Author Topic: Reddit AMA - Live updating my quit as it goes  (Read 9237 times)

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Re: Reddit AMA - Live updating my quit as it goes
« Reply #54 on: October 06, 2014, 12:11:00 PM »
Quote from: hawkeyerunner
Holy crap, what more do I need to do to prove to you people I'm quitting? Sacrifice a goat?
First, we don't sacrifice goats here. We keep them for the Train.

Next, you don't know what The Train is yet.

Finally, you can start by posting Roll.
What is your major malfunction?!?!?!?!

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Re: Reddit AMA - Live updating my quit as it goes
« Reply #53 on: October 06, 2014, 11:56:00 AM »
Honestly-- WHO GIVES A FUCK?

The fact that you're giving this kid shit over his reddit posts is the height of retardation. This site is culty as fuck when it comes to chastising members who are misguided on what it means to be quit. It's as if you're more interested in fanning flames than actually having a conversation about nicotine addiction.

That's why all I do is this: I come here, I post roll, and I go about my nic-free day like a fucking man. How's that for some Brooklyn-based honesty for you fuckheads? 'Finger'
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Re: Reddit AMA - Live updating my quit as it goes
« Reply #52 on: October 06, 2014, 06:56:00 AM »
I just read this thread ands then read your dipping forum over on reddit. You should make a clean break from that other website. Unless you're a pussy caver? Which, based on what I've read, is probably what you are. Good luck with your stupid method. It makes no sense. It's addict logic at its finest.

If I were in your shoes at this very moment. I would tell those dippers on your reddit site that you will no longer be posting there because you are a quitter.

Are you a quitter? Or are you just experimenting with a stop? And why on earth would you be keeping a can in your car?

This whole thing is crazy that you are doing. You need to get serious about quitting. This is life or death.
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Re: Reddit AMA - Live updating my quit as it goes
« Reply #51 on: October 06, 2014, 01:03:00 AM »
Quote from: GrizzlyBear
Much respect Raider. It would of been so easy for your addiction to say "Its been 220 days, You can go have just one". You are strong. I am excited and aspire to reach 220 days!

Hate to thread jack but what is up with chat?
I haven't missed a day of roll. Once I make the promise, I cannot cave. What kind of man would I be then? This shit really works hawkeye. Take what you need and leave the rest. Someone piss you off, well big effing deal. People piss me off all the time. DO NOT LET IT AFFECT YOUR QUIT!!!

In other words, don't leave because of a few comments. In a few weeks you will realize how silly this whole thing was.

GB: Looks like chat might be down

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Re: Reddit AMA - Live updating my quit as it goes
« Reply #50 on: October 06, 2014, 01:00:00 AM »
Much respect Raider. It would of been so easy for your addiction to say "Its been 220 days, You can go have just one". You are strong. I am excited and aspire to reach 220 days!

Hate to thread jack but what is up with chat?

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Re: Reddit AMA - Live updating my quit as it goes
« Reply #49 on: October 06, 2014, 12:57:00 AM »
This IS support. Once you buy into it, you will be on your road to freedom. You will go through many stages during your quit. It's obvious what stage you are in now. Remember that everyone here has gone through what you are going through. Read their words of wisdom. I'm on day 220 today and yesterday was horrible but it was only one day. I got onto chat and a friend, yes someone who I have never met I call a friend, calmed me down. Quitting sucks. There is no easy way to do it but if you post roll here daily, honor your word, and be involved here you my friend will succeed.

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Re: Reddit AMA - Live updating my quit as it goes
« Reply #48 on: October 06, 2014, 12:48:00 AM »
I was reading your Reddit stuff. If you have a half can of dip on you flush that fucker. I am on 71 hours dip free. I flushed everything. I get your trying to use it as a "security net" or whatever that guy posted on Reddit. Its stupid, if you cave you have what you need to achieve it. Go get a can of the fake and use that as your security net. It works one in the same. I have a full can of fake in the freezer. I have opened it and smelled it a few times. Not one has touched my lip but if it does its not cheating. FLUSH IT trust me.

Also, I see you say you were quitting for the money. If you aren't doing this for yourself then I think you will fold. Reading your Reddit you are pretty weak but everyday free you will get stronger. 24 hours at a time man. I quit with you today.

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Re: Reddit AMA - Live updating my quit as it goes
« Reply #47 on: October 06, 2014, 12:46:00 AM »
Quote from: hawkeyerunner
I'll apologize for the name calling if you guys apologize for being jerks when I was trying to get help.

I'm really on edge right now, everything pisses me off so that's a thing too.
I won't apologize because I wasn't trying to be a jerk.. But I will quit with you. That's the thing here we support each other. We trust each other to be there when we need them and to come to us when they need it. We promise every day not to use nicotine. Then that day you keep your promise. To yourself and to the rest of us. Not to save money, to save our lives. Then post roll again the next day. Don't think about quitting forever. Quit one day at a time. You can do anything for a day. The first several days really really SUCK. The next days after that will suck not quite as bad for the most part. But they will suck too. But amidst all of the suck you will notice you start to feel better physically. You realize that the snuff you though was calming your nerves, was actually causing you anxiety because you were at varying stages of withdrawal many times a day. I have only been quit a week but I shit you not, I feel SO much better. I feel like I did when I was a kid, I feel normal. I didn't realize how messed up I was until I quit. And that realization was infuriating. It pissed me off at myself that I let something so stupid get such a hold on me and alter the real me so much. Drink a ton of water. That helps a lot. Read everything you can here about the addiction and withdrawal. I for one like to understand WHY exactly I feel like I do that day. Get numbers of people you can text if you think you are going to cave.

When you stop quitting hard, you forget how hard it was.

"When will you put the arrogance and ignorance aside and choose to live and to live with honor and integrity. It's the best fucking feeling in the world. It beats the shit out of feeling like a loser caver. It beats the shit out of knowing that you are nic's bitch. It beats the shit out of getting cancer and dying. This is really hard shit and you have to attack it with a vengeance. Get after it January. Quit like fuck" ~ Bronc

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Re: Reddit AMA - Live updating my quit as it goes
« Reply #46 on: October 06, 2014, 12:45:00 AM »
Actually, this website ticked me off so I'm never coming here again.

I was happier and doing better with my quit before getting pissed off by this website. (No offense, some of you are pretty helpful)

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Re: Reddit AMA - Live updating my quit as it goes
« Reply #45 on: October 06, 2014, 12:29:00 AM »
Quote from: Done4Me
Quote from: hawkeyerunner
5 months is awesome dude! Are the cravings still there at that point?
Yes, but it lessens each month.
Here's the deal: Reddit will not get and keep you quit.

KTC will. If you truly want to quit (THIS IS ON YOU) this is the place with the greatest probability of success.

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Re: Reddit AMA - Live updating my quit as it goes
« Reply #44 on: October 06, 2014, 12:25:00 AM »
Quote from: hawkeyerunner
5 months is awesome dude! Are the cravings still there at that point?
Yes, but it lessens each month.

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Re: Reddit AMA - Live updating my quit as it goes
« Reply #43 on: October 06, 2014, 12:24:00 AM »
5 months is awesome dude! Are the cravings still there at that point?

Offline Done4Me

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Re: Reddit AMA - Live updating my quit as it goes
« Reply #42 on: October 06, 2014, 12:18:00 AM »
Quote from: hawkeyerunner
I'll apologize for the name calling if you guys apologize for being jerks when I was trying to get help.

I'm really on edge right now, everything pisses me off so that's a thing too.
Totally get it. Day 2 sucks. Hang tight here. I never thought I could quit, I'm over 5 months and just typing that makes my pants twitch.

You got this. Fuck reddit. This place will save your life.

No experiment.

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Re: Reddit AMA - Live updating my quit as it goes
« Reply #41 on: October 06, 2014, 12:14:00 AM »
Quote from: hawkeyerunner
I'll apologize for the name calling if you guys apologize for being jerks when I was trying to get help.

I'm really on edge right now, everything pisses me off so that's a thing too.
Call me every name in the book, I don't care.

I'll leave u alone to quit in peace, now.

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Re: Reddit AMA - Live updating my quit as it goes
« Reply #40 on: October 06, 2014, 12:12:00 AM »
I'll apologize for the name calling if you guys apologize for being jerks when I was trying to get help.

I'm really on edge right now, everything pisses me off so that's a thing too.