(Disclaimer: I recognize that everything I am about to say is not my true thoughts and just addict speak. I am not blaming anyone for the position I have placed myself. It is all my doing.)
Today is 39 days. Another funk is upon me. The funks seem to last 4-5 days and I am only on day 3. I have a lot of thoughts running through my head. None of these thoughts and urges have been strong enough to put me inside a car on my way to buy a tin of dip. Here is goes with some of the ridiculous things I have been thinking:
"All these fuckers have said it gets easier. This is all I hear over and over again. It does not get easier!!! On the 39th day it has consumed my thoughts. I have thought that I am just meant to die earlier than others, if dip actually causes death like many say. I would rather live another 20 years happily than 40 miserable because these urges do not seem like they will ever go away. I am only 33 years old. These people on this site are much older than me and have been dipping many more years. Even if I dipped and continued to dip, I still have many years to catch up to many people that I know. I can afford to still dip for a few more years until I am ready to quit. I am sick of seeds, gum, chatrooms, forums, typing the url for this fuckin website, fighting back against this bullshit every day, etc. I am sick of going to the gym, doing pushups, going running, and every other stress reliever/mind occupier that I have tried over the past 5 weeks. I am fuckin tired of everything."
I am sitting here gathering the thoughts I have collected throughout the day today. I actually can say most days are easier. I can also say that no one knows when their time is up. The next dip could be the end for me or it could take 20 years. This is not a chance I am willing to take. I have heard the "slave" thing over and over but never fully understood it until now. For 39 days, I have not given in for 3 reasons. 1) The site and the people I have became friends with that I have made promises to 2) myself 3) I do not want to be a slave. I know if i were to go back, I would just be prolonging the never ending feeling of craving that next dip and being a whore to that pimp nic......I need to get it together and do it quick. Maybe I feel this way because I am having a pity party for myself and feeling bad for how I feel, I dont know. I do know I am stronger than I am acting and need to man up.
I am sorry for some of my language in the forums but some of these weak ass quitters (very few) just piss me the fuck off. I have no time for them. They say, "take what you want from the site, leave the rest". I am leaving these people that think this shit is a joke and I am taking the rest of you. I will save 1 WG, wedge KO, PP, SLUG, West, Bronc, Brad, Tls, Lk, Maino, Braves, 224, sport, bird, mark, and the rest of you fuckers that I forgot over 10 of you soft ass excuse making cavers. You will be here for another 20 days or 110 days but you will cave again unless you buy in to the program. It is a fact! Done wasting energy on you.