Author Topic: lonely road ahead  (Read 31619 times)

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Offline Rawls

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Re: lonely road ahead
« Reply #234 on: August 05, 2016, 10:35:00 PM »
Quote from: Stranger999
Quote from: JGlav
Quote from: Nomore1959
Happy Birthday Pab! 'boob' 'party2'
Happy Birthday you BAQ. THanks for the support and holding me accountable through over 300 days of freedom
I sent the birthday wishes via text but I want to wish you a happy one here on your thread as well my friend. You help my quit EDD and I really appreciate you being here. :)
Old fart...... Hope you had a Great day Brother.
I believe.....

Offline Stranger999

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Re: lonely road ahead
« Reply #233 on: August 05, 2016, 08:44:00 PM »
Quote from: JGlav
Quote from: Nomore1959
Happy Birthday Pab! 'boob' 'party2'
Happy Birthday you BAQ. THanks for the support and holding me accountable through over 300 days of freedom
I sent the birthday wishes via text but I want to wish you a happy one here on your thread as well my friend. You help my quit EDD and I really appreciate you being here. :)

Offline JGlav

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Re: lonely road ahead
« Reply #232 on: August 05, 2016, 07:34:00 AM »
Quote from: Nomore1959
Happy Birthday Pab! 'boob' 'party2'
Happy Birthday you BAQ. THanks for the support and holding me accountable through over 300 days of freedom

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Re: lonely road ahead
« Reply #231 on: August 05, 2016, 05:52:00 AM »
Happy Birthday Pab! 'boob' 'party2'

Offline ChristopherJ

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Re: lonely road ahead
« Reply #230 on: July 19, 2016, 02:02:00 PM »
Quote from: JGlav
Quote from: worktowin
Pab shot these words of wisdom to a group of us in a text this morning... they deserve a place in this intro, which is far from a lonely road...

My addict life, pretty much everything I've done my whole life, has almost been in addictive ways. I go all out in everything I do. I'm smarter now. I know to be cautious and back off when getting too carried away. I owe it all to my quit; this place has taught me so much more than just quitting dip; mostly copying with life! Had to write this, cause I've been thinking a lot about it.

That is kick ass and couldn't agree more.
Hell yeah Pab
Don't be afraid.  You are not alone.

Offline JGlav

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Re: lonely road ahead
« Reply #229 on: July 19, 2016, 09:56:00 AM »
Quote from: worktowin
Pab shot these words of wisdom to a group of us in a text this morning... they deserve a place in this intro, which is far from a lonely road...

My addict life, pretty much everything I've done my whole life, has almost been in addictive ways. I go all out in everything I do. I'm smarter now. I know to be cautious and back off when getting too carried away. I owe it all to my quit; this place has taught me so much more than just quitting dip; mostly copying with life! Had to write this, cause I've been thinking a lot about it.

That is kick ass and couldn't agree more.

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Re: lonely road ahead
« Reply #228 on: July 18, 2016, 10:07:00 AM »
Pab shot these words of wisdom to a group of us in a text this morning... they deserve a place in this intro, which is far from a lonely road...

My addict life, pretty much everything I've done my whole life, has almost been in addictive ways. I go all out in everything I do. I'm smarter now. I know to be cautious and back off when getting too carried away. I owe it all to my quit; this place has taught me so much more than just quitting dip; mostly copying with life! Had to write this, cause I've been thinking a lot about it.


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Re: lonely road ahead
« Reply #227 on: May 16, 2016, 08:44:00 AM »
Never too late for a congrats. Well done. Thanks for all your support.

Offline dipbegone

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Re: lonely road ahead
« Reply #226 on: May 11, 2016, 09:29:00 PM »
Pab, you are a huge part of my and many other's quit. I look up to you and try to follow the lead. I'm 300 days fresher than you but plan to keep that distance the same. Congrats on 500, 500+1 and on. See ya on roll and groupme manana!!

Offline KennyZ

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Re: lonely road ahead
« Reply #225 on: May 11, 2016, 08:50:00 PM »
Quote from: brettlees
Quote from: Rawls
Quote from: ChickDip
Quote from: Stranger999
Quote from: pab1964
Wow.... Just..... Wow! Thanks! 500 days later and I can promise you, if it were not for all of you that have supported me I never would have made it. I'm an addict, I always will be, I've learned to except that. There's no magic number! There's no cure, I'm weak without ktc family. With them I will continue to defeat this awful addiction that has taken way to much of my life away. How can anyone say there stopping after they reach a 100 days. Damn I still battle this shit nearly everyday! I think some chest pumpers are to full of themselves to admit they can't make it alone. I'm not saying everyone that stops posting will fail but I'm willing to bet that the majority will! I've battle this demon with help. I could have never made it alone. I will continue posting until I'm cured. A special shout out to chewie and all the badasses that invented KTC! My life has done a complete 180! Yes I've finally, after 38 years have started to figure out what normal is. It took me forever to even like myself. I don't hide behind a can no more, I'm the man that I've always wanted to be and damn proud of it. I'm really writing my hof that I've never wrote. There's a numerous amount of men and women on here that I truly respect and would drive to your house tomorrow. I've watched several guy's struggle with different things. Some survived because they ask for help and they wanted to. Others failed because they were to proud to ask for help or they knew all the answers and some just gave up. If one thing I've learned in my 52 years here on God's beautiful earth is, To be thankful everyday for what I have and not grip about what I don't. I've truly grown to love ( that's right love not in a ghey way GA and DD) alot of my KTC family because I feel like I know them and have only met a couple but we talk more than I do with my real family. I could continue writing a whole bunch more because I'm so humbled and honored to be a part of KTC! As for my brothers Teray, kdip and trauma you guys are on mind everyday and prayers are sent constantly, some of the strongest men I know and not once have I ever heard you complain. Damn.....just...... Damn! Thanks again, I will see you all on roll tomorrow unless, I'm called home! Quit on!
Congratulations on 500 days my friend. You are a BAQ and an inspiration here. I'm proud to quit with you EDD. Roll tide roll - unless they are playing Penn State... ;)
You are amazing, I cherish the day you decided to help me, humbled, thankful, Blessed. Thanks again.
Well done on 501 Old Man!
Appreciate you friend.
a day late, but...

'party' 'dance' 'party2' 'chew2' 'party2' 'dance' '3boobs' 'jj' 'party'

Congrats i think you're really close to an "old fart" of quit now- keep it up, keep helping others beat back this nasty addiction!
You're my horse even if you don't win a race! Rock on!

Offline brettlees

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Re: lonely road ahead
« Reply #224 on: May 11, 2016, 10:21:00 AM »
Quote from: Rawls
Quote from: ChickDip
Quote from: Stranger999
Quote from: pab1964
Wow.... Just..... Wow! Thanks! 500 days later and I can promise you, if it were not for all of you that have supported me I never would have made it. I'm an addict, I always will be, I've learned to except that. There's no magic number! There's no cure, I'm weak without ktc family. With them I will continue to defeat this awful addiction that has taken way to much of my life away. How can anyone say there stopping after they reach a 100 days. Damn I still battle this shit nearly everyday! I think some chest pumpers are to full of themselves to admit they can't make it alone. I'm not saying everyone that stops posting will fail but I'm willing to bet that the majority will! I've battle this demon with help. I could have never made it alone. I will continue posting until I'm cured. A special shout out to chewie and all the badasses that invented KTC! My life has done a complete 180! Yes I've finally, after 38 years have started to figure out what normal is. It took me forever to even like myself. I don't hide behind a can no more, I'm the man that I've always wanted to be and damn proud of it. I'm really writing my hof that I've never wrote. There's a numerous amount of men and women on here that I truly respect and would drive to your house tomorrow. I've watched several guy's struggle with different things. Some survived because they ask for help and they wanted to. Others failed because they were to proud to ask for help or they knew all the answers and some just gave up. If one thing I've learned in my 52 years here on God's beautiful earth is, To be thankful everyday for what I have and not grip about what I don't. I've truly grown to love ( that's right love not in a ghey way GA and DD) alot of my KTC family because I feel like I know them and have only met a couple but we talk more than I do with my real family. I could continue writing a whole bunch more because I'm so humbled and honored to be a part of KTC! As for my brothers Teray, kdip and trauma you guys are on mind everyday and prayers are sent constantly, some of the strongest men I know and not once have I ever heard you complain. Damn.....just...... Damn! Thanks again, I will see you all on roll tomorrow unless, I'm called home! Quit on!
Congratulations on 500 days my friend. You are a BAQ and an inspiration here. I'm proud to quit with you EDD. Roll tide roll - unless they are playing Penn State... ;)
You are amazing, I cherish the day you decided to help me, humbled, thankful, Blessed. Thanks again.
Well done on 501 Old Man!
Appreciate you friend.
a day late, but...

'party' 'dance' 'party2' 'chew2' 'party2' 'dance' '3boobs' 'jj' 'party'

Congrats i think you're really close to an "old fart" of quit now- keep it up, keep helping others beat back this nasty addiction!
This info helped me early on, and still does today:

Quitters I’ve met so far: Ihatecope, >Pinched<, T-Cell, grizzlyhasclaws, Canvasback, BaseballPlayer, Cbird65, ERDVM, BradleyGuy, Ted, Zeno, AppleJack, Bronc, Knockout, MookieBlaylock, Rdad, 2mch2lv4, MN_Ben, Natro, Lippizaner, Amquash, ChristopherJ, GDubya, SRohde  -- always eager to meet more!

Offline Rawls

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Re: lonely road ahead
« Reply #223 on: May 11, 2016, 08:10:00 AM »
Quote from: ChickDip
Quote from: Stranger999
Quote from: pab1964
Wow.... Just..... Wow! Thanks! 500 days later and I can promise you, if it were not for all of you that have supported me I never would have made it. I'm an addict, I always will be, I've learned to except that. There's no magic number! There's no cure, I'm weak without ktc family. With them I will continue to defeat this awful addiction that has taken way to much of my life away. How can anyone say there stopping after they reach a 100 days. Damn I still battle this shit nearly everyday! I think some chest pumpers are to full of themselves to admit they can't make it alone. I'm not saying everyone that stops posting will fail but I'm willing to bet that the majority will! I've battle this demon with help. I could have never made it alone. I will continue posting until I'm cured. A special shout out to chewie and all the badasses that invented KTC! My life has done a complete 180! Yes I've finally, after 38 years have started to figure out what normal is. It took me forever to even like myself. I don't hide behind a can no more, I'm the man that I've always wanted to be and damn proud of it. I'm really writing my hof that I've never wrote. There's a numerous amount of men and women on here that I truly respect and would drive to your house tomorrow. I've watched several guy's struggle with different things. Some survived because they ask for help and they wanted to. Others failed because they were to proud to ask for help or they knew all the answers and some just gave up. If one thing I've learned in my 52 years here on God's beautiful earth is, To be thankful everyday for what I have and not grip about what I don't. I've truly grown to love ( that's right love not in a ghey way GA and DD) alot of my KTC family because I feel like I know them and have only met a couple but we talk more than I do with my real family. I could continue writing a whole bunch more because I'm so humbled and honored to be a part of KTC! As for my brothers Teray, kdip and trauma you guys are on mind everyday and prayers are sent constantly, some of the strongest men I know and not once have I ever heard you complain. Damn.....just...... Damn! Thanks again, I will see you all on roll tomorrow unless, I'm called home! Quit on!
Congratulations on 500 days my friend. You are a BAQ and an inspiration here. I'm proud to quit with you EDD. Roll tide roll - unless they are playing Penn State... ;)
You are amazing, I cherish the day you decided to help me, humbled, thankful, Blessed. Thanks again.
Well done on 501 Old Man!
Appreciate you friend.
I believe.....

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Re: lonely road ahead
« Reply #222 on: May 11, 2016, 01:23:00 AM »
Quote from: Stranger999
Quote from: pab1964
Wow.... Just..... Wow! Thanks! 500 days later and I can promise you, if it were not for all of you that have supported me I never would have made it. I'm an addict, I always will be, I've learned to except that. There's no magic number! There's no cure, I'm weak without ktc family. With them I will continue to defeat this awful addiction that has taken way to much of my life away. How can anyone say there stopping after they reach a 100 days. Damn I still battle this shit nearly everyday! I think some chest pumpers are to full of themselves to admit they can't make it alone. I'm not saying everyone that stops posting will fail but I'm willing to bet that the majority will! I've battle this demon with help. I could have never made it alone. I will continue posting until I'm cured. A special shout out to chewie and all the badasses that invented KTC! My life has done a complete 180! Yes I've finally, after 38 years have started to figure out what normal is. It took me forever to even like myself. I don't hide behind a can no more, I'm the man that I've always wanted to be and damn proud of it. I'm really writing my hof that I've never wrote. There's a numerous amount of men and women on here that I truly respect and would drive to your house tomorrow. I've watched several guy's struggle with different things. Some survived because they ask for help and they wanted to. Others failed because they were to proud to ask for help or they knew all the answers and some just gave up. If one thing I've learned in my 52 years here on God's beautiful earth is, To be thankful everyday for what I have and not grip about what I don't. I've truly grown to love ( that's right love not in a ghey way GA and DD) alot of my KTC family because I feel like I know them and have only met a couple but we talk more than I do with my real family. I could continue writing a whole bunch more because I'm so humbled and honored to be a part of KTC! As for my brothers Teray, kdip and trauma you guys are on mind everyday and prayers are sent constantly, some of the strongest men I know and not once have I ever heard you complain. Damn.....just...... Damn! Thanks again, I will see you all on roll tomorrow unless, I'm called home! Quit on!
Congratulations on 500 days my friend. You are a BAQ and an inspiration here. I'm proud to quit with you EDD. Roll tide roll - unless they are playing Penn State... ;)
You are amazing, I cherish the day you decided to help me, humbled, thankful, Blessed. Thanks again.
July 2015 Jackals - House of WUPP
"....the load doesn't weigh me down at all, he ain't heavy he's my brother"
Try to believe that you are worth more than you think, and others are worth more than you think.
"If you haven't... Quit now......If you have... Stay that way " ~AppleJack
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Offline Stranger999

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Re: lonely road ahead
« Reply #221 on: May 11, 2016, 01:07:00 AM »
Quote from: pab1964
Wow.... Just..... Wow! Thanks! 500 days later and I can promise you, if it were not for all of you that have supported me I never would have made it. I'm an addict, I always will be, I've learned to except that. There's no magic number! There's no cure, I'm weak without ktc family. With them I will continue to defeat this awful addiction that has taken way to much of my life away. How can anyone say there stopping after they reach a 100 days. Damn I still battle this shit nearly everyday! I think some chest pumpers are to full of themselves to admit they can't make it alone. I'm not saying everyone that stops posting will fail but I'm willing to bet that the majority will! I've battle this demon with help. I could have never made it alone. I will continue posting until I'm cured. A special shout out to chewie and all the badasses that invented KTC! My life has done a complete 180! Yes I've finally, after 38 years have started to figure out what normal is. It took me forever to even like myself. I don't hide behind a can no more, I'm the man that I've always wanted to be and damn proud of it. I'm really writing my hof that I've never wrote. There's a numerous amount of men and women on here that I truly respect and would drive to your house tomorrow. I've watched several guy's struggle with different things. Some survived because they ask for help and they wanted to. Others failed because they were to proud to ask for help or they knew all the answers and some just gave up. If one thing I've learned in my 52 years here on God's beautiful earth is, To be thankful everyday for what I have and not grip about what I don't. I've truly grown to love ( that's right love not in a ghey way GA and DD) alot of my KTC family because I feel like I know them and have only met a couple but we talk more than I do with my real family. I could continue writing a whole bunch more because I'm so humbled and honored to be a part of KTC! As for my brothers Teray, kdip and trauma you guys are on mind everyday and prayers are sent constantly, some of the strongest men I know and not once have I ever heard you complain. Damn.....just...... Damn! Thanks again, I will see you all on roll tomorrow unless, I'm called home! Quit on!
Congratulations on 500 days my friend. You are a BAQ and an inspiration here. I'm proud to quit with you EDD. Roll tide roll - unless they are playing Penn State... ;)

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Re: lonely road ahead
« Reply #220 on: May 10, 2016, 10:55:00 PM »
Tobacco is so addictive it took me a year after a massive heart attack, in which doctor confirmed caused from dipping to finally put a lid on the bitch! ODAAT EDD