my grandmother.

Thanks man, made me think.
Tact is over rated. Direct is always best in my experience. Also been on both sides, prefer to spend more on helping (even when the turd on the other end doesn't appear to deserve it) than raging at someone. But it is hard to not take it personally when someone who has touched you caves. Especially if you are in the middle of a nic rage, which seem to come in diminishing spirals...
Fish, eat, sleep. Repeat.
quit date 2/10/12
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Re: Stuff I'm right about
« Reply #23 on: April 03, 2012, 10:01:00 PM »
Just wanted to keep save this post, pretty interesting stuff about the physiology of stress and nicotine.

attributed to Skoalmonster:
Schwimmerdave - day18 - question - do I ever get nice again - or do i spend the rest of my life as a grumpy - mean - foul mouthed jerk
Depends, were you a screaming douche nozzle before quitting? or just after?

check this out lil swimmer, Your problem has a few angles that you need to understand. The knowledge will help you feel better.

1. Anger as a substitute for nicotine- When you dipped nicotine released chemicals including adrenaline and other fight or flight endorphins. Imagine squeezing the water out of a sponge. Each time you dipped you squeezed your sponge and got a hit of dopamine and adrenaline. Your body forgot how to manufacture those chemicals properly while you forced it to produce on a schedule. Now that you quit your brain is wondering what the hell is going on, and where is its dose of feel good chemicals. So you find a CHEAT...anger. When you argue with your wife, fight with a co worker and let loose some anger, you get the same chemical hit. Adrenaline, cortisol etc. Your addicted brain is literally tricking you into stirring up shit to get a little jolt of the chemicals you used to force it to produce. In my case I fought with my wife, was a dick to the dog, mean to the kids, and almost assaulted a 17 yr old donut store clerk after he honked at me in the parking lot and I followed him into work. My favorite dip rage story was when Hydro threw a garbage can at a coworker.

Pretty fucked up huh? Nicotine is a toxic bitch that effects you in ways you'd never imagine. Good news is that shit will pass. Every day you don't dip your body heals. Nicotine receptors die or at least shut down. So yes things will get better.

2. New ways of dealing with anger- Here's a link you should read.

3. The relief you think chew gave you from being angry is actually all bullshit. The relief you felt was just from getting over the withdrawl symptoms of nicotine. When your body is stressed it releases various chemicals, that actually quickly reduce the levels of nicotine in your blood stream. So stress becomes a craving for a dip. You would chew then feel better. The lie is that we attribute the feeling better to the dip relieving the stress, when in reality all you did was feed the addiction and relieve the anxiety of nicotine withdrawl. The stressful situation is still there.

4. And last , think over this. My routine was to get pissed about something or at someone at which point I would usually just bail and go have a chew. Then I would settle down. Being a dumbass I also assumed the chew was helping me manage my anger. Nope. What was helping me was simply removing myself from the situation. The relief was caused by handling the nicotine withdrawl . Whenever I had a confrontation I was essentially putting myself in a time out. Since I chewed from the time I was a kid, this is how I learned to handle ALL confrontation. When I stopped dipping I had to re-learn how to communicate and problem solve without bailing out of the conversation to go dip.

Essentially your addiction has managed your life and how you handle stress and how you communicate or rather don't communicate with those around you. It will change, but you gotta be patient, you didn't get here over night, and your not going to be all better after 3 weeks. What helped me a hell of alot in the beginning was just taking a walk.

*Quit today. Full stop. No qualifiers. Tomorrow?... IDK, IDC.

Offline zam

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Re: Stuff I'm right about
« Reply #22 on: April 03, 2012, 09:28:00 PM »
Quote from: TonySelle
Quote from: Zam
Theory:  It is no one's business when and how an individual quitter choses to post roll, other than that of said quitter.  The particular style in which one choses to post has no logical bearing or influence on the workings of the quit group as a whole. Furthermore, disagreeing with a posting style, or attempting to impose a "standard" is counterproductive, and does not  fall within the definition of  "support".

I think the above about wraps up a couple of conversations I have had concerning when and how someone posts roll.  I'm here to tell you, that I had a clear choice when I googled "quit dipping" 70-something days ago.  I found many options. More than one option was good, but one option I thought to be clearly better for me than what I had tried.  I chose KTC.  Why?  Because of accountability.  Anyone want to seriously tell me how this place is better than a simple diary, if you throw out accountability?  And anyone want to tell me how you can have accountability if all of us decided that it just isn't anyone's business when, how and if they interacted with the quit group?  The irony is that the people who have the balls to say that it is no one's business how they post, are having their water carried by those that think otherwise.  They are like the people who refuse to get vaccines for measles, small pox, etc:  they are fine and happy with their decision, and you hear them crow  "see!  I told you I was right and didn't need to do it your way! You all were just over-reacting!".  But in reality, that person is kept healthy only because the larger crowd has reduced EVERYONE"S risks by being vaccinated, including the person who refused.  Sort of the same thing at KTC.  You can be quit at KTC without following the "standard practices", but only because there are many more people willing to "subvert" their personal desires and conform to the "system."  Some call this drinking the koolade.  I strongly believe that the ones that want to "do their own thing" are trying to have all the benefits of a strong support system, without any need to contribute to that system.

To those of you that I have offended by be so direct in my beliefs, I have no apology.  I honestly hope you continue being free of the nicotine burden.  But if you believe that your actions here affect no one but yourself, I want you to change your opinion, I want you to try to change mine, or I want you to find a system that works better for you.  That's not being an ass.  That's me wanting to help.

Rant complete.
I agree with you Zam, but frankly have less expectation of those that either don't participate or rebel against the site norms. I view most of them as stoppers, not quitters. I fully expect 50% or more to fail, if for no other reason than they hadn't really decided to be done with nicotine and do what obviously attracted them to this site. Like most things in life, you get out of KTC what you put into it. Being active on the site and supportive of others helps multiple people, and hell it helps my quit. So I do it some. I've drank the koolaid as far as trying hard to post before 8:30am local time, because it does help those that are hawking the roll posts. Total agree that KTC different only because of accountability. However I don't want future failed quitters (or former failed quitters for that matter) chasing people off the site by being asses. I'd like to believe there is more effort behind the scenes than just the public whacking that sometimes goes on. So long as people are doing more personally (PMs, texts, emails, calls) than publically (posts, namecalling, etc) the site will survive just fine.
Thanks for the thoughts, tony. As to the last part, I am guilty of, believe it or not, both extremes. I have coddle those that take advantage of my time, and I have gone apeshit on some that didn't deserve it. I decided to make a very concerted effort to never PM "negative" support. I have broken that vow a couple of time, and regretted it every time. I'll keep the "bad zam" on the public forum, where my brothers can pull back on the reigns when needed. That's not to say I regret some of my assholeishness, because sometimes (often) people misinterpret tact for acceptance. And brutal honesty is the only way. If I want tact, I'll converse with my grandmother.

Thanks man, made me think.
*Quit today. Full stop. No qualifiers. Tomorrow?... IDK, IDC.

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Re: Stuff I'm right about
« Reply #21 on: April 03, 2012, 08:40:00 PM »
Quote from: Zam
Theory: It is no one's business when and how an individual quitter choses to post roll, other than that of said quitter. The particular style in which one choses to post has no logical bearing or influence on the workings of the quit group as a whole. Furthermore, disagreeing with a posting style, or attempting to impose a "standard" is counterproductive, and does not fall within the definition of "support".

I think the above about wraps up a couple of conversations I have had concerning when and how someone posts roll. I'm here to tell you, that I had a clear choice when I googled "quit dipping" 70-something days ago. I found many options. More than one option was good, but one option I thought to be clearly better for me than what I had tried. I chose KTC. Why? Because of accountability. Anyone want to seriously tell me how this place is better than a simple diary, if you throw out accountability? And anyone want to tell me how you can have accountability if all of us decided that it just isn't anyone's business when, how and if they interacted with the quit group? The irony is that the people who have the balls to say that it is no one's business how they post, are having their water carried by those that think otherwise. They are like the people who refuse to get vaccines for measles, small pox, etc: they are fine and happy with their decision, and you hear them crow "see! I told you I was right and didn't need to do it your way! You all were just over-reacting!". But in reality, that person is kept healthy only because the larger crowd has reduced EVERYONE"S risks by being vaccinated, including the person who refused. Sort of the same thing at KTC. You can be quit at KTC without following the "standard practices", but only because there are many more people willing to "subvert" their personal desires and conform to the "system." Some call this drinking the koolade. I strongly believe that the ones that want to "do their own thing" are trying to have all the benefits of a strong support system, without any need to contribute to that system.

To those of you that I have offended by be so direct in my beliefs, I have no apology. I honestly hope you continue being free of the nicotine burden. But if you believe that your actions here affect no one but yourself, I want you to change your opinion, I want you to try to change mine, or I want you to find a system that works better for you. That's not being an ass. That's me wanting to help.

Rant complete.
I agree with you Zam, but frankly have less expectation of those that either don't participate or rebel against the site norms. I view most of them as stoppers, not quitters. I fully expect 50% or more to fail, if for no other reason than they hadn't really decided to be done with nicotine and do what obviously attracted them to this site. Like most things in life, you get out of KTC what you put into it. Being active on the site and supportive of others helps multiple people, and hell it helps my quit. So I do it some. I've drank the koolaid as far as trying hard to post before 8:30am local time, because it does help those that are hawking the roll posts. Total agree that KTC different only because of accountability. However I don't want future failed quitters (or former failed quitters for that matter) chasing people off the site by being asses. I'd like to believe there is more effort behind the scenes than just the public whacking that sometimes goes on. So long as people are doing more personally (PMs, texts, emails, calls) than publically (posts, namecalling, etc) the site will survive just fine.
Fish, eat, sleep. Repeat.
quit date 2/10/12
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Re: Stuff I'm right about
« Reply #20 on: April 03, 2012, 05:43:00 PM »
Quote from: Zam
Theory:  It is no one's business when and how an individual quitter choses to post roll, other than that of said quitter.  The particular style in which one choses to post has no logical bearing or influence on the workings of the quit group as a whole. Furthermore, disagreeing with a posting style, or attempting to impose a "standard" is counterproductive, and does not  fall within the definition of  "support".

I think the above about wraps up a couple of conversations I have had concerning when and how someone posts roll.  I'm here to tell you, that I had a clear choice when I googled "quit dipping" 70-something days ago.  I found many options. More than one option was good, but one option I thought to be clearly better for me than what I had tried.  I chose KTC.  Why?  Because of accountability.  Anyone want to seriously tell me how this place is better than a simple diary, if you throw out accountability?  And anyone want to tell me how you can have accountability if all of us decided that it just isn't anyone's business when, how and if they interacted with the quit group?  The irony is that the people who have the balls to say that it is no one's business how they post, are having their water carried by those that think otherwise.  They are like the people who refuse to get vaccines for measles, small pox, etc:  they are fine and happy with their decision, and you hear them crow  "see!  I told you I was right and didn't need to do it your way! You all were just over-reacting!".  But in reality, that person is kept healthy only because the larger crowd has reduced EVERYONE"S risks by being vaccinated, including the person who refused.  Sort of the same thing at KTC.  You can be quit at KTC without following the "standard practices", but only because there are many more people willing to "subvert" their personal desires and conform to the "system."  Some call this drinking the koolade.  I strongly believe that the ones that want to "do their own thing" are trying to have all the benefits of a strong support system, without any need to contribute to that system.

To those of you that I have offended by be so direct in my beliefs, I have no apology.  I honestly hope you continue being free of the nicotine burden.  But if you believe that your actions here affect no one but yourself, I want you to change your opinion, I want you to try to change mine, or I want you to find a system that works better for you.  That's not being an ass.  That's me wanting to help.

Rant complete.
Your rant is not complete, it's just reserved for a TBD time and location. You think a lot like I do and we seem to have similar likes and dislikes. We both enjoy moustache rides, blow up dolls and sitting on the front porch drinking sweet tea. But most importantly, we both have a serious disdain for members of our respective groups that shit all over everyone else and/or do not contribute anything to the group. IMO, the guys that shit on the group aren't that big of an issue because everyone knows they suck and no one takes their side. However, the bigger issue is the quitters that choose to ONLY post roll and then go about their daily business. These quitters do not contribute anything to the good of the whole group, yet they keep hanging around and hanging around. These quitters do not reach out to their group members, instead they look elsewhere for guidance and support (i.e. the Vets).

Now, anybody in April 12 that knows me well, knows exactly who I'm talking about. And I have to be honest, that weird ass fuck tard still pisses me off. Well Mr. Zam, I've had to convince myself that it is their loss. People like you and I find strength in reaching out and helping others. On the other hand, "those" quitters would most likely fail if all of the Vets were wiped off the face of the planet tomorrow by some crazy virus. Not me, not us. We are involved in our group and our group is our strength. That's what this site is all about.

I guess my point is this: There will always be "those"quitters in new quit groups, but there will also always be guys like us.

I know this isn't my Intro thread, but on behalf of Zam, myself and all the serious badass quitters out there, I'd like to take this opportunity to tell all of you out there that do not get involved in your quit group and rely on others to do the work, especially that one person in Go Fuck Yourselves!! 'Finger'
Make Your Decision

Offline zam

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Re: Stuff I'm right about
« Reply #19 on: April 03, 2012, 03:10:00 PM »
Theory: It is no one's business when and how an individual quitter choses to post roll, other than that of said quitter. The particular style in which one choses to post has no logical bearing or influence on the workings of the quit group as a whole. Furthermore, disagreeing with a posting style, or attempting to impose a "standard" is counterproductive, and does not fall within the definition of "support".

I think the above about wraps up a couple of conversations I have had concerning when and how someone posts roll. I'm here to tell you, that I had a clear choice when I googled "quit dipping" 70-something days ago. I found many options. More than one option was good, but one option I thought to be clearly better for me than what I had tried. I chose KTC. Why? Because of accountability. Anyone want to seriously tell me how this place is better than a simple diary, if you throw out accountability? And anyone want to tell me how you can have accountability if all of us decided that it just isn't anyone's business when, how and if they interacted with the quit group? The irony is that the people who have the balls to say that it is no one's business how they post, are having their water carried by those that think otherwise. They are like the people who refuse to get vaccines for measles, small pox, etc: they are fine and happy with their decision, and you hear them crow "see! I told you I was right and didn't need to do it your way! You all were just over-reacting!". But in reality, that person is kept healthy only because the larger crowd has reduced EVERYONE"S risks by being vaccinated, including the person who refused. Sort of the same thing at KTC. You can be quit at KTC without following the "standard practices", but only because there are many more people willing to "subvert" their personal desires and conform to the "system." Some call this drinking the koolade. I strongly believe that the ones that want to "do their own thing" are trying to have all the benefits of a strong support system, without any need to contribute to that system.

To those of you that I have offended by be so direct in my beliefs, I have no apology. I honestly hope you continue being free of the nicotine burden. But if you believe that your actions here affect no one but yourself, I want you to change your opinion, I want you to try to change mine, or I want you to find a system that works better for you. That's not being an ass. That's me wanting to help.

Rant complete.
*Quit today. Full stop. No qualifiers. Tomorrow?... IDK, IDC.

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Re: Stuff I'm right about
« Reply #18 on: February 28, 2012, 09:59:00 AM »
Even though we all think we are unique and special (we are, just like everyone else), a lot of quits have many of the same issues we each have, at about the same stage. I thought I was unique because of how long I chewed, my lifestyle, my image. Hell, most of that was the nic bitch trying to keep me hooked.
I've learned a ton by reading what's out here. Turns out I'm just a like almost everyone else here, a long term addict that is now quit 1 day at a time.
Fish, eat, sleep. Repeat.
quit date 2/10/12
HOF date 5/19/12
1 Year 2/10/13
2 Years 2/10/14
8th Floor 4/19/14

Offline rangy96

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Re: Stuff I'm right about
« Reply #17 on: February 28, 2012, 08:39:00 AM »
In the midst of a crave, Forever is not possible...Today is possible.

I just read these words on this website and I never knew that everyone experienced overwhelming feelings of fear when confronted with the question "what will my life be like without my snuff?" That fear has doomed me many times. Thanks to whoever posted it.