Author Topic: Reddit AMA - Live updating my quit as it goes  (Read 9233 times)

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Re: Reddit AMA - Live updating my quit as it goes
« Reply #69 on: October 06, 2014, 04:43:00 PM »
Quote from: FkSkoal
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: FkSkoal
Honestly-- WHO GIVES A FUCK?

The fact that you're giving this kid shit over his reddit posts is the height of retardation. This site is culty as fuck when it comes to chastising members who are misguided on what it means to be quit. It's as if you're more interested in fanning flames than actually having a conversation about nicotine addiction.

That's why all I do is this: I come here, I post roll, and I go about my nic-free day like a fucking man. How's that for some Brooklyn-based honesty for you fuckheads? 'Finger'
The dude is keeping an emergency can in his car in case he needs it. I give a fuck about that. Are you okay with that??
Per the emergency can-- IMO, if he is gonna cave, he's gonna fuckin cave. It's his life and if he wants to die, so be it. No emergency can will stop him. And let's be honest, when it comes to a cave, what is the difference between having it in your toolbox versus the 711 up the block? A cave is a cave is a cave.

And have you thought of the possibility that it is actually a successful coping mechanism for some people during the withdrawal process? My instagram newsfeed is full of clowns packing fattys (See: @Bishop_Dips), glorifying the can. I must follow over 50 people whose sole purpose is to post dip pics on their account. In some weird way which I can't explain, having my feed flooded by dippers has actually helped me in my quit.

Now, many people on here would burn me at the stake for such an ungodly act. Oh well.

That's why I keep my posts limited to roll and roll only.

Too many clowns on here jumping on the social bandwagon, as if you know this man and his struggle personally. We are just a collection of ones and zeros on a screen with a common goal, yet everyone here wants to act like they are the be-all-and-end-all of the psychology of nicotine addiction.

You wanna talk seriously about saving lives on this site? Then fucking do so in a constructive way. Not running people out of here the moment they don't conform to YOUR style of quit.
Do you think it's rude to ask questions?

I don't know. Seems like a smart thing to do, psychologically speaking, to get rid of your tobacco and to quit reading and posting on tobacco glorifying websites when one is embarking on a final quit. Maybe I'm stupid.

I guess some of us nicotine addicts are different. I guess I will cede you to your logic on this matter. I will keep my logic and I will continue to dole it to whoever the fuck I feel like other than you. Because I know for me personally that keeping emergency cans in my toolbox and in my glove compartment would not be good for my quit. Especially early in the quit. And I know after reading that nic head website, Dippit, that there is nothing productive to be had there, for me anyway. I guess for him it helps him stay quit to talk to a bunch of dippers who are talking about how much they love dip. Oh well. Hopefully if I ever spout off that I'm keeping emergency cans on hand and that I'm posting and reading on the Dippit forum, some of my KTC brothers will ask me what the hell I'm thinking. That's pretty much why I'm here, for the accountability.
Nicotine Quit Date:10/31/2013
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Offline FkSkoal

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Re: Reddit AMA - Live updating my quit as it goes
« Reply #68 on: October 06, 2014, 04:09:00 PM »
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: FkSkoal
Honestly-- WHO GIVES A FUCK?

The fact that you're giving this kid shit over his reddit posts is the height of retardation. This site is culty as fuck when it comes to chastising members who are misguided on what it means to be quit. It's as if you're more interested in fanning flames than actually having a conversation about nicotine addiction.

That's why all I do is this: I come here, I post roll, and I go about my nic-free day like a fucking man. How's that for some Brooklyn-based honesty for you fuckheads? 'Finger'
The dude is keeping an emergency can in his car in case he needs it. I give a fuck about that. Are you okay with that??
Per the emergency can-- IMO, if he is gonna cave, he's gonna fuckin cave. It's his life and if he wants to die, so be it. No emergency can will stop him. And let's be honest, when it comes to a cave, what is the difference between having it in your toolbox versus the 711 up the block? A cave is a cave is a cave.

And have you thought of the possibility that it is actually a successful coping mechanism for some people during the withdrawal process? My instagram newsfeed is full of clowns packing fattys (See: @Bishop_Dips), glorifying the can. I must follow over 50 people whose sole purpose is to post dip pics on their account. In some weird way which I can't explain, having my feed flooded by dippers has actually helped me in my quit.

Now, many people on here would burn me at the stake for such an ungodly act. Oh well.

That's why I keep my posts limited to roll and roll only.

Too many clowns on here jumping on the social bandwagon, as if you know this man and his struggle personally. We are just a collection of ones and zeros on a screen with a common goal, yet everyone here wants to act like they are the be-all-and-end-all of the psychology of nicotine addiction.

You wanna talk seriously about saving lives on this site? Then fucking do so in a constructive way. Not running people out of here the moment they don't conform to YOUR style of quit.
Habits begin as cobwebs and end up as chains.
"The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bullshit story you keep telling yourself as to why you can't achieve it." -Jordan Belfort

Offline Grizzlyhasclaws

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Re: Reddit AMA - Live updating my quit as it goes
« Reply #67 on: October 06, 2014, 03:47:00 PM »
Quote from: Thumblewort
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: Thumblewort
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: Thumblewort
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: landdon
Quote from: HipHopAnonymous
Hi Hawkeyerunner,

I navigate through reddit often and I quit a week ago and am relatively new to this site. I like the AMA idea. I am at work or otherwise I would click on it. I have no problem with this.

Day 2-4 were easily the toughest so far for me.
It gets easier I promise. I'll bet that many of the comments didn't help much either.

Just keep signing in roll. If you need someone to talk to, PM ME. Chances are I am feeling the same things you are right this second. I am quitting cold ass turkey too. I feel better for it. The craves are a motherfucker though.

I will remain quit. I am here if you need to bitch about something. I will listen and then probably bitch too. It isn't by chance that we are all irritable.
Dude. I could care less about some stupid AMA thread on Reddit, and I'm not complaining about that. THE GUY KEEPS AN EMERGENCY CAN!!! That's the problem. When you join KTC, you flush all of it, and you don't keep a can around for your planned cave. It's BS and we don't do it that way here. You flush it, and you never look back, and you post roll daily. End of story.
Plus, if you actually read that Dippit site you'll find that it's a bunch of guys who love dip talking to each other about their love of dip. Even planning dipper meet ups. It's basically the polar opposite of KTC. They bond with each other over their shared love of dip. If he's not a troll, then I think it would be wise for him to not engage in that particular online community. I don't hang out in tobacco shops and shoot the shit with tobacco lovers. Just doesn't seem like a smart move.

I hope he sincerely wants to quit and I hope he sees the light. I suppose we could just not say anything and let him cuddle with his "safety net" and his dipping buddies.
He lost me with all of the insults. Hell of a way to gain support.

I know when I want something, I usually call the person a faggoty asshole, or an assholy faggot because, hey, I'm above sexual orientation slurs, and where the fuck is my triple Whopper?
Do they make triple whoppers? I've only had a double whopper.
You order another burger and slide it in slowly.
You lost me. But I don't want any further clarification, please.
You meat-blocked me bro, I thought you were the master meat smoker..... 'na na'
BK is flame broiled, not smoked. Big difference.
Nicotine Quit Date:10/31/2013
Exercise Start Date: 6/29/2018

Offline Thumblewort

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Re: Reddit AMA - Live updating my quit as it goes
« Reply #66 on: October 06, 2014, 03:44:00 PM »
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: Thumblewort
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: Thumblewort
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: landdon
Quote from: HipHopAnonymous
Hi Hawkeyerunner,

I navigate through reddit often and I quit a week ago and am relatively new to this site. I like the AMA idea. I am at work or otherwise I would click on it. I have no problem with this.

Day 2-4 were easily the toughest so far for me.
It gets easier I promise. I'll bet that many of the comments didn't help much either.

Just keep signing in roll. If you need someone to talk to, PM ME. Chances are I am feeling the same things you are right this second. I am quitting cold ass turkey too. I feel better for it. The craves are a motherfucker though.

I will remain quit. I am here if you need to bitch about something. I will listen and then probably bitch too. It isn't by chance that we are all irritable.
Dude. I could care less about some stupid AMA thread on Reddit, and I'm not complaining about that. THE GUY KEEPS AN EMERGENCY CAN!!! That's the problem. When you join KTC, you flush all of it, and you don't keep a can around for your planned cave. It's BS and we don't do it that way here. You flush it, and you never look back, and you post roll daily. End of story.
Plus, if you actually read that Dippit site you'll find that it's a bunch of guys who love dip talking to each other about their love of dip. Even planning dipper meet ups. It's basically the polar opposite of KTC. They bond with each other over their shared love of dip. If he's not a troll, then I think it would be wise for him to not engage in that particular online community. I don't hang out in tobacco shops and shoot the shit with tobacco lovers. Just doesn't seem like a smart move.

I hope he sincerely wants to quit and I hope he sees the light. I suppose we could just not say anything and let him cuddle with his "safety net" and his dipping buddies.
He lost me with all of the insults. Hell of a way to gain support.

I know when I want something, I usually call the person a faggoty asshole, or an assholy faggot because, hey, I'm above sexual orientation slurs, and where the fuck is my triple Whopper?
Do they make triple whoppers? I've only had a double whopper.
You order another burger and slide it in slowly.
You lost me. But I don't want any further clarification, please.
You meat-blocked me bro, I thought you were the master meat smoker..... 'na na'
Some of my fondest and clearest memories are peeing in places that aren't bathrooms.

Offline Grizzlyhasclaws

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Re: Reddit AMA - Live updating my quit as it goes
« Reply #65 on: October 06, 2014, 03:42:00 PM »
Quote from: Thumblewort
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: Thumblewort
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: landdon
Quote from: HipHopAnonymous
Hi Hawkeyerunner,

I navigate through reddit often and I quit a week ago and am relatively new to this site. I like the AMA idea. I am at work or otherwise I would click on it. I have no problem with this.

Day 2-4 were easily the toughest so far for me.
It gets easier I promise. I'll bet that many of the comments didn't help much either.

Just keep signing in roll. If you need someone to talk to, PM ME. Chances are I am feeling the same things you are right this second. I am quitting cold ass turkey too. I feel better for it. The craves are a motherfucker though.

I will remain quit. I am here if you need to bitch about something. I will listen and then probably bitch too. It isn't by chance that we are all irritable.
Dude. I could care less about some stupid AMA thread on Reddit, and I'm not complaining about that. THE GUY KEEPS AN EMERGENCY CAN!!! That's the problem. When you join KTC, you flush all of it, and you don't keep a can around for your planned cave. It's BS and we don't do it that way here. You flush it, and you never look back, and you post roll daily. End of story.
Plus, if you actually read that Dippit site you'll find that it's a bunch of guys who love dip talking to each other about their love of dip. Even planning dipper meet ups. It's basically the polar opposite of KTC. They bond with each other over their shared love of dip. If he's not a troll, then I think it would be wise for him to not engage in that particular online community. I don't hang out in tobacco shops and shoot the shit with tobacco lovers. Just doesn't seem like a smart move.

I hope he sincerely wants to quit and I hope he sees the light. I suppose we could just not say anything and let him cuddle with his "safety net" and his dipping buddies.
He lost me with all of the insults. Hell of a way to gain support.

I know when I want something, I usually call the person a faggoty asshole, or an assholy faggot because, hey, I'm above sexual orientation slurs, and where the fuck is my triple Whopper?
Do they make triple whoppers? I've only had a double whopper.
You order another burger and slide it in slowly.
You lost me. But I don't want any further clarification, please.
Nicotine Quit Date:10/31/2013
Exercise Start Date: 6/29/2018

Offline Thumblewort

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Re: Reddit AMA - Live updating my quit as it goes
« Reply #64 on: October 06, 2014, 03:37:00 PM »
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: Thumblewort
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: landdon
Quote from: HipHopAnonymous
Hi Hawkeyerunner,

I navigate through reddit often and I quit a week ago and am relatively new to this site. I like the AMA idea. I am at work or otherwise I would click on it. I have no problem with this.

Day 2-4 were easily the toughest so far for me.
It gets easier I promise. I'll bet that many of the comments didn't help much either.

Just keep signing in roll. If you need someone to talk to, PM ME. Chances are I am feeling the same things you are right this second. I am quitting cold ass turkey too. I feel better for it. The craves are a motherfucker though.

I will remain quit. I am here if you need to bitch about something. I will listen and then probably bitch too. It isn't by chance that we are all irritable.
Dude. I could care less about some stupid AMA thread on Reddit, and I'm not complaining about that. THE GUY KEEPS AN EMERGENCY CAN!!! That's the problem. When you join KTC, you flush all of it, and you don't keep a can around for your planned cave. It's BS and we don't do it that way here. You flush it, and you never look back, and you post roll daily. End of story.
Plus, if you actually read that Dippit site you'll find that it's a bunch of guys who love dip talking to each other about their love of dip. Even planning dipper meet ups. It's basically the polar opposite of KTC. They bond with each other over their shared love of dip. If he's not a troll, then I think it would be wise for him to not engage in that particular online community. I don't hang out in tobacco shops and shoot the shit with tobacco lovers. Just doesn't seem like a smart move.

I hope he sincerely wants to quit and I hope he sees the light. I suppose we could just not say anything and let him cuddle with his "safety net" and his dipping buddies.
He lost me with all of the insults. Hell of a way to gain support.

I know when I want something, I usually call the person a faggoty asshole, or an assholy faggot because, hey, I'm above sexual orientation slurs, and where the fuck is my triple Whopper?
Do they make triple whoppers? I've only had a double whopper.
You order another burger and slide it in slowly.
Some of my fondest and clearest memories are peeing in places that aren't bathrooms.

Offline Grizzlyhasclaws

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Re: Reddit AMA - Live updating my quit as it goes
« Reply #63 on: October 06, 2014, 03:36:00 PM »
Quote from: Thumblewort
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: landdon
Quote from: HipHopAnonymous
Hi Hawkeyerunner,

I navigate through reddit often and I quit a week ago and am relatively new to this site. I like the AMA idea. I am at work or otherwise I would click on it. I have no problem with this.

Day 2-4 were easily the toughest so far for me.
It gets easier I promise. I'll bet that many of the comments didn't help much either.

Just keep signing in roll. If you need someone to talk to, PM ME. Chances are I am feeling the same things you are right this second. I am quitting cold ass turkey too. I feel better for it. The craves are a motherfucker though.

I will remain quit. I am here if you need to bitch about something. I will listen and then probably bitch too. It isn't by chance that we are all irritable.
Dude. I could care less about some stupid AMA thread on Reddit, and I'm not complaining about that. THE GUY KEEPS AN EMERGENCY CAN!!! That's the problem. When you join KTC, you flush all of it, and you don't keep a can around for your planned cave. It's BS and we don't do it that way here. You flush it, and you never look back, and you post roll daily. End of story.
Plus, if you actually read that Dippit site you'll find that it's a bunch of guys who love dip talking to each other about their love of dip. Even planning dipper meet ups. It's basically the polar opposite of KTC. They bond with each other over their shared love of dip. If he's not a troll, then I think it would be wise for him to not engage in that particular online community. I don't hang out in tobacco shops and shoot the shit with tobacco lovers. Just doesn't seem like a smart move.

I hope he sincerely wants to quit and I hope he sees the light. I suppose we could just not say anything and let him cuddle with his "safety net" and his dipping buddies.
He lost me with all of the insults. Hell of a way to gain support.

I know when I want something, I usually call the person a faggoty asshole, or an assholy faggot because, hey, I'm above sexual orientation slurs, and where the fuck is my triple Whopper?
Do they make triple whoppers? I've only had a double whopper.
Nicotine Quit Date:10/31/2013
Exercise Start Date: 6/29/2018

Offline Thumblewort

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Re: Reddit AMA - Live updating my quit as it goes
« Reply #62 on: October 06, 2014, 03:33:00 PM »
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: landdon
Quote from: HipHopAnonymous
Hi Hawkeyerunner,

I navigate through reddit often and I quit a week ago and am relatively new to this site. I like the AMA idea. I am at work or otherwise I would click on it. I have no problem with this.

Day 2-4 were easily the toughest so far for me.
It gets easier I promise. I'll bet that many of the comments didn't help much either.

Just keep signing in roll. If you need someone to talk to, PM ME. Chances are I am feeling the same things you are right this second. I am quitting cold ass turkey too. I feel better for it. The craves are a motherfucker though.

I will remain quit. I am here if you need to bitch about something. I will listen and then probably bitch too. It isn't by chance that we are all irritable.
Dude. I could care less about some stupid AMA thread on Reddit, and I'm not complaining about that. THE GUY KEEPS AN EMERGENCY CAN!!! That's the problem. When you join KTC, you flush all of it, and you don't keep a can around for your planned cave. It's BS and we don't do it that way here. You flush it, and you never look back, and you post roll daily. End of story.
Plus, if you actually read that Dippit site you'll find that it's a bunch of guys who love dip talking to each other about their love of dip. Even planning dipper meet ups. It's basically the polar opposite of KTC. They bond with each other over their shared love of dip. If he's not a troll, then I think it would be wise for him to not engage in that particular online community. I don't hang out in tobacco shops and shoot the shit with tobacco lovers. Just doesn't seem like a smart move.

I hope he sincerely wants to quit and I hope he sees the light. I suppose we could just not say anything and let him cuddle with his "safety net" and his dipping buddies.
He lost me with all of the insults. Hell of a way to gain support.

I know when I want something, I usually call the person a faggoty asshole, or an assholy faggot because, hey, I'm above sexual orientation slurs, and where the fuck is my triple Whopper?
Some of my fondest and clearest memories are peeing in places that aren't bathrooms.

Offline Grizzlyhasclaws

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Re: Reddit AMA - Live updating my quit as it goes
« Reply #61 on: October 06, 2014, 03:28:00 PM »
Quote from: landdon
Quote from: HipHopAnonymous
Hi Hawkeyerunner,

I navigate through reddit often and I quit a week ago and am relatively new to this site. I like the AMA idea. I am at work or otherwise I would click on it. I have no problem with this.

Day 2-4 were easily the toughest so far for me.
It gets easier I promise. I'll bet that many of the comments didn't help much either.

Just keep signing in roll. If you need someone to talk to, PM ME. Chances are I am feeling the same things you are right this second. I am quitting cold ass turkey too. I feel better for it. The craves are a motherfucker though.

I will remain quit. I am here if you need to bitch about something. I will listen and then probably bitch too. It isn't by chance that we are all irritable.
Dude. I could care less about some stupid AMA thread on Reddit, and I'm not complaining about that. THE GUY KEEPS AN EMERGENCY CAN!!! That's the problem. When you join KTC, you flush all of it, and you don't keep a can around for your planned cave. It's BS and we don't do it that way here. You flush it, and you never look back, and you post roll daily. End of story.
Plus, if you actually read that Dippit site you'll find that it's a bunch of guys who love dip talking to each other about their love of dip. Even planning dipper meet ups. It's basically the polar opposite of KTC. They bond with each other over their shared love of dip. If he's not a troll, then I think it would be wise for him to not engage in that particular online community. I don't hang out in tobacco shops and shoot the shit with tobacco lovers. Just doesn't seem like a smart move.

I hope he sincerely wants to quit and I hope he sees the light. I suppose we could just not say anything and let him cuddle with his "safety net" and his dipping buddies.
Nicotine Quit Date:10/31/2013
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Offline Landdon

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Re: Reddit AMA - Live updating my quit as it goes
« Reply #60 on: October 06, 2014, 02:46:00 PM »
Quote from: HipHopAnonymous
Hi Hawkeyerunner,

I navigate through reddit often and I quit a week ago and am relatively new to this site. I like the AMA idea. I am at work or otherwise I would click on it. I have no problem with this.

Day 2-4 were easily the toughest so far for me.
It gets easier I promise. I'll bet that many of the comments didn't help much either.

Just keep signing in roll. If you need someone to talk to, PM ME. Chances are I am feeling the same things you are right this second. I am quitting cold ass turkey too. I feel better for it. The craves are a motherfucker though.

I will remain quit. I am here if you need to bitch about something. I will listen and then probably bitch too. It isn't by chance that we are all irritable.
Dude. I could care less about some stupid AMA thread on Reddit, and I'm not complaining about that. THE GUY KEEPS AN EMERGENCY CAN!!! That's the problem. When you join KTC, you flush all of it, and you don't keep a can around for your planned cave. It's BS and we don't do it that way here. You flush it, and you never look back, and you post roll daily. End of story.

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Re: Reddit AMA - Live updating my quit as it goes
« Reply #59 on: October 06, 2014, 02:42:00 PM »
Hi Hawkeyerunner,

I navigate through reddit often and I quit a week ago and am relatively new to this site. I like the AMA idea. I am at work or otherwise I would click on it. I have no problem with this.

Day 2-4 were easily the toughest so far for me.
It gets easier I promise. I'll bet that many of the comments didn't help much either.

Just keep signing in roll. If you need someone to talk to, PM ME. Chances are I am feeling the same things you are right this second. I am quitting cold ass turkey too. I feel better for it. The craves are a motherfucker though.

I will remain quit. I am here if you need to bitch about something. I will listen and then probably bitch too. It isn't by chance that we are all irritable.

Offline Landdon

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Re: Reddit AMA - Live updating my quit as it goes
« Reply #58 on: October 06, 2014, 02:42:00 PM »
Yeah, I ran into this guy in chat. He said his friend was keeping a can for him in a toolbox so that when he does cave, which according to him we all do, he will have a can. He's not quit. He's just an observer. Go away little boy. KTC is for men and women who have put the can down for good!

Offline Thumblewort

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Re: Reddit AMA - Live updating my quit as it goes
« Reply #57 on: October 06, 2014, 12:46:00 PM »
I hate it when the trolls post on the weekend.........
Some of my fondest and clearest memories are peeing in places that aren't bathrooms.

Offline Grizzlyhasclaws

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Re: Reddit AMA - Live updating my quit as it goes
« Reply #56 on: October 06, 2014, 12:37:00 PM »
Quote from: FkSkoal
Honestly-- WHO GIVES A FUCK?

The fact that you're giving this kid shit over his reddit posts is the height of retardation. This site is culty as fuck when it comes to chastising members who are misguided on what it means to be quit. It's as if you're more interested in fanning flames than actually having a conversation about nicotine addiction.

That's why all I do is this: I come here, I post roll, and I go about my nic-free day like a fucking man. How's that for some Brooklyn-based honesty for you fuckheads? 'Finger'
The dude is keeping an emergency can in his car in case he needs it. I give a fuck about that. Are you okay with that??
Nicotine Quit Date:10/31/2013
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  • Interests: Family, Soccer, fishing, hunting, camping
  • Likes Given: 71
Re: Reddit AMA - Live updating my quit as it goes
« Reply #55 on: October 06, 2014, 12:15:00 PM »
An interesting idea but it fell short.
1. First romanticizing chew, not ready to quit
2. Posting on a active chewer/dipping thread, no real support there

If you want to get serious, post roll and contact an admin we have blog capabilities through KTC.