Author Topic: Nicotine, I Hate You  (Read 16320 times)

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Re: Nicotine, I Hate You
« Reply #62 on: March 28, 2014, 06:24:00 PM »
You will know when you are ready. I don't think this early is that time but that is just my 2 pennies. I drank where you are and it made the craves flow like a raging river. Until I went to sleep. So when I say it is not a goo idea, yes, I have been there.
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Re: Nicotine, I Hate You
« Reply #61 on: March 28, 2014, 05:18:00 PM »
Quote from: Morgan1
I see lots of sound advice from quitters that I respect in this thread in regards to drinking. Generally speaking, I agree that drinking puts a quit in danger be it at day 30, 300, or 3000. The reason is because alcohol impairs judgement. Now having said that, I believe wholeheartedly in the theory of "nic is still controlling my life if I can't have a drink (or whatever) when I want it". I made a similar post as you have early into my quit - the first week I believe - and I caught a lot of flak for it. Of course I didn't cave because I posted roll that day and I was ready to tackle it head on. I looked at it as a test of sorts that I had no choice but to pass. People thought me foolish to risk it but I knew I could handle it. That's the real question here - do you KNOW you can handle it? If this answer is yes then enjoy. If there is any doubt or anxiety you may want to wait. Day one would be crushing knowing that you put yourself to the test and failed. On the other hand, blowing through the night without tobacco will feel so fucking good that you will feed off of it and continue to grow stronger in your quit everyday. For me, I fed off of every little success I had - every little milestone. All of them made my quit a little more secure. I believe in being aggressive and owning the quit. If you own it, you can do whatever you want. Don't forget to post roll the day you plan on drinking - if you do that and you take roll as the sacred oath that it is, then you'll be golden. Posting roll supersedes any challenge or obstacle including alcohol if you believe with your whole being in it (like I do). No excuse is good enough if you posted roll that day. If you have that mentality you can't lose. And you sure as hell can't cave.
I always follow the immortal words of John "Bluto" Blutarsky: "My advice to you is to start drinking heavily."

Good discussion here on this topic and advice from both sides. Bottom line is everything you do during your quit is your call. This is your quit and you own it. I chose to not and that worked for me.

Whatever you do this weekend... Post roll and stay quit. Keep the quit you have fought for already. Don't give in. You do that and all is good in the world.
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Re: Nicotine, I Hate You
« Reply #60 on: March 28, 2014, 03:15:00 PM »
I see lots of sound advice from quitters that I respect in this thread in regards to drinking. Generally speaking, I agree that drinking puts a quit in danger be it at day 30, 300, or 3000. The reason is because alcohol impairs judgement. Now having said that, I believe wholeheartedly in the theory of "nic is still controlling my life if I can't have a drink (or whatever) when I want it". I made a similar post as you have early into my quit - the first week I believe - and I caught a lot of flak for it. Of course I didn't cave because I posted roll that day and I was ready to tackle it head on. I looked at it as a test of sorts that I had no choice but to pass. People thought me foolish to risk it but I knew I could handle it. That's the real question here - do you KNOW you can handle it? If this answer is yes then enjoy. If there is any doubt or anxiety you may want to wait. Day one would be crushing knowing that you put yourself to the test and failed. On the other hand, blowing through the night without tobacco will feel so fucking good that you will feed off of it and continue to grow stronger in your quit everyday. For me, I fed off of every little success I had - every little milestone. All of them made my quit a little more secure. I believe in being aggressive and owning the quit. If you own it, you can do whatever you want. Don't forget to post roll the day you plan on drinking - if you do that and you take roll as the sacred oath that it is, then you'll be golden. Posting roll supersedes any challenge or obstacle including alcohol if you believe with your whole being in it (like I do). No excuse is good enough if you posted roll that day. If you have that mentality you can't lose. And you sure as hell can't cave.
I have control over my quit. There's no luck involved. - Diesel2112


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Re: Nicotine, I Hate You
« Reply #59 on: March 28, 2014, 11:29:00 AM »
Quote from: Pinched
You have received some good advice here and some advice that I don't agree with (which is why I am not copying it again).

No one here can be your parent and tell you what to do, nor are they trying to.  You are an adult so taking advice can cause your guard to come up.

My advice is commit to your quit and understand that many of us have seen caves happen because other stoppers didn't properly prepare for situations like you are being warned about.

I myself have gotten torn ass drunk since my quit started but I waited until I knew I was ready to face any circumstances.
Some sound advice there! Don't risk your quit if you're not ready. You have plenty of time to get drunk in the future. If you are still tempted when you see other dippers or smokers when you drink like probably 98% of the folks in here were at 30 days quit, its best to avoid drinking with them for now. But, its your quit and you are free to to whatever you want.

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Re: Nicotine, I Hate You
« Reply #58 on: March 28, 2014, 10:33:00 AM »
You have received some good advice here and some advice that I don't agree with (which is why I am not copying it again).

No one here can be your parent and tell you what to do, nor are they trying to. You are an adult so taking advice can cause your guard to come up.

My advice is commit to your quit and understand that many of us have seen caves happen because other stoppers didn't properly prepare for situations like you are being warned about.

I myself have gotten torn ass drunk since my quit started but I waited until I knew I was ready to face any circumstances.
"If you want to quit then stop talking and just QUIT. If you want to kill yourself a bullet is cheaper and faster than a tin, plus it eliminates my hearing you whine and cry like a bitch."

Best thing I have read on KTC...Submitted by tgafish on 7/3/14

Former Skoal Straight and Cope Longcut user that started at the age of 12. QUIT on 7/15/13

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Re: Nicotine, I Hate You
« Reply #57 on: March 28, 2014, 10:27:00 AM »
Quote from: Nolaq
Quote from: sixercountry
Quote from: jayd41
Quote from: srans
Quote from: Nolaq
Quote from: sixercountry
i understand the importance of the whole ODAAT model for KTC and for addicts as a whole. Promise to not dip today and worry about tomorrow when it comes.� I can not however help but think of this Saturday night.� I have a specific plan in place. This Saturday night will not only be my 27th day of quit, but it will be my 29th day without the booze.� I have enjoyed drinking on weekends for the majority of my adult life. I have made it a point to be sober throughout my initial quit and have been able to follow through with that obligation.� I told on day 1 of my quit that I would wait 30 days before I had a drop of alcohol. I also promised myself that I would ease my way into drinking in a progressive manner throughout the following weekends.� This Saturday is my sister-in-laws surprise 30th bday party. I have come up with a plan and here it is:
1) Post roll in the AM
2) go to work
3) go to gym
4) charge cell phone
5) check in on website
6) re-print contract
7) re-print a page from the kern story
8) place both in wallet
9) make a promise to use contract, page, and the multiple numbers I have in my phone
10) drink socially (pack buzz, no more)
11) conquer first day of drinking

This whole thing may sound dramatic, but I have been worried about this day since day 1.� My guard is up and I will not fail. thank you. out.
Can I just ask a question?


Why chance it? Are you hurting without it? Do you really NEED to drink this weekend? What will happen if you don't?

I only ask becuase you have a very complete, complex and elaborate plan in place to help you while you drink. Doesn't that bother you?

I'm not against drinking, mind you, I was just struck by this complexity for you to prepare for something. If it's that big of a deal, and that big of a risk, why not skip it this weekend, stay home and not chance it?

Just a thought.
I totally agree with this ^^^^ fine quitter. Why all the plans? It sounds to me like you are making plans because you have no choice, but to drink this weekend. You have a choice my friend. You can choose to drink just like you choose whether to put the poison in your pie hole.

Your not out of the woods yet, not by far. YOUR decision!
My suggestion(s) to you mr. sixer is to just understand your limits...i remember early in my first go around where i got so drunk that i had to ask someone the next day if i had chewed or smoked because i really couldn't remember....that was scary. luckily at the time i had not. anyways...drink slow..enjoy the night...if there is a rash of people there smoking and dipping then just stay clear of the group that is doing those things when they are doing them. Anyhow...don't let quitting get in front of your life, but don't let life get in front of you quit...if that makes any sense...quit on my friend
At some point it needs to happen. I am not going to go the rest of my life without a drink. At 30
Days I expect to be free. Not free from cravings and urges. But free to live my life away from a chatroom, a forum, and at a party having a drink or two. I look at it the other way. I have a plan in place as a precaution. I don't expect it to be necessary but if it is then that's what I am going to do. I'm sick of dip controlling my decisions in life and this is going to be a moment where I am going to take responsibility and say fuck it. There are are millions of people that drink without nic and this fucking weekend, I will be one of them.
I'm not making my point clear, and for that, I'm sorry.

This is not a 'You should quit drinking' mantra. Not my place to say.

What I am saying is, you are not even 30 days into your Quit and you are planning to go out, get trashed with your buds (who probably dip and/or smoke) and celebrate your 30 days Quit.

Bad fucking idea, I don't care how many pieces of paper you have in your pocket, phone numbers, or sticks of gum you have.

You are going to tear it up, by your own admission. You are going to jump tits deep into a situation where your ability to make conscious, wise decisions will be purposefully impaired. The chances of you posting a Day 1 on Monday are rising exponentially.

All I'm saying is, what is so important about this weekend? You said it yourself - it's going to happen eventually, why not let that eventuality happen when you are much stronger in your Quit?

This is a dangerous plan. That's all I'm saying.

If you don't think I speak the troof, just read about a million Intro pages of guys who go out, get hammered, and wind up with a lip turd in the morning.

Be smart.
my .02 - life happens. Unless you plan on quitting drinking entirely, you are going to eventually have to face the lowered inhibitions it brings. Does it have to be this weekend, still in the first month of your quit? Only you can decide that. My approach was to have my initial drinks in a "safe" environment - at home, with my wife and no access to tobacco or nicotine. Yes, the craves were vicious. I do not know if I would have succumbed to them if it was available, I would like to believe I would be strong enough to resist.

In either case its irrelevant - I had a plan for dealing with this part of life. I believe it was about day 30 or 40 of my quit. One of the main reasons for this is that I had a planned family vacation - brothers, sisters, father (RIP), nieces, nephews, kids, etc - that started about day 70 and knew there would be drinking. I let everyone there know I had just quit, and since my sister and BIL were also quitters (smoking) they had an understanding of what I was going through. There were still craves during the vacation drinking, but I was ready for them because I had tested myself in a "safe environment."

Your quit should be one of the most important, guarded things right now. Taking your first sips of alcohol since quitting while you are around a bunch of dippers and smokers in a party environment may not be the best idea, and unless you plan on having just one or two beers over a couple of hours (social sipping, i.e. no buzz) those papers aint gonna save you if you get to the brink and a can is in your face. Do you enjoy the people's company you are going to party with? If so, alcohol is probably not a must have to be at the party. If you decide not to risk it, I suggest volunteering to be a DD and taking some kind of non-alcoholic beverage of your choice. I did that a number of times when my wife and friends wanted to go out.
The problem is not the problem.  The problem is your attitude about the problem.  Do you understand?

Draw Fire

If its too much trouble to post roll call, you could always fuck off.

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Re: Nicotine, I Hate You
« Reply #56 on: March 28, 2014, 10:26:00 AM »
The problem is not the problem.  The problem is your attitude about the problem.  Do you understand?

Draw Fire

If its too much trouble to post roll call, you could always fuck off.

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Re: Nicotine, I Hate You
« Reply #55 on: March 28, 2014, 10:08:00 AM »
Quote from: srans
Quote from: jayd41
Quote from: srans
Quote from: Nolaq
Quote from: sixercountry
i understand the importance of the whole ODAAT model for KTC and for addicts as a whole. Promise to not dip today and worry about tomorrow when it comes.� I can not however help but think of this Saturday night.� I have a specific plan in place. This Saturday night will not only be my 27th day of quit, but it will be my 29th day without the booze.� I have enjoyed drinking on weekends for the majority of my adult life. I have made it a point to be sober throughout my initial quit and have been able to follow through with that obligation.� I told on day 1 of my quit that I would wait 30 days before I had a drop of alcohol. I also promised myself that I would ease my way into drinking in a progressive manner throughout the following weekends.� This Saturday is my sister-in-laws surprise 30th bday party. I have come up with a plan and here it is:
1) Post roll in the AM
2) go to work
3) go to gym
4) charge cell phone
5) check in on website
6) re-print contract
7) re-print a page from the kern story
8) place both in wallet
9) make a promise to use contract, page, and the multiple numbers I have in my phone
10) drink socially (pack buzz, no more)
11) conquer first day of drinking

This whole thing may sound dramatic, but I have been worried about this day since day 1.� My guard is up and I will not fail. thank you. out.
Can I just ask a question?


Why chance it? Are you hurting without it? Do you really NEED to drink this weekend? What will happen if you don't?

I only ask becuase you have a very complete, complex and elaborate plan in place to help you while you drink. Doesn't that bother you?

I'm not against drinking, mind you, I was just struck by this complexity for you to prepare for something. If it's that big of a deal, and that big of a risk, why not skip it this weekend, stay home and not chance it?

Just a thought.
I totally agree with this ^^^^ fine quitter. Why all the plans? It sounds to me like you are making plans because you have no choice, but to drink this weekend. You have a choice my friend. You can choose to drink just like you choose whether to put the poison in your pie hole.

Your not out of the woods yet, not by far. YOUR decision!
My suggestion(s) to you mr. sixer is to just understand your limits...i remember early in my first go around where i got so drunk that i had to ask someone the next day if i had chewed or smoked because i really couldn't remember....that was scary. luckily at the time i had not. anyways...drink slow..enjoy the night...if there is a rash of people there smoking and dipping then just stay clear of the group that is doing those things when they are doing them. Anyhow...don't let quitting get in front of your life, but don't let life get in front of you quit...if that makes any sense...quit on my friend
don't let quitting get in front of your life
I disagree with this ^^^^. Make quitting the most important thing in your life, or you will fail. Proven by the writer.

Do whatever you have to to ensure you don't fail my friend. If you have to stop drinking for a while then do so. Like I stated before. Your decision. Choose wisely.

If you're worried about it... you're not ready.

Take it off the table. Surprise!... Many a good time has been had without booze.
Well, it’s one louder, isn’t it? It’s not ten.

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Re: Nicotine, I Hate You
« Reply #54 on: March 28, 2014, 10:08:00 AM »
Quote from: sixercountry
Quote from: jayd41
Quote from: srans
Quote from: Nolaq
Quote from: sixercountry
i understand the importance of the whole ODAAT model for KTC and for addicts as a whole. Promise to not dip today and worry about tomorrow when it comes.� I can not however help but think of this Saturday night.� I have a specific plan in place. This Saturday night will not only be my 27th day of quit, but it will be my 29th day without the booze.� I have enjoyed drinking on weekends for the majority of my adult life. I have made it a point to be sober throughout my initial quit and have been able to follow through with that obligation.� I told on day 1 of my quit that I would wait 30 days before I had a drop of alcohol. I also promised myself that I would ease my way into drinking in a progressive manner throughout the following weekends.� This Saturday is my sister-in-laws surprise 30th bday party. I have come up with a plan and here it is:
1) Post roll in the AM
2) go to work
3) go to gym
4) charge cell phone
5) check in on website
6) re-print contract
7) re-print a page from the kern story
8) place both in wallet
9) make a promise to use contract, page, and the multiple numbers I have in my phone
10) drink socially (pack buzz, no more)
11) conquer first day of drinking

This whole thing may sound dramatic, but I have been worried about this day since day 1.� My guard is up and I will not fail. thank you. out.
Can I just ask a question?


Why chance it? Are you hurting without it? Do you really NEED to drink this weekend? What will happen if you don't?

I only ask becuase you have a very complete, complex and elaborate plan in place to help you while you drink. Doesn't that bother you?

I'm not against drinking, mind you, I was just struck by this complexity for you to prepare for something. If it's that big of a deal, and that big of a risk, why not skip it this weekend, stay home and not chance it?

Just a thought.
I totally agree with this ^^^^ fine quitter. Why all the plans? It sounds to me like you are making plans because you have no choice, but to drink this weekend. You have a choice my friend. You can choose to drink just like you choose whether to put the poison in your pie hole.

Your not out of the woods yet, not by far. YOUR decision!
My suggestion(s) to you mr. sixer is to just understand your limits...i remember early in my first go around where i got so drunk that i had to ask someone the next day if i had chewed or smoked because i really couldn't remember....that was scary. luckily at the time i had not. anyways...drink slow..enjoy the night...if there is a rash of people there smoking and dipping then just stay clear of the group that is doing those things when they are doing them. Anyhow...don't let quitting get in front of your life, but don't let life get in front of you quit...if that makes any sense...quit on my friend
At some point it needs to happen. I am not going to go the rest of my life without a drink. At 30
Days I expect to be free. Not free from cravings and urges. But free to live my life away from a chatroom, a forum, and at a party having a drink or two. I look at it the other way. I have a plan in place as a precaution. I don't expect it to be necessary but if it is then that's what I am going to do. I'm sick of dip controlling my decisions in life and this is going to be a moment where I am going to take responsibility and say fuck it. There are are millions of people that drink without nic and this fucking weekend, I will be one of them.
I'm not making my point clear, and for that, I'm sorry.

This is not a 'You should quit drinking' mantra. Not my place to say.

What I am saying is, you are not even 30 days into your Quit and you are planning to go out, get trashed with your buds (who probably dip and/or smoke) and celebrate your 30 days Quit.

Bad fucking idea, I don't care how many pieces of paper you have in your pocket, phone numbers, or sticks of gum you have.

You are going to tear it up, by your own admission. You are going to jump tits deep into a situation where your ability to make conscious, wise decisions will be purposefully impaired. The chances of you posting a Day 1 on Monday are rising exponentially.

All I'm saying is, what is so important about this weekend? You said it yourself - it's going to happen eventually, why not let that eventuality happen when you are much stronger in your Quit?

This is a dangerous plan. That's all I'm saying.

If you don't think I speak the troof, just read about a million Intro pages of guys who go out, get hammered, and wind up with a lip turd in the morning.

Be smart.
What is your major malfunction?!?!?!?!

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Re: Nicotine, I Hate You
« Reply #53 on: March 28, 2014, 09:56:00 AM »
Quote from: jayd41
Quote from: srans
Quote from: Nolaq
Quote from: sixercountry
i understand the importance of the whole ODAAT model for KTC and for addicts as a whole. Promise to not dip today and worry about tomorrow when it comes.� I can not however help but think of this Saturday night.� I have a specific plan in place. This Saturday night will not only be my 27th day of quit, but it will be my 29th day without the booze.� I have enjoyed drinking on weekends for the majority of my adult life. I have made it a point to be sober throughout my initial quit and have been able to follow through with that obligation.� I told on day 1 of my quit that I would wait 30 days before I had a drop of alcohol. I also promised myself that I would ease my way into drinking in a progressive manner throughout the following weekends.� This Saturday is my sister-in-laws surprise 30th bday party. I have come up with a plan and here it is:
1) Post roll in the AM
2) go to work
3) go to gym
4) charge cell phone
5) check in on website
6) re-print contract
7) re-print a page from the kern story
8) place both in wallet
9) make a promise to use contract, page, and the multiple numbers I have in my phone
10) drink socially (pack buzz, no more)
11) conquer first day of drinking

This whole thing may sound dramatic, but I have been worried about this day since day 1.� My guard is up and I will not fail. thank you. out.
Can I just ask a question?


Why chance it? Are you hurting without it? Do you really NEED to drink this weekend? What will happen if you don't?

I only ask becuase you have a very complete, complex and elaborate plan in place to help you while you drink. Doesn't that bother you?

I'm not against drinking, mind you, I was just struck by this complexity for you to prepare for something. If it's that big of a deal, and that big of a risk, why not skip it this weekend, stay home and not chance it?

Just a thought.
I totally agree with this ^^^^ fine quitter. Why all the plans? It sounds to me like you are making plans because you have no choice, but to drink this weekend. You have a choice my friend. You can choose to drink just like you choose whether to put the poison in your pie hole.

Your not out of the woods yet, not by far. YOUR decision!
My suggestion(s) to you mr. sixer is to just understand your limits...i remember early in my first go around where i got so drunk that i had to ask someone the next day if i had chewed or smoked because i really couldn't remember....that was scary. luckily at the time i had not. anyways...drink slow..enjoy the night...if there is a rash of people there smoking and dipping then just stay clear of the group that is doing those things when they are doing them. Anyhow...don't let quitting get in front of your life, but don't let life get in front of you quit...if that makes any sense...quit on my friend
don't let quitting get in front of your life
I disagree with this ^^^^. Make quitting the most important thing in your life, or you will fail. Proven by the writer.

Do whatever you have to to ensure you don't fail my friend. If you have to stop drinking for a while then do so. Like I stated before. Your decision. Choose wisely.
Hof date may 25, 2013
HoF Speech

The poison sucks. I hate it. I hated it this morning, I hated it at noon, I hated it at supper and I hate it tonight. I enjoy hating it so much I'm going to wake up tomorrow and start over hating it. I quit with anyone that wants to hate it with me.

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Re: Nicotine, I Hate You
« Reply #52 on: March 28, 2014, 09:53:00 AM »
Quote from: jayd41
Quote from: srans
Quote from: Nolaq
Quote from: sixercountry
i understand the importance of the whole ODAAT model for KTC and for addicts as a whole. Promise to not dip today and worry about tomorrow when it comes.� I can not however help but think of this Saturday night.� I have a specific plan in place. This Saturday night will not only be my 27th day of quit, but it will be my 29th day without the booze.� I have enjoyed drinking on weekends for the majority of my adult life. I have made it a point to be sober throughout my initial quit and have been able to follow through with that obligation.� I told on day 1 of my quit that I would wait 30 days before I had a drop of alcohol. I also promised myself that I would ease my way into drinking in a progressive manner throughout the following weekends.� This Saturday is my sister-in-laws surprise 30th bday party. I have come up with a plan and here it is:
1) Post roll in the AM
2) go to work
3) go to gym
4) charge cell phone
5) check in on website
6) re-print contract
7) re-print a page from the kern story
8) place both in wallet
9) make a promise to use contract, page, and the multiple numbers I have in my phone
10) drink socially (pack buzz, no more)
11) conquer first day of drinking

This whole thing may sound dramatic, but I have been worried about this day since day 1.� My guard is up and I will not fail. thank you. out.
Can I just ask a question?


Why chance it? Are you hurting without it? Do you really NEED to drink this weekend? What will happen if you don't?

I only ask becuase you have a very complete, complex and elaborate plan in place to help you while you drink. Doesn't that bother you?

I'm not against drinking, mind you, I was just struck by this complexity for you to prepare for something. If it's that big of a deal, and that big of a risk, why not skip it this weekend, stay home and not chance it?

Just a thought.
I totally agree with this ^^^^ fine quitter. Why all the plans? It sounds to me like you are making plans because you have no choice, but to drink this weekend. You have a choice my friend. You can choose to drink just like you choose whether to put the poison in your pie hole.

Your not out of the woods yet, not by far. YOUR decision!
My suggestion(s) to you mr. sixer is to just understand your limits...i remember early in my first go around where i got so drunk that i had to ask someone the next day if i had chewed or smoked because i really couldn't remember....that was scary. luckily at the time i had not. anyways...drink slow..enjoy the night...if there is a rash of people there smoking and dipping then just stay clear of the group that is doing those things when they are doing them. Anyhow...don't let quitting get in front of your life, but don't let life get in front of you quit...if that makes any sense...quit on my friend
At some point it needs to happen. I am not going to go the rest of my life without a drink. At 30
Days I expect to be free. Not free from cravings and urges. But free to live my life away from a chatroom, a forum, and at a party having a drink or two. I look at it the other way. I have a plan in place as a precaution. I don't expect it to be necessary but if it is then that's what I am going to do. I'm sick of dip controlling my decisions in life and this is going to be a moment where I am going to take responsibility and say fuck it. There are are millions of people that drink without nic and this fucking weekend, I will be one of them.

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Re: Nicotine, I Hate You
« Reply #51 on: March 28, 2014, 09:19:00 AM »
Quote from: srans
Quote from: Nolaq
Quote from: sixercountry
i understand the importance of the whole ODAAT model for KTC and for addicts as a whole. Promise to not dip today and worry about tomorrow when it comes.� I can not however help but think of this Saturday night.� I have a specific plan in place. This Saturday night will not only be my 27th day of quit, but it will be my 29th day without the booze.� I have enjoyed drinking on weekends for the majority of my adult life. I have made it a point to be sober throughout my initial quit and have been able to follow through with that obligation.� I told on day 1 of my quit that I would wait 30 days before I had a drop of alcohol. I also promised myself that I would ease my way into drinking in a progressive manner throughout the following weekends.� This Saturday is my sister-in-laws surprise 30th bday party. I have come up with a plan and here it is:
1) Post roll in the AM
2) go to work
3) go to gym
4) charge cell phone
5) check in on website
6) re-print contract
7) re-print a page from the kern story
8) place both in wallet
9) make a promise to use contract, page, and the multiple numbers I have in my phone
10) drink socially (pack buzz, no more)
11) conquer first day of drinking

This whole thing may sound dramatic, but I have been worried about this day since day 1.� My guard is up and I will not fail. thank you. out.
Can I just ask a question?


Why chance it? Are you hurting without it? Do you really NEED to drink this weekend? What will happen if you don't?

I only ask becuase you have a very complete, complex and elaborate plan in place to help you while you drink. Doesn't that bother you?

I'm not against drinking, mind you, I was just struck by this complexity for you to prepare for something. If it's that big of a deal, and that big of a risk, why not skip it this weekend, stay home and not chance it?

Just a thought.
I totally agree with this ^^^^ fine quitter. Why all the plans? It sounds to me like you are making plans because you have no choice, but to drink this weekend. You have a choice my friend. You can choose to drink just like you choose whether to put the poison in your pie hole.

Your not out of the woods yet, not by far. YOUR decision!
My suggestion(s) to you mr. sixer is to just understand your limits...i remember early in my first go around where i got so drunk that i had to ask someone the next day if i had chewed or smoked because i really couldn't remember....that was scary. luckily at the time i had not. anyways...drink slow..enjoy the night...if there is a rash of people there smoking and dipping then just stay clear of the group that is doing those things when they are doing them. Anyhow...don't let quitting get in front of your life, but don't let life get in front of you quit...if that makes any sense...quit on my friend
Boy I sure could use a beer right about now!

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Re: Nicotine, I Hate You
« Reply #50 on: March 28, 2014, 08:59:00 AM »
Quote from: Nolaq
Quote from: sixercountry
i understand the importance of the whole ODAAT model for KTC and for addicts as a whole. Promise to not dip today and worry about tomorrow when it comes.� I can not however help but think of this Saturday night.� I have a specific plan in place. This Saturday night will not only be my 27th day of quit, but it will be my 29th day without the booze.� I have enjoyed drinking on weekends for the majority of my adult life. I have made it a point to be sober throughout my initial quit and have been able to follow through with that obligation.� I told on day 1 of my quit that I would wait 30 days before I had a drop of alcohol. I also promised myself that I would ease my way into drinking in a progressive manner throughout the following weekends.� This Saturday is my sister-in-laws surprise 30th bday party. I have come up with a plan and here it is:
1) Post roll in the AM
2) go to work
3) go to gym
4) charge cell phone
5) check in on website
6) re-print contract
7) re-print a page from the kern story
8) place both in wallet
9) make a promise to use contract, page, and the multiple numbers I have in my phone
10) drink socially (pack buzz, no more)
11) conquer first day of drinking

This whole thing may sound dramatic, but I have been worried about this day since day 1.� My guard is up and I will not fail. thank you. out.
Can I just ask a question?


Why chance it? Are you hurting without it? Do you really NEED to drink this weekend? What will happen if you don't?

I only ask becuase you have a very complete, complex and elaborate plan in place to help you while you drink. Doesn't that bother you?

I'm not against drinking, mind you, I was just struck by this complexity for you to prepare for something. If it's that big of a deal, and that big of a risk, why not skip it this weekend, stay home and not chance it?

Just a thought.
I totally agree with this ^^^^ fine quitter. Why all the plans? It sounds to me like you are making plans because you have no choice, but to drink this weekend. You have a choice my friend. You can choose to drink just like you choose whether to put the poison in your pie hole.

Your not out of the woods yet, not by far. YOUR decision!
Hof date may 25, 2013
HoF Speech

The poison sucks. I hate it. I hated it this morning, I hated it at noon, I hated it at supper and I hate it tonight. I enjoy hating it so much I'm going to wake up tomorrow and start over hating it. I quit with anyone that wants to hate it with me.

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Re: Nicotine, I Hate You
« Reply #49 on: March 28, 2014, 08:39:00 AM »
Quote from: sixercountry
i understand the importance of the whole ODAAT model for KTC and for addicts as a whole. Promise to not dip today and worry about tomorrow when it comes.  I can not however help but think of this Saturday night.  I have a specific plan in place. This Saturday night will not only be my 27th day of quit, but it will be my 29th day without the booze.  I have enjoyed drinking on weekends for the majority of my adult life. I have made it a point to be sober throughout my initial quit and have been able to follow through with that obligation.  I told on day 1 of my quit that I would wait 30 days before I had a drop of alcohol. I also promised myself that I would ease my way into drinking in a progressive manner throughout the following weekends.  This Saturday is my sister-in-laws surprise 30th bday party. I have come up with a plan and here it is:
1) Post roll in the AM
2) go to work
3) go to gym
4) charge cell phone
5) check in on website
6) re-print contract
7) re-print a page from the kern story
8) place both in wallet
9) make a promise to use contract, page, and the multiple numbers I have in my phone
10) drink socially (pack buzz, no more)
11) conquer first day of drinking

This whole thing may sound dramatic, but I have been worried about this day since day 1.  My guard is up and I will not fail. thank you. out.
Can I just ask a question?


Why chance it? Are you hurting without it? Do you really NEED to drink this weekend? What will happen if you don't?

I only ask becuase you have a very complete, complex and elaborate plan in place to help you while you drink. Doesn't that bother you?

I'm not against drinking, mind you, I was just struck by this complexity for you to prepare for something. If it's that big of a deal, and that big of a risk, why not skip it this weekend, stay home and not chance it?

Just a thought.
What is your major malfunction?!?!?!?!

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Re: Nicotine, I Hate You
« Reply #48 on: March 28, 2014, 06:40:00 AM »
Quote from: Its_Got2Happen
Quote from: Doc
Quote from: slinger
Quote from: slug.go
Quote from: Knockout
Quote from: sixercountry
i understand the importance of the whole ODAAT model for KTC and for addicts as a whole. Promise to not dip today and worry about tomorrow when it comes.  I can not however help but think of this Saturday night.  I have a specific plan in place. This Saturday night will not only be my 27th day of quit, but it will be my 29th day without the booze.  I have enjoyed drinking on weekends for the majority of my adult life. I have made it a point to be sober throughout my initial quit and have been able to follow through with that obligation.  I told on day 1 of my quit that I would wait 30 days before I had a drop of alcohol. I also promised myself that I would ease my way into drinking in a progressive manner throughout the following weekends.  This Saturday is my sister-in-laws surprise 30th bday party. I have come up with a plan and here it is:
1) Post roll in the AM
2) go to work
3) go to gym
4) charge cell phone
5) check in on website
6) re-print contract
7) re-print a page from the kern story
8) place both in wallet
9) make a promise to use contract, page, and the multiple numbers I have in my phone
10) drink socially (pack buzz, no more)
11) conquer first day of drinking

This whole thing may sound dramatic, but I have been worried about this day since day 1.  My guard is up and I will not fail. thank you. out.
You got this bro. Remind yourself how much you hate nicotine, keep that fear of caving, and you'll make it through.
Put something in the front pocket of your pants, piece of bubble gum, lemon drop, chapstick, even a small rock. That is your talisman. Reach for it whenever you're not on 100% solid ground with your quit. It is your back door into the KTC community. Use it.
That sounds like a good plan, Dude. You got this.
You have already made your plan to succeed and I am sure you will. Just keep the nic bitch at bay while you play with your alky friend.
You can do it....just be careful.
I feel you sixer and I remember that day for me. I like your planning but be cautious. Alcohol can bring on a case of the "fuck its" real fast.

I remember getting some fake and loading up on sunflower seeds just in case. I am also remember talking to a few quitters that night which really helped a ton. If you need another number, send me a PM.
Damn son, looks like some intentional quit going on in here!

Believe Me

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