Author Topic: Nicotine, I Hate You  (Read 16328 times)

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Re: Nicotine, I Hate You
« Reply #92 on: April 20, 2014, 10:09:00 AM »
Quote from: sixercountry
Quote from: Steakbomb18
Quote from: sixercountry
Warning: If you get easily offended, do not bother reading.

I am going to get right to the point. Addicts like ourselves will make up any excuse to not follow the path of victory. The staple of OUR website is to post roll and be accountable to our quit. Yes, I said OUR website. I am saying this because the founders of this site have not made a career out of this fabulous idea called KTC. We all all own our quits together and we all have a piece of KTC. This being said, stop the constant self-pity bitching and crying about the website. Changes had to be made. I am assuming it was a volume issue. No one said, "hey lets find a way to fuck up the website to ruin their quits". It has been days since the changes. If you do not post correctly (mistakes happen i understand) and are still complaining, you are either a fucktard, you have been in jail for the past week and unable to get to a computer, or you have been what most of you are and that is the "I have this quit covered" post and runners. You not being able to post roll yet probably just tells me you are not active enough, you are not supporting other groups like they have supported you, and that you probably do not give a shit about any one else quit or OUR website. Repetition breeds understanding and learning. After a week, you should get it. If you are a post and runner, no one cares about your bitching and your crying. You haven't earned the right to complain so just continue coming on here for you 6 seconds a week and have fun running back with day ones someday when "forum changes" hopefully are not happening.

Thank you for everyone making decisions for the better of the website. We appreciate all your hard work and basically volunteering to solidify the quits of everyone on KTC. Happy Easter everyone.
Dude, what the fuck is your point? I too think people need to just figure out how to use the new updated site and deal with it, but why do YOU feel so compelled to bitch and moan back to these people. Your last 3 posts are about bitching and moaning; and now your bitching back to people you think are bitching. Typically these type of sob stories with "I don't mean to be a dick" undertones aren't worth my time, but your complete lack of positivity sucks. How are you making other's quits on (in your words) "our" site better? I'm not seeing it and bitch sessions like this just don't cut it for me.
If you don't like this or the last three posts then stop reading my fuckin intro because I don't give a shit what you have to say dude. The point is that people on this site are making any excuse not to be active....check the percentage of roll posts. I didn't post it in my group or yours. I do this shit for me, not you or anyone else. If it is not worth your time, then stop trolling my intro.
Happy Easter Fellas. Quit with ya'll today. ;)
Hof date may 25, 2013
HoF Speech

The poison sucks. I hate it. I hated it this morning, I hated it at noon, I hated it at supper and I hate it tonight. I enjoy hating it so much I'm going to wake up tomorrow and start over hating it. I quit with anyone that wants to hate it with me.

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Re: Nicotine, I Hate You
« Reply #91 on: April 20, 2014, 10:03:00 AM »
Quote from: Steakbomb18
Quote from: sixercountry
Warning: If you get easily offended, do not bother reading.

I am going to get right to the point. Addicts like ourselves will make up any excuse to not follow the path of victory. The staple of OUR website is to post roll and be accountable to our quit. Yes, I said OUR website. I am saying this because the founders of this site have not made a career out of this fabulous idea called KTC. We all all own our quits together and we all have a piece of KTC. This being said, stop the constant self-pity bitching and crying about the website. Changes had to be made. I am assuming it was a volume issue. No one said, "hey lets find a way to fuck up the website to ruin their quits". It has been days since the changes. If you do not post correctly (mistakes happen i understand) and are still complaining, you are either a fucktard, you have been in jail for the past week and unable to get to a computer, or you have been what most of you are and that is the "I have this quit covered" post and runners. You not being able to post roll yet probably just tells me you are not active enough, you are not supporting other groups like they have supported you, and that you probably do not give a shit about any one else quit or OUR website. Repetition breeds understanding and learning. After a week, you should get it. If you are a post and runner, no one cares about your bitching and your crying. You haven't earned the right to complain so just continue coming on here for you 6 seconds a week and have fun running back with day ones someday when "forum changes" hopefully are not happening.

Thank you for everyone making decisions for the better of the website. We appreciate all your hard work and basically volunteering to solidify the quits of everyone on KTC. Happy Easter everyone.
Dude, what the fuck is your point? I too think people need to just figure out how to use the new updated site and deal with it, but why do YOU feel so compelled to bitch and moan back to these people. Your last 3 posts are about bitching and moaning; and now your bitching back to people you think are bitching. Typically these type of sob stories with "I don't mean to be a dick" undertones aren't worth my time, but your complete lack of positivity sucks. How are you making other's quits on (in your words) "our" site better? I'm not seeing it and bitch sessions like this just don't cut it for me.
If you don't like this or the last three posts then stop reading my fuckin intro because I don't give a shit what you have to say dude. The point is that people on this site are making any excuse not to be active....check the percentage of roll posts. I didn't post it in my group or yours. I do this shit for me, not you or anyone else. If it is not worth your time, then stop trolling my intro.

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Re: Nicotine, I Hate You
« Reply #90 on: April 20, 2014, 09:49:00 AM »
Quote from: sixercountry
Warning: If you get easily offended, do not bother reading.

I am going to get right to the point. Addicts like ourselves will make up any excuse to not follow the path of victory. The staple of OUR website is to post roll and be accountable to our quit. Yes, I said OUR website. I am saying this because the founders of this site have not made a career out of this fabulous idea called KTC. We all all own our quits together and we all have a piece of KTC. This being said, stop the constant self-pity bitching and crying about the website. Changes had to be made. I am assuming it was a volume issue. No one said, "hey lets find a way to fuck up the website to ruin their quits". It has been days since the changes. If you do not post correctly (mistakes happen i understand) and are still complaining, you are either a fucktard, you have been in jail for the past week and unable to get to a computer, or you have been what most of you are and that is the "I have this quit covered" post and runners. You not being able to post roll yet probably just tells me you are not active enough, you are not supporting other groups like they have supported you, and that you probably do not give a shit about any one else quit or OUR website. Repetition breeds understanding and learning. After a week, you should get it. If you are a post and runner, no one cares about your bitching and your crying. You haven't earned the right to complain so just continue coming on here for you 6 seconds a week and have fun running back with day ones someday when "forum changes" hopefully are not happening.

Thank you for everyone making decisions for the better of the website. We appreciate all your hard work and basically volunteering to solidify the quits of everyone on KTC. Happy Easter everyone.
Dude, what the fuck is your point? I too think people need to just figure out how to use the new updated site and deal with it, but why do YOU feel so compelled to bitch and moan back to these people. Your last 3 posts are about bitching and moaning; and now your bitching back to people you think are bitching. Typically these type of sob stories with "I don't mean to be a dick" undertones aren't worth my time, but your complete lack of positivity sucks. How are you making other's quits on (in your words) "our" site better? I'm not seeing it and bitch sessions like this just don't cut it for me.
Certified Grade A Badass

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Re: Nicotine, I Hate You
« Reply #89 on: April 20, 2014, 09:08:00 AM »
Warning: If you get easily offended, do not bother reading.

I am going to get right to the point. Addicts like ourselves will make up any excuse to not follow the path of victory. The staple of OUR website is to post roll and be accountable to our quit. Yes, I said OUR website. I am saying this because the founders of this site have not made a career out of this fabulous idea called KTC. We all all own our quits together and we all have a piece of KTC. This being said, stop the constant self-pity bitching and crying about the website. Changes had to be made. I am assuming it was a volume issue. No one said, "hey lets find a way to fuck up the website to ruin their quits". It has been days since the changes. If you do not post correctly (mistakes happen i understand) and are still complaining, you are either a fucktard, you have been in jail for the past week and unable to get to a computer, or you have been what most of you are and that is the "I have this quit covered" post and runners. You not being able to post roll yet probably just tells me you are not active enough, you are not supporting other groups like they have supported you, and that you probably do not give a shit about any one else quit or OUR website. Repetition breeds understanding and learning. After a week, you should get it. If you are a post and runner, no one cares about your bitching and your crying. You haven't earned the right to complain so just continue coming on here for you 6 seconds a week and have fun running back with day ones someday when "forum changes" hopefully are not happening.

Thank you for everyone making decisions for the better of the website. We appreciate all your hard work and basically volunteering to solidify the quits of everyone on KTC. Happy Easter everyone.

Offline J2b

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Re: Nicotine, I Hate You
« Reply #88 on: April 12, 2014, 10:12:00 PM »
Quote from: Winter
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: slinger
Quote from: srans
Quote from: mogul
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: sixercountry
It has now been 3 days of constant thoughts about dip. I have no idea what to do. I feel sick and mentally drained. I know I made a promise today but I do not
Know how much further beyond today I can do this. I know a dip will not help and it will be back to being a slave. I also know however that one dip may give me the ten minutes of
Mental normalcy I have been searching for for three days and beyond. I know the things I am saying sound "trollish" and blasphemous, but I don't know what to do. I feel hopeless and pissed off and tired. I'm out.
Bro keep it up. Fuck tobacco it won't do shit for you but this.. ... neck-2.htm
Hey sixer. Get on the phone and call your brothers. Text, talk, whatever you have to do. One thing for sure tho, you better find a way to believe you are better than addiction or the bitch will own you for a long time. You are worth more brother
Just, posted this for mcgregor. Good post for you as well. These days will not last forever. The new you will be one bad dude. The new you will not be :( . The new you will be proud of what he's accomplished. The new you will get through a day without giving the poison a second thought. This is well worth it. You got my word on that.

Right now you are making your way to a door. This door is hard to get to and open. Settle in, keep your head pointed forward and make your way to the door. You will get there one day at a time and you will love what's on the other side. Keep your chin up and :( will turn to :D .

Beautiful day to be free my friend. If you made it 3 you can damn sure make it 4. I recommend a steak and ice cream on this fine Saturday evening.

Sixer, if you need to go get some fake, fireballs or whatever you need. There is 1000's here that have done this and your no different. You keep that word bro. I don't care how bad it gets for i don't care how long. You keep that word. This is the frame of mind you need.

Start reading everything you can on addiction/nicotine. Lot of information on this site. Time to begin building that arsenal with knowledge and accountability. How bad do you want this? No more talk of cave. YOU TOOK CAVE OFF THE TABLE WHEN YOU POSTED ROLL! KEEP YOUR WORD!
Hey Sixer, you've come to far to crack now. You keep your head down and plow through this. I'm quitting with you today. You have my number.
One day at a time Sixer. One day at a time.

Yesterday is over. Tomorrow we can't control. But today you are winning. What you are experiencing, unfortunately, is part of the fight. Remember "no pain no gain?" Well, you've experienced quite a bit of pain as a result of the addiction since you quit. The memories of the bullshit you have experienced should fuel some hatred and build resolve that you'll never have to relive this.

If some weak ass like me ( or mogul haha ) can make it one day at a time, you sure as hell can.

If I can help let me know. You've got some bad asses cheering you on. Don't try to do this alone, brother. There is no need for that.
Like worktowin said. ODAAT. The past 3 days dont really mean crap. Just today bro.
I am glad that these others are encouraging you, and each and every one is giving sound advice.

Let me be the prick. You started with me, maybe 10 days behind if I remember right. I had days like you early on. hell, I had at least a week straight. You know what? I posted 1174 this morning. You posted 40? bro, at some point you need to stop letting the bitch run your life. Recognize that this is a funk, they happen to all of us, and it will pass. Do whatever it takes to get past this - fake, yard work, candy, lots of water, exercise, etc. Do it now - stop dwelling on what you think you are missing or what you think tobacco/nicotine will do "for" you and realize what it has done to you. You would trade a few seconds of the mirage of mental normalcy for a potentially life threatening disease? Think about how fucking stupid that is. You want to poison yourself into "feeling better." Fact is you need to wake the fuck up, find out where you put your balls, and decide you want this freedom.

Your brain is physically rewiring, but you need to do the mental work to change your thinking if you want to be free. You know what I did after I posted this morning? Did yard work, had a soccer meeting for the 9 "pre-k" kids I will try and mold into a soccer team this spring, and then went shopping for yard stuff. All of these things would have been a trigger 1100 days ago. You know how many times I "wanted" a dip or even thought about it? none. You need to change your mindset. Are all the words you have typed in this intro hollow, or do you mean it?

You are glamorizing what you think dip can do for you. Spend some time reading the facts about what it did, and will continue to do, to you. Cancer, blood pressure, loss of taste, dependency on a poison to feel "normal" due to fucked up brain chemistry, not to mention the money pissed away.

Thousands have been where you are and failed because they didnt do the mental part. Nicotine will not just let you go. Its an addiction, not a habit you can just drop. You have to fight. You better get pissed off, but not at your lack of having a dip. Get pissed at what this bullshit has done to you. It enslaved you. it runs your life so much that 40 days free and you still think you need it feel normal.

The ball is in your court sixer - at some point, you WILL quit. Whether you do it now, by choice or when they are removing your tongue, jaw, or larynx is up to you. Just remember, as shitty as the last 3 days have been day 1 was even shittier. Now imagine day 1 plus chemo and massive surgery to remove major portions of your face and neck.

Are you mad yet? Have you fucking decided to man up and push through yet? oh, and this:

The problem is not the problem.  The problem is your attitude about the problem.  Do you understand?

Draw Fire

If its too much trouble to post roll call, you could always fuck off.

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Re: Nicotine, I Hate You
« Reply #87 on: April 12, 2014, 07:04:00 PM »
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: slinger
Quote from: srans
Quote from: mogul
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: sixercountry
It has now been 3 days of constant thoughts about dip. I have no idea what to do. I feel sick and mentally drained. I know I made a promise today but I do not
Know how much further beyond today I can do this. I know a dip will not help and it will be back to being a slave. I also know however that one dip may give me the ten minutes of
Mental normalcy I have been searching for for three days and beyond. I know the things I am saying sound "trollish" and blasphemous, but I don't know what to do. I feel hopeless and pissed off and tired. I'm out.
Bro keep it up. Fuck tobacco it won't do shit for you but this.. ... neck-2.htm
Hey sixer. Get on the phone and call your brothers. Text, talk, whatever you have to do. One thing for sure tho, you better find a way to believe you are better than addiction or the bitch will own you for a long time. You are worth more brother
Just, posted this for mcgregor. Good post for you as well. These days will not last forever. The new you will be one bad dude. The new you will not be :( . The new you will be proud of what he's accomplished. The new you will get through a day without giving the poison a second thought. This is well worth it. You got my word on that.

Right now you are making your way to a door. This door is hard to get to and open. Settle in, keep your head pointed forward and make your way to the door. You will get there one day at a time and you will love what's on the other side. Keep your chin up and :( will turn to :D .

Beautiful day to be free my friend. If you made it 3 you can damn sure make it 4. I recommend a steak and ice cream on this fine Saturday evening.

Sixer, if you need to go get some fake, fireballs or whatever you need. There is 1000's here that have done this and your no different. You keep that word bro. I don't care how bad it gets for i don't care how long. You keep that word. This is the frame of mind you need.

Start reading everything you can on addiction/nicotine. Lot of information on this site. Time to begin building that arsenal with knowledge and accountability. How bad do you want this? No more talk of cave. YOU TOOK CAVE OFF THE TABLE WHEN YOU POSTED ROLL! KEEP YOUR WORD!
Hey Sixer, you've come to far to crack now. You keep your head down and plow through this. I'm quitting with you today. You have my number.
One day at a time Sixer. One day at a time.

Yesterday is over. Tomorrow we can't control. But today you are winning. What you are experiencing, unfortunately, is part of the fight. Remember "no pain no gain?" Well, you've experienced quite a bit of pain as a result of the addiction since you quit. The memories of the bullshit you have experienced should fuel some hatred and build resolve that you'll never have to relive this.

If some weak ass like me ( or mogul haha ) can make it one day at a time, you sure as hell can.

If I can help let me know. You've got some bad asses cheering you on. Don't try to do this alone, brother. There is no need for that.
Like worktowin said. ODAAT. The past 3 days dont really mean crap. Just today bro.
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Re: Nicotine, I Hate You
« Reply #86 on: April 12, 2014, 06:25:00 PM »
Quote from: slinger
Quote from: srans
Quote from: mogul
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: sixercountry
It has now been 3 days of constant thoughts about dip. I have no idea what to do. I feel sick and mentally drained. I know I made a promise today but I do not
Know how much further beyond today I can do this. I know a dip will not help and it will be back to being a slave. I also know however that one dip may give me the ten minutes of
Mental normalcy I have been searching for for three days and beyond. I know the things I am saying sound "trollish" and blasphemous, but I don't know what to do. I feel hopeless and pissed off and tired. I'm out.
Bro keep it up. Fuck tobacco it won't do shit for you but this.. ... neck-2.htm
Hey sixer. Get on the phone and call your brothers. Text, talk, whatever you have to do. One thing for sure tho, you better find a way to believe you are better than addiction or the bitch will own you for a long time. You are worth more brother
Just, posted this for mcgregor. Good post for you as well. These days will not last forever. The new you will be one bad dude. The new you will not be :( . The new you will be proud of what he's accomplished. The new you will get through a day without giving the poison a second thought. This is well worth it. You got my word on that.

Right now you are making your way to a door. This door is hard to get to and open. Settle in, keep your head pointed forward and make your way to the door. You will get there one day at a time and you will love what's on the other side. Keep your chin up and :( will turn to :D .

Beautiful day to be free my friend. If you made it 3 you can damn sure make it 4. I recommend a steak and ice cream on this fine Saturday evening.

Sixer, if you need to go get some fake, fireballs or whatever you need. There is 1000's here that have done this and your no different. You keep that word bro. I don't care how bad it gets for i don't care how long. You keep that word. This is the frame of mind you need.

Start reading everything you can on addiction/nicotine. Lot of information on this site. Time to begin building that arsenal with knowledge and accountability. How bad do you want this? No more talk of cave. YOU TOOK CAVE OFF THE TABLE WHEN YOU POSTED ROLL! KEEP YOUR WORD!
Hey Sixer, you've come to far to crack now. You keep your head down and plow through this. I'm quitting with you today. You have my number.
One day at a time Sixer. One day at a time.

Yesterday is over. Tomorrow we can't control. But today you are winning. What you are experiencing, unfortunately, is part of the fight. Remember "no pain no gain?" Well, you've experienced quite a bit of pain as a result of the addiction since you quit. The memories of the bullshit you have experienced should fuel some hatred and build resolve that you'll never have to relive this.

If some weak ass like me ( or mogul haha ) can make it one day at a time, you sure as hell can.

If I can help let me know. You've got some bad asses cheering you on. Don't try to do this alone, brother. There is no need for that.

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Re: Nicotine, I Hate You
« Reply #85 on: April 12, 2014, 05:40:00 PM »
Quote from: srans
Quote from: mogul
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: sixercountry
It has now been 3 days of constant thoughts about dip. I have no idea what to do. I feel sick and mentally drained. I know I made a promise today but I do not
Know how much further beyond today I can do this. I know a dip will not help and it will be back to being a slave. I also know however that one dip may give me the ten minutes of
Mental normalcy I have been searching for for three days and beyond. I know the things I am saying sound "trollish" and blasphemous, but I don't know what to do. I feel hopeless and pissed off and tired. I'm out.
Bro keep it up. Fuck tobacco it won't do shit for you but this.. ... neck-2.htm
Hey sixer. Get on the phone and call your brothers. Text, talk, whatever you have to do. One thing for sure tho, you better find a way to believe you are better than addiction or the bitch will own you for a long time. You are worth more brother
Just, posted this for mcgregor. Good post for you as well. These days will not last forever. The new you will be one bad dude. The new you will not be :( . The new you will be proud of what he's accomplished. The new you will get through a day without giving the poison a second thought. This is well worth it. You got my word on that.

Right now you are making your way to a door. This door is hard to get to and open. Settle in, keep your head pointed forward and make your way to the door. You will get there one day at a time and you will love what's on the other side. Keep your chin up and :( will turn to :D .

Beautiful day to be free my friend. If you made it 3 you can damn sure make it 4. I recommend a steak and ice cream on this fine Saturday evening.

Sixer, if you need to go get some fake, fireballs or whatever you need. There is 1000's here that have done this and your no different. You keep that word bro. I don't care how bad it gets for i don't care how long. You keep that word. This is the frame of mind you need.

Start reading everything you can on addiction/nicotine. Lot of information on this site. Time to begin building that arsenal with knowledge and accountability. How bad do you want this? No more talk of cave. YOU TOOK CAVE OFF THE TABLE WHEN YOU POSTED ROLL! KEEP YOUR WORD!
Hey Sixer, you've come to far to crack now. You keep your head down and plow through this. I'm quitting with you today. You have my number.
We are what we repeatedly do. ~ Aristotle

Quit or get off the pot, Sally. ~ Diesel2112

The way I see it, you can either post roll daily or fuck off. ~ jost2brown

Bam! Right in the ass! ~ MonsterEMT

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Offline srans

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Re: Nicotine, I Hate You
« Reply #84 on: April 12, 2014, 05:26:00 PM »
Quote from: mogul
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: sixercountry
It has now been 3 days of constant thoughts about dip. I have no idea what to do. I feel sick and mentally drained. I know I made a promise today but I do not
Know how much further beyond today I can do this. I know a dip will not help and it will be back to being a slave. I also know however that one dip may give me the ten minutes of
Mental normalcy I have been searching for for three days and beyond. I know the things I am saying sound "trollish" and blasphemous, but I don't know what to do. I feel hopeless and pissed off and tired. I'm out.
Bro keep it up. Fuck tobacco it won't do shit for you but this.. ... neck-2.htm
Hey sixer. Get on the phone and call your brothers. Text, talk, whatever you have to do. One thing for sure tho, you better find a way to believe you are better than addiction or the bitch will own you for a long time. You are worth more brother
Just, posted this for mcgregor. Good post for you as well. These days will not last forever. The new you will be one bad dude. The new you will not be :( . The new you will be proud of what he's accomplished. The new you will get through a day without giving the poison a second thought. This is well worth it. You got my word on that.

Right now you are making your way to a door. This door is hard to get to and open. Settle in, keep your head pointed forward and make your way to the door. You will get there one day at a time and you will love what's on the other side. Keep your chin up and :( will turn to :D .

Beautiful day to be free my friend. If you made it 3 you can damn sure make it 4. I recommend a steak and ice cream on this fine Saturday evening.

Sixer, if you need to go get some fake, fireballs or whatever you need. There is 1000's here that have done this and your no different. You keep that word bro. I don't care how bad it gets for i don't care how long. You keep that word. This is the frame of mind you need.

Start reading everything you can on addiction/nicotine. Lot of information on this site. Time to begin building that arsenal with knowledge and accountability. How bad do you want this? No more talk of cave. YOU TOOK CAVE OFF THE TABLE WHEN YOU POSTED ROLL! KEEP YOUR WORD!
Hof date may 25, 2013
HoF Speech

The poison sucks. I hate it. I hated it this morning, I hated it at noon, I hated it at supper and I hate it tonight. I enjoy hating it so much I'm going to wake up tomorrow and start over hating it. I quit with anyone that wants to hate it with me.

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Re: Nicotine, I Hate You
« Reply #83 on: April 12, 2014, 03:44:00 PM »
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: sixercountry
It has now been 3 days of constant thoughts about dip. I have no idea what to do. I feel sick and mentally drained. I know I made a promise today but I do not
Know how much further beyond today I can do this. I know a dip will not help and it will be back to being a slave. I also know however that one dip may give me the ten minutes of
Mental normalcy I have been searching for for three days and beyond. I know the things I am saying sound "trollish" and blasphemous, but I don't know what to do. I feel hopeless and pissed off and tired. I'm out.
Bro keep it up. Fuck tobacco it won't do shit for you but this.. ... neck-2.htm
Hey sixer. Get on the phone and call your brothers. Text, talk, whatever you have to do. One thing for sure tho, you better find a way to believe you are better than addiction or the bitch will own you for a long time. You are worth more brother

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Re: Nicotine, I Hate You
« Reply #82 on: April 12, 2014, 03:33:00 PM »
Quote from: sixercountry
It has now been 3 days of constant thoughts about dip. I have no idea what to do. I feel sick and mentally drained. I know I made a promise today but I do not
Know how much further beyond today I can do this. I know a dip will not help and it will be back to being a slave. I also know however that one dip may give me the ten minutes of
Mental normalcy I have been searching for for three days and beyond. I know the things I am saying sound "trollish" and blasphemous, but I don't know what to do. I feel hopeless and pissed off and tired. I'm out.
Bro keep it up. Fuck tobacco it won't do shit for you but this.. ... neck-2.htm
Nicotine Quit Date:10/31/2013
Exercise Start Date: 6/29/2018

Offline sixercountry

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Re: Nicotine, I Hate You
« Reply #81 on: April 12, 2014, 03:00:00 PM »
It has now been 3 days of constant thoughts about dip. I have no idea what to do. I feel sick and mentally drained. I know I made a promise today but I do not
Know how much further beyond today I can do this. I know a dip will not help and it will be back to being a slave. I also know however that one dip may give me the ten minutes of
Mental normalcy I have been searching for for three days and beyond. I know the things I am saying sound "trollish" and blasphemous, but I don't know what to do. I feel hopeless and pissed off and tired. I'm out.

Offline brettlees

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Re: Nicotine, I Hate You
« Reply #80 on: April 12, 2014, 12:29:00 AM »
Quote from: slinger
Quote from: SAM83
Quote from: srans
Quote from: Doc
Quote from: Raider
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: derk40
Quote from: sixercountry
(Disclaimer: I recognize that everything I am about to say is not my true thoughts and just addict speak. I am not blaming anyone for the position I have placed myself. It is all my doing.)

Today is 39 days. Another funk is upon me. The funks seem to last 4-5 days and I am only on day 3. I have a lot of thoughts running through my head.� None of these thoughts and urges have been strong enough to put me inside a car on my way to buy a tin of dip.� Here is goes with some of the ridiculous things I have been thinking:
"All these fuckers have said it gets easier. This is all I hear over and over again. It does not get easier!!! On the 39th day it has consumed my thoughts. I have thought that I am just meant to die earlier than others, if dip actually causes death like many say. I would rather live another 20 years happily than 40 miserable because these urges do not seem like they will ever go away.� I am only 33 years old. These people on this site are much older than me and have been dipping many more years.� Even if I dipped and continued to dip, I still have many years to catch up to many people that I know. I can afford to still dip for a few more years until I am ready to quit. I am sick of seeds, gum, chatrooms, forums, typing the url for this fuckin website, fighting back against this bullshit every day, etc.� I am sick of going to the gym, doing pushups, going running, and every other stress reliever/mind occupier that I have tried over the past 5 weeks. I am fuckin tired of everything."
I am sitting here gathering the thoughts I have collected throughout the day today.� I actually can say most days are easier. I can also say that no one knows when their time is up. The next dip could be the end for me or it could take 20 years. This is not a chance I am willing to take.� I have heard the "slave" thing over and over but never fully understood it until now. For 39 days, I have not given in for 3 reasons. 1) The site and the people I have became friends with that I have made promises to 2) myself 3) I do not want to be a slave. I know if i were to go back, I would just be prolonging the never ending feeling of craving that next dip and being a whore to that pimp nic......I need to get it together and do it quick. Maybe I feel this way because I am having a pity party for myself and feeling bad for how I feel, I dont know. I do know I am stronger than I am acting and need to man up.

I am sorry for some of my language in the forums but some of these weak ass quitters (very few) just piss me the fuck off. I have no time for them. They say, "take what you want from the site, leave the rest". I am leaving these people that think this shit is a joke and I am taking the rest of you. I will save 1 WG, wedge KO, PP, SLUG, West, Bronc, Brad, Tls, Lk, Maino, Braves, 224, sport, bird, mark, and the rest of you fuckers that I forgot over 10 of you soft ass excuse making cavers. You will be here for another 20 days or 110 days but you will cave again unless you buy in to the program.� It is a fact!� Done wasting energy on you.
Sixer... Breathe. Breathe.

We say it will get better because we are asking you to trust us. There is no magical day this will happen. It just will. It is gonna suck until it doesn't and then it won't. These words are so true.

The most important thing you can do right now is just worry about TODAY and staying quit TODAY. You can do this. Don't get ahead of yourself.

Remember this. You are 39 days quit. You are winning. You are owning your quit. You are not a slave today. Keep at it!
Listen to Derk, sixer. 39 days is a mere blip. You poisoned yourself for how many years? It will get better!!! I'm day 162 after 23 years of poisoning myself and feeling pretty damn good. It didn't happen overnight but I feel 100 times better than I did on day 39. Keep quittin badass style.
Because you came on here and posted this means you are winning. The Nic Bitch is crafty and her sultry words seem to be bouncing off of you. I remember during some of my "stops" before that I would hear those same words that you are thinking. I began to gain weight and actually convinced myself that if dipping kept me from getting heart disease that it was worth it. WTF was I thinking? Yes quitting is hard as hell but in the end it is so damn worth it. I am only 3 days ahead of you and still get the "urge" every now and then. Is will get easier. Each persons reaction is different. Stay strong and you will overcome these feelings. Keep it one day at a time and the main person you need to worry about is YOU.
That a boy 6r! Barf that shit out of your head. You are winning. Keep drinking the Kool-aid. It is already better...the nic bitch just keeps telling you that it isn't. You are 39 days quit! That is huge!
Just mind games dude.
PM me if you need anything and keep using this to rant, if you need!
Quit on.
Great job sixer. That first funk sucks. I remember thinking,, what is going on? I've never experienced anxiety and depression until quitting. It gave me a whole new perspective on life. Now I know a little of what people with depression and anxiety go through. My wife actually deals with anxiety regularly. Now I'm able to help her through it with a little more of an understanding of what she's going through.

It will pass sixer. You'll go through these once in a while. They will become few and farther between as your quit becomes stronger. Your doing it man. Keep racking up them days. ODAAT and NAFAR
I totally agree with everything said ^^^^. I know I have heard some guys discuss and read some articles on here that acknowledge that funks are one thing and clinical anxiety and depression are another. I have gone through some funks in the last few months for sure, but I have had a sense of improvement (only incremental for the first month or so). If you are not feeling any relief, please consider confiding in your personal doctor. There is no shame in seeking medical help. Sometimes we need some help to get over rough spots in our lives, and a lot of times the help is only needed for a short period of time. I think Diesel (I apologize if I am incorrect) has posted openly on this topic and his own experience. Perhaps seek this brother out on this matter. YOU SHOULD BE CONFIDENT THAT YOU ARE WINNING!
Congrats on another victory, Sixer. Thank you for being so open and honest about what you are going through. I'm proud to be quit with you today, brother.
Keep hanging in there and chalking up these victories. It does get better. I remember wondering if it ever really would. I had some pretty fierce fogs and funks in my double digit days for sure. Luckily some other guys posted on my thread that they had similar times. You know, when you get thru something hard like you keep doing, each one is a lesson you teach the addiction- no more nicotine in that situation. You are retraining your mind and it takes work because the addiction really is entrenched. Feels so good when things start clicking at times tho, you won't believe how good freedom is gonna feel. Keep it up, you're doing it right. Keep recording here for yourself later too, but it also helps others. Read others stories too and you see pieces of your own quit all over.
This info helped me early on, and still does today:

Quitters I’ve met so far: Ihatecope, >Pinched<, T-Cell, grizzlyhasclaws, Canvasback, BaseballPlayer, Cbird65, ERDVM, BradleyGuy, Ted, Zeno, AppleJack, Bronc, Knockout, MookieBlaylock, Rdad, 2mch2lv4, MN_Ben, Natro, Lippizaner, Amquash, ChristopherJ, GDubya, SRohde  -- always eager to meet more!

Offline slinger

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Re: Nicotine, I Hate You
« Reply #79 on: April 11, 2014, 07:34:00 PM »
Quote from: SAM83
Quote from: srans
Quote from: Doc
Quote from: Raider
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: derk40
Quote from: sixercountry
(Disclaimer: I recognize that everything I am about to say is not my true thoughts and just addict speak. I am not blaming anyone for the position I have placed myself. It is all my doing.)

Today is 39 days. Another funk is upon me. The funks seem to last 4-5 days and I am only on day 3. I have a lot of thoughts running through my head.� None of these thoughts and urges have been strong enough to put me inside a car on my way to buy a tin of dip.� Here is goes with some of the ridiculous things I have been thinking:
"All these fuckers have said it gets easier. This is all I hear over and over again. It does not get easier!!! On the 39th day it has consumed my thoughts. I have thought that I am just meant to die earlier than others, if dip actually causes death like many say. I would rather live another 20 years happily than 40 miserable because these urges do not seem like they will ever go away.� I am only 33 years old. These people on this site are much older than me and have been dipping many more years.� Even if I dipped and continued to dip, I still have many years to catch up to many people that I know. I can afford to still dip for a few more years until I am ready to quit. I am sick of seeds, gum, chatrooms, forums, typing the url for this fuckin website, fighting back against this bullshit every day, etc.� I am sick of going to the gym, doing pushups, going running, and every other stress reliever/mind occupier that I have tried over the past 5 weeks. I am fuckin tired of everything."
I am sitting here gathering the thoughts I have collected throughout the day today.� I actually can say most days are easier. I can also say that no one knows when their time is up. The next dip could be the end for me or it could take 20 years. This is not a chance I am willing to take.� I have heard the "slave" thing over and over but never fully understood it until now. For 39 days, I have not given in for 3 reasons. 1) The site and the people I have became friends with that I have made promises to 2) myself 3) I do not want to be a slave. I know if i were to go back, I would just be prolonging the never ending feeling of craving that next dip and being a whore to that pimp nic......I need to get it together and do it quick. Maybe I feel this way because I am having a pity party for myself and feeling bad for how I feel, I dont know. I do know I am stronger than I am acting and need to man up.

I am sorry for some of my language in the forums but some of these weak ass quitters (very few) just piss me the fuck off. I have no time for them. They say, "take what you want from the site, leave the rest". I am leaving these people that think this shit is a joke and I am taking the rest of you. I will save 1 WG, wedge KO, PP, SLUG, West, Bronc, Brad, Tls, Lk, Maino, Braves, 224, sport, bird, mark, and the rest of you fuckers that I forgot over 10 of you soft ass excuse making cavers. You will be here for another 20 days or 110 days but you will cave again unless you buy in to the program.� It is a fact!� Done wasting energy on you.
Sixer... Breathe. Breathe.

We say it will get better because we are asking you to trust us. There is no magical day this will happen. It just will. It is gonna suck until it doesn't and then it won't. These words are so true.

The most important thing you can do right now is just worry about TODAY and staying quit TODAY. You can do this. Don't get ahead of yourself.

Remember this. You are 39 days quit. You are winning. You are owning your quit. You are not a slave today. Keep at it!
Listen to Derk, sixer. 39 days is a mere blip. You poisoned yourself for how many years? It will get better!!! I'm day 162 after 23 years of poisoning myself and feeling pretty damn good. It didn't happen overnight but I feel 100 times better than I did on day 39. Keep quittin badass style.
Because you came on here and posted this means you are winning. The Nic Bitch is crafty and her sultry words seem to be bouncing off of you. I remember during some of my "stops" before that I would hear those same words that you are thinking. I began to gain weight and actually convinced myself that if dipping kept me from getting heart disease that it was worth it. WTF was I thinking? Yes quitting is hard as hell but in the end it is so damn worth it. I am only 3 days ahead of you and still get the "urge" every now and then. Is will get easier. Each persons reaction is different. Stay strong and you will overcome these feelings. Keep it one day at a time and the main person you need to worry about is YOU.
That a boy 6r! Barf that shit out of your head. You are winning. Keep drinking the Kool-aid. It is already better...the nic bitch just keeps telling you that it isn't. You are 39 days quit! That is huge!
Just mind games dude.
PM me if you need anything and keep using this to rant, if you need!
Quit on.
Great job sixer. That first funk sucks. I remember thinking,, what is going on? I've never experienced anxiety and depression until quitting. It gave me a whole new perspective on life. Now I know a little of what people with depression and anxiety go through. My wife actually deals with anxiety regularly. Now I'm able to help her through it with a little more of an understanding of what she's going through.

It will pass sixer. You'll go through these once in a while. They will become few and farther between as your quit becomes stronger. Your doing it man. Keep racking up them days. ODAAT and NAFAR
I totally agree with everything said ^^^^. I know I have heard some guys discuss and read some articles on here that acknowledge that funks are one thing and clinical anxiety and depression are another. I have gone through some funks in the last few months for sure, but I have had a sense of improvement (only incremental for the first month or so). If you are not feeling any relief, please consider confiding in your personal doctor. There is no shame in seeking medical help. Sometimes we need some help to get over rough spots in our lives, and a lot of times the help is only needed for a short period of time. I think Diesel (I apologize if I am incorrect) has posted openly on this topic and his own experience. Perhaps seek this brother out on this matter. YOU SHOULD BE CONFIDENT THAT YOU ARE WINNING!
Congrats on another victory, Sixer. Thank you for being so open and honest about what you are going through. I'm proud to be quit with you today, brother.
We are what we repeatedly do. ~ Aristotle

Quit or get off the pot, Sally. ~ Diesel2112

The way I see it, you can either post roll daily or fuck off. ~ jost2brown

Bam! Right in the ass! ~ MonsterEMT

Quit Date: 3/4/14
HOF Date: 6/11/14
2nd Floor: 9/19/14
HOF Speech

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Re: Nicotine, I Hate You
« Reply #78 on: April 11, 2014, 12:01:00 PM »
Quote from: srans
Quote from: Doc
Quote from: Raider
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: derk40
Quote from: sixercountry
(Disclaimer: I recognize that everything I am about to say is not my true thoughts and just addict speak. I am not blaming anyone for the position I have placed myself. It is all my doing.)

Today is 39 days. Another funk is upon me. The funks seem to last 4-5 days and I am only on day 3. I have a lot of thoughts running through my head.� None of these thoughts and urges have been strong enough to put me inside a car on my way to buy a tin of dip.� Here is goes with some of the ridiculous things I have been thinking:
"All these fuckers have said it gets easier. This is all I hear over and over again. It does not get easier!!! On the 39th day it has consumed my thoughts. I have thought that I am just meant to die earlier than others, if dip actually causes death like many say. I would rather live another 20 years happily than 40 miserable because these urges do not seem like they will ever go away.� I am only 33 years old. These people on this site are much older than me and have been dipping many more years.� Even if I dipped and continued to dip, I still have many years to catch up to many people that I know. I can afford to still dip for a few more years until I am ready to quit. I am sick of seeds, gum, chatrooms, forums, typing the url for this fuckin website, fighting back against this bullshit every day, etc.� I am sick of going to the gym, doing pushups, going running, and every other stress reliever/mind occupier that I have tried over the past 5 weeks. I am fuckin tired of everything."
I am sitting here gathering the thoughts I have collected throughout the day today.� I actually can say most days are easier. I can also say that no one knows when their time is up. The next dip could be the end for me or it could take 20 years. This is not a chance I am willing to take.� I have heard the "slave" thing over and over but never fully understood it until now. For 39 days, I have not given in for 3 reasons. 1) The site and the people I have became friends with that I have made promises to 2) myself 3) I do not want to be a slave. I know if i were to go back, I would just be prolonging the never ending feeling of craving that next dip and being a whore to that pimp nic......I need to get it together and do it quick. Maybe I feel this way because I am having a pity party for myself and feeling bad for how I feel, I dont know. I do know I am stronger than I am acting and need to man up.

I am sorry for some of my language in the forums but some of these weak ass quitters (very few) just piss me the fuck off. I have no time for them. They say, "take what you want from the site, leave the rest". I am leaving these people that think this shit is a joke and I am taking the rest of you. I will save 1 WG, wedge KO, PP, SLUG, West, Bronc, Brad, Tls, Lk, Maino, Braves, 224, sport, bird, mark, and the rest of you fuckers that I forgot over 10 of you soft ass excuse making cavers. You will be here for another 20 days or 110 days but you will cave again unless you buy in to the program.� It is a fact!� Done wasting energy on you.
Sixer... Breathe. Breathe.

We say it will get better because we are asking you to trust us. There is no magical day this will happen. It just will. It is gonna suck until it doesn't and then it won't. These words are so true.

The most important thing you can do right now is just worry about TODAY and staying quit TODAY. You can do this. Don't get ahead of yourself.

Remember this. You are 39 days quit. You are winning. You are owning your quit. You are not a slave today. Keep at it!
Listen to Derk, sixer. 39 days is a mere blip. You poisoned yourself for how many years? It will get better!!! I'm day 162 after 23 years of poisoning myself and feeling pretty damn good. It didn't happen overnight but I feel 100 times better than I did on day 39. Keep quittin badass style.
Because you came on here and posted this means you are winning. The Nic Bitch is crafty and her sultry words seem to be bouncing off of you. I remember during some of my "stops" before that I would hear those same words that you are thinking. I began to gain weight and actually convinced myself that if dipping kept me from getting heart disease that it was worth it. WTF was I thinking? Yes quitting is hard as hell but in the end it is so damn worth it. I am only 3 days ahead of you and still get the "urge" every now and then. Is will get easier. Each persons reaction is different. Stay strong and you will overcome these feelings. Keep it one day at a time and the main person you need to worry about is YOU.
That a boy 6r! Barf that shit out of your head. You are winning. Keep drinking the Kool-aid. It is already better...the nic bitch just keeps telling you that it isn't. You are 39 days quit! That is huge!
Just mind games dude.
PM me if you need anything and keep using this to rant, if you need!
Quit on.
Great job sixer. That first funk sucks. I remember thinking,, what is going on? I've never experienced anxiety and depression until quitting. It gave me a whole new perspective on life. Now I know a little of what people with depression and anxiety go through. My wife actually deals with anxiety regularly. Now I'm able to help her through it with a little more of an understanding of what she's going through.

It will pass sixer. You'll go through these once in a while. They will become few and farther between as your quit becomes stronger. Your doing it man. Keep racking up them days. ODAAT and NAFAR
I totally agree with everything said ^^^^. I know I have heard some guys discuss and read some articles on here that acknowledge that funks are one thing and clinical anxiety and depression are another. I have gone through some funks in the last few months for sure, but I have had a sense of improvement (only incremental for the first month or so). If you are not feeling any relief, please consider confiding in your personal doctor. There is no shame in seeking medical help. Sometimes we need some help to get over rough spots in our lives, and a lot of times the help is only needed for a short period of time. I think Diesel (I apologize if I am incorrect) has posted openly on this topic and his own experience. Perhaps seek this brother out on this matter. YOU SHOULD BE CONFIDENT THAT YOU ARE WINNING!